Time for a new center of film

We need some place where artists can go to create their art without the interference from the corporate / political poison associated with Jew Hollywoodland.

Charlotte seems like a reasonable choice, however, I think moving to the heartland would be a wiser option as it is devoid of the Jew and degenerate influence common in the coastal containment cities.

Regardless, Hollywoodland needs to be destroyed financially, as it is doing nothing now but churning out propaganda and low standard trash.

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have sex

The centre can be the Internet. Creating content has never been cheaper and reaching an audience has never been easier. No longer need the kikes and their outdated Hollywood model spewing garbage.

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Nigeria teebeehonest

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Come to Milwaukee please

>Creating content has never been cheaper
yeah, you just need thousands in filmmaking equipment like cameras, lenses, lighting, and thousands to pay additional staff, as well as thousands to hand to art directors so that they can buy the necessary equipment to build sets and costumes

Your other choices are
>Chink films that have infinite budget but can film nothing but CCP propaganda
>Poos in Loos, but in HD

>yeah, you just need thousands in filmmaking equipment like cameras, lenses, lighting, and thousands to pay additional staff
You really don't, gearfag.

well then good luck reaching an audience and getting anywhere with 480p quality and shit audio, as well as no staff because you don't have the money to pay them, great show/film you're going to have there when there's not actually anybody to star in it

You can borrow everything from a local camera dealer for a couple days, and everything will cost a couple hundred dollars.

The de-centralized approach might actually be the preferred route as it would make it far more difficult to manipulate smaller competing companies for access to production resources, and might help negate the political propaganda issues we face today. I think distribution could certainly be done via web or through renting theaters on a smaller scale to targeted audiences.

Good luck making a quality film in a “couple of days”

that's true, but that still means needing money, and then on top of that you may need multiple cameras and lenses depending on how you plan on shooting whatever it is you're shooting, and then once again you still need to hire additional staff/actors

depending on the camera, renting professional gear can easily be $300+ a day

There's been countless examples of film and TV shot on a budget that's blown the shit out of any given kike project.

-Trailer park boys
-South Park
-Blair Witch

It can be done very easily with simple human to human stories, and those can be some of the most entertaining.

Patronize your local art-house cinema and be willing to watch cerebral dramas, documentaries, foreign films, etc.

30 year old alt-right manbabies who only want to go see capeshit but don't want to see any black people in their infantile corporate product are otherwise part of the problem.

user's point was that it's cheap enough for essentially anyone to do it, those projects you mentioned are still professionally made films on budgets way above any normal person's: clerks was about 240k and shot on a 16mm arriflex film camera

I have a bit over 5000$.
Is it possible to make kino with that?

>30 year old alt-right manbabies who only want to go see capeshit
Don't exist.

>still professionally made films on budgets
I understand, user, however, tech has come a long way, and one no longer needs to rely on the same kind of production cameras and sound kit.

Clerks cost lest than $30k to make and was shot on film.
Stephen Soderberg shot a feature film on an iphone.
Tangerine was also shot on an iphone.


shot on a phone but still needed thousands to pay for locations, actors, art direction, costumes and props, user

>locations, actors, art direction, costumes and props, user
All these can be sourced less expensively if a person is canny about where they film, who they employ and what they use.

You will always complain. Right wingers can't into art.

Okay, then borrow for weeks or months at negotiated discounted rate. This is what actual Hollywood productions do. In fact, Panavision cameras that are used in most Hollywood productions that are (still) shot on film can't even be bought. Panavision owns all the cameras they built, and you can only rent them.

funnily enough, unsane may have been shot on a phone but apparently was made with a budget over 1 million dollars

Have faggot sex


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They tried that in Germany with some independent art house around 1918
Right afterwards Nazis happened.

Most of which would have gone to post production, locations and professional salaries.
These can be sourced much less expensively. Basically a good story, well told with compelling characters is still paramount.
And now making a professional quality film has never been cheaper and if you're canny with your budget or even able to crowd source funding or build up an audience through other methods, making a film needn't be a million dollar enterprise that locks all but a select chosen few out.

Than explain why all the leftists bitch about "inclusion" if it's just the "right wingers".

Fuck off with your "left/right" trash.

Idk clint eastwood makes some fine kino for example.
It's more the problem that film critics (Yea Forums in this case) will always be incapable of making good art themselves, because critics have a negative mindset that prevents them from ever producing something that isn't overrationalized trash , or they are simply too retarded for it
The most prominent example would be RLM

There's a parallel Christian movie industry that churns out right wing propaganda if you're into that (which is what you mean by "without the interference from the corporate / political poison associated with Jew Hollywoodland").
Stop claiming you're apolitical

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>Panavision owns all the cameras they built, and you can only rent them.
One of the reasons the Jews left NYC for the desert wasteland of Hollywoodland is exactly to avoid this kind of thing due to Thomas Edison holding patents on the cameras used for early film.

Funny how that works.

>Basically a good story, well told with compelling characters is still paramount.
all of which really depend on how good the people you hire are, because it'll all fall flat if you cheapen out and hire people with little to no experience or talent

most smaller filmmakers, even for budgets of about 10k, still seek investors for their short films, these are projects that end up being like 5-15 minutes long, it's still incredibly expensive and if you're setting out to film something with a budget of 10k obviously that's the very minimum you'd need

it's why so many projects tend to fail or keep raising the bar on how much they actually need to crowdfund

>arguing with a kike about money

>Stop claiming you're apolitical
Why would I be political when one group of politicians wants to kill me and my country and the other group of politicians doesn't do shit about it?

Politicians can all be lined up and shot for all I care.

Reminder that the guy who directed this got his start by making zero budget youtube videos and got noticed by a producer. You don't need money to make kino, you just need talent.

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you must only watch marvel movies. a lot of good movies shot on phones lmao faggot.

Based /pol/ schizo poster

nobody is preventing any art at all whatsoever
what the fuck do you think is going on?
don't go to your AMC if you don't want to see hollywood shit

NO you need 70m for RDJ or he wont see your movie!

>there's a black protag in my movies nooooo must be Jews trying to kill me

My vote is for Austin

>where Texas dumps all of its degenerate trash

You mean just like you(or op) is bitching about muh joo propaganda because of inclusion. Funny how political bias works.

>We need some place where artists can go to create their art without the interference from the corporate / political poison associated with Jew Hollywoodland
>We need some place where artists can go to create their art without the need for money

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Troublemaker Studios is in Austin, decent choice.

The internet could have been that place. But, nobody had a pair of balls to actually utilize the power and we turned the internet over to (((big corporations)))

The general consumer does not understand the concept of reward for the artist.
The same reason why the consumer doesn't understand when an artist gets frustrated when you pirate.

There's still lots of places. You can find independent films up the ass on the internet. There are also independent industries within the US on top of a fuck load of industries around the world. But two things, one this thread isn't about the artistic merit of film making, it's about whining about leftist/sjw/liberal/etc propaganda. Secondly, most people are not interested in independent film or movies from other places. People are interested in the latest Hollywood blockbuster. For as much as this place hates Hollywood and "normies" all it ever talks about is Hollywood blockbusters.

>For as much as this place hates Hollywood and "normies" all it ever talks about is Hollywood blockbusters.
i fucking hate this place as a filmmaker myself

>backlash against kike propaganda

>we turned the internet over to (((big corporations)))
This is true.

Every week the search engines are getting pruned and videos are being removed. Every week the net is getting closer and closer to becoming nothing more than an old yellow pages book mixed in with network (((broadcasting))) and (((advertisements))).

Cinematic inclusion does only happen because minorities have a voice now and Hollywood would get shit all over if they didn't.
That womyn/minority protag in your newest flick isn't some propaganda psyop, it's literally just fanservice to pander to the general pc crowd and grab their money.
God you shizos

user, you can't talk to /pol/tards, it just doesn't work

despite their 56% genes, they're terrified of any other languages or skin colours, even if it is only a slight different shade from their own

>isn't some propaganda psyop, it's literally...
....a propaganda psyop.

Atlanta or New Orleans probably make the most sense because they already have the infrastructure, but I much prefer Austin.

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>the superior aryan race can't handle seeing non whites on media
Didn't you fags always say that minorities shouldn't need to feel represented in media to enjoy it? Apply that to your fragile white vagina

>local art house cinema
Where the fuck do you live? My city doesn’t even have a book store anymore.