Cut the check. Who hyped?
Captain's Orders
i don't think i want to see Captain Alabama
>they keep build up Bucky and Falcon friendship in their series and movies
>Cap Falcon is down and/or killed
>Bucky is finally worthy and picks up the shield
>proceeds to beat the living crap out of the bad man
It'll be kino
I bet Falcon and Antman have a rivalry in the next Avengers.
There's nothing wrong with an african american being the next Captain America
It's whatever. Sam Wilson has always been a side character. I want a real bird. The drone is lame.
Not my Captain America
>That quote
>a nigger
Lmao no
>blacks are freely given a position made famous by whites for successfully putting in about a quarter of the effort
how much is that faggot interviewer from collider SEETHING right now?
I hate Mackie so much
What's the point if he doesn't have super soldier serum? The shield doesn't fit his fighting style at all. Steve is dooming him by putting him in his shoes.
>What are your orders, Captain?
>blacks build America to the benefit of whites
>blacks suffer under the heel of white oppression and exploitation for basically their entire lives
>a black guy becomes a superhero
Wow, those groids sure do have it easy don't they.
Say what you want but that is still a cool design
>to the benefit of whites
Haha yes, "whites".
>>blacks build America
With cotton?
honestly who fucking cares, the fella has been in the Captain America movies since the second one
>blacks build America to the benefit of whites
No they didn't. They were low-IQ low-skill farm equipment.
Maybe user is referring to the Mackie interview where he shat on Man of Steel and the interviewer for liking Man of Steel.
but but but...he's bleck
Yes, whites. Unless you're trying to imply that America has always been a Jewish nation.
Don't whine about your racist statues being torn down if you don't understand history.
what difference does that make? only thing people recognise about captain america is his shield
Couldn't counter-point with any substance?
>steals the shield
You haven't made a point to counter.
There's only one Captain America ma'am, and i'm pretty sure he doesn't look like that.
Captain Coon DROPPED
>blacks build america
Black's didn't build shit, Whites have Historically suffered more from blacks than hundreds of years ago when some blacks were bought from other blacks and traded menial physical labor for free food, clothing, shelter, education, etc.
His point is obvious if you aren't a fucking liberal retard. Whites are innovative, industrious, and skilled laborers. Niggers are low IQ subhumans that could only be trusted picking cotton. Pathetic and sad!
If they were smart they would literally hire Richard Spencer to basically play himself as an evil white nationalist Hydra character while Bucky and the new Cap beat the piss out of the character. It would post modern AF and would literally rake in mountains of cash based on the controversy alone. They could even hire Obama to be in the movie and it would just be off the charts with controversy.
Not to mention if they hadn’t been bought their african brothers would have cut their head off
>hurrdurrdurr nigger nigger durrr.
yea lets ignore colonialism
a real bird would be dead
Atleast its not Idris Elba. Mackie is kinda ok, he is a very funny guy, not just token negro. They sure give him very poor roles to work with, but he can be better. He is not ugly, annoying, not trying to be ultimate badass or anything.
Have all the heroes been replaced with niggers and women?
This is your brain on Uni Humanities dept.
Falcon died in the comics civil war, I'm sure he came back in Secret Invasion but I stopped reading that garbage. It wouldn't surprise me if the next cap movie had him die and Bucky take over.
Retard, it was Black Goliath who died in the Civil War.
You're the one who is such a myopic shit head you think it was bad overall for niggers, or you expected whites to exercise superhuman altruism during a brutal time in history. Either way you ignore reality on a level that makes you not worth talking to any further.
>not just token negro
That is exactly what the Falcon character has always been, retard.
proved you wrong. So now you take your ball and go home crying
Sorry, I must have read it when it came out then moved on in life and forgotten the specifics, like a non retarded human.
>He's not a super soldier, like the old Cap legit was made into with chemical experimentation and radiation.
>He can't throw the shield without it possibly killing him when it comes back
>Can't jump out of great heights into water without breaking bones
>Can't drink massive amounts of alcohol without getting drunk
Blacks benefitted from the slavery. They were taken from a shit country and after a few generations prospered. The blacks in Africa are still in a shithole
>that pic
did they died?
Eewwwww have sex you creepy incel weirdo
That's absolutely correct. Why'd they have to pick someone so funny looking though?
Do you have facts to back this up, or just feelings.
Have sex first
They have to someone make him a super soldier (they actually should have done this before they gave him the shield).
Anthony Mackie is a good actor and like Falcon so it's a good choice (as long as he gets superpowers)
Joke's on you, I racemix frequently and encourage my friends to do the same.
Probably not them, but many did yes.
If they REALLY think the same people who loved Chris Evans as Cap are going to automatically love Sam as a replacement they need to ask marvel COMICS how well that worked for them.
The Irish and Chinese were the real grunt labor that built America and none of them are still bitching about shit from hundreds of years ago. Seriously get over it already
this is why nobody likes the leftwing. if you don't share their opinions you're automatically a nazi. only faggots think in absolutes.
Bucky has been in them since the first one and was a central character/plot device in both the sequels. Meanwhile Blackbird is just some side character. Bucky should have assumed the mantle.
So true. Everyone who disagrees with this has to be a transexual Discord secret agent.
Was there chattel slavery of captured Irishmen or mass lynchings of Chinese people?
Mackey is so unlikable though. Like girls drool over Bucky, Thor, even Antman.
Ive only heard about Mackey being annoying as fuck, even from one who is all about Heimdall.
And then you're going to have a Captain America who is already demonstrated to be vastly inferior, not even half as capable. Falcon sucks.
Let me tell you this-- Yea Forums is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That imageboard, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as net's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as 4chantic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the imageboard, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from imageboard to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering imageboard's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that Yea Forums may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible imageboard, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.
Not as good as Bucky.
i'm talking about the actor, not Falcon. They didn't give Thor any lines for many movies and he was some boring dude, but then realised he could be more intresting and wrote his character better. The same could be about Mackie and Falcon
Its weak. You'll have a less powerful, less intelligent Captain America.
There should be NO Captain without Rogers.
The minute he wears the costume Spidey will be able to brag about once having kicked Captain America's ass. Antman would be saying that shit too. Thats not right.
Mackie is isnt half as charismatic though. He projects the kind of guy that laughs at his own jokes and jerks off to his own selfies.
Are you in any way trying to say that Mackie is better than Elba?
How is that not racis
If this nigga cant wield the hammer, he can't wield the shield
>Cap is old and retired and replaced by a black dude
>Iron-Man is dead and his replacement will be either a minority or a woman
>Ant-Man is goofy and incompetent, a literal small-time hero
>Thor is a lazy fat bum
>Hulk/Banner is a beta as always
>Star-Lord is a petulant manchild as always
>Spider-Man is just a kid
>Hawkeye is still “Hawkguy” to some people
>Dr. Strange is literally a dude named “Strange” and is played by Benjamin Cuminhersnatch
Is it over for white men in the MCU?
more like captain falcon lmao
Calling someone racist isn't an argument and it only shows how ignorant you are
You have to go back to tumblr, reddit or whatever your echochamber is
No. Just a simply factual statement. No argument needed
How does Captain America Falcon even work with the shield? The movies constantly show him needing to use his hands to make adjustments for his wings in mid-flight. How does he use the shield like Steve?
>Cut the check. Who hyped?
I am, Falcon is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
> Captain Obaman
I hope Disney enjoys losing that delicious China box office.
Of course not.
He cant throw it as hard. He cant catch it like Steve.
He doesnt have the practice/serum enhanced brain to plan the ricochets.
It would be an weaker Captain America.
i dont care if i got ban im gonna say it
Fuck that, in the MCU he better wear a fucking helmet
Blactain Ratmerica
shut fuck up nigger
I wouldn't mind a black cap if they had built him up as deserving of the title. Falcon was a low tier sidekick even lower than War Machine or the Wasp. It should have been Bucky and it would have been a good arc from villain to hero.
I love grape soda and fried chicken so I don't mind a nigger Captain America.
We’re still gonna be getting MCU versions of Wolverine/X-Men and the Fantastic Four and they never blackwash the same character twice so we’re guaranteed that at least one member of the F4 is white
Friendly reminder Mackie and Sebastian are getting a tv show together so you fags can stop bitching
bucky is fucking retard that should have been publicly executed a long time ago. Falcon atleast shares the same values as steve
Lel did someone cook this pasta up on here or is it a legit reddit post somewhere?
If so, link plz.
>Marvel trusted Steve Rogers to helm a blockbuster movie right from the get go
>Blacktain America has been relegated to a tv show on Disney's fucking streaming service.
What did they mean by this?
no mackie said said that was edited out of context and the next time they met he chewed out the collider faggot so bad, that disney pulled all the tapes from the interview and the collider faggot went on twitter butthurt about how that was the worst interview he'd had in his life, but he never gave any names.
There's nothing special about Falcon, is there? He's just an elite former solider, part of some experimental jet pack unit or some shit? At least Bucky and Rogers had the super solider serum, along with their cool vibranium tools. Not really too keen with Falcon taking on Cap's role, though i'd love to see the Punisher as Cap from the comics.
Vibranium lased Bucky costume would be rad af.
Sadly the MCU Bucky was just revealed as the biggest political terrorist of the last whole century. That won't happen.
But i am sure, that he and Falcon will be equals in their coming adventures. Also: Bucky has received a super soldier serum from Zola, right? So, Falcon just has his wings to make an action "impression".
Any ideas how they might make him useful in a teamup scene?
I like his character. He seems like he would be a Trump supporter and a 2nd amendment, NRA supporter.
yes they're is, it should have been an oriental man, who are criminally underrepresented within "alpha-male" roles, all part of keeping the yellow man down.
Which African country would you rather live in?
Papa Doc is the new captain america?
>built America
Wow American education really has been retarded. I’m sorry for you.
slavery is the best thing ever to happen to US niggers, I don't understand why they're still so mad about it. They get welfare and fast food, instead of hippos and aids like real africans do.
>inb4 poor minorities they had it rough
people everywhere have at some point -- I'm a slav, misery is our ethnic pastime. Africans, chinks and sandniggers are still balls deep into the slave trade. Literally only western whites called it quits.
Get a grip, you aren't a slave anymore (although we all are technically).
Yeah he’s only showing you historical proof of white people literally building your greatest city, nothing to see here.
But you’re literally a turnip who learned how to type.
>every country that was ever colonized by whites
>plundered of resources
>thousands upon thousands dead
>forced to turn into cheap labor for 1st world nations
>years upon years of political intervention and monetary devaluation
>"durr why aren't they grateful to us?!"
Any area that's undergone colonialism from whites has been better off afterwards from a GDP per capita standard.
Chattel slavery yes, and the mass lynchings didn’t happen on the scale you think anyway, and read up on the history of Ireland. You have such a narrow viewpoint it looks like a deranged fetish.
This. I’d rather the character died with Rogers. It’s why I hate all the Spider-tokens and other bullshit. Quantity over quality.
He is though. Elba just plays his own smug self.
It’s your opinion and it’s based on your education and understanding of reality. which is all shit. So yeah, it doesn’t work.
Marvel will ignore all of that and it will be like the shield is sentient and handles the same for everyone.
i thought bucky was supposed to be the new capt america, was is this bloke gonna do? fly around?
More like it's over for the MCU. Not as in, next movies will flop. It will be a steady decline but we're not going to see endgame numbers again. I really doubt there is a viable audience for captain mary sue and the minority brigade
try going outside suburbia/the projects, Tyrone.
You aren't a victim, you quite literally live in the best time in human history for blacks. I work my educated ass off for the same amount you flip burgers for, ingrate.
Not to mention the fact that Thor is now with the Guardians so all the 'Avengers' left on Earth are now the far less popular second-phase onward heroes. Black Panther movies are always gonna make money but none of the others are particularly interesting at all.
I'm Pedro.
I have a degree and make less than any Tyrone in the U.S., yes.
I gotta ask, after you finish sucking American white cock do you think Bill Clinton is gonna think twice before bombing your country for a whole month again?
It'd be great if Bucky lived up to that "White Wolf" name they gave him in BP. While it makes more sense for him to be Capt first in the comics, they kinda set him up more to be somewhat of a figure in Wakanda. Here's to hoping he and Namor are in BP 2, Wanda's in Dr Strange 2, and Thor is in Guardians 3
so is he going to get the a serem to make him peak strength like bucky or does he already have it?
Sam has the heart to be Captain America while Bucky has the strenght, that's why i think Sam was a better choice, and Bruce can create a supersoldier serum if the plot needs it anyway.
Seems a bit ableist to me. I prefer a transgender, paraplegic, pansexual, transracial, Abbo Captain Murica. Preferably one that is HIV positive.
you live in tropical heaven, jungle nigger.
I hate America, and their self-imposed title of world police, but there is no denying that their standard of living and possibility of social mobility are top notch.
They are very lax and easy to manipulate professionally unlike in Asia where you have to be a yes-man for 20 years to get a name tag.
It's not called the land of opportunity for no reason, it being behind the brain drain in your own country.
imagine the guy sitting next to you nudges you off by accident
Don't want to see that shit. Literally.
When can we see the movie about the green space cops?
Is it to protect him from job applications?
>I hate America, and their self-imposed title of world police, but there is no denying that their standard of living and possibility of social mobility are top notch.
Yes, unless you were black in which case you'd get whipped, couldn't get education. And, you know, the CIA unironically spread syphillis in your burroughs. Being a second class citizen in the best country in the world doesn't mean much when you're, well, a second class citizen.
Do you tell Armenians to just "get over" their genocide too? You're telling me that after barely scraping by and seeing how your grandparents received the warm embrace of communist hierarchy the only thing you can say to other people who suffered is "man up i'm not complaining lol"? I knew slavs had no empathy but jeez.
>Captain Falcon
Thanks, but no thanks.
The rest of the building is underneath them. It's trick photography.
>it's everyone else's fault BUT the black community's.
And niggers wonder why every other race hates them
holy shit that's a lot of projection there buddy.
nigs get lowered bar for college entry too. It's their own fault for being stupid and dealing drugs until they die of a gunshot wound in their 20s.
second class citizens, give me a break, you're stuck in the fucking '50's mentally and really need to learn the difference between black people and garden variety niggers.
We are reaching critical levels of victim complex. Fascinating.
Never watched a Captain America movie, why would I watch this one?
Railroads aren't as impressive as skyscrapers, but they are significant. Perhaps even moreso.
Pretty sure that was mostly Asians who built them. Now they do better off than whites in terms of income. It's almost as if discrimination doesn't mean long term disparity. Hmmm....
This was the only logical next step for Cap and you know it
Even some of the people in my theater thought that shit was dumb on the way out
>it's black people's fault we were commended by god to pillage and rape their entire continent
And then white folks wonder why everybody wants to genocide them.
>need to learn the difference between black people and garden variety niggers.
Neither you nor I are black lmao how are we the ones to determine what makes a black person and what doesn't? I don't disagree, reparations have been made to them. Spain never gave us any reparations and we never complained, but truth is colonization was in no shape way or form a blessing in disguise for any of us.
I wonder, is it a complex if you were actually a victim?
And building railroads. Just saying.
Not just the Asians, it was also the Blacks. The whole legend of John Henry is attributed to their involvement
They helped build the worlds greatest railroads. That is something
Only one leg through the Sierra Madres. The rest was white guys. Black guys mostly worked in the South. The more you know.
have sex
He's not even getting a movie kek, him and Bucky are just getting a tv show on Disney's Netflix clone.
>t.tranny discord
You should watch Winter Soldier, pure action kino. Only good Disney Marvel movie, too.
Slavery and colonization was a part of history and normal for anyone who had the means until whites abolished it and reversed it. Might was right back then. Should be thanking us honestly, blacks are still enslaving each other in africa.
There is when he has received little to no characterization and is one of the least important and least cared about characters in the entire franchise.
They are all unashamed cucks. Everything surrounding comics and video games from studios to reviews is pure cuckoldery.
Did you thank the Mongols after they conquered half of Europe?
Are you kissing up to the Moors for having invaded the Iberic Peninsula?
“Private, send over your wife and go run 3000 laps.”
Mmhmm those comic sales have sure proved you right havent they? People love black Cap and Lady Thor and Muslim Ms Marvel so much they arent buying them.
They didn't abolish slavery so it's not the same. Though I don't hold it against them either because that's the way things were back then for everyone.
It's gonna be pretty hilarious when folks blame "racists" for the new Marvel movies failing when none of these folks they're replacing the old guys with have any draw or star power at all. And that's a good thing.
Damn, I didn't know white folks lead by Abraham Lincoln went an abolished slavery in every single Arab state, I'm gonna have to read up on that my trips friend.
American Quakers and European Imperialists abolished slavery in America, Europe, Africa, China, and India. You should definitely read up on that.
>He hasn't seen /ourguy/ Mackie btfo teeny bopper Tom Holland fans
Black slaves were literally deemed too stupid to work in factories. You niggers built nothing. Every skyscraper, dam, sewer system, and power grid was created by whites. Niggers only have to ability to destroy, like a virus.
Can ya source
Damn, helmet wings just don't translate into live action at all
Have sex
>not a all black suit with a gold star
>and no muffle Dirt Off Your Shoulder in the back ground
Captain America? More like Captain 13%
No thanks. Marvel can keep Blacktain America. Should have been Bucky.
Yes there is
lmfao imaging being this retarded
/his/ here, you do know that the entire reason the colonies were such an economic force was because of tobacco farms right? it's quite easy to do when you enslave thousands of niggers to work without any compensation ie. for free. so it's all profit.
also anthony mackie is a charismatic bro who even pushed the BLEACHED meme with bucky and shuri. he deserves none of the hate. while i would have liked to see bucky be the next cap, as he's a favorite character of mine (dressed as him last halloween), he, like steve rogers, is tired of fighting (black panther says this about him in Infinity War) and is out of time (alienated in modern society like cap) not to mention has a shit ton of "red on his ledger" from being the winter soldier. he isn't entirely free of his brain washing yet, and the entire world still judges him based on that.
falcon is noble and clean-cut. also, you'd be retarded to imagine that he'd don the cap america costume and fight like a supersoldier. he's going to still retain his wings and fight like falcon, now just with the shield to complement his unique fighting style.
Blacks did not build America you fucking retard. Go back to redd!+ you mong.
DAmn white peepo bringing civilization and antibiotics and shit to OUR squalor!
I fucked a black prost about 8 months ago. After I finished I slapped her full in her ape face as hard as I could. She came at me and I knocked her the fuck out. Retrieved my money and left. That's all they're good for.
>hey guys have some smallpox and measles
>thanks my white savior
literally just hit "google" and it'll reverse image search and take you to the actor. are you all braindead? lurk moar.
>no such thing as diseases until white peepo
How did they survive murderous diseases if they didn't have antibiotic methods then...
white people were immune to most diseases as most people were in the old world. native americans were geographically and genetically isolated from the old world for over 10k years.
then again, they did gift the europeans syphilis which as far as i'm concerned they deserved for all the raping they did.
But he said something racist. OH WAIT R U TROLLING?? LMAOO xDDD
>whites have the lowest interracial rape statistics of any other race
>back then whites did all the raping
>didn't even take the strength serum
He's just a nigger with a shield and a backpack.
Why are white people so fucking insecure?
cry cry cry
Look at me
I am captain america now
Why are niggers so fragile?
Cuz they ain't never make no place as advance as Wakanda. They jealous
Well white people in general have always been uncivilised lacking any real ability to indulge discourse that involves nuance. Of course their privilege and generally low level of brain development most likely a result of that privilege means their understanding of racism is pretty rudimentary.
Only if Captian Juarez makes a cameo and gets a greencard in the end.
>The drone is lame
The drone is better and is more flexible than a fucking bird. Altought they could have made him have one as a pet in his home or something.
>white people have always been uncivilized
>meanwhile Africans literally eat cookies made of mud
I was talking about your tobacco profit point. Pretty sure Vanderbilt and Asian Americans gave America its biggest profits through the railroad and industrialized America.
>A regular man tries with all his heart and body to keep up with his hero, a literal supersoldier
>After years of hard work and being there showing that you love what you do and that you are grateful for the opportunity
>Your hero retires and rewards you with his title because he knows full well that you are worth it for all the shit you have endured.
I hate niggers just as everyone else but this time they did the right choise.
>He thinks all Africans are like this
Imagine judging an entire race based on the actions of a few.
Also, South Africa is pretty fucking advanced and its governed by BLACK people
Still nothing compared to white civilization by any metric
It was built by whites, And since the black have taken over it's turned into a shit hole.
Imagine trying to defend shit skins by the achievements of whites.
Came to post this. Bucky makes sense as his successor because he's a lab experiment. Sam is just a dude.
>gotta go to toilet
>sit in the middle of the line
>you ain't goin' nowhere nigga
>statistics of modern day civlized first-world countries
>psychopathic 'explorers' who go out on a limb and a prayer to areas populated by indigenous folk with stone tools
>being on a ship sausage-fest for 6 months, first time you see bitches of course you're gonna rape them
ever notice how african-americans are lighter than africans? i wonder how that came to be.
Bucky literally has PTSD and is not fit for a role like that.
>Live in a country were the meadian GDP is 40000 dollars
>Complain like a nigger
>Meanwhile most of the world is lucky if it is born in a country where the median is 10000 dollars.
this is pre-industrialization. in the colonies, they first used indentured servants, as nigs were too expensive and native americans too week for the backbreaking labor.
this is well before cotton. tobacco gave the colonies, pre-1776, their booming economy.
eventually this turned into the cotton cash crop, which was when chattel slavery with nigs became a big thing.
to deny that blacks didn't build this country is idiotic. every successful nation has built tremendous wonders on the backs of slaves and free labor. look at the pyramids, for example.
i learned this all in AP US history. you want sources? lemme find some:
here from one second of googling.
im black you stupid cunt
/pol/ is that way
>Ant-Man is goofy and incompetent,
Wrong, only person to shit on tony stark for fucking up. He didn't do a single mistake in whole the movie.
>South africa
Pick one and only one retarded nigger faggot
They're making a shang-chi movie
>They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death.
lol what
>gets BTFO
South Africa has become a third world hellhole since blacks came into power. That seems to happen every time btw. See Zimbabwe. Almost like there is a pattern here