Rate the last movie you saw out of 10

Rate the last movie you saw out of 10

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The last movie I saw was the Coen brothers The Ladykillers. It was better than I remembered, and although it is a lesser coen film, I would still give it a 7.5 out of 10. Fun characters, great performance by Tom Hanks, and just comfy.

I don't watch movies

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I saw shawshank on a whim yesterday. 10/10 film, no doubt about it.

i like the scene where the negro says he likes the scene where the white woman does the thing with her hair


Kate Winslett back when she was hot cucks bankrobbers Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton.

7.5/10 comfy heist movie

10/10 Adam Busdriver kino


flipped over to the start of happy feet yesterday
Generous 7 out of 10
Very cute characters, story was a little loose, good use of live action for the human scenes, mostly good choices for the music
felt sad seeing britney murphy in the cast list

I don't think I've seen a movie for the first time since January when I watched Shape of Water, which I'd rate a 3/10.
I've watched plenty of shit I've seen before since then though.

John Carpenter's Vampires. 7/10

7.5. This film is fun to rewatch for 2 reasons:

1. Seeing Martin Freeman in the role of a British wannabe gangster after seeing him in so many "serious" roles is really funny.

2. Brexit and Trump make the political themes in this film extra relevant

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Saw The Verdict (1982) and it's one of the best courtroom dramas I've seen. Not quite up there with 12 Angry Men or Judgment at Nuremberg but very good. 8/10.

Possibly Lumets best, and that's saying something. You should check out Anatomy of a Murder if you haven't already

Endgame 4/10



in the electric mist, 8/10 pretty comfy southern feels.

Avengers Endgame 9.5/10
Would be perfect if it made a few minor changes.

Why not just have her not be wearing high heels?

I have seen it, it was also very good

Gotta rewatch this shit too. It was the first mvie I saw full in english in my life because I fucked with Light Alloy player settings.

Saw Chopping Mall yesterday, was feeling cheesy, which isn't easy. I'd give it a 7/10, cheese ad nauseum