And understanding what kind of store Chuck's was will give us a better understanding...of Space Time

>And understanding what kind of store Chuck's was will give us a better understanding...of Space Time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hate this channel. They're such posers peddling popsci garbage.


This. Anything that talks about the origins of the universe but refuses to mention the possibility of a creator is cringe and bluepilled.

Not gonna lie, I recently became a respected quantum physicist just by watching that channel alone. Only a matter of time before I solve it all.

Absolutely based.

God isn't real though.

Chuck's store was a Buy More. Amirite?

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>God isn't real though.

Attached: 1536499973575.png (416x435, 99K)

>Hi, I'm John Green and this is Crash Course Nazism and today we're gonna talk about Rassenschande.

Attached: crashcoursenazism.jpg (800x402, 70K)

>every opinion I don't like is NPC

I'm sad Infinite Series stopped, she was a qt

Numberphile has great math waifus though.

Science is fucking AWESOME. Haha, scientists are fucking cool bro. I wish I could perform the same calculations over and over again all day, that sounds fun.

Attached: 1555461476372.gif (235x150, 1.76M)

Seething American MOGGED by based Australian astrophysics Chad.

>They're such posers peddling popsci garbage.

The fuck are you talking about? The host hates all the "it might be aliens" shit that gets pushed by mainstream media

Get me some medium fries and BBQ sauce with that user, Thanks! :)

Spacetime is the single respectable astrophysics channel on YouTube. The earlier host did a phenomenal job explaining black holes and clearing up misconceptions about them.
t. Physics graduate student

I recently binged the entire watch list of that channel. Physics is some funky shit. Mind blown when he mentioned a small primordial black hole with the mass of an asteroid could theoretically pass through the earth or even your head without disrupting a single atom.

The earlier host was a fucking faggot making clickbait and using ponyshit in the vids

>t. Physics graduate student
Yes, I'm sure you're an expert in the field and qualified to judge the work of others.

He definitely did ponyshit which was stupid but his explanation of event horizons and geodesics is unparalleled on YouTube

most people are religious, so it's much more npc to be religious than not religious

Wow, you really proved god's existence. Oh wait, you didn't.

You mean I’m qualified to say “hey he got that junior/senior level material completely right without dumbing it down”?
Because yeah I think so

I don't think they're popsci at all. If anything I'd say they're slightly above entry level shit, which is kind of admirable when you're not using any maths.

What are the best STEM channels?

Physics - Space Time
Math - Mathologer (Numberphile is meme tier)
Chem - ?
Bio - ?

>have to be an expert in the field to understand undergraduate astrophysics
Based retard

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Agree. It quite good. Although I would like to hear any examples of channels that better.

>Math - Mathologer
Mathloger is babby tier compared to 3blue1brown

I like Eons when the Green fag-tag team isn’t on it

I'm still waiting my waifu to come back.

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This, he never says bazinga.

It's actually surprisingly accurate. Of course it's not perfect but it covers topics that wouldn't be accessible to kids otherwise.

Why do people always look worse when they lose weight? Penn looked like he had been justed when he did it, Robbie Coltrane looked like a totally different person, and now Ricky Gervais?

It's not about physics or math, so not worth to spend any time watching.

>Jews are like cereal
>I like mine toasted

Marco Reps, no idea where to put it.

Paleontology is a respectable field

Most americans are non practicing religious. They believe in god and that’s about as far as it goes

>imagine not being able to appreciate the beauty of science and art simultaneously
Life must be hell for you

Applied Science - Applied Science

That guy has some really interesting stuff over the years. Like making an animation of an record player needle following the grooves using an electron microscope and his oscilloscope to record the output.

His video demonstrating how electron microscopes work it pretty interesting too.

Math - 3Blue1Brown, Mathoma, and tone shit of other golden tier channels.
Chem - obvious NileRed
Bio - The Thought Emporium (the only channel I seen that had showen genetic experiments on humans)

>NPCs are the majority
>Not the ones who are programmed to do as they're told
>Hence NPC

It used to be a common theme here to lurk for several months before you started to post. The reason was it meant NPCs like you didn't interject your programming into threads.

Honey I Blew Up The Dinklage!

Snape's Rape and Take
Formerly Bub's Rub and Tug


Take a look at a list of their videos, it's only ever topics that are in vogue or sound cool, with clickbait images and titles. Infinite series does the same shit. Dark matter, string theory, the holographic principle, boltzmann brains, and FTL... It's just a ten minute jerkoff session that Rick-and-Morty-watching science-worshiping redditors use to gain clout with their friends.

This is what a real physics channel looks like. Albeit poor animation quality, they explain concepts and mathematical formalisms that are useful (and actually used).

Which God in particular? Millions upon millions of different NPCs have different views on that.

You need to be sufficiency redpilled to post on 4channel

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This channel give me elsagate vibes. The thing is, there is no single person on the planet who "actually" "understand" physics. So all of it different ways to describe similar, yet different models of the world.

It was formerly a Fuck and Suck store

Yes, but at that point you might as well just watch some full university lecture.

Physics by Eugene is great. There's also a bunch of old air force training films on electricity and engineering that are really in-depth,.

The channel that actually goes in depth with it's topics gives you elsagate vibes? Not the "how do you do fellow redditors" popsci channel?

>not the ones who are programmed to do as they're told
>indoctrinated from childhood into blindly accepting the unsubstantiated written word of poorly educated people from the Iron Age

What do you think the other channels linked in this thread are? 3blue1brown, nilered, nurdrage, mathologer, and numberphile are all either distilled lecture channels or experimentalists sharing some of their work. I guarantee you minute-for-minute, your time is much better served watching these guys than pbs.

>The Thought Emporium
Something about his presentation just puts me off. It's simultaneously dense and uninformative. He'll spend too much time giving a wikipedia overview of the general topic, but then he'll just do a quick rundown of the actual experiment and throw around technical jargon without really giving enough details. I tried looking up some of the written papers on his website, but even that is just a bunch of unhelpful summaries. And the fact that he calls coffee "science water" like a woman on pintrest trying to be "cute and quirky xd" makes me think he's a huge faggot.

Atheists are the most docile of all NPCs. They are quite literally socially engineered that way.

Engineerman yay or nay?

>doesnt understand that his ideologies are only ancient ways of understanding the universe while not grasping the idea the hawking radiation exists.
Pick one.

Materialism has led modern physics into a dead end because atheist kikes like Krauss keep tying themselves in knots trying to come up with increasingly tenuous theories to avoid the fact that the universe had a beginning and the theistic implications thereof. There's more proof for God than there is for the multiverse. But these flimsy theories are pushed anyway because a people who believe in nothing can be convinced to do anything, no matter how self-destructive or counter-intuitive it is.

Lectures cannot be condensed. You either learn them in full, or you don't. These channels are only meant to introduce or supplement them, not replace them. At least that's how I approach it. There is a certain line of depth past which it just becomes a chore to watch as a supplementary video is all I'm saying.


The Chem Study films from the 60's and 80's.

>There's more proof for God than there is for the multiverse.
There is no proof for either.

Science and religion are completely separate animals, and can coexist. The former is a methodology for understanding our physical world, and the latter is a set of philosophies meant for understanding ourselves spiritually; they conflict at times but are not mutually incompatible. Science is substantiated by material evidence, while religion is based on faith.

Also maybe if you were actually versed in what you were talking about you'd know that hawking radiation has never been observed. We only think it exists because then black holes would not violate the second law of thermodynamics by destroying entropy.

There's plenty of tangible proof for God in general, and the Christian God specifically. The Miracle of Lanciano (among other Eucharistic miracles), the Shroud of Turin, all of which have been verified in laboratory tests.

>Science is substantiated by material evidence

It hasn't been for a long time. That's why the replication crisis exists.

Bad apple and evil communicating snake? Sure.
All living animals Ark with 40-150 day worldwide floods? Sure.
Staffs that become serpents and can part a 2,200m deep sea? Sure.
Considering a belief system around observable and demonstrable facts/evidence? Good Lord, what are you some kind of docile idiot.

Miracles are questions of history, not strict empiricism. And considering more atheists believe in that gender is a social construct, i'd hardly call them rational.

>They're such posers peddling popsci garbage.
Name one incorrect thing they ever said

"PopSci" means dumbed-down, not incorrect.