Advertisment for suicide hotline. Does anyone have part two?

Advertisment for suicide hotline. Does anyone have part two?

Attached: Advertisment for the suicide hotline.webm (640x360, 2.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>copies my order
>fills my face with exhaust smoke
>steals my soda
>cucks me with another rice farmer
is this for or against suicide?

Filipinos are fucking trash and so is their dogshit fast food


This one?

Attached: 1551534088786.webm (640x360, 2.65M)


What did you encode this with?

based jollybee

>In the end, everybody is cucking another and turning somebody into an incel

Attached: images(5).jpg (300x168, 3K)


all the women look like each other and all the men look like each other. i had no fucking idea what was going on here.

When does it get go-


More importantly, they all look half-white.

I literally cannot tell the men and women apart. Is that the gimmick? Did they just green screen the same actors or hire twins and the message is you always chase someone else even though they look the same?

Anyways this isn't how life works at all. If a half decent looking person is that fun and nice to you you're going to fall in love with them, and you sure as fuck won't ignore them for some stranger who is only marginally more attractive. The other person would have to be 9/10 for anyone to give up an 7-8 over them. The only people who are in love triangles and unrequited love situations are uggos. Just look at all the polyamorous couples and your average tinder user.

I would recommend you make an appointment at the eye doctors.

Jesus... what a cuck. The morale of the story is if you put yourself into a doormat position with a woman, they will cuck you.

This is like a shakespearean comedy, is this really for a suicide hotline?

>look half-white
lmao you must be blind or a delusional failipino

These people should literally have sex.


I think that Jolibee junk food chain didn't check up with the marketing team on this

>meanwhile american ads are...

Attached: Great Buns Burger.webm (1424x792, 2.84M)

>pineapple juice

Literally brrrrrap the ad


Attached: 1552625875385.gif (450x370, 1.99M)

Just more proof that the US needs eradicating from the fucking planet.

So this is what rejected anime girls feels like...

Hey its better than that UK ad with the gremlin that fucked the best man.


Attached: 1415252063663.webm (638x360, 2.91M)


Attached: 1398114297986.webm (960x540, 2.17M)

Greatest twist since long long man.

Did she mouth “wait, that’s not you??” Because those two niggas look the fucking same.

No that one is kino.
The one with the deformed goblin in a wheelchair

>Irn Bru

her name?


Sounds like you watched a GoT preview.

this shit rarely happens irl

There's a great Carson McCullers short story about this called The Ballad of the Sad Cafe.

No that, the wheelchair one, but this reaffirms my hatred for Jennifer Lawrence, what a shitty actress.

>you sure as fuck won't ignore them for some stranger who is only marginally more attractive

I have both done this, and had this happen to me

Of course they throw in the joke that she had a one night stand with some beaner. Of course. I'm just surprised that it wasn't a nigger, but they already killed 2 birds with one stone by having a gay black guy be one of her best friends.

Holy fuck I have never seen the second part

This is hilarious

go fucking die in a fire you commie faggot

Buxom Marianne Adams

how about you include audio next time idiot?

What the fuck race are these people?

>include audio

Attached: 1494701565743.png (515x800, 100K)

thai, retard

>because webm's can't include audio
you're the fucking retard

probably thai or something

Not on this board, they can't.

they literally can't you fucking dumbfuck tourist. go back to /wsg/

very lovecraftian

What the fuck is Jollibee?

here's the add
her name if you're interested

What's the problem with black guys?

kek I thought you were exaggerating

>tfw /lgbt/ sticked a webm with audio because of that terf meme appearing in uk parliment

The woman looks like an Asian Jessia Biel

How are you gigantic faggots even aware of these foreign commercials? No one outside of the United States should be allowed to post, only lurk. There I fixed 99% of this site’s problems.

Tangina nyo, masarap ang fried chicken sa Jollibee

they're Flip

Flip McDonald's

same shit

there's a dick joke in this somewhere

sure thing

Attached: flip.png (259x304, 136K)

Attached: 1514348911179.jpg (800x450, 45K)

>cant kiss him until they're married
>goes to bed with long long man

Chi-chan is a WHORE

>long long man is a faggot

didn't expect that, based nips

the male one has better twist, you just know it at the end that he got cucked (I think, they all look the same)

thanks lads

Every couple of months I go back and rewatch this commercial serie and every time I appreciate and respect every damn detail placed into this. This is just a marvelous thing in every aspect.

You have:
- Identifiable characters, so you immediately recognize the commercial
- A cheesy song, so it gets stuck in your head
- A plot drama, making you think about the commercial long after it was shown to you

But not only that, the more you watch it the more details you identify.

Things like:
- Short man is ALWAYS shown carrying the small bag of gummies
- Chi-Chan ALWAYS drops something when seeing the real Long long man.
- The "Long long man" song not appearing when Long man is not shown or referenced. (Commercial at 2:30 and 3:00 )
- All the not so obvious "long" references, like:
- "I want to look at it longer"
- The shirt on Long man at 1:31 saying "Long distance bike"
- "Waiting for a long time"

And my favorite of them all, you technically COULD see this plot twist from miles away if you analyze that Long long man is the ONLY guy that we see eat the gummies. Short guy carries them, but never eats them. Only Chi-chan does.

If the gummies are a low innuendo about penis sizes and the Long man is the only guy we see eat them, you could deduce that he is gay right from the first episode.

Awesome job Sakeru Gummies.


Crying time

Attached: AwesomeBear.jpg (361x365, 62K)

yeah I know, her acting is so wooden

like the other user said, same shit. Except I probably find filipinos more annoying. I used to be friends with a filipino guy but the truth is they're cocky piece of shit. They all have an annoyingly high level of confidence and really kind of deal with their own. They're also pretty racist towards hispanics/mexicans. I'm guessing that's because mexico fucking raped them back in some war. I mean literally raped their women because filipino culture is just mexican culture thrown in a blender with island cultures.

I prefer sweden ads

Attached: sweden_juice_ad.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

only deal with their own*

this better not be fucking real

Attached: 1554698977722.jpg (600x884, 52K)

That's so progressive I'm having trouble keeping up with who's who.

post a link to your youtube review. I would unironically watch it.

Gay couple see their child from the surrogate mother, who was seeded by the black male

Attached: jesse.jpg (486x299, 29K)

You forgot to mention the surrogate mother is a lesbian, and that the gay couple is interracial.

Holy shit there was a part 2? this girl is better looking than the one in the first part. That guy is a retard.



This. Plus she's obviously mad into him, and doesn't act like an entitled manipulative bitch like the first one. The guy is a class 1 retard, he deserves watching her get married to a chad.

Is irn bru some kind of super strong beer or something? It's he drinking himself to forget that his mom is a whore?

irn bru is like weird fanta that british people pretend to like. Not alcoholic. Has some iron in it

That certainly subverted my expectations, I expected interracial cuckoldry and got normal swedish gayness. Rian could learn from this.

Wait, wait, so these grills are two different people? You could have fooled me. I honestly cannot understand why they have photo IDs in Asia.

swede fag is still raising african fag's biological child
it's a subtle cuckoldry, the other kikes could learn from this director

wait for part 3

Sweden yes!

Attached: SwedenYes.png (930x479, 523K)

i had the same issue with the wire.

Attached: 1549637620132s.jpg (250x216, 5K)

no, its an ad for the chicken place in the story

What about that cop who is forced to give head to that gang banger while his homie watches?


nuke sweden...NOW

Attached: 1469809614242.jpg (512x384, 21K)

The adverts were based around the joke that irn bru "gets you through"

What's this cranial shape called?

Attached: 34656.jpg (383x524, 16K)


Are you from the West Country?

That's not swedish from the guy who posted the pic, looks more like Norwegian or maybe Dutch. The interface is in swedish so whoever took the screenshot was a swede.

t. swede

Can other countries ads even compete?

>If you put her in a gimp suit, she'd look like a tadpole lol

Sometimes those youtube comments catch you off guard.

Someone post the pasta

would you fuck that doll

micky d's i guess

what's the deal with junk food and cuckolding in Philippines?

it has more to do with flip society being matriarchal. Filipina women are very bossy and domineering

only cucks eat fast food.

Damm... Someone post that philippine rich kid with his white monster tits girlfriend to cheer up a bit.

Will Smith

That's a Dutch host promoting a degenerate tv show, so given the context he's not a cuck in that picture but most likely 100% in real life.

friend zone is for losers. if you get freind zoned, go lift heavy things, start reading books and get to the point where you're the one out of your league. you're a man, that should be your burning desire.

>Junk food is American
>Cuckolding is American
>Everyone wants to be American

and the kid is being given hormones since birth so xir can choose xer gender

Unless you're into polyamory, you're eventually going to run into a situation where you're friendly to women when you already have one.

It's called cosmic horror, racist.

Dude what's your problem?
She ended up with a white guy. It's not like she had a kid with the beaner.

will part 3 finally come out this year lads? I might just jump off a bridge if it doesn't.


So the twist is that she's got a pecker?

Fipinos are based traditional Catholics, it's Thais that are trannies. Fuck off American retard

>calling Filipinos based

Fuck off flip. You got some coffee to serve me?

Attached: 1532338137437.webm (960x540, 1.95M)

filipinos are the most powerful race on the world

So what the fuck is happening here?The white guy is the husband but the kid belongs to the black guy? How does that work. Also why does the white guy and the black guy butt heads together in the end although the white guy initially looks a little apprehensive when the baby comes out. I have seen this posted countless times on /pol/ but my 3rd world brain clearly isn't progressive enough to grasp the intricacies of swedish relationships. Also wtf does this have to do with juice???

Attached: 1533855667944.webm (800x450, 2.82M)

big milkers are disgusting

fag detected

bad bait

Attached: 1443843268121.webm (840x480, 2.77M)

The two women were dykes and the pregnant one was bearing the black man's seed, but both the black guy and the white guy are faggots and they're a couple

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Attached: 1491750848423.webm (400x224, 2.45M)

Milk ads are the best

Attached: BASED ILKA MILK.webm (1400x770, 2.87M)

They've finally become immune to parody.

Attached: 1556876041637.gif (414x382, 3.07M)


the tranny

Attached: Super junakinja Ilka Štuhec Alpsko mleko.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

This thread is pretty nice

An ad for suicide? Based!

The only thing missing is the Benny Hill music when the black guy busts into the room.

>pouring milk first

Attached: absdis.jpg (3160x3160, 392K)

Actually subverted my expectations

why is bollywood better at making ads than movies

it's quality

I'm not joking when I say that the idea of that woman being a dyke and those guys being a gay couple had never even occurred to me before your explanation. Thanks user appreciate it.


The Lord Farquaad

This ad turns me on. Could be the Baby Got Back reference or that hip snap they do, but it gets me going.

Damn that webm got me good. But still he is a cuck.

This shit is next fucking level

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>Look at each other
>Next shot is him attending her wedding
Is it really this easy for chads?

The male one is predictable as fuck, the female one is based and puts an almost Pynchonian twist

Their needs to be a part three where both the guy friend and the girl friend talk to each other and admit to each other that they fell in love with their friends, slowly realizing that they are more compatible with each other then they ever were to their friends.

what the fuck is going on in europe

You are blessed your nation hasn't fallen uet

What the fuck am I looking at

Attached: 09AE35AD-9255-4A55-8C0F-BC87EF5C6237.jpg (1897x863, 277K)

LOL why Sweden is the cuck state

yeah I've read the youtube comments too, faggot

this one is literally cuter than the first. weird hairline but all filipinos have that. cukboy is a retard

you know it's an ad right ? they're actors, right ? it's not about these particular people, it's about the story

stories don't work if they don't make any sense

so the guy accepted his fate as an incel and decided to post multiple Jollibee threads on /ck/ daily for the rest of his life

go fucking die in a fire you dirty island mexican

you know the game of thrones opening song actually goes really well with this video. Found out by accident right now when the episode I'm watching looped after it ended.

the autism word get thrown around way too much but you're literally displaying signs of it

hey look, a homosexual!

>you will never meet a qt that copies your order of 60 chicken nuggets

Attached: 1554432230790.jpg (574x881, 54K)

gtfo faggot

Attached: nw4doqabnrj21.jpg (1080x1255, 169K)

Attached: belo-med-ad-2.jpg (421x370, 145K)

ironic coming from the guy who felt the need to remind me that actors in a fast food commercial were in fact actors

by the way this girl reminds me of the actress (Jessica Hect) who was Gretchen Schwartz in Breaking Bad, which makes me hard as diamonds because I find her oddly attractive. If i was Walter I would have been actually banging Gretchen on the side. Most of her pics I find in google make her seem very pale, wrinkly and unhealthy but she has a few pics that make her look kinda hot.

Attached: SALE-Jessica-Hecht-Signed-Breaking-Bad-10x8-Photo.jpg (400x318, 30K)

Too white looking for actual flips

wait a minute, there are actually guys who have women pine after them like this in real life?!?!

Attached: 152142193220.gif (500x281, 3.63M)

Sodom and Gomorrah

This video confused and annoyed me. Fuck sake

women do pine. it's never the ones you're hoping though. those ones are getting so much money and cock thrown at them constantly they don't have time for anything else.

Same. Didn't realize I'm racist

Jesus Christ they all look alike I can't follow any of this

I renumber I was like this until to her "I'm not gonna be your friend if we don't end together" so now she's my gf.

arr rook same

to make it realistic, the "friend" would be closer to image related.

Attached: marlene-molewyk[1].jpg (552x640, 32K)

did rian direct this cause it sure as hell subverted my expectations


wtf is wrong with the flips. how is this supposed to sell burgers.

does anyone have the original video somewhere on youtube? i need context to know what they are gonna sell me on

This is like a anime.

What the FUCK were they thinking?

This. There are women pining for YOU right NOW. The problem is if they are pining for you it's because you don't want to fuck them. (Or you're such an autist you can't tell they want you to approach them.)

unironically, yes. saggy cowtits look like shit in the nude when compared with cute little tits, or the PERFECT dfc

well? Is it?

shouldn't he be white instead of yellow?

How is this related to juice?

Not the one you posted, though.

Seriously what the fuck are they advertising?

real woman bad, fake woman good

I sympathise with her. She's gotta live out the one life she has as a deformed monstrosity. A life of rejection, pity and outright hostility. What I cannot fucking stand is that some marketing cunt thought it would be cute and progressive to write her in and say she got with the best man.

This instantly conjures up images of this little tard-trike bound butthole wheeling up to the studly young bearded best man, at the reception and moments later rolling away with a knowing wink and a lick of the lips as if we're supposed to be fucking sit there, during fucking tea time, forced to contemplate the allusion that at some point a regular sized bloke and this little afterbirth-in-a-wig will be fucking going at in all filthy and sweaty with his normal sized tadger fucking smashing up against the back of her neck or wherever the fuck her truncated vagina ends and then we're all supposed to look at each other and say 'wow isn't that so progressive don't we live in such a wonderful age aren't we all so fucking fantastic'.

I wish that little 'goblin' all the best but the sewer-stall runoff that fucking worked up this ad needs taking out into the town square to be beaten by the rotted dicks of every syphilitic beggar available, gang-raped by a gang of impressively large dogs and then forced to watch her own shitty advert for eternity.

The only saving grace of this advert was the disgruntled chort that came out of every single one of my family members as we were subjected to this abomination on, what was otherwise, a pretty capital weekday evening.

Also maltesers can fucking do one. They look like they fell off a black man's diseased dingus.

>Women getting dumped is rare
>Women regretting dumping their boyfriend after they've been riding the cock carousel for a year

I can tell you don't associate a lot with normal adults. Most [non-patethic] males are able to emotionally detach from their ex within 2-4 weeks. Most women hold on for fucking years, even if they're the ones doing the dumping, because they're emotional creatures.

For all the questions about Juice-relatedness:
>vilken smak passar dig
>which taste suits you

newfag retard

then you've made it , theres no problem here

This is the Deaf Dad one, isn't it.

Attached: 1531277078574.jpg (720x960, 112K)

>tfw girl has pined for you since you were both about 12
>tfw haven't seen her for about 15 years
>tfw make profile on dating site
>tfw get message almost instantly
>tfw it's off her
>tfw it's just "heya! :) x"
>tfw wonder if she still has big tits
>tfw they're even bigger than they were before, it looks like she's trying to smuggle two Mexicans into the country
>tfw holy wowzers
>tfw she has red hair and you like redheads because their skin is always nice to the touch and their tits are always really pert, regardless of size
>tfw she still looks exactly the same
>tfw you know you could message her back and within 15 minutes you could be showing her the greatest 25, maybe even 30, seconds of her life
>tfw instead you panic and delete the account

So this Yang guy that the Communists keep talking about, he's giving autists gfs or what?

Kinoer than capeshit

Yeah it would be horrible if she had some some dignity and saved herself for marriage. No we have to make sure the audience knows she is a strong woman.


Holy cow that's a real commercial?

Attached: 1552693477584.jpg (190x201, 16K)

wtf i'm crying

>Is this sexual harassment?
>We know the answer.
>doesn't give the answer
This actually pisses me off.

who the fuck watches a 5 minute long comercial anyway?

Flip here. Ads were meant to hit "the feels". It's a thing here.

fuckin kek

>Asian ads have more soul than Hollywood movies

Thats not american ypu dumb nigger. Also irn bru is gods drink

This is literally ripped off the movie Rules of Attraction.


God i wish that were me

I really dislike the narrative of these ass commercials. Low IQ’d filipinos eat this shit up, i swear. Also If you arent ordering burger steak in jolibee your pretty much a retard.

And then, for no reason at all, people elected Hitler.

WHERE IN ALL OF THIS DO THESE PEOPLE NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER? Guy somehow gets marrycucked out of nowhere? Where does is the boyfriend this whole fucking time if they were spending so much time together? Why does she not mention him? Girl 1 is a thot.


>why didnt this commercial show us when they used the bathroom?? they sure were eating alot after all

the fuck this has to do with juicve


Attached: Baba7.jpg (606x701, 115K)

go to /wsg/ of /gif/ you fucking newfag

this makes my pp incredibly hard

Attached: thats kind of hot.jpg (480x399, 132K)

Mad props to jb for putting shills on tv so i can eat some chickenjoy after i watch endgame or GoT

>hits up google
>it's their valentine's day ad
What a horrible advertisement for a fast food restaurant. Then again, in the US, an advertisement for a razor company told men to stop being men.


>great bums
>shows flat asses

They showed the different types of love

One is a parents love, who died frim cancer

Once is a guy and a girl who met in highschool, next scene was them in a reunion and theyre apparently happily married for decades with grandkids

And that's a good thing!

t. incel

i don't care how she looks, but the thing is, even if i choose to try my best to become a better person and make a girl like that happy, i knew that deeply she just wants to be with someone who looks better
i don't accept love because i know no one can truly love me
i don't want a gf, ever

Midsummer night's dream

>Drinking Milk is for based chads and Fast Food is for cucks
very informative thread

100% of zero is still zero

oh no haha I spilled the milk again honey I'm so clumsy what's that like the tenth night in a row? haha

A better service would be a line for when you want to die but don't want it to be a suicide so you call the line and they send a hitman to kill you so it technically isn't suicide.

This is genuinely terrifying.

Attached: why-in-japanese.jpg (500x333, 15K)

Lovely and fair Filipinos

White people are sick they fantasize about their own mom and sisters fucking yakubian devils

Racists are not logical lol

This ad made me avoid Pizza Hut for a month then when I got a P'zone later I was reminded why I don't eat at Pizza Hut anymore

once you realise the 2 women are lynchian doppelgangers this becomes a whole new level of kino

would you if she was this big?

Attached: would_you.png (1391x757, 405K)

Heres a serious question fellow flipfags, why are you all suckers for this self/race insert pandering? I always see it, in the news, in foreign movies etc. When someone learns that a scene was shot in the philippines or an actor is part filipino you all go crazy over it? Care to explain why?

Aryans are cucks by nature

This. It's so revolutionary to them that they have access to hot food for cheap that they care nothing for taste. Meanwhile, that disgusting swamp mush comes here and it is neither delectable nor a bargain due to our overhead being 10x that of Asian Sex Tourism Island #11.

Filipinos are the most insecure race in the world. They make blacks and Brazilians seem well tempered.

Attached: MIJl6W3.png (400x267, 148K)

It makes me mad every time I read it.

They aren't Indian, you fucking retard.

Some one post the godfather of KEK ad of all time

the LOOOOOOONG man ad

Where do I meet a Filipino person

fukkin based.

F2P MMOs and Facebook
They really fucking love Facebook

the Philippines is Idiocracy

purest Bret kino, RoA

what is this? anti-anorexia health PSA?

I've ironically eaten long long man gummies while in Japan

they're not so long

hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad

hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad
hoes mad

>Low IQ’d filipinos

you mean all of them?

they're the most powerful race in the world. what do you expect?

hoes mad


I only saw like 3 other white people in manila. I thought it was touristy or something.

Attached: 20190122_132253.jpg (4032x2268, 3.61M)

Filipinos are the Party Asians.

fuck, man

Attached: DMRzLyYWAAA1Vd_.jpg (750x740, 56K)


Part 3 will be Chad pining for cucked girl

He looks like one of the dumb fucking friends of the oldest brother from Malcolm in the Middle. One of the military school friends.

Wtf is wrong with that fat fuck?

It was Dish Network or something.


wtf is this


Uhh based

Attached: COPE.jpg (280x279, 14K)

lmao flips always fall for these types of ads. anything that has to do with cheesy love stories are a big hit there. mga bobo

I want to cut their faces off with a dull knife. god their faces are fucking annoying.

welp that's it, I'm doing it tonight. Thanks jollybee.

well theyre actually hard to find, lmao. I think the only time I find her hot is when she visits Walter's house and finds out that Skyler still thinks that Gretchen and Elliot are still paying for walt's treatment and she leaves mad in her Bentley. I would fuck the shit out of her (maybe it'd be a hatefuck).

anons, don't get your hopes up by reading this. All women are whores and they'd dump you the moment they get a chance to ride gigachad and/or BBC.

Thats actually a pretty red-pilled clip. Being a beta orbiter gets you nothing and you should be discouraged from doing that.

Why are they in a fast food all the time?

This would absolutely never happen.

Attached: 1545421270785.jpg (912x905, 96K)

basically the ad wants to convince the viewers to binge eat everytime they get brokenhearted.

Attached: 1552597336691.jpg (499x323, 20K)

Go back to your dead finger painting forum, cripplechan mongoloid

>literally copypasted the youtube comment
Fuck off back to r*ddit if you're that hungry for attention and likes you fucking mongoloid zoomer.


Put tank in a mall

but they didn't elect him. He came second

Is this like a never ending chain of unrequited love commercials?

Attached: 1453989411484.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

That was clearly a castizo or full spaniard.

la creatura




based tbvh