Why did such a gorgeous actress quit acting to become a snake oil salewoman selling borderline dangerous products to...

Why did such a gorgeous actress quit acting to become a snake oil salewoman selling borderline dangerous products to women for ridiculous prices? Surely she was not making bad money acting, she is/was kind of a big name.

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mmm i can see pusy

i'd bury my face in that ass and inhale her smelly toots!

>quit acting
she literally is in a movie that literally just came out. literally

>publicly admitted she loves anal
is she /ourgirl/?

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George Clooney made more from hawking tequila than he ever did acting.

I'd eat her goop if you know what I mean


I want to lie on top of her sweaty body with my dick just pumping jizz into her pussy forever

are we supposed to know who that c-list literal who is?

nice legs

>try anal
>dick smells like shit

what did I do wrong?

This. Is this some zoomer instagram bitch or something?

Anal douching, my man

Idris Elba as Saruman

don't forget nespresso

I liked both this and the bbw version of this shot

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based bussyposter

aaaaand when was that movie filmed? like before it was released right? rriiiight ehehehehe eu-0t 90uy7 359-5- -3h

He uses his Nespresso money to fund a spy satellite or something.

Movies are usually filmed a year before they release. I still have no idea who the “actress” in OP’s pic is.

Based schizo user

If your gf doesn't like anal, it's only because you're terrible at it.

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imagine how many teens she's slept with haha she admits it

Did you see her face in Endgame? Botoxed right into the Wall.


Make her poop first.

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If my guesses are right its right above the butt hole

Gwyneth Paltrow. Endgame and Infinity War were shot as one movie.

It's only smells you pussy

I remember her butt looking fine in Great Expectations.

I found a pic of Whitney axley

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Not visible

>pusy is above the butthole
Thanks I didn't know this


Well its just a hypothesis at the moment

what an original comment!

Which DP lit those legs? I want to give him 5 dollars and words of thanks

>didn't have her do an enema

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>stick penis in asshole
>somehow can be bad at it
literally zero effort involved since it's so tight and they're squirming through in a little clit action and it's over

You’re such a fucking faggot. She’s in a billion movie.

She always has this shit-eating smile and she's a nepotist. Probably sucked Weinstein's Weener for Shakespeare in Love too.

Shallow Hal is a great movie. Filled with 10/10's except for that hag.