Will Youtube, Twitch and Netflix eventually make Television & Film obsolete?
Why do we even need broadcast television and movie theaters at this point.
Will Youtube, Twitch and Netflix eventually make Television & Film obsolete?
Why do we even need broadcast television and movie theaters at this point.
can't wait for Allah to punish these people
Boobjob? Based
Yea I think she deserves those millions of dollars every month
this. I would give everything I have to touch her.
i like how women manage to be both the niggers AND the jews of sexes
Hey still better then that tranny making even more.
Why do I have the feeling you're not even trolling?
Who is she and does she have a patreon? I need to give her money.
>Bong genes
Quads and I get a perfect girlfriend.
>Yea I think she deserves those millions of dollars every month
She's jewish, of course she knows how to make shekels off goober christians
get cucked lmao
did she get breast implants?
wasn't she literally as flat as a frying pan?
disgusting roast
threadly reminder
I would hate fuck the shit out of this dumb bitch
>mfw that image set where she tapes a pair of giant fake coconuts to her chest to make it look like she has tits
based phoneposter
>I would hate fuck the shit out of this dumb bitch
That means you're actually in love with her
oh no no no no
Based. Beauty is a rare value these days. Beautiful people need to get as much money as possible and ugly people should get sent into the sewers.
dumb bitch is gonna get stalked and kidnapped, she doesn't know what she's gotten into.
>That guy who paid her 3 grand to play Minecraft with him, and she pussied out
what does she sound like?
An average British woman
She’s hot but fapping to girls online is a sin so don’t do it.
smug nep!
I hate women so fucking much.
nice whore
>that shoulders to hip ratio
Looks like a tranny
>I hate women so fucking much.
No you don't, in fact a woman is the #1 thing that would make your life meaningful and you know it.
I want to punch her in the jaw, and then drive my knee into her face.
Is her bf a cuck or a bvll?
bizarre, unhinged copecel
>hurr any man better looking than me is fat/short/balding/ugly/dumb
>hurr any woman that won't fuck me is ugly/used goods/a tranny
I'd do it if I felt that it was necessary. Not because I hate her or anything (I've busted a nut or two thanks to her) but I feel like it would send a message to someone out there that I may end up hating in the future.
My real fear is her boyfriend filming her. Don't know how big he is or how dangerous either. Feel like if I got hurt in the process of taking her I'd be inclined to have to hurt her since confrontation makes me very angry. Would love to pull her teeth out.
she's not even that hot
like her body is obviously banging
but her face is jacked, you're being fooled by an inch of makeup and slutty demeanour
Did he get a refund
No, work is. It will coincidentally make you hate women even more.
There is nothing regarding attraction to women that is genuine
>still trying
God I wish that were me.
Can I fap to them in public?
>No, work is. It will coincidentally make you hate women even more.
I'm fucking a woman I met at work. Go figure.
Why are men so weak? It's all just makeup and engineered faces
the average 'patron' pays her $64 a month? What is wrong with those people?
That's not even her, look at the nose.
Women really are the inferior sex. No honor.
Her nude was very disappointing, that dark roast beef YIKES
all women are whores
why do zoomers like it when their ethots make dumb-looking fake reactions?
penis didn't even twitch
push up bras should be ILLEGAL, look at the difference.
watching this with no sound makes her seem more retarded than usual
low test
Yeah one has holes in it the other doesn’t. FAKE
>Free porn everywhere
>Plenty of pictures/videos of 10/10 girls if you want less explicit fap material
>Still pay for anything
I will never understand how things work.
What the fuck is wrong with males
I like women with wide hips sorry, keep donating to her patreon tho I'm sure she'll fuck you one day
Where is based “all women need to be raped” poster
that goes without saying
don't such faggot
even the quiet one who sits in the back of the class?
weak baitus
Zoomers with access to their parents credit card. Back in my day I would have never dreamed of having my parents info, nowadays every baby needs it for Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Steam, Epic, Minecraft, etc. so he's bound to get access to it.
all women need to be raped
>boyfriend lives a good life cause she rakes in a ton of money
>knows that thousands of guys want to fuck her
>gets her all to himself
sounds bullish to me desu
i concur
dfc where its at
especially the quiet ones my boy.
Even the quiet shy girl at the back of my uni class???
Even the quiet ones who sit behind the class?
Why did you rape your mom user?
Where are the tits?
Yes. Even your mom and mine.
He tried to play it off but if I was him i'd instantly become this user
>doesnt even do hardcore porn
>makes a goofy face while wearing an cosplay
>make millions a year from misguided beta males donating thousands for access to softcore """porn"""" of her
Will she ever do hardcore pornography? When?
but what the kotaku journalist didn't know was that nobody here wanted an STD
Oneitis is a thing
Didnt save it because i dont really find her hot and dont care about it. But seen it posted on the oldfaggs chan x2 times already so just go there start a thread and most likely it will get posted.
666 and I get a perfect girlfriend.
god just imagine squishing her head like a grape while she screams in pain and claws feebly at your arms
then you push a little harder and *pop*
Imagine being in this much denial, you donate to her don’t you user?
p much all thot patreons are leaked onto yiff.party and you can look at Belledelphine's 5000x5000 cosplay pics all you want for free
>Even the quiet ones who sit behind the class?
All women want to have sex, all of them. If you can give them mind-blowing sex they will be loyal to you 100%
jesus christ
Hopefully when some deranged orbiter breaks into her house and rapes her on camera.
Do your duty and report this thot to the IRS, she's clearly supporting the trans cause with that outfit.
singles and I steal this guy's girlfriend