Mfw I've seen every Marvel movie except Black Panther and Captain Marvel

>mfw I've seen every Marvel movie except Black Panther and Captain Marvel

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based, but also cringe

>i'm not an ultra sóy cucklord i'm only a sòy-drinker ultracuck

>yfw I only saw the first Iron Man

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Same for me but I also rated them a 1 on a lot of sites

If you don't want any of the shared universe bullshit you can still a watch many of the films like captain America 1&2, doctor strange, guardians of the Galaxy 1&2, the avengers (unless you care about the backstory of the main characters), the incredible hulk, Thor 1 and Thor Ragnarok (just skip the first few minutes) think that's it.

I've seen every Marvel movie and only paid for infinity war, endgame and ant-man

>watching Capeshit

>not watching capeshit
Wtf is wrong with you?

Literally me
BP cause fuck niggers and nothing important happens anyway.
CM cause I'm not paying to see it in theaters. Might grab a rip when decent one's are out just to make webms to piss people off here.

this, and I saw the first Avengers but it was way too cute and immediately dropped all capeshit

I've seen them all

I'm an adult who watches decent films, not unrealistic magic aimed at 2 year olds

Now that's a good joke.

>watches films
>"these over here are for the ADULTS, those over there are for the childrens"
Imagine having this level of superiority because the people playing pretend do so "realistically".

Shitposting aside, is it out in HD online yet?

>watch peppa pig
>this other guy watches the wire
>he tries to tell me there's ADULTS shows and I'm watching CHILDREN's shows
kek imagine having this level of superiority

same bro

I haven't seen a single movie or tv show in 9 years and the last song I purposely listened in its entirety was gangnam style also the last video game I played was modern warfare 2
shitposting here is my only hobby if you can even call it that

honestly m8 that just makes you an SJW. That just tells anyone IRL that you're a feelsfaggot weirdo.

I don't want to watch any of it period.

Then why watch Iron man 1? It's not like its the most interesting of them either.

Honey we both know that's not true.