
Was coach really captured by an Amazon tribe and they were trying to eat his ass and he escapped and paddled for days?

Or was he full of shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:


how DARE you besmirch the DragonSlayer's reputation. He's the pinnacle of loyalty, honor, and integrity.


>eat his ass

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I need /bb/ NOW

Sierra was a cutie.

what the FUCK was Shane's problem?

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I really liked him.

other than he nicotine withdrawal, of course

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me too

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fuck it, this is now a Coach vs Shane thread
aka hilarious crazy long-haired psycho thread

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Amazonians tongue my anus

Ozzy-zonians suck this dick

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Survivor Gabon had the hottest chicks and the best physical challenges. Agree?

u fookin wot m8?

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Bump against capeshit and got spam.

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Is it real? Cute little titties.


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In a lot of ways, Survivors is very similar to Star Trek.

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Fuck off, Mike lol

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They're both about groups of people having to solve mysteries and go to crazy places. There's always a group leader, and team colors. Every episode of Trek is about a problem with the ship, every episode of Survivors is about a problem with the tribe. It all fits together if you think about it logically.

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This is a Joey Diaz level tier story.

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this guy looks based.

He was one of the best "for TV" contestants ever. Already eccentric businessman guy decides to go do Survivor despite being addicted to nicotine. Goes pretty crazy during his "detox period," and never fully recovers. Still plays a decent game in spite of it and seems like a good dude when he gets to bring his son out.

>They're all about groups of people having to solve problems and go to crazy settings. There's always a protagonist, and supporting characters. Every adventure is about a conflict with the villain/self/society/nature. It all fits together if you think about it logically.

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Why couldn't /trek/ be a /survivor/?

Exactly. They're both human stories.
If the captains all played Survivor, my money would be on Sisko as the winner. He's a proven tactician capable of making key alliances.

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based and /ourguy/
too bad CBS fucked him over too many times when he was in the running to play again.

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Love survivor hate star trek. Simple as.

lol shut the fuck up, dumbass
when you're generic enough, you can make similarities between anything.

Nicotine Withdrawl isn't that serious.

He probably was also on Benzos.

There are a couple episodes where People have to survive with limited means, My favourite being "Darmok" Where Picard is put on a planet together with another captain and they don't speak their language. Together they have to overcome the wilderness and even a monster.

>Nicotine Withdrawl isn't that serious.
perhaps when you're reasonably rested, well-fed, and integrated into normal life.
try detoxing while being filmed 24/7, starving, exhausted, and surrounded by paranoid people trying to bamboozle you for $1 million.

Is this a new meme?

You're only highlighting my point that Star Trek and Survivors share a lot in common, however I would like to point out that I was willing to discuss particular points of reference and you wanted to dismiss them as the Hero's Journey.
I would argue Jeff is basically Q.

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I miss the ridiulously long challenges.

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this autistic meme will never take off.
me too. I miss locations outside Samoa/Fiji.

Who was in the wrong here?

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Sarah, she was dumb
Kass was definitely a hag, but I understand her motivations more after the 1st viewing.

What season was it that 2 women were in F4 and ad to battle it out in a fire making challenge. After 90 minutes Jeff told them to top and gave them matches. Even then it took them more than 30 minutes.

Cook Islands (season 13)

That was hilarious. Jeff was so pissed that they couldn't make fire after 39 days.

so was the jury. how embarrassing.

Ozzy was just face in hands levels of disgusted. People say the Cook Islands is comedically void compared to say Fiji, Micronesia, or HvV, but that scene along with the one where Jeff starts mocking Penner at the boat challenge are two of my favorites.

Penner is just great. And yeah, there's definitely more humor than it gets credit for. Case in point: fucking Cao Boi.

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I thought his name was Cowboy.


forgive my exhaustion-based stupidity 25:02 - 25:15
are you dumb, like for real?

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Cao Boi and his Eastern medicine man techniques. The rest of the Asian tribe got all mad at him for making race jokes.

Could you win Survivor?

Yeah he was based.


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Was Bobby Jon autistic? His inane freakouts were equally enjoyable and puzzling.
>all these people won: Nick (37), Adam (33), Cochran (26), Sophie (23), Fabio (21), Bob (17), Aras (12), Sandra (7)
yeah, if they could, I could

Has there ever been a better soul than JT? I just love him desu.

lol I haven't watched Survivor since I was a kid, I distinctly remember Coach though lmao. Is Survivor still kino?

Yes. We still have match threads on wednesday. Come join us. It's comfy.

I have no idea. Steph seemed to think he was an idiot. Did you ever notice him hitting himself when he lost challenges in Palau? Shit was funny. The best was his beef with Jamie who was equally autistic as he was.


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What a pretentious faggot. Fake to the bone but it was hilarious when he was running his christian cult and voted out the spic who gave him immunity necklase while swearing to be following god's will. True kino

Palau was really great.


I loved pre-merge Palau just because of how goofy and dysfunctional Oolong was. Late game was kinda meh imo because I hate Katie and only Tom and Ian really had a shot at winning challenges. I tend to enjoy the shitshow seasons where everyone is upset constantly like Fiji or Gabon.

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Thoughts on San Juan del Sur?

Some good moments. Reed btfoing Missy at the end was my favorite. She and her daughter seemed like entitled cunts. Anything that comes out of Keith’s mouth is great. Not one of my favorite seasons overall though.

hard to follow Cagayan, but I liked the dysfunction.
I had a hateboner for Baylor in-game, but she ended up being pretty forgettable (despite her attempt at fame/music career).

I really mike the sumo style challenges. Remember them?

I think people view San Juan del Sur harshly bc like you said it had to follow Cagayan, but it also had to follow the first Blood vs Water season. One of my personal faves mainly because I love Tyson. On it’s own merit it’s by no means a bad season, just kind of middle of the pack.

> Yao-man voted out

Based or cringe?

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Based. Earl needed to get rid of him to win, and Yao should have known better than to trust Dreamz after he flipped on the 4 Horseman alliance.

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Yaoman just used Dreamz. Thought he could win him over a shitty truck.

Why can't there be an adult version of Survivor? We have missed out on so many milkers.

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Reminder that Colby voted Sugar out on day 3 because she was a thot. Has there ever been a more alpha contestant?

> As the leader of the tribe chose who you think is the smartest person in your tribe
< I chose the short Asian lady, Jeff.

EVERY time.

Anyone just completely fucking over this current season?
>redemption island
>without the challenges
>one guy gets back in halfway and does really well
>rest of the shitheads who lost are still allowed to stay in the game for some reason
>they aren’t being underfed or overworked, their life is better over time as more people join them thanks to less isolation
>one person will coast to the end of the game and return around final 5 then lose anyway
>main game is full of backstabbing jobbers except for two people

I was watching like 2 weeks ago thinking to myself “thank god the finale is next week, I can’t take any more of this crap.” And the screen then flashed Day 27 or w/e

Guys, Lill is sad, cheer her up...

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Yeah kinda. Glad Ron got his ass sent him. If Joe gets back into the game and immunities his way to the end, this is probably gonna be my new least favorite season.

We don't know what the Edge of Extinction really has to offer in the next weeks. Maybe there is some epic twist.


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And Julie... I brought you your hat.

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I won’t hold my breathe. My fear and prediction is that wentworth comes back into the game and has an easy final 3 with brunette and redhead

I want to eat Vics dirty redhead bush

Can we just bring Varner back every season to out all the trannies ritualistically?

That move was pure evil but made me laugh irl.

Depends on when his last bowel movement


That would be weird because wentworth cant with shit hopefully they make them swim before doing the rope shit Aubrey practiced

Wentworth is useless at this point. Joe should come back in the game and win every immunity from now on.

Was Angelina a villian?

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I tought she was kind of hot after some weeks on the island. A lot of girls are like that. Back at the reunion they all look like average slags.

Who has the Angelina brappers still saved?

so, why was lynn spillman even fired? the casting of this season is great

Lauren looks revolting irl

THIS post them!

Its called getting "island hot"

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>tfwn cute insecure big booty gf

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who /braziliandragon/ here? favourite player of all time

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Remember when large negroid James wrestled a 60 year old gary busey look alike and then threw a bag at him after winning?

I'm more of the stick waifu kind of guy.

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Remember based Ben?

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Wait... this show is still on??
I haven't watched since the Savage betrayal saga and the adventures of Johnny Fairplay the machiavellian. I think it was called pearl island.

Abi calling Skupin a moron at the final 5 TC in Philippines was the best moment of the season.

Then telling her to go back and drink Kool Aid.

Yup. Pearl Islands was season 7. We’re on 38 now. You haven’t missed a ton, Fairplay still hasn’t been topped in a lot of respects.

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there has been about 13 great seasons since then. you should take a look

>tfw Skupin is a sex offender now

Damn, man

Didn't he lose his skin a a fire in Austria?

wait seriously? how much can one man suffer

Wow. Didn't expect the host, Jeff Probst to look this good 16 years later. Loved watching this show honestly, because you always had a ton of beautiful or fit people on that were just average guys and girls from all walks of life.
Any kino seasons to lookout for?

19 for pic related

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8,12,16,18,19,20,26,27,28,31 and the current season (38)

Watch them all from season 1.

Blood vs Water 1 and 2
Caramoan — Fans vs. Favorites
Millennials vs. Gen X

Then there are great characters like coach in the OP you should follow he is isn
Heroes VS Villans
South Pacific

There is also a dude named philip i love and hes in
Redemption island

A lot of people have different tastes, but almost everyone agrees that Micronesia, Heroes vs Villains, and Cagayan are great seasons. I personally love shitshow seasons where there’s not necessarily great strategy, it’s just funny to watch. So I personally recommend Fiji, China, Gabon, and Tocantins.

Amazon was epic for boobs and Heidi and shit. But seriously watch them all. Don't get spoiled!

meant for

Some would say the previous season was 'great' but really, it was gamebot filled snorefest

The early seasons are great to see how the game developed and how brutal Survivor used to be. In season 3 Kenya their water came straight from an Elephant toilet. Also the early season had the great "disgusting" food competitions.

>makes alliances early on
>does nothing
>gets betrayed and throws a fit

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Favorite voting confessionals?
>You remember the fight we had on day 3? Where I zipped my lip. I been waitin’ to do this for 27 days. So au revoir, adios, arrivederci, sayonara, or as we say in Boston, see ya later.

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Is Russhole /ourguy/ or trash? I know normies love him but Sucks and Reddit hate him

There are lots of reasons to like Russ, so he’s definitely not trash. I think Fairplay is more /ourguy/ than he is though.

I tried that a couple years back, stopped after pearl islands because of work

goddamn. thanks bros

I remember them changing up the formula from time to time, pushing tribe members around from tribe to another, giving out special high risk high reward competitions, and the disgusting food ones too. I hope it didn't turn too edgy over the years.

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Nah he just inherited the oil company from his dad and acted like he was a selfmade millionaire.

Johnny Fairplay was based as fuck and I bet he lurks here.

>I tried that a couple years back, stopped after pearl islands because of work
Then resume it.

I'd say watch cambodia then any of the other seasons recommended, doesn't have to be in order but it does help because the show changes quite a bit over the years. Moreso, the people's attitudes towards it do

I would also say Hatch, Rob C, Randy and Phillip, are /ourguys/ too

Best season is definitely 34. Watching Varner out the tranny was such a kino moment.

Culpepper bullying Tai for being a wishy washy tard and JT ruining his Tocantins legacy even more was pretty funny too.

This was EPIC


Sarah making Andrea swear on her dead sister was such a kino moment. Too bad they didn't show it. They only showed Andrea crying like a bitch at the FTC before eventually voting her soul rapist. Stockholm syndrome much?

When everybody was seen holding their breath I thought they were disgusted at the fat trans guy.
Would have happened in earlier Survivor I bet.

You can't make this shit up.


Jeff doesn't even know what transgender means.


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i loved wendel. If ever there was a deserved winner it was him.

Based black man.

Spencer for not respecting based Kass and her 4D chess moves

I agree Devil-user
bruh, HvV Colby was Superman in a fatsuit. He wasn't alpha then. It was more of a JT issue, if you follow behind-the-scenes.

who /michaela/ here?

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She could sit on my face after a thorough bath.

me, hope she gets the chance to play again.

Lauren from current season too if she doesnt win

Kaoh Rong forever underrated. Top 5 season imo

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>me, hope she gets the chance to play again.

to me she's always struck me as a one time player like based Cydney but she came back and while fucking JT over was great she shouldn't have come back

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I miss her so much bros

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Based Millenials

Also first thread I really enjoy! Keep up /survivor/ please. And fuck capeshit and fuck got!

Bump for Courtney my STICK WAIFU

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yikes and nopepilled
>ywn bang Michelle so hard at Ponderosa that Hanna can hear and has a panic attack because she feels left out
I never knew I wanted this until today, Devil-user
and fuck Disneywars

for you, user

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Source? Is that real? Going to bed now btw. please keep this thread alive. Do it for Jeff!


It’s real. China got her a modeling job.

It's real. And yes, I've been keeping it alive since post #1, user


Survivor is basically confirmed to stay in Fiji until then end. If you could have any location, where would it be?

For me: Indonesia. They could milk it for 4 seasons. Indonesia, New Guinea, West Papua, Raja Ampat.

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But why? I loved the changing locations.

tax breaks, comfort for production, reuse of challenge assets, stability, not having to send scouts to new locations, etc

and to think that Stephen Fishbach got to smash that for YEARS

Thread, the board has spoken

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I thought the Fiji contract ran out after 41? I could see the show either finding a new location for a few seasons or going on an extended hiatus (I guarantee you it would come back in 5-6 years max with a new host). They're definitely done with having a new location each time in their current run though.

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Bump against capeshi, mouse wars and got.


FUCK you...

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