Why haven't you created a YouTube channel about your hobby and become successful enough to live from it, user?

Why haven't you created a YouTube channel about your hobby and become successful enough to live from it, user?
Why haven't you married a slag who's whoring out for you and your channel, user?

Attached: Star Wars Explained.jpg (622x621, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If everyone does their hobby for fun how will anyone ever make money?

Why haven't you married the love of your life in your 20s, user?

Attached: star wars explained celebration.jpg (960x960, 94K)

Where's your comic book girlfriend, user?

Attached: Star Wars Explained Watchmen.jpg (960x720, 58K)

I'd too ugly for YouTube.

Because I have an ugly mongoloid voice and I'm a terrible speaker

YouTube is for shallow reddit fags.

My hobbies are either too niche to live from, or are already covered on youtube by someone more eloquent and/or charismatic than me

Attached: Ran (1).jpg (500x997, 342K)

>making real money from youtube
lol that bubble burst years ago

Dude seems to be doing just fine.


Trying to start a YouTube channel about “nerd culture” in 2019 is absolutely pointless. You’d be a tiny drop in an ocean of similar content. You would’ve had to have established yourself years ago in order to be able make any sort of decent money from your content.

Star Wars Explained, the dude in the photos. They got a patreon.


$4000 a month, no money from ads or merch.

Because I'm not the least bit interested in doing any of that.
Because I was already 26 when we met and we're not in any big hurry. We'll marry soon enough, then start having kids.
Living with me.

Proves my point. The OP solely mentioned making money from YouTube, not something like Patreon.

How much time do you have?

I have a qt asian gf who likes anime and capeshit

Because my hobbies are calling people niggers on the internet and jacking off to granny porn.

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now, user.

Doesn’t apply here. See . Star Wars Explained is a popular YouTube channel but they also need Patreon donations because YT ad revenue is nowhere near as lucrative as it was in the earlier days. There’s just too much content now.

that attitude will get you nowhere in life

Just being realistic about YouTube specifically. Being a total dreamer won’t get you far either.

I honestly don't want to be some celebrity for my hobbies. I have a solid full-time job that is very laid back and gives me plenty of time to enjoy the things I like. I honestly have no desire for fame, and while more money is always good, I'm comfortable with what I make from my job, and like to just enjoy my hobbies, I don't want to make a job of them. I don't want a slag who whores herself for me or whatever, either. I'm married to a girl I've been with for 10 years, and again, its a happy medium because she loves to cosplay and I'm very attracted to her but I wouldn't want her being some big slag whoring out a patreon for nudes. So yeah, I'm happy with how it is, and I really, truly do not want fame at all. Life's good the way it is.

>this kills the Yea Forums poster

You cannot make a living from youtube unless you make full blown retard clickbait or you spend all day finding ways to sell out to sponsors and promotions.


Youtube bubble burst like 4 years ago. You have to be a political sockpuppet who shills shitty razors in order to make a living.
The #1 channel is a streetshitter conglomerate

I plan too very soon just need to lose some weight. But I'm not sure my hobbies would generate that many views.

Absolutely based

Honestly my hobbies are my time to disconnect and get the hell away from the world.

I don't know if I'd like doing it for a living.

>30 in less than six months
I'm fucked unless I go mail order or sexpat mode.