Can't wait! Such a great casting. Totally make sense
You're fucking kidding me....
You do realize it's based on a book dumbfuck and in the book she's described as being dark skinned.
I'm pretty sure she's also described as having elven features, not goblin features.
Why would I care? The perfect adaptation was already made.
Have sex.
Typical bugman response.
Lil white boi Paul's getting BLACKED
is Lynch's Dune good? The trailer seems pretty cool, wanna watch it after I read the book (halfway through). The reviews are terrible though.
No, Lynch's Dune sucks, I wasn't talking about that.
How are the Denisfags going to defend this one?
I'm waiting for marriage and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me
No you're literally a fucking dipshit
I liked it, but now that im ready the book, lynch barely scratched the surface. Highly recommend the book
no where it is there a mention of a single nigger in the book. If anything, the fremen would look like an afghanis or something, not full blown african
It's okay. It's also very faithful to the book, going nearly scene-by-scene
the miniseries then?
way better than people make it out to be, def check it out. promise you it's still gonna be bbetter than this shit.
dont listen to the kikes on here
At least Zendaya doesn’t have sideburns like some immigrant potato farmer.
I fucking hate this nigger plant
She ruins everything
>movie is set in the future
>there are white people in it
Yeah she does and its all black and nappy like a niggers lol
Dont watch it in HD, the props and backgrounds and costumes look really cheap and awful in high def. Or maybe I should say HD lets you see how cheap and awful they actually were.
Promoting rape now, are we? Well I've never!
thanks anons, definitly checking it out now
the book is fantastic, I don't know why I never considered it before. The plot is somehow generic, but the atmosphere is great. I also chuckle everytime Paul mentions the jihad.
They could of at least picked Mediterranean or Arab girl to play her, why is it always some mutt or a black girl? there are more races than blacks and white you dumb fucking Americans
Did you skip your meds again?
>full blown african
You what ? She's a mutt.
fucking hell. what a disappointment
It's severely flawed gem. It's worth watching for the visuals alone.
Whose playing Irulan?
They are cramming niggers into everything now. Even the GoT spinoffs will apparently have a 40% nigger cast. WTF.
>contrarians already defending the terrible Dune movie
>movie has the wheel and a written language
>white people didn't exist in their universe
Did you know that FREMEN make up only 13% of the population, yet account for about 50% of violent crimes?
one drop rule
/pol/ trailer park lardos cant understand the mystical beauty of based Zendy.
Typical Harkonnen propaganda. The Fremen are peaceful people.
Are you seriously upset that they cast a brown person to play a brown person?
sums up the movie pretty well actually
Shes fabulous.
>tfw no fremen gf
Zendaya is literally closer to the book description
Why is film so superior to digital?
>Jessica studied Chani's face--elfin features--seeing the traces of Liet-
Kynes there as yet unfixed by time.
>elfin features
>not congolid features
>not el goblina features
>middle easterners are now white
pls giv chocolate gf ;_;
Snowniggers are the real wewazkangz all along
t. Stilgar
you forgot
>t. inbred aristocrat so overweight you need suspensors to move
Would make more sense. There's no logical reason why people living on a desert planet would still be fair skinned.
Desert doesn't always mean full sun all year long.
Some witch whore injected him with fat AIDS it's not his fault Atreides scum!
Yes the sun goes down at night. We got ourselves a fucking Mentat here.
Oh noes, somebody's seething
Settle down before you pop a stitch, Jazz.
Sean Young was a stupid cunt so who cares.
you mean the witch my duke performs steamy sexual intercourse with? ;^)
get over it, harcucken
I dunno, maybe because they wear tight suits 24/7 and live in caves?
>casting niggers to play sand niggers
>aaargh, but shitty old adaptation made niggers white
Antarctica is a desert, you would end up super pale if you lived there.
The saltwater damage your eyes caladan cunt?
dune sucks my man
have sex
Haha more like /COON/
Pls don't ban me mods
Goddamnit I just pissed myself laughing
Hey, retards. That word does not refer to elves as defined by Tolkien and subsequent high fantasy. It contains no implication of blonde hair or European features, but rather means someone slight and pixie-like. Zendaya looks substantially more "elfin" than the other woman in OP. Furthermore, Chani being descended from the native desert-dwelling tribe of a sandball planet, it doesn't make a lot of sense for her to have pale pink skin.
>she's described as being dark skinned
Another example of white genocide. Does that dishonest fraud even read the books?
She's literally perfect for the role though
And the UV would fry the fuck our of you
>the other woman in OP
fuck off retarded zoomer
Have sex
He has read that probably too many times. Villeneuve is a legitimate turboautist when it comes to the book
Ugly ass nigger
this is what cope looks like
Why don't they just make new movies, instead of trying to "diversify" old ones? You would be adding more to the cinematic pool, and would also tell a new story that no one has yet heard of.
I can't tell if that's supposed to be a laughing bird or a jew
Dune has not been made properly, if any film deserve to be made again it's Dune.
Also it's not a "reboot", this is a straight adaptation from the book, Lynch's version has nothing with it.
Young Cleopatra when?
Will it make you feel better when SJWs get equally upset that brown people were cast for the sand-dwelling primitives?
The only thing that Yea Forums would complain about is black casting, and in the entire cast there is literally only two people that can remotely be called "black", with one of them being pic related based fucker.
Cinema renaissance is upon us.
This is the first movie I'm looking forward to in years
I hope they do the sandworms and blue-in-blue eyes justice
The people implying the Freeman look like middle easterners (let alone niggers) are talking out of their ass, here's how how Paul's wife that he won by killing Jamis is described:
>Her skin was a pale olive. Dark hair swept back from her high forehead, throwing emphasis on sharp cheekbones and aquiline nose between the dense darkness of her eyes.
are you saying it'll be a hit
i just finished reading the first two books and am halfway through the third.
chani is a brown native girl. i dont like zendaya but trying to make a point by comparing something to the Lynch adaption is retarded.
isnt this about space muslims anyway?
>skin was a pale olive
>high forehead
>sharp cheekbones
>aquline nose
>darkness of her eyes
check check
No thanks
Sjw trash cant believe redditors are getting excited for this blackwashed turd
How is it blackwashed?
>>skin was a pale olive
You must be blind
The Fremen would be very pale if anything, they wear stillsuits covering their entire bodies when outside the sietch. They are also the descendants of nomads who travelled from planet to planet so their ethnicity is unknown. Religion in Dune is a mishmash which was codified after the chimp out against the thinking machines. Herbert uses the terms zensunni and Orange Catholic bible. So a mix of buddhism, islam, protestantism and catholicism. A few arabic loanwords does not make Fremen like contemporary sandniggers.
>aqualine nose
You really are a retarded.
Did you see Op's picture you thick fucking nigger
>" Tell me of your homeworld, Usul."
at least she is pretty light skinned, she'd be pretty if it weren't for the turd-rolls hairdo. They should work tirelessly to straighten her hair for the role.
>It's another movie set on Tatooine
Is Disney even trying anymore
Why not asians, why not latinas. It's always black ugly bitches
>An aquiline nose (also called a Roman nose or hook nose)
>(((hook nose)))
Have you read the book you braindead mental midget?
This is not a le reboot, this is a straight adaptation of the book. Lynch's version is dogshit, Chani has red hair aswell.
dune came out like a decade before star wars you massive faggot.
>asian or latin Chani
lmao you're dumb
>tfw no Ana de Armas "Chani"
I'm not talking about Dune exclusively. But how diverse to them means black.
who is this dude playing
>I'm not talking about Dune exclusively
This is a thread about Dune you dumb fuck. You clearly know nothing about it at all and just saw a picture of a white person next to a mutt and triggered your entire being without even knowing anything.
Yeah not put it on Sean Young and see the same exact thing.
I don't know, sorry
>arguing about her skin color not being pale olive
>what about this other person
If it makes you feel any better, I didn't like sean young either, sweetie.
>pic related is mommy Jessica
Yea Forums will lose its shit with that movie...
this seems like a good casting considering the actual lore, go back to you safe space board please
Whatever she dies anyway and princess Irulan is best waifu anyway
Keep crying bitch
Yes, exactly this. You are right. But just because this is a dune thread and the actual character had dark skin (meaning? asians can have dark skin as well.), doesn't mean I can't notice a trend in the industry. Stop being insecure, african descendant.
Is that Dr Selar from TNG?
dumb ass mutt wishing to be an even dumber soulless NPC generic sheep
Well lets use /pol/ logic:
>desert people
>dark skin tones more likely to pass on genes, due to protection from UV radiation
>over time Fremen become dark-skinned
BOI, its almost as if being a literal racist is only for low-IQ retards.
>white dad
Not the guy youre responding to, but youre a fucking idiot. Also, only uneducated Americlaps call South Asians (aka Indians etc.) "Asians".
Thats like calling South Americans "American".
what a qt
The entire cast is a fucking joke, not just her.
In the books they seem more brown. This makes way, way more sense than casting her Jayden Smith looking ass as MJ.
The entire cast is 10/10, even that fag Chalamet.
/pol/ here
the casting is great so far, i just dislike zendaya
movie will be good
Blame Weinstein’s shit taste in women.
Tell me how is Dastmalchian as Piter de Vries not good casting
youve got claps mixed up with britbongs. the latter are the ones who just say "asian"
it's Dune, not Dune Coons.
Fuck sake.
i'm so sick of this smug negress. the single name, the sudden overexposure, the delusion of virgins claiming she's attractive. bitch literally came out of nowhere and now she's in every single movie that exists
shit's going to be so kino
>It's Yea Forums gets triggered by a movie having non-white actors episode
I hate reruns.
No. The British GOVERNMENT refer to Pakistanis as "asian". The English PEOPLE do not. Furthermore Americans cant even tell where India is on the map.
Aww he thinks the Middle East wasn’t entirely European and Persian territory until the Muslim invasions!
>it's a reddit comes to a place that triggers him and complains episode
>she's in every single movie that exists
What? I literally don't know a single one.
Just checked her IMDb and she barely was in any films this or the past year, with half of them being voice acting and TV shows.
I wonder how they're gonna do the blue eyes (a white-people characteristic) on the blacks racially appropriating (AGAIN).
Of course you chimps would bitch and moan about a brown girl playing a brown character
>negress chani
Elfin is literally a European word to describe a Caucasian type of delicate beauty. Zendaya looks like a Chinese tranny, pls fuck off with this shit.
The main word used to describe Chani, again and again, is "elven".
Someone "elven" should play Chani.
>Elfin is literally a European word to describe a Caucasian type of delicate beauty
Nonsense. Lord of the rings wigs with high cheek bones are not "elfin", they are "elvish".
More like Cune.
Well the guy is clearly a manchild so he would only watch cartoons
It's so easy to tell who's actually read the book and who just wants to get triggered
The Emperor had red hair
And the high class of Sardaukar were typically blonde.
So the Jews can, without blame, with permission of the canon material, cast whites as the bad guys in this film.
will Josh Brolin drop some sick songs as Gurney lol?
She's cute
>Hurr I wish I was an NPC
God, even the commercials are years old repeats.
Weinstein. She even wore Marchesa.
Probably Hawat.
On one hand, the Fremen are the descendants of Muslims, who range in skin tones and can be quite dark
On the other, they live in their suits and would likely be as pale as their complexion permits
On the third hand, this is like 20,000 years in the future and after several planetary migrations so who knows what they will actually look like
You're showing your ignorance, imbecile.
Talking about americans, native americans have dark skin as well. So is there's proof that the character was african?
Yea, you guys have been shitting this place up for years.
Cleopatra was greek retard
Wrong user lad, I’m not the one who brought Tolkien into this. Zendaya is as elfin as Amy Schumer is svelte.
Also on the fourth hand don’t forget Chani is half Fremen and half whatever Kynes is—maybe we can assume he’s white?
On the fourth hand, Id rather have good actors that look the part in a Kino-Villneuve production, than a white-washed nonsense flick that gets shat on by critics for political reasons, and we end up getting more and more capeshit, because it bombs at the box office.
She is described as tanned HUMAN, not a dark skinned goblin from the underdark
Does Skarsgaad have a deep voice? One of the things emphasised about Vladimir is his deep voice.
You fags are going to have an even bigger hissy fit when they give her the red hair and blue eyes
I’ve already accepted this will burn at the box office but be absolute kino. How on earth will the normies get into Dune?
>So is there's
What on earth are you trying to express here?
He's described as having sandy/blonde hair IIRC
Im not talking about Zendaya. Im talking about "elfin".
Will Denis do the Lynchian meme glow of the iris or the dark blue sclera of the books?
Having a bad dialation hour?
Seems like a perfect cast to me.
Idris Elba
Are they going to Hollywoodise it and have the Fremen be noble savages who just want to be left alone, and who are saved by goodwhite Paul
Or will they stay true to the story and have the Fremen be jihad-thirsty gardeners
>its also very faithful to the book
Amazing, considering Lynch never read the book and later called his own movie the worst piece of trash he ever made
I'm not the one bleeding from my asshole.
you niggers even steal the white man's memes
>can't respond
>results to correct grammatical mistake
So, user, is there proof that the character description (dark skin) means that she is ethnically african?
>How on earth will the normies get into Dune?
Because Disney-fatigue will happen. This is where the marketing team has to step up and spend 200 mil. They also have to release it in a slow-weekend, while appealing to both women with romance and men with sci-fi.
It can work.
I know what elfin means, it’s why I described where the word and its meaning comes from: Europe. The other user was arguing it applies to zendaya.
The only one of those she has is dark eyes.
He might use a really subtle CGI or actual contact lenses, presuming the actors can still see out of them, act well, etc. They should not be glowing. They aren't meant to glow. Make the white of the eyes a pale, sky blue and the iris a much deeper, darker blue.
>Zendaya looks like a full blown African
Morons, ladies and gentlemen
IMO they are kinda noble savages until Paul’s messianic appearance radicalizes them.
Im still puzzled youre capable of operating a computer with your IQ.
Likewise, negro.
>I see what I want to see since my internal biases blind me
What a waste of bytes. Stop (you)ing me.
Yeah, because centuries of cruelly being treated as slave labor hasn't radicalized them and they've simply been waiting for the prophecy to happen or anything.
IIRC they were absolutely itching for a jihad and a messiah to lead them. Paul is what lit the fuse but they has been stockpiling the dynamite long before him.
>Soory, Chani, but I don't do bestiality
This is the only reason why anyone in their right mind will be watching this shit flick.
I found it to be extremely contrived and drawn out (then again i watched it completely sober also) but if you love all things scifi it's decent enough in remaster i guess
The neofeudal space aesthetic is cool also
I don’t mean to throw gas on the fire here but is there textual evidence Paul is white besides his vague Greek ancestry
That would be your Dad after seeing what became of his progeny
The crowd that whines about the accuracy of this.casting also whined about Timothy being Paul while never having read the books or anything Dune related except perhaps the wildly inaccurate Lynch movie
Just ignore them
Congratulations, you managed to write up an error-free sentence. There is hope for American after all.
Will Tom Holland murder /our twink/ Chalamet once he finds out he's been fiddling with Zendaya?
the irony of a tranny saying this
This is a pale olive skintone.
I will be watching it because of Villeneuve, Fraser, Roth, Zimmer, Vermette and Walker.
Actors are mere puppets, only absolute casuals pick films according to the actors.
>hope for American
It's shit but it's a fascinating piece of shit with a lot of hard work that went into it and even integrity. I think the most glaring example of Lynch failing to adapt it properly despite following similar story beats is how the Harkonnens were portrayed. But I don't think the 80s was the right time nor was David Lunch (lol) the right man for the job.
Well, I suppose it depends on whether you think Paul/Jessica/the Bene Gesserit are the ones who have radicalised them or whether they are just the ones who have given them the opportunity to fight back.
As far as I know we don't really get an idea of just how peaceful they were (or desired to be) before the Bene Gesserit planted their religion amongst them.
To me, as my comment suggested, I don't see them as noble savages, regardless of whether they once were.
Besides, Paul is very much anti-Jihad, at least until the end. If you've read the book you'll know that many times he ponders how he can stop the jihad future from happening.
I literally reread it a day ago
Tom is a fucking manlet. He can't even deck Timothee in the face without a ladder.
>A good foundation reduces redness and evens out your light olive complexion.
You're posting a caked on makeup pic of a person who has a certain skin tone under all that make up.
Yeah I can google too.
>hope for American
They sleep during the day and are only active at night to preserve water. Also they only take their stillsuits off in sealed off rooms. You fucking retards need to read the book ya dingus
>I don't see them as noble savages
I doubt anyone does.
Makeup can always change a skintone, but what are they going to do about her broad cheekbones, low forehead, and blunt nose?
woah such a problem changing hair color
>The old woman studied Paul in one gestalten flicker: face oval like Jessica's, but strong bones . . . hair: the Duke's black-black but with browline of the maternal grandfather who cannot be named, and that thin, disdainful nose; shape of directly staring green eyes: like the old Duke, the paternal grandfather who is dead.
Meditteranean, lets say
There's only a three inch difference (5'7 to 5'10) but apparently he is tiny besides the height. Anthony Mackie said sometime like he has a 22 inch waist and accidentally wears his girlfriend's jeans cause they basically fit him perfectly.
Chani has redhair tho
>hope for American
Achtually, the "y" is capitalized in "(You)"
It's a tree m8.
What's your point? OPs pic is comparing a movie still to a random picture
welcome to Yea Forums
>pale olive.
Sounds middle eastern to me
Hollywood might.
>Paul won Chani by beating Jamis
Reread the book
Cleopatra was purely white user, not mixed or anything she was entirely greek.
That is exactly how people describe middle easterns
No, he's hideously ugly, KYS kike spammer
No it's not
Well I mean Paul is literally the culmination of thousands of years of breeding, been specifically trained by the best of the best to be a mental/bene gesserit swordmaster. Just have him od on some spice and he literally becomes a messiah. Plus the bene gesserit seeded the mythology for Paul to use to ignite his Jihad. It’s honestly the emperors fault for not marrying Paul into the imperial family to cement the atreides as loyal vassals to the Corrinos. Had he not fucked over Leto Paul would’ve never had the spice oversatutation/need to avenge his family. Also Jessica for having a boy
>n-no! m-my stormfront friends told me Jews are all hideous rats! T-this CAN'T be!!
KYD, Stormfag. Based twink boi is going to make more pussies wet than you could ever hope to.
>IMO they are kinda noble savages until Paul’s messianic appearance radicalizes them.
They really aren't savages, they have manufactures and produce the finest stilsuits on the planet, and the whole extreme forward thinking and planning, rationing water so descendants generations down the line can hopefully benefit from it doesn't fit the savage motif.
>falling for 2,000 year old Roman propaganda
Well Paul has a moment where he sees that if he doesn’t seek vengeance for his father the jihad would never take off, but he decides to pursue vengeance and thus usher the jihad. Then he cucks out and nails as soon as his son is born bc he couldn’t handle becoming the godemperor worm
Imagine unironically typing this out, kek.
Why do you guys even care? It's going to be a shit movie anyway, who cares who stars in it.
this is the goal of the aggressive, weaponized multiculturalism
an unmoored people with no discernible identity, no religion, no values besides materialism.
not having a nationality/ethnicity fucks with your sense of self, your tribalism. what was ingrained in you.
They're savages because they're not really white, duh. Did you not get the racist newsletter?
Hey this guy kinda looks like me except I have a more european nose.
He also has no upper lip, but quite a good chin, weird mouth posture.
Pale olive skin is III on the Fitzpatrick scale.
Because if anything by Denis' track record it's not going to be a shit movie
There are only a handful of people making actual decent (im not saying good or great) high budget movies and he is one of them
If I am to pay to see a movie in the cinema it might as well be this, instead of hordes of capeshit, gameshit and every other generic piece of shit with a $200+ million budget
Paul is pro-Jihad by the time the book ends, unless he is just pretending to be pro-Jihad to secure continued support from the Fremen as he gets back into the fold of the imperium. It is left ambiguous, in my opinion. Paul says he must pretend to support the jihad in order to remain loved by the Fremen, but a few pages later, right at the end of the book, he voices his support for the jihad and there is no suggestion in that passage that he is pretending. IIRC, Jessica (and perhaps Gurney, but I cannot remember) is scared because she thinks he is being honest in his support.
His face is deformed
Seems like bullshit to me, I tan and my skin is probably whiter than one, Scottish here.
>tfw gurney is supposed to by ugly as sin
I mean even Thanos was pretty handsome desu
He, he does become pro-jihad for sure once he finds out his son has been murdered. His internal monologue goes on about showing the universe what real cruelty is.
The quote is describing Harah you numpties, she was part of Jamis' possessions that were transferred to Paul when he killed him, not Chani.
Way to cherry pick images, sport.
About the red hair claim you replied to, to be fair I think Chani actually is described as having red hair but only in Dune Messiah.
People exaggerate that white people don't tan. They can, especially after being exposed to the sun for years and damaging their skin for so long.
Well he does create a space jihad force that slaughters billions if not trillions and his son has to become a literal worm because of his father's weakness, more or les
Paul isn't really a heroic character
Leto II might be one
She was greekish
Good casting if I’m honest.
Chani was never, ever described as a great beauty either. Paul's true love for sure but the books, to my memory, never stressed her beauty over and over the way they did for Irulan.
>space jihadal arabs are actually arab this time
only retards would be upset about this
If you weren't picturing her as a North African/Middle Eastern chick on the fuckin DESERT PLANET when you read the book, you have a retard-brain.
Not tried to claim he was. He's a very tragic once though, and a good subversion of the messiah trope. I like how Herbert also showed how Paul accepting his messiah title and so on fucked over those that followed him like Stilgar, who went from his own man to Paul's creature.
>his son has to become a literal worm
Like I said, he still expresses sentiment about stopping the jihad near the end.
Yes, she's a person of color. No, she can't act for shit. She is a former disney child actress and it shows. Dead behind the eyes and no real understanding how to actually act.
If you want to get into Dune, get the audiobook. The actual books are a labour to get through
He's right. His son merges with a Sandworm in a larval stage and basically becomes a Sandworm 3,500 years later but with a human face and human arms.
The only problem I have is the Duke Leto being played by a manlet, even though I like Oscar Isaak
Don't think my skin is damaged, like I said Scotland lol. Don't even have any wrinkles.
The later dune books get pretty funky, broheim.
Stilgar is about to be gifted the planet of Arrakis, or something like that, at the end of the book. I'd hardly say he gets fucked over.
Leto II (the second son of paul) becomes a human - worm hybrid
Have you never read past dune?
>tried to stop it
Yes, which is why he is a well written tragic character like
says. Definitely not a hero though
Jesus Christ.
Well I've only read Dune so I guess I'm missing some stuff.
No, the worst part was turning their ancient martial art into ugly blue laser guns.
>all those arabs in my country
>speaking local language
>suddenly white
I recall Gurney being given Caladan but that's it. Wouldn't Stilgar simply be Paul's enforcer considering Paul stayed there to rule directly?
The Lynch film also has the Spacing Guild have the Emperor totally by the balls. They were powerful for sure and a counter balance to the Emperor but I can't recall the relationship being described as that one-sided.
Here's Paul Atreides
Oh shit you're right.
The reason he doesn't give Stilgar anything is because Paul, at that time, is acting as Duke,. Paul says his gifts to Stilgar will be given to him (stilgar) when Paul is acting as Muad Dib.
So Stilgar is going to get something, but we just dont know what.
That's how I remember it.
And my Chani.
The film will probably have to wrap up on a somber, foreboding note about the jihad and all the lives it claimed rather than Jessica's line about concubines and wives. I don't think it would work for the final note of a film.
>This thread will get 300 replies and go into the archives, because some autist is upset that a black mixed girl got casted as a minor supporting character into a fictional movie based of a fictional book.
Have sex.
No, this is Chani.
Jorodowsky should have done it. Dali shitting on a golden toilet bowl. Orson Welles, Mick Jagger, Udo Kier in the cast. Utter kino material even if it was a total disaster like Lynch's version.
IMO the biggest issue with Lynch is the fucking jarring internal monologue and terrible pacing.
At this point half the people left are talking about later book events
Which reminds me
Do you expect the 2 movies to just encompass the first book or to make it so that the first movie is ~2/3 of Dune and the 2nd is the ending to Dune and the entirety of Dune Messiah?
It would have been something to behold even if a rape of the book ("raping" being the very words Jodorowsky used in reference to how he was choosing the adapt it).
Am I the only (racist) white virgin male here who finds her kind of cute and would bleach?
She seems to be in oddball kino lately like this and oa/spiderman
He only wanted to rape Paul
Rape him, but with love :)
Only the first book. There's stuff they'll have to expand on from the books or show that was only mentioned (like the Landraad fleet arriving over Arrakis). I would not be averse to an extra scene showing one of the mutated Guild navigators either. They need some specific attention so their role in the story and Paul holding them by the balls in the end has some more impact.
I didn't think the book ending with the concubines/wives passage was a particularly strong ending.
It's a very happy book, in my opinion. There was room for much more tragedy. Chani could have died. Thufir could have killed one of the Atreides and died not knowing that he was wrong in his suspicions, and so on.
The counter-balance to the mostly happy ending in the book is the threat of the jihad, but that isn't so personal and thus doesn't have such an emotional impact.
fml and fuck this gay movie.
I don't see what you're getting upset about, Chani was described as being dark skinned.
Solid bait game
I picture Chani as looking like that girl from GoT, the one who bites Bron's ear.
THAT is Chani.
Are they setting it on a goblin planet? Is this a LotR crossover?
mostly this
Well I mean Dune always had strong female characters
They're quite literally the entire focus of Heretics and Chapterhouse, and the first book only showcases how weak Paul is next to his mother.
If you're to ask me, I expect it to be marketed as action sci-fi, be somewhat like how BR2049 was action-wise and have some kino worldbuilding, so most normies won't look at it twice, especially in a year with so much more normie-friendly things happening like Nolan's new movie
Sean is a dude name.
It’s pretty clear in the books that the Bene Gesserit are pulling all the strings of society desu
this guys a faggot, and a worse casting than Chani
Who will play Leto II. in the 4th book? The Goose in a giant wormsuit?
The God Emperor unironically is very horny and lonely
Cry more incel, I'm sure that'll get you pity sex.
>play X in the 4th book
If you ask me, we're going to get an (insert company here) tv series about books 2-6 if the movies about the first book are decent box office wise
If something happens and those movies make a shit ton of money it can go three routes
>Denis sticks along and does the first 4 books (highly unlikely to impossible)
>they get someone else to do the 2nd book into 1 movie, it fails, straight to DVD about 3rd book,it's then forgotten
>TV series with a huge budget about 2nd-6th book and if we're extra unlucky, spin off series of the shit Brian wrote
>t. ooga booga bix noood
>Typical Harkonnen propaganda. The Fremen are peaceful people.
Harkonnen here. Fremen breed like rabbits, and their smelly cooking is just repulsive. What more do they want, we've given them modern technology and what do they do, live in the deserts, still use bone knives and don't even use the wheel.
The lesser races aren't capable of creation.
Rape any kids lately?
/tv:pol thinks in terms of a witch trial. Nobody would complain about her if she wasn't doing something wrong to them.
I always pictured duke Leto as a slightly younger Jeremy irons. Am I retarded?
>Anything happens on that way to the Golden Path and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a single step on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're falling into the trap of prescience . I don't hand out spice. I reign.
Epic reply
>two movies
Wait I just heard of this
So you're telling me Denis is high-IQ enough to make the first movie an adaptation of World Dune and the second of Prophet of Dune?
Fucking based
Listen here infidel shitter at least we keep our women fully clothed and next let go out with a related man escorted her
and we have sacred texts they we worship and obey everyday of our lives instead of spending all day committing acts of debauchery and sin
Jodorowski was not capable of making the movie he described wanting to make. It was always doomed to not happen.
>world dune
Dune world*
Wake me up when this nightmare world is over
this sounds like something they would tell an executive to give them a chubby about having a 12 movie dune cinematic universe
I just live to see you faggots SEETHING all day
B-but I'm not seething, fren... w-we r frens, rite?
based is literally from a black guy, based god lil b. 99% of slang white people use is from spics and negros you dumb fuck
Wow. What a fulfilling life.
please post the page with this description user. i don't have the book. also fuck all niggers.
no? I finished the first dune last weekend -- unless i severely misinterpreted it, he's never pro-jihad, he just can't find a way to avoid it happening because he keeps doing messianic godlike shit
Reread the last 2-3 pages. The Reverend Mother Gauis, or whatever her name is, reads his pro-Jihad thoughts, or sees the Jihad vision/future in her thoughts, and says basically "No, you can't do this!" and Paul says "Yep I can"
My recollection: He keeps trying to fight against, thinking about how he can stop it, etc. right up until he gets the news his infant son has been murdered and simply embraces it. He can't avoid it happening and is a victim of fate but he does partly embrace and thinks about how the universe won't know what real cruelty is until he's through with it. The book doesn't make a big song and dance of this moment but it is there.
No, Denis makes it seem the split will be with Paul becoming the mahdi between the two movies. They didn’t get funding to film back to back, so the likelihood is that two films won’t happen when this bombs.
t. citation needed
When are you going to get a job son? Me and your mother can't take care of you forever.
>make fun of others lives for being unfulfilling
>complaining on an anonymous board that has ZERO (0) effect on pop culture about a character not being the exact shade you prefer
nice one retard
>set cope fields to maximum
>pointing out reality is cope
typical khv lmao
Nice bait user.
we have incel sign the likes of which God has never seen