Literally fucking how

literally fucking how

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there's even a fucking fire right there to fucking light her up
jesus fuck
how could they have filmed this scene and not realized the fucking obvious
jesus christ im mad

How do people still use VLC to watch videos in 2019

Simple, I'm not fucking autistic enough that I'm going to google and research different media players and waste my time downloading them for zero fucking reason when I have zero problems with what i'm already using

wtf is this?

Arya killing the Night King. In the middle of, and 5 feet away from, a million undead and white walkers. With nowhere to come from.

have sex

guess that explains why you watch got lol

5-6+ years ago there were very notable differences between media players. Nowadays they're all pretty good with some having some minor advantages over others. The people who hate vlc the most and swear by mpc+madvr are usually dumb autistic weebfags.

Yes, I watch GoT because I don't feel like looking up alternative media players

sick burn bro you really got me

Based retard

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that ice you drew the red line through is the white walkers exploding, so no, sorry.


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She was hiding in the tree brainlets

She used Kawarimi no Jutsu, you fucking incels

I think you're mixing up documentaries with fantasy drama user. Those people are all actors, those on the floor aren't dead (they might even be dummies). The whole thing is just a production set and they all play out a story for other people to watch and be entertained.

She jumped off a roof

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I feel like it somehow makes more colorful screenshots

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It's almost as if they made it as impossibly retarded and unrealistic as possible, knowing a bunch of nerds would sperg the fuck out over Arya and start furiously debating and posting about it everywhere, drawing the ire of fem0ids and Arya sycophants everywhere and creating huge, exhaustive circular arguments and posting about the episode...

>those thicc colors
What film?

Exactly. HBO cares for none of the stuff GRRM was trying to convey. It cares for nothing but your attention and money. That includes turning the story into an endless reaction generator.

Raimi's OZ

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>hot air balloon
Is that fucking Great and Powerful Oz?

Explain this

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Arya was meant to kill him. "Anyone can be killed" she said in Season 2. When Mellisandra told her about the blue eyes she knew that she had to assassinate the NK. Epic foreshadowing Bravo D&D

The only logical expanation about Arya not being detected is she passed by them just like Melissandre, who suddenly appeared before Winterfell - by using some sort of glamor

Or she could have hidden in the tree

Bran was controlling the zombies not to react
Bran is the NK
Wake up

I see infinite expectations being peculiarly subverted

The line in season 3 about the eyes was foreshadowing Arya becoming a facelessman.


This movie looks so beautiful. I'd rather eat it fresh dog shit than stomach through it again tho

>Theon and 5 of the Iron Cucks getting swarmed from every side
>cuts backs and they held out and not a single one died

>hurr durr who shot Mr. White at end of Reservoid dogs, it's physically impossible, don't make no sense, Tarantino is hack waaaaah waaaah

Baby should go read up on what a McGuffin is.

What is going on here?

perhaps she was already hiding there somehow? i dont remember where she was before appearing there, was it anyhwhere close?

Just turn your brain off bro, sake

Maisie is rapping, causing Sophie to get horny.

Last we saw Arya, was about 20 minutes earlier with Melly and the Hound. So she had enough time to literally go anywhere.


teleports behind you

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Why did they even fight the battle? Why didn't Arya hide in the tree the entire time when all you needed to do was stab the NK?
It's not like it's one of those "Survive for 30 minutes" missions from an RTS game and Bean needed to channel a spell first or something before the NK could be harmed.

Attached: dan.webm (570x530, 519K)

She jumped from the window of that room she was in after she said 'Not today'. It was right next to the Godwood. It's a stretch but the most likely answer.

Except, yknow, she was jumping at an upward arc, which means she came from, AT BEST the same elevation as the night king.

Must have been a long ass fucking jump. She was offscreen for nearly half an hour.

Why not just have Arya hide in the tree and jump down from there instead?

Arya shot JFK from the storm drain.

The tree was behind the NK unfortunately.

Arya was behind the Night King

thats the ice kings homies you dum dum

is it possible she killed a white walker and faced them? thats what i want to believe happened and then she jumps off one's back or some shit 'out of nowhere' when she thinks time is right

replying to myself but just remembered they explode when dead fuck

He was facing towards the tree though about to knight Bran.

white men dying is a good thing

What's the "tree brainlets"?