/GOT/ - Game of Thrones general

BRAVO D&D -edition

Previous thread

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Other urls found in this thread:



for me it's mord

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>All those years of build-up
>surrounded by his hordes of zombies
>In front of all his generals
I just can't get over the absurdity of it all.

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and both got killed by arya

that's the wrong previous thread you autist

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actors who read the books after getting the role:

actors who had already read the books:
>rodrik cassel

actors who only read their chapters:

actors who read "a few" books:
>the hound

actors whose parents have read the books:

actors who read AGOT:

actors who have emphatically never read the books:

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Attached: the rape.webm (960x550, 2.39M)

Reminder the Lord of Light brought Jon back so he could yell at an undead dragon

for me it's Quaithe

Attached: Quaithe.jpg (800x800, 93K)

>used to recommend the show to people
>then used to tell them to only watch the first few seasons
>can't even say that anymore and just have to tell them not to bother

>actor whose character kills the night king has not even read the books

Attached: 1502242085417.gif (400x388, 221K)

so fucking dumb looking

>yfw Ned, Stannis and Ramsey show up as white walkers in episode 4

Screencap this

Attached: game.of.thrones.s08e03.1080p.web.h264-memento.mkv_20190504_000046.896.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

jon would have won the shouting match

Attached: The Known World.jpg (6480x4296, 3.72M)

Can someone edit Bran looking at the rape when he says " I'm going now "

>actors who have emphatically never read the books
Why? What would the rationale be for this? You get pages and pages of insight into your character’s motivations and decide to just ignore it? Particularly bad for Tyrion, since the books have so many POV chapters for him specifically

When she was forced to work in Harrenhall, with the help of Jaquen she freed northern prisoners and took the castle from the westerlanders. When Roose came she was awarded for her action to be his cupbearer. She didn't trust him, though because she thought he was creepy with his leechings. When she found out Roose was about to leave the castle and give it to the Brave Companions, who changed sides, she decided to flee.


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bran should've benn the main villain

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b-b-b-but she had ASSASSIN training LOOOL

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>ywn melly

Attached: MELLY FIRE.gif (500x230, 971K)

> How do you like THESE onions

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The armor, it does nothing.

God I miss Meera.
I want to see her ride Bran's crippled dick.

Reminder that the Night King exists only so Arya can take down the entire WW/undead threat in one hit.


Attached: 603_Arthur_Dayne_Side.png (723x944, 570K)

>fus roh dahs the NK to death
>ends the White Walker Concordat

The fucking midgets foot would probably get crushed if he tried to pick one of those monsters up.

based Davos getting all the ladies

>You get pages and pages of insight into your character’s motivations and decide to just ignore it?
Why not? The writers did

Stop post this shit every thread

Where's your sister

Attached: merely pretending.jpg (616x346, 33K)


actors who read all the books after getting the role:
>Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth)
>Natalia Tena (Osha)
>Rose Leslie (Ygritte)
>Aiden Gillen (Littlefinger)
>Mark Addy (Robert Baratheon)

actors who read the books season-by-season:
>Kit Harington (Jon Snow)
>Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen)
>Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei)

actors who had already read the books:
>Ron Donachie (Rodrik Cassel)
>Ian McElhinney (Barristan Selmy)
>Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell)
>Harry Lloyd (Viserys Targaryen)

actors who only read their chapters:
>Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister)
>Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark)
>Michelle Fairley (Catelyn Stark)
>Pedro Pascal (Oberyn Martell)
>Ellie Kendrick (Meera Reed)

actors who read "a few" books:
>Joe Dempsie (Gendry)
>Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy)
>Rory McCann (Sandor Clegane)
>John Bradley (Samwell Tarly)
>Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton)

actors whose parents have read the books:
>Maisie Williams (Arya Stark)
>Kristian Nairn (Hodor)
>Richard Madden (Robb Stark)
>Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister)

actors who read a single book:
>Iain Glen (Jorah)
>Sean Bean (Eddard Stark)
>Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister)

actors who have emphatically never read the books:
>Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister)
>Carice Van Houten (Melisandre)
>Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth)
>Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon)
>Hannah Murray (Gilly)
>Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell)
>Conleth Hill (Varys)
>Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton)
>Julian Glover (Grand Maester Pycelle)

i have a glimmer of hope that dnd are not complete hacks and that bran is the real villain

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what did he mean by this

High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most

The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days

And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free

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We looked for you in the catalog.

Attached: bravo bravosi no sword of armour hound.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

>madman actually changed it from your cock to the rape and I envy you
Based, glad to see you made it.

>Fan Page of actor, stuntman and choreographer Vladimir Furdik!

>Arya and Gendry get their sex scene
>Bran and Meera don’t

It’s not fair

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>fan page

Just because the two guys heading this shit are incompetent doesn’t mean everyone else should go out of their way to be just as retarded about the whole thing. Dinklage and the guy who plays Varys should know better.
Cunningham (Davos) actually did read the books after joining the show, though, just not immediately. If even a guy playing a minor character can do it, there’s no excuse for these other fucks

>actors who read AGOT:
based and Boromirpilled

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I would love to fuck that man

I sweat this shit get's funnier by the post.

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Moral of the story, great actors apparently don't need to read nerd shit to act in nerd shit.


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>All these anons posting their 4D time-warp sudoku ebin triple twist theories
Look for kino, but do not trust to hope. It's forsaken in this show

Attached: Stannis.jpg (1024x512, 142K)

he looks like my dad
>tfw my hairs is almost this grey at 29

>Bran and Meera don’t
Who should Bran warg into for the best sex?(Male)

Reminder that if you vote for anyone other than badpussi you're a bluepilled faggot

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you just know

how do you properly finish this series tho
seems impossible even for gurrm

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How is that updated? An user said Meera read the books before she got the role. Stop spreading misinformation, faggot.

everytime I wanna watch something on google I get ads for some 3d chinese Got game.
fuck this

>No undead summer fighting ghost
>Not calling undead summer, winter
Fuckers can't even do anything right

Hound and Theon have finished the series


>Tywin proposes a treaty with Night King to sacrifice one thousand infants annually
>He invites all the White Walkers to commemorate peace and friendship
>Rains of Castamere starts playing
>Crossbowmen shoot dragonglass bolts and massacre White Walkers, ending the threat once and for all
>"And who, are you..."

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Perhaps we should burn a daughter, your Grace.

King Jon Targaryen reinstituting polygamy when

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I've been going through possible permutations of the remaining story in my head to see how it could possibly end and I'm finding NOTHING that makes sense. Every single thing they could do will feel unimportant and out of character. Jon killing Dany will be most retarded shit ever because she went to save his ass beyond the wall, lost a dragon, lost all of her armies. lost her best friend, saved his ass again TWICE even after finding out he has more claim to the throne than her, and generally did literally nothing wrong. Even if she wants to act completely out of character and suggest burning down King's Landing, Jon should not hesitate a moment to agree with her. It CANNOT make sense, FUCK.

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why does he wear the hat?

God damn how cute was he? We never talk about him, look at this pretty face.
I want to fuck him.

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still a better ending

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duh, it's called "long night" not "long nights", dummy

>Ugly snake

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There is literally not a photo of Carice in existence where she isn't a stone cold 10

If Bran wargs into someone else to fuck Meera is he cucking himself or not

>2019 and no adblock

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how can I become that attractive?

its unironically this
jorah said he read AGOT, but didn't read after, because he saw when other actors (presumably barristan) would approach them and say "but the books did X", their "eyes would glaze over"
they dont give a shit about the books aside from muh red wedding moments

>Access: Did you actually go ahead and read the books?

>Ellie: Yeah, I did actually, because I thought, I don’t want to sign up for this part and find out that I like die or have to get naked two episodes down the line (laughs) as sometimes happens, and so I looked at all of my parts in the books because my character accompanies Bran. … There’s so much rich description of all of the characters and it’s actually incredibly useful as an actor, to be able to read that and be like, ‘Great! Thanks! Thanks, George R.R. Martin. You’ve done all the work for me!’

>How much of the books have you read and at what point did you read them?

>Alfie Allen: I”ve read the first two and a half books. I can”t remember if I decided to stop reading them at the end of the first series or somewhere during the second. I”m pretty sure it was at the end of the first series.
>Access: Did you try and read the books or did you rely on the lovely people on set who are researchers for learning more about your character’s back story?

>Rory: I tried reading the book, and I read the book and then I read the next one, and I’ve read three now. I’m staying just ahead of the game… And as for the research thing, on set? [It’s] fantastic… A lot of the time, either [executive producers] David [Benioff] or Dan [Weiss] would be on set and [could offer] just a confirmation of what my character was thinking and why he’s doing this and that was fantastic. There’s no guessing. The information was always there. I even went into some forums with the fans. They know the characters so well and I picked up a few tips, a few pointers from them, as well.

>all the old memes aren't funny anymore because the real thing made them redundant

Attached: virgin chad walk.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

>Master, the fat man has resumed writing. He's going to finish the book.
>"He cannot be allowed to finish. The HBO ending will be the only ending. Kill him, then burn the manuscripts."

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kill danyfags

His own dick

Or Podrick

>Gilly (low test)
>Gilly (high test)
very based

How big are Nikolaj's feet?

Attached: Nikolaj-Coster-Waldau-Feet-3405361.jpg (514x545, 42K)

>ywn bounce on his dick while he tells you the names of various dragons

>implying he still isn't
>implying he won't stab someone (probably Jon) and create another Night King

>dany #1
And you wonder why /got/ became shit.

> Mel only on 3 votes


>Danyfag is samefagging again

Plenty of slightly above average potential husbandos passed though this show. All of them more attractive than Kit Harrington, but whatever.

what ep was that?

the fact that you knew which one he meant by the "ugly snake" says you know the truth but don't want to admit it. she's shit, face the truth.

It's rape. He's raping his host.

>they dont give a shit about the books aside from muh red wedding moments
absolutely based, bookfags BTFO


Attached: naw im with ma boyyyyyyys.jpg (1798x1010, 138K)

Jon killing Dany has to be a thing you build into for like many episodes. They've given the hints that Danerys is a little mad and unreasonable but you need to show Jon seeing this and having a reaction to it over time. You can't just have the two main characters come into conflict in a single episode.

>no Myranda

Also is there a husbando poll perchance?

>great actor
>great character
I miss him so much

why are you doing a captcha without anti-botting? are you new? it's well known danyfags vote again and again and again

make one with authentication and see her popularity drop

What kind of names do White Walkers even have?

Attached: White_Walker-Game_of_Thrones-S02-E10.jpg (335x299, 20K)

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hodor ep innit?

the door s06e05

Someone already did, the video is called "What Bran was doing during the Battle of Winterfell"

What do White Walkers eat, anyway?

based rapeposter

Such a tragic story...

Why did he listen to his dumb mother instead of based north lords

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i have so many GOT threads open and I mixed them up pls no bully

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A man with no motive is a man that no one suspects.

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mr freeze


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Keep reading that as

What kind of memes do White Walkers even have?

Why the fuck did they place their siege weapons on the front line?

>ramin djawadi makes another ultrakino music track that's perfect for playing as multiple main characters die
>dabid waste it on slow motion scenes of night king walking or staring at bran
i am so fucking angry

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he took the pretty, high road

Attached: YBwCBy8.gif (245x216, 952K)

Badpoosi >>>>>>>>> the other one>>>>>>>>>>>> Powergap >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I FIGHT FOR DORNE, WHO DO YOU FIGHT FOR"


He's pretty serious about it

Funny how the same woman is responsible for the deaths of both Stark lords. Quite impressive kill count. She truly was the best gift to the Lannisters.

feelsbad, i want him to molest me

Indeed, Kit is average at most and i don't like his nose.

>tfw he could have been at Winterfell, capital of the independent norf, while plowing hot Frey pussy

Arya killed Bran and 3 eyed raven stole Brans body confirmed.

Attached: 3EYEDRAVENSTOLEBRANSBODY.png (633x289, 60K)

The Hound interview is from right after S3, and the Theon one is from even earlier. They both finished the series - McCann knew about his death and QI before it happened because he read it before he got the script. He did an interview on it but I can’t find it

Please keep your queer fantasies to R9k

what? His mum told him not to trust they Freys.

That one is called Frank

>season 8 is announced to have only six episodes
>"huh, I wonder how they're gonna fit all that story in just six episodes"

>s8e3 airs
>"huh, I wonder how they're gonna stretch the remaining story to three whole episodes"

jus lik u

> a fan account

stop being so new, this happens every time a poll is made without using authentication to make sure people vote once, danyfag can't deal with his waifu not being everyone's waifu so he spams it

>cant find it
neither can i, which is why im not including it

le epic twists and subverted expectations.
in place of actual good writing.

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How much do you believe the things that happened in Episode 3 will happen in the books, especially how Arya is Azor Ahai?

He had lost the war at that point already

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Djawadi has said that he composes after having seen the scene, and finalizes the piece only once the edit has been finalized. He would have made this piece specifically for this scene as Dabid had made it.


>fake furdo

Attached: u want boolshit me, boolshit u.jpg (1080x1313, 137K)

Serial numbers because they're battle droids

What the fuck is wrong with Greyworm's neck?

>ultrakino music
That piano piece? Nigger that shit sucked so fucking hard and sounded like an idiot trying to copy Einaudi.


>somebody actually voted for the goblin

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None at all because D&D chose Arya and said so.

very nice, keep it up

>random WW's armor can stop a fucking spear that had a running charge behind it
>the fucking NK's armor can't stop a dagger with just a small thrust behind it

Done and done

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White Walkers were an analogy for climate change or other similar catastrophic events, how does ending it with killing one dude fit with all this shit?

>battles lost:0
He could always just go back north. It's not like the Lannisters could invade.

>recast night king with world-famous stuntsman and swordsman
>doesn't have a single sword fight

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But it was the most climactic moment of the main plot. How could they just "choose" Arya if that wasn't one of the main points GRRM told them? I'm certain they're just running cover when they say that.

>Sansa somehow looks more attractive than Smirkfu
Must be the lighting

They should've hired a fucking Faceless Man, a fucking dropout killed Night King

Your right but have you been watching the show the last 4 seasons? They cashed out and will definitely say fuck it and do whatever they want.

She's not, the prophecy has not yet been fulfilled, The Drowned God is the true threat

>no Myranda
Shit poll.

Attached: 1556823851559.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

"Nothing cuts like Valyrian steel."
t. Pycelle

Jaime is Azor Ahai. He'll kill Weirwood magic by punching the heart tree at the gods eye with a flaming hand.

In the promo for the aftermath Jaimes got a new hand that has children of the forest symbols on it.

What do you mean "how"? It's not one of Martin's main points. Nigger, the Night King doesn't even exist in ASoIaF. You be trippin'. None of this will happen.

valyrian steel is canonically retard-sharp

>trained brutal silent killer
>trains for years
>is the best assassin in the world

they chose her to subvert expectations

Double daggers and whip snek are cute, but nobody can beat the books.

Attached: Tyene_Sand_book_virgin_vs_show_stacy.jpg (1538x1200, 294K)

To be fair, the guy who voted probably picked her because she's ugly, no one would actually say she's good looking. That's how fetishes work. The extreme, the bizarre, the forbidden, the abnormal.

>entire point of Valyrian Steel and Dragon Glass is that they were forged from dragon fire
>Draenerys showers the Night Cunt in dragon fire and it does literally nothing

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Faceless Men cost something truly precious. Arya does it for free.

First for Jaime is best boy!


>has a hard time believing femanons are real but sees trannies everywhere

I wonder what that says about you?
Not that i mind trannies or gays myself, as we share the same lust for beautiful GoT husbandos.

Attached: bran.png (1000x707, 992K)

Gods Tier:
Melly #1

Great Tier:
The Ass that lost the North
Bad Poosi

Cute Tier:

Decent Tier:
Wine Aunt
Mommy Stark


Shit Tier:
Boy George
Queen Eyebrows
Other snakes


Attached: 4.png (1080x1626, 1.82M)

>this whole time they could've just gone to Braavos and hired a faceless man to deal with the Night King


Attached: damn dude you're strong, there's no way a little girl can kill you.jpg (1798x1010, 98K)

>character whose actor has not read the books kills character not in the books
It's like kinoetry

What is your problem? Shae is nice.

I looked for you on the catalog

Attached: ice ice baby.jpg (600x400, 56K)

That's where Gendry is taking Arya next episode

No matter what they do with the rest of the eps, it's going to be the most rushed bullshit ever

Attached: giphy.gif (320x240, 147K)

weak bait


>roslyn not in gods tier
>ros in decent tier

Attached: giphy.gif (250x220, 1.58M)

>The Ass that lost the North
>Wine Aunt
>Boy George
who even are you talking about

>snakes were in the show
>D&D didn't include the black tranny one
What did they mean by this?

fucking neckbeard LMAO

>yfw double daggers was referring to her tits

Attached: Daario.png (600x776, 658K)

Or maybe so he could retake Winterfell and the living could have a staging ground for a battle to stop the dead?

fuck off

Attached: ma601.jpg (800x1000, 195K)

Anyone else simply not care about the realm or the kingdom or the throne? Not in a meta context of not caring about the show, I mean in-universe, so much time was spent devaluing them to focus on the winter and now they want me to pull a 180 in opinion in the span of an episode?

based and smirkpilled

Well yes. Trust a pro

Hello. Come back to this post after the episode airs next week.

- Euron's fleet takes down Rhaegal.

- Jaime betrays the North. Missandei is captured.

- Dany's army captures Jaime. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses.

- Sansa tells Tyrion about Jon's lineage. Tyrion tells Varys.

- Varys betrays Dany because he thinks Jon would be a better ruler.

- Cersei has Missandei executed.

- Dany has Varys executed. Dany assaults King's Landing and it's one-sided as hell.

- Tyrion begs her to show mercy but she refuses.

- Tyrion frees Jaime to try to get Cersei out of the city.

- King's Landing gets wrecked in the battle. Drogon burns Euron's fleet.

- The Hound fights his brother. They both die.

- Jaime fights Euron and kills him, but Jaime is mortally wounded.

- Jaime makes it to Cersei and they die together.

- Dany is executing everyone in King's Landing. Jon and Tyrion are upset.

- Dany has Tyrion arrested to be executed for freeing Jaime.

- Tyrion tries to convince Jon that his family will never be safe because his lineage makes him a threat to Dany's rule.

- Jon tries to talk to Dany but she justifies her actions.

- Jon pledges himself to Dany but then stabs her, then surrenders himself.
A council gets formed to decide who the King should be. Tyrion gives a speech and everyone votes on Bran to become King. The end.
In the epilogue, Jon takes the black again for killing Dany. Arya leaves. Sansa rules the North. Bran oversees his council of Tyrion, Davos, Sam, and Bronn

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>Boy George

Also whipsnek is best snek.

Dragons were tired and not eating. Flames were not enough to cook medium-well steaks.

>Melly #1

this guy know whats up

dont care, nk ded

Attached: 1463222517226.jpg (347x217, 76K)

Attached: boy george.jpg (1936x1936, 647K)

>next episode
>arya and gendry romance
>jon and dany romance
>jamie and brienne romance
>grey worm and missandei romance
>possible gilly and sam romance
>euron and cersei "romance"

Attached: 4683.jpg (709x765, 72K)

spooky and checked

>ywn get to fuck her while choking her until she passes out

Shae was a terrible actress but she's very pretty to be honest.


>swords are forged from iron
>throw iron ore at a guy and he doesn't die

Attached: wojak crying.png (522x747, 212K)

>Mommy Stark
Shit tier, not even milfy. Her and Salsa should be swapped

Da funneh hoar?

I forgot about Roslyn, good shout
Literal whores can't go above decent

based and chambersbilled

I would have thought Dany was Queen Eyebrows

I thought Davos was very enthusiastic and he read the books

ein golem sein

>Ass that lost the North
>Wine Aunt
Either Doreah or Missandei

Euron is going to pull a fucking Griffith on Cersei and make her have a miscarriage, screenshot this

oh yeah cersei

And it's beautiful

best armpit pussies in the show

still cute desu

You forgot:
>soldiers clamoring

What if born amidst salt and smoke of the Azor Ahai prophecy refers to the fan reaction of Arya killing the Night King?

Attached: 1556685709130.jpg (997x986, 413K)

Why didn't the NK headbutt arya and run away? it worked for her before when she got a grievous wound

Attached: sweet.webm (1000x600, 2.89M)

Fake as fuck by what we already know

She is. Wine aunt is Cersei.

stop typing in memespeak, half of those arent recongizable

Attached: kim.png (757x679, 743K)



>gilly and sam romance
"oh yes sam you were so heroic sitting on your fast ass and crying the whole battle, i would totally marry you, both my character and the real me"

me on the left

>1 out of 70 took ros

bunch of slack jawed faggots around here

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> Watched smirkfu read a bedtime story with my one-year-old recently

Feels good man

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that sounds so fucking trash. especially the ending

>I read the books before the show started, and the way you play Davos brought that character to life in a way that just reading him on the page didn’t. It’s one thing to read these people, but when you see a living human being, with body language …

>I know what you mean! Putting flesh on the bones! It’s interesting you say that, because that’s one of the reasons I didn’t read the books. I didn’t want to be playing a character from a book. For David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss], their bible — or, for lack of a better word, their blueprint — was obviously the books; as an actor, my blueprint was the script. I didn’t want those two things confused. In fact, George frequently slaps me on the back of the hand, because every time I meet him, he says, “Have you read the books yet?” and I say, “No, I haven’t George! Look, I don’t want to be influenced by what you’ve written in the books.” He intimated that his writing has taken a little bit from the actors that he sees playing his characters onscreen, so there’s a cross-pollination there, hopefully for the better, for his writing. But I promise him that as soon as the show is over, I’m going to sit down with these massive tomes and get my ass reading his version of Westeros. I’m waiting for that luxury to happen, when I’m out of work and nobody likes me anymore.

c. 2017
a lot of fans like to say their favourite actor is a bookfag

>we're meant to believe arya is an expert assassin
>when this scene literally comes right at the end of all her training
Fuck off Dabid

> no Mormont loli

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>more choices
>no karsi
You blew your one chance. Fuck you.

You just know that the thought process when D&D wrote this scene was "won't it be shocking if arya gets stabbed a bunch".

You have shit taste. She looks cheap and like she would smell and have clammy skin.

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>shape-shifting assassins want my ass
>walk around in the streets not a care in the world
>oh hey old lady - need a hand?

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nah, its just that you're shit at making lists

He would have lost his head if Jaime's sword didn't get stuck.

But Jon didn't retake Winterfell, Sansa and the Vale did

#1 waifu

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I see. Well, what he says seems logical enough

She's not cutting him though, she's fucking STABBING him. I refuse to believe the NK wouldn't have some sort of fucking ice-magic bullshit under his armor.

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Her trip to Essos
the dragon fire destroying Winterfell

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Link plz.

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reminder that she survived this while khal drog died from a scratch that got infected

Sears of the Night, first of his name, King of the Walkers, the Wights, and the Inbred Craster Rapemongrels

>arrow in the knee



>there will never be another king as fashionable as him

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Tbh the NK should not be vulnerable to Valyrian Steel/Dragonglass at all. If he is, then the fact that the First Men and the Children weren't able to beat him and instead needed to push him north and erect a 700ft wall to keep him there is laughable.

Stabbing armor with an appropriate weapon is better than slicing armor with an appropriate weapon. This shit goes through plate.

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It was great

I sincerely hope you're referring to the real smirkfu

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If I pull that hat off will he die?

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Christ I'm glad I forgot seasons 4-6

He gave a fuck about the Riverlands(never give a fuck about the Riverlands), he gave a fuck about non-political marriage(never give a literal fuck in that context either), which ultimately led him to ignore all internal politics, making him powerless and isolated, which led him to ignore all external politics, making him delusioned.

The two things that a Stark of Winterfell should never do, is to attempt at holding land south of the Neck or marry a woman in front of the gods, because you love her.

You marry a noblewoman to produce sons as heirs and daughters as wives-to-be of your allies and in order to forge, secure, maintain and expand alliances.
You go south to militarily support said alliances that protect the North from invasions and to rape, plunder and kill.

For Robb it was another episode of "Daddy sad Jon Arryn taught him how to be based!", he forgot himself.

>jamie and brienne
>not tormund

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certified pleb. sorry but you know shit. it was just monochromatic keys without progression or anything interesting going on. faux-drama like the whole show.


Who is the chick on the right


You need to scrub the floors at the House of Black and White for several seasons to be able to do that

>pour molten iron over a guy
>he dies

Link? I'm sure I can find a one year old around here somewhere

This is one of them, I think there are others



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This. Honestly it felt like Sapochnik or D&D had said to Djawadi "hey just do what you did for the sept exploding scene again." But frankly, at least the music for that was good.

It would be extremely painful.

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Yeah, thanks

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haha yeah imagine doing his sexual education and getting to tame his urge for violence haha

oh no /got/

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Very true.

How ?

Nothing goes through place you dumbass cunt, stop with the hollywood memes.

post the picture of tormund as bob ross drawing sexy pictures of him and brienne

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There is literally no evidence that dragon fire would have an effect and there is zero information on how Valyrian steel is created

You're making shit up in your head

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Where is AltShiftX? Did this episode kill him?

damn, bitch hit the wall FAST

>literally jumps to pool full of shit , piss and all kinds of diseases with multiple stab wounds and survives

>not knowing ourgirl Carice


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This one here is called lil' momo


he's in denial, wait to see what kind of mental gymnastics he pulls off

Don't forget that almost instantly after this, she has a chase sequence where she rolls down a whole street and her wounds all open back up and start bleeding again, and she STILL lives. Plot armor is not fucking new in this shit god damned show.

v cute

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Why didn’t you save him, you retard? House Lannister is doomed

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>actors who have emphatically never read the books are the best part of the show

Does this prove that the books are FUCKING SHIT

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Anybody have the Stannis and Shireen version?

CHAD onion knigght

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> Jaime fights Euron and kills him, but Jaime is mortally wounded.
>Kingslayer kills the King of the Iron Islands
>one last king

how many kids must be jerking it to natalie dormer


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>From a strictly tricksy angle, Arya Stark hits all the marks. We learned from Maester Aemon in A Feast for Crows that High Valyrian is gender-neutral when it comes to the word “Prince.” The prophecy itself is over 8,000 years old, but the oldest records from Asshai are only 5,000 years old. The prophecy was then translated into High Valyrian, a culture that did not have a monarchy and therefore no gendered words for royalty. In that light, Arya Stark is a Princess of Winterfell as the Starks have declared their independence from the Seven Kingdoms.

>But what about the rest of the prophecy? One could easily argue Arya Stark was born amidst salt and smoke as her journey began with the Lannisters setting metaphorical fire to her life before she sailed across the salty Narrow Sea to become an assassin.

I hate these motherfucking normalfags.

>barristan isn’t the best part of the show
kill you are self

These actors are professionals that realize that you gotta follow the director's vision no matter what. It doesn't matter what the source says.

She's 37 and still hot as fuck.

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that crown almost falling from his head looks so fucking retarded

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>Jon takes the black
This is retarded. What is the Nights watch watching?

Isn't Tyrion supposed to betray the North out of jealousy of Jon fucking Dany?

thank you, tormund bless

you forgot sansa and tyrion



Dragonglass is obsidian, Valyrian steel is standardized steel forged with spells.

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Gotta keep exiles/criminals busy with something. Who knows, maybe there's some more grumpkins up there. Or at the very least some free folk who need to be kept down.

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Was John Cusack cucking himself in Being John Malkovich?

>Gods Tier:
>Melly #1
this. no need to read the rest

Her parents read them to her so in practice she has read them. Though I wonder if they regretted that decision when they got to the Danny diarrhea chapters

they only read her AGOT.

>The sssssssnakes rule Dorne now!

They’re all dead.

Bobby B should have held out until season 5. He'd wipe the boar wound away with a tissue by then.

>skilled assasin
>doesn't go for a kill, stabbing at heart, liver, neck or head

wew what a load of hot garbage

They did a great job with the costumes in the earlier seasons.

>B-but at least the boo-

Kid Harrington said that, fucking plagiarising phoney.

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I said grumpkins, not white walkers.

Stannis in the show was plain and dull all way long (and this is mostly the actor's fault). Any bits of sympathy he had, is a homage to the book Stannis.

What's their tax policy?

Who is fake sansa?

The actress from the play in Braavos in S6.

What about actors who have played the GoT Crusader Kings mod?



Sofie looks alright in some angles and disgusting in others like this one