>people who collect physical media
justify yourself
People who collect physical media
It feels real and collecting is literally the most human hobby besides hunting
Also every person I've met that gathers movies digitally was a vaping faggot zoomer/young millenial
I guess there's a correlation
it's mine?
I can't believe people have hobbies and value things I don't value. They should be spending that time and money on preserving our race.
I guarantee you collect something, so explain yourself faggot
it's an investment.
enjoy your boxes of movies you'll never watch again but you keep moving and setting up just to look at for...some reason
hope all those wasted moneys were worth just glancing at your shelf and seeing "...not good enough"
>owning things
>not just living naked under a bridge with only a phone and a charger to shitpost
Good goyim, I be you pay for (((food))) too
Enjoy your brown grandchildren.
With a big enough collection, I can watch what I want - when I want.
Not dependent on some lame service carrying it only 4 months of the year for streaming.
Not dependent on some online story that at the drop of a hat can just rescind my purchase rights (or future ones), taking the film off their service due to copyright/agency disputes/etc.
I like the extra features when I can get them, and not every service has those.
wallpapers. i have a wallpaper folder. no matter how many I get, it doesn't take up physical space in my house, my wallpapers rotate every minute so I can see them, and I delete ones that I don't like as they come up.
I'm not American
an investment is something you expect to make a profit on
when are you going to sell?
incase the internet short circuits
Enjoy your brown grandchildren
He invests in enjoyment
I do what you do, without reddit spacing, and having a few websites that upload entire dvd/blu ray rips. I've never gone without a special feature like commentary or deleted scenes. I own one physical blu ray and it didn't come with the alternate commentary I wanted, I downloaded that a day later from the internet.
so he was using it wrong
Torrent and crops are unromantic virgin ways of watching kino.
>what are digital files
getting consistent 1080p with my internet isn't always possible
also the bit rate on blu ray movies is much better than streaming
why is there like 3 normal movies at the top in the midst of the little kid barney and elmo shit?
what is happening here exactly?
i don't pay a licence to "lend" something online. especially interesting if said medium dies out in the future and you don't have any access to said movies.
A certification of your nonexistent sexlife
Streaming and downloads will always be in someone else's control. By having a physical blu ray and physical book they can never take that from me.
Looks like avgn's house. Must be a special needs thing.
absoute kino. you should get the entire series the sequals hold wierdly well in relation to how schlocky they are
I got shit internet but also Blu rays look better than streaming
Statistically speaking it's more likely your one computer with all the files goes to shit than all of your collection at once
Ive been buying VHS tapes recently. Me and my wife go to flea markets and estate sales, so we see them all the time. So far we limit it to Disney movies and Orange nickelodeon tapes (usually rugrats)
I found the Donkey Kong country CGI show on VHS and a promotional Fox Kids/Kaybee toys Tape from 1991 that had clips from all the shows of the era. It was pretty cool.
I bought a VCR for a dollar, so all in im around $10 give or take.
I would never buy movies on a disc, the format is so fucking bad. Why you would pay so much for something so fragile is beyond me. No one is going to be nostalgic for DVDs.
What do girls find more impressive, a physical 4K/Blu-ray collection or multiple hard drives with rips of varying quality?
I miss going to the video shop. We have to go back
Or maybe you're simply wrong
When's the last time you had a miracle, doomer?
physical media is actually retarded.
btw VHS is a novelty to me.
Im in a semirural area, so we have decent internet speed but 300Gb data caps.
I usually torrent and use plex to watch my usual stuff on my network devices.
Why is op such a fag? This board is infested with faggotry and should be purged.
Saving all your media on one device is even more retarded
>this is someone's fetish
I just burn to disc anything I'd like to watch again or even just have available, saving harddrive space for more important things like reaction pics and porn.
It's better to pay for something you physically own than it is to pay for something you'll never own
Don't know the story but it's pretty obvious.
>Autistic kid.
>Parents know he's gonna have a meltdown once he's told he can't go to Blockbuster anymore.
>They build him a mini Blockbuster at home.
For most women:
Netflix > physical collection >>>>>>>> hard drive
If they're film buffs:
Physical collection
>7mps at its highest quality
there’s no question
Is that even a question user?
There is something enjoyable about going to a place where everyone likes mpvies and you can see a wide range of movoes and some lesser known gems. There was a small place near me that used to have the most kino movies and very little modern trash releases. The workers were pretty cool too
I rewatch a lot of my dvds. Why else would I buy them?
I think it matters more what content they have and how much of it, not how they have it stored. You could have a HD physical or digital collection of anime spanning from the 80s to present but if she's not into it wants to watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend instead, you're fucked.
it’s the same feel to me as going to the library, just a nice quiet place you can look through entertainment options and find something you may not have sought out on your own.
nah, you are the reason Yea Forums is shit
that seems more common interests territory than an argument over physical or digital.
Based and sophistipilled
Lower quality, stored on a more volatile media and liable to get you arrested or sued if the wrong person finds out you have them
>whoops you paid for this years ago but since our license ran out you can't watch it no more
>whoops we're taking this off our service enjoy our new series Brown People Are Right All The Time
>Warner Bros
>What do you mean you don't like it when The Matrix is all green and shit?
>Ok so remember that movie you watched in theaters? We digitally added a bunch of unnecessary shit to it!
You'll forgive me if I keep physical media around and make digital copies of that specific media.
t. seething poorfag
When a solar flare occurs and wipes out all electronics then I will still have a copy
How will you watch it?
based and redpilled post
i don't waste my fucking hard drive space with tv shows and movies LOL i also don't give those filthy kikes money.
some people can actually get amazing internet for really cheep and download entire series of shows in HD in an hour.
Laser reader that is energized by a battery
I will still have a copy
I regret buying movies when I had disposable income. Books are worthwhile I think. They're valuable for your kids, they last several generations and are genuinely timeless. I buy CDs for the car too, but don't buy films anymore.
Nice, I think I have the same floor tiles.
That wouldn't affect what you have on your hard drive, boomie.
wtf this is based
I inherited my dad's CD collection when he died, he was an early adopter and some of them were printed in the 80s, they still play fine. I think 'disc rot' is going to turn out to be the exception rather than the rule.
For me at least, its dirt fucking cheap. I got a pawn shop about a mile from my home that sells dvds for a dollar each with a great selection to chose from.
I just torrent stuff. I legitimately don't remember the last time I paid for media if you exclude the internet bill, probably in the late 90's.
Well some of the earlier ones are said to have deteriorated like that already, although I do imagine that's largely down to poor storage. However, I do believe in 100 years they'll be entirely unuseable. They'll also be far from optional in being much lower resolution that will be available in even 15 years for the majority of films.
You investing in a format that won't be supported 15 years from now? That's genius.
>being dependent on the digi internet jew
You still lose, streaming is also often problematic and anticlimactic. Adding to that you are still dependent on your one device, especially when you completely download the mediums, if you download them onetime only to delete them that sounds like a waste of time, and you won't have them directly at your disposal and nothing at all once the Internet or those sites break down. I won't pull the status arguments because I assume you're above that.
I don't blame anyone for doing it but Internet digiwatching is still not the superior way.
It will become niche and retro and you can sell the collection for thousands
>be consolefag
>download mostly digital
>think to myself “one day this store could go down and I won’t be able to download my games again”
>start buying physical to ensure it doesn’t come to that
But we’re the faggots. inb4 >console
cloud is a thing.
I can watch whatever the fuck I want on my phone if they're synced.
My hard drive died once right at the beginning of the weekend so it was impossible for me to get any replacement parts for at least three days and my collection of physiscal media was the only thing I had to keep me entertained.
I love the ritual of going to the video shop and picking out movies to watch, inserting the thing etc.
Also i had days where my internet got fucked and i found myself basically robbed of all my hobbies.
outdated formats don't sell for much, only rarity and condition matter.
You can buy a gameboy now for less than it was new.
>sneaking Town and The Judge over there
>everything is the jew so I just give them my money directly and lick their assholes so they treat me nice
I don't see how I lose. paying no money to watch the same propaganda you do while you shell out hundreds of dollars.
mental gymnastics much? I guess you just wish for a movie and it materializes in your hand. god youre a faggot. im done not arguing with a brainlet nigger.
I used to biy a shit ton of DVDs back when downloading something took time but with better Internet and streaming I stopped, recently popped on a Bluray and the image was so much better it's ridiculous so now I'm back to buying.
This, but without the irony.
I got a zucker brothers box set for $5 to listen to the commentaries and it was funny
Going through needless effort just to feel powerful over le jew sounds a tad bit faggier
>a format that won't be supported
What does that even mean? People still play betamax, VHS and laserdiscs, they don't stop working just because people stopped selling them.
>crooked tile
Very shoddy work.
rad man. proud you have an opinion.
>I don't own thing haha I win again
Petty plebs like you also feel like they beat the system by crossing red traffic lights
so much better than it should be
how fucking retarded must you be to assume my driving habits based on internet posts.
hahaha this is great. keep your theories coming. I imagine this is how GRRM feels when reading the posts fans make on here.
And I am glad to have such proud open homosexuals around me
You are just jelly of my carefully curated collection of kino
Because if you read the terms and agreements on these digital services you still dont technically own the product.
They still reserve the right to completely wipe it from their servers and you are out of your copy without and legal recourse to save you. Have fun losing your hundreds of games when Steam inevitably goes under
gassed. dotr when?
This, plus not everyone is impoverished underage b& even though Yea Forums is probably one of the worst boards in that regard.
He's right though.
Just because you value spiting the jew doesn't mean your flawed preference is better, just for you subjectively
Anyway you're both brainlet cucks
>not just outright stealing devices and dvd's, committing tax fraud and leeching WiFi from neighbours
why do you need to own the product
its just meaningless crap
youre assuming shit. ive been woke to the JQ for maybe a couple years and pirating since 2001.
when you assume......
i don't give a fuck about movies but I do collect vinyl records and books.
fuck digital shit
also not illegal to pirate in my country.
those are crimes. you people are not smart.
everything in life is meaningless
Yeah sorry big rebel man.
Keep grabbing two bonbons instead of one at the free try stand. Fight the system
that collection is normie af
I still buy music CDs and physical copies of PC games. The only digital stuff I own comes from a torrent. I'm not paying for something that doesn't even exist physically
>why do you need to own the product
Yeah your right bro why spend my cash on something to own it? I wish I was paying monthly payments on my home to just not own a deed to the property
VHS is objectively a shitty format, and the tapes wear out and degrade really quickly.
I could get someone collecting laserdiscs, or Super8 prints, but VHS fucking WHY
you just make up a fantasy world in your head and imagine other people as who you truly are. this is hilarious.
the projection in this thread is off the charts cause I called people who buy discs retarded.
exactly thats why who cares if you own shit or not
>woke to JQ
>still cares about muh laws
Ahaha a cucked beta poorfag triggered on every level
BluRay is objectively an excellent format, but it hasn't gained the traction of VHS and DVD because
>DVD could use the same SD masters as used for TV and VHS but in top-tier quality, BD needs new masters (mainly applies to pre-BD-era films)
I predict BD will likely be the last big physical format, there's 4K discs out there but afaik they aren't selling well since few people have 4K sets. And physical media in general is becoming more niche due to streaming.
Maybe I'm just too sensitive but does anyone else hate how some people make such a big deal about autism like it's their child's only characteristic? "That Jimmy hes got the tism so we built a blockbuster in his room, that'll do him right and isn't excessive or weird at all"
I don't need to justify myself to you, I can afford this
You seething immensely over "empty" words seems a bit off don't you think?
But yeah sure keep being woke for not buying movies
currently like 12 of you attacking me theorizing about my life. i welcome it all. please continue
>Movie 43
now thats a pussy magnet
I hope a fire ruins it.
i think its nice. some of them are really fucked up and any joy in their lives is probably tears to the parents.
those kids are fucking assholes. its not their fault.
If you care about the law at all you are a cuck
Simple as
You screeching "Wut u do is illegal" confirmed that you are a cuck who probably wouldn't pirate if it was illegal
You're triggered on every single level because you were confirmed to be a cucked non-woke poorfag
internet tough guy
post pics of you showing how uncucked you are and ill do the same
nice try glownigger.
All those buzzwords just to say nothing.
Because you actually own what you buy when it's physical.
Those are two people me included.
You care too much and overplay it, you seem insecure
lol checked 1488
>making up ad hominems to win internet arguments is level 100 self esteem
continue. im interested in this theory.
The entirety of your argument stems on the fact that you care about Jews. I don't.
You value pirating because it's woke though everyone here showed you it really isnt and also meaningless if you don't care about spending money, which isn't a problem for nonpoorfags.
You got triggered for all of this and lashed out for no reason, that's why it seems obvious you are insecure about being not woke enough, a poorfag and a lawcuck
They're movies, not shiny tokens to attract women, but as a matter of fact no girl has ever had a bad reaction to my collection, most are impressed and quickly spot something they love
Pic of all the taxes I have paid till now
Jesus Christ get off Yea Forums for a while. You cant go a single sentence without using nonsensical buzzwords that don't amount to saying anything
>Person of Interest
And no argument
Top kek. Zoomers will get mad at this post.
I’m literally too lazy to pirate anymore. Figure that one out.
Your not making one either, so I guess we are at a stalemate
Quintessentially this
I'm grandpa tier when it comes to computers. Downloading torrents is more exhausting than walking to the store
did you actually go back and read my comments and then come up with this cause it took you a while? you just cant help but project and put words into my mouth that i did not say.
nobody asked they just attacked because they got triggered by being called retard.
was that you user? hahaha seems like other people also think youre retarded. or are you going to accuse me of being a schizo and pretending to be other people?
Used VHS types were unironically one of the best performing asset classes last year.
Before that, lego sets and bitcoin.
You still haven't properly reflected any argument. Neither about you nor about your idea being subjective and therefore no base to call others out
>or are you going to accuse me of being a schizo and pretending to be other people?
Man you wouldn't even have to point that out if it wasn't true
Physical media is a double edged sword. It's nice to own but it takes up a lot of room if its kino. Also dvd case spines are so unasthectic
If I ever had the money/became a millionaire, I'd have a collection of physical copies for something that I associate with a part of my identity- whether it's shit like a collection of vidya consoles, game cases, antique hardcover books for my personal library, etc.
who here /arrow/
Spend $1.50 for a movie at RedBox. Have to give it back a day later
Spend $1.00 for a movie at a pawn shop or thrift store. Keep it, sell it later for $1.00
yes i have, use the search function on your browser brainlet. continue to prove me right. i still got this tab open.
you also have the chance of buying some oop stuff and selling it for way more
None of the movies I like are at rental places or on streaming sites. I also want to own my movies so I can keep them forever and take them wherever I go
>Invest in plastic object of which there exists tens of millions of physical copies, and unlimited digital copies
/biz/ strikes again.
Comcast deleted Better Call Saul off my DVR because of a feud it was having with one of the production companies. The same thing can happen with any digital media. I want real backup
it's fun, i grew up watching fuzzy shit, it's cheap, etc.
VHS buying is going to be to our generation what collecting Coca cola shit is to Boomers
Plus it's nice to have stuff kids can watch without having to worry about Bangladeshi men in their 40s making youtube shit.
Sometimes I just want to pull a movie off the shelf instead of “wait hold on it’s almost done downloading, FUCKING SEED. FUCKING SEEEEEEEEEEEED”
>VHS buying is going to be to our generation what collecting Coca cola shit is to Boomers
I doubt it. I collect 16mm film prints, vinyl discs, and DVDs and BluRays, among other things, but I would never collect VHS tapes. It's a retarded thing to collect.
Physical collections usually look pretty trashy imo. Hard drives can die, but online cloud storage will last as long as the internet and not waste space in my house.
>buying media at all
IIRC the autist kid looked like Ted Cruz in another image where he's facing the camera.
YouTube can detect copyrighted material being uploaded to it and auto-ban you, how long do you really think cloud storage will last as a place to put illegal files?
I can understand that with common films released in every format but some films have only ever been released on VHS and would be worth collecting if that's your thing.
arrow, eureka and third window are my shit
A. I didn't say they were illegal.
B. Forever since there's no way for cloud services to know if the file was purchased or illegally downloaded.
>one copy of stardust please
>ofcourse sir, terrific choice do you require a physical copy or might i interest you in our streaming service where this movie is available 24/7 no matter where you trav-
>no thanks, its for my physical collection.
It's hard to fathom how incredibly crappy a film must be that it was only ever released on VHS.
>A. I didn't say they were illegal.
You said physical collections are trashy so obviously they are
>there's no way for cloud services to know if the file was purchased or illegally downloaded
The file hash will tell you that, as will the absence of DRM because no companies provide digital downloads without it
It's hard to fathom how incredibly great a film must be that it was only ever released on bluray.
What else are you doing to do during an internet outage?
You'd be surprised, a lot of lost MST3k and Doctor Who episodes were recovered from VHS and professionally restored to such an extent that it's hard to tell
is this loss?
>not building your own cloud with blackjack and hookers
It's mostly b-movies, direct-to-home, regional/local or anything pre-DVD where the rights have been bought by an IP hoarder.
>be a sick child with lots of health problems
>father always tried to save some money to buy some cool shit to make my life a little bit better
>justify yourself
Your library cannot be remotely deleted
>how long do you really think cloud storage will last as a place to put illegal files?
I don't get the full immersion on a computer or phone screen. Physical media I can watch on TV on a comfy bed in the dark allows me to fully appreciate everything I'm seeing with no distractions.
based dad
this will only get worse with the "internet of things" imagine your fucking fridge shutting down because frigidaire didn't want to pay some licensing fee
t. David Lynch
No, I did not intend mockery. David Lynch is absolutely correct about this. But at the same time...
>not having your TV as your monitor/battle station
I was at home a few months ago, using the little 19" that I permanently gave to the parents. Don't know how I survived.
I'm fucking tired of trying to find blu ray rips on the internet.
5/5, just ordered Der Todesking, Inferno, Orgies of Edo and a few others. Nice shop for someone interested more niche films.
Imagine your refrigerator spoils your food because you registered Republican.
I hope you realize that you can download full bluray size movies that have no quality reduction at all.
They have Remux in the name. Just download those.
>this will only get worse with the "internet of things" imagine your fucking fridge shutting down because frigidaire didn't want to pay some licensing fee
>Imagine your refrigerator spoils your food because you registered Republican.
.. I wouldn't be as much worried about the fridge not doing something but instead the fridge having a recording microphone in it
They're soon gonna roll out TV/computer screens with IN-BUILT cameras, behind the screen. NO MORE TAPING OVER THE CAMERA, PEASANT
why collect DVDs and not tapes?
And I would love to collect film if i could find it. I collect Vinyl and NES-N64 cartridges. All my music is on an MP3 player with no wireless connectivity. I hate where tech is going and try to be as unconnected as i can. I would never pay for something digital that a company can just take from my physical devices. I don't like Discs just because they are too volatile. I have my gamecube games form when i was a kid but i havent bought anymore.
You can make the argument about taking care of discs and you wont have a problem, but even then, I hate load times and unskippable warnings and ads. pirated media is my primary entertainment, but i stream sometimes and collect low tech physical media as more of a novelty.
I remember one user Photoshoped OPs picture to say cuckbuster and me and some people added in their fav movies and shit into it.
awesome, do you mess with vinegar syndrome at all?
right on, had my eyes on inferno for a while now. orgies of edo is great, their japanese releases are top notch.
shut up conspiracy theorist, cant wait until drumpf is impeached for pissing on a bed with putin
>shut up conspiracy theorist, cant wait until drumpf is impeached for pissing on a bed with putin
Dude, you haven't even gotten over 2016 yet, 2020 is gonna destroy you
Sounds like an authoritarian dystopia. What a violation of a mans right to piracy.
The absolute state of westcucks.
>awesome, do you mess with vinegar syndrome at all?
too expensive for me most of the time. any recommendations?
>shut up conspiracy theorist,
YIKES user
>Amazon reportedly employs thousands of people to listen to your Alexa conversations
I have Asperger's and collecting things like dvds makes me happy also
>Not digitising your physical collection bit still keeping it as a backup
Mueller will pull through, I know it
haha, next youre gonna tell me women cant be born without penises
Müller already ended the investigation, there will be no more indictments
People are allowed to make their own decisions with their own money.
If a man wants to hoard fifty copies of The Fifth Element and isn't hurting anybody with it than I have no right to tell him he can't do that.
I crossed that line having been born in '92. I'm old enough to be a Boomer but young enough to know that DVDs were just the face of a new century and digital is where it's at. Fuck physical.
Also, why are most of the movies on the shelves for children but then there's some adult movies at the top middle?
God I want to see SJWs foaming from the mouth after a man self identifies as woman and beats up a bunch of women to win womens boxing championship
Women will never again win womens sports, including womens chess
Enjoy being hated and alone
ever hear of a rope-a-dope?
dolemite, human tornado, sweet sweetback are all must haves if you're into blaxploitation stuff.
a lot of their horror releases are very obscure, blood harvest, drive in massacre, the bees, and madman are all fun.
Kino Collection
Mueller spent 448 pages explaining that Trump, while certainly being behaviorally mis-suited to his role, is innocent. Impeachment won't happen without criminal charges, sadly.
well trump still said mean things, soooooo
>What are home consoles with streaming services
>What is "Watch on TV" feature
>What is digital copies that can be purchased and downloaded
>What even are monitors anyways
The post
>the guy is upset after FBI and the whole fucking media has a circus on his reputation based on defamatory fictional statements to start an illegal investigation
>what an asshole!
literal lügenpresse, unironically hitler was right
>my 10 000 dollars worth of movies is stored in some server in sam francisco
>in 5 years it will be restricted toe because i shared an offensive meme on facebook
good goyim all of you
Lol china and russia invented most of this shit you retard, we're just playing catchup.
Why do whites make this face?
Why would you want to rewatch any of those?
why are white males living in your head rent free?
>10,000 dollars worth of movies
We're talking about the finished product here, not the production line. Actual movies unless appreciated by contextual worth are pretty worthless innately.
You're one of those that buys just about any movie, aren't you?
>Lower quality, stored on a more volatile media and liable to get you arrested or sued if the wrong person finds out you have them
What the fuck am I reading, just get a fucking 2 x 12tb hard drives and call it a day
illiterate nigger
Why would owning a hard drive get you arrested or be lower quality?
Well we're in the game of Reddit season. What do you expect
why are underage twitter normalfags afraid of writing 'as fuck'?
because if you're accustomed to max 144 characters in your communications you run a compression algorithm on it
they shouldn't post on Yea Forums then
Chads don't justify their actions, kid.
chads don't buy movies
cuz streaming services offer mostly crap so i have to go out and buy the dvds. i dont collect them though i sell them after on ebay for more than i bought em for CUZ I BE SMART N STUFF!
>You investing in a format that won't be supported 15 years from now?
What do you mean? Why would it stop working on my windows 7 computer all of the sudden?
user pls, I just jerked off. Not again...
kys newfaggot
that’s exactly what Andy Kauffman did, zoomer
>whoops we're taking this off our service enjoy our new series Brown People Are Right All The Time
I sold my collection a little while ago. I found both the quality of the transfers and the chosen films went drastically downhill. Some really interesting ones pop up now and again, but they're not worth the price for me anymore.
Correct. The only things we should be collecting are arms and grains.
when was the last time you picked a DVD from your collection and rewatched it?
hard mode: it can't be something you've seen more than once already
Torrenting is equally as good. Any version of the film you want, free, with zero DRM.
>buying toys as an adult
>spent thousands of dollars
>worth literally nothing
I have an investment opportunity i'd like to share with you
Well aren't we judgmental
if you can get the girl to come to your apartment, she has already found you "impressive" enough
>It feels real and collecting is literally the most neanderthal hobby besides hunting
I collect manga because I don’t like reading on a screen
>getting consistent 1080p with my internet isn't always possible
what does this even mean? you mean you can't stream everything? neither can I even though I have gigabit. some things you just have to download and play locally. get a server
We have 55 common Blu Rays in our collections.
I want lana to kick my balls so bad