What the fuck was Lucas thinking?
What the fuck was Lucas thinking?
Is chroma key really THAT hard to master?
This is being ahead of your time, honestly. A little too far ahead maybe, but stuff like this is the foundation of modern cinema whether you like it or realise it, and Lucas really was at the forefront of innovation way back in the early 2000s. He results of his experiments sometimes not ageing well is a sacrifice he made in the name of progress
this is a shot from the trailer therefore it's unfinished
I love background jedi in the PT, they look so... plain. There we have Costanza jedi talking to your second grade teacher about robes.
Imagination and spectacle > technicality
I fucking love Lucas for being so bold
>maybe if i put the mines of moria in star wars i can attract the lotr audience which is completely different from the star wars audience
I swear Lucas played or at least saw some of those FMV games from the 90s and went "I want that in my SW movies, this is the future of cinema"
How to make kino scenes. And he succeeded. The prequel trilogy is unironically an immersive joy for me to watch. It's not perfect by any means, but it's infinitely better than that shit-stain known as the 'sequel trilogy'.
Lucas is an absolute madman
mcquarrie's is better
Please post all of your Based George Lucas Star Wars eye-candy.
Is this from a current MCU/Star Wars film?
>Lucas is responsible for the slew of CGI clusterfuck blockbuster movies
Damn I hate him even more now.
I do prefer that look but that could exist somewhere else in Aldaraan. We only see that small locale in Ep3.
Last one (my current wallpaper).
If you can't appreciate what Lucas was going for from the images I've posted then you're a fool. A FOOL! Or just willfully indignant.
>then you're a fool
Realer than real life.
>all these talented artists going apeshit with creative imagery couldn't save these movies from sucking cock
woah, it's almost like you also need a good director to make all this into an entertaining film. Too bad we didn't get one.
Based based cringe
lucas is a good director. he's not a good writer
Lucas was influenced by many sources, he has been open about that and it is noticeable in the prequels.
But yeah that's cool comparison user. What Ford film is that? I've been meaning to start watching his work
The Searchers
It was 2002 dude, let it go.
those inserted three dudes in the lower left frame lmao
Who the fuck makes a city in the sky of a planet of nothing? All it takes is a bombardment for this shit city to fall out the sky.
Also how does this shit work?
I made an agreement with my gf, if i watch Crazy Rich Asians she has to watch SW with me.
I sat through that contrived bullshit film, but when it came to my turn shes "too tired". Women are a meme
Wow. Even as the worst SW character to ever exist, Jar Jar's design is infinitely better than all the two eyed snout nosed pugs...
both of you should just slit your wrists
yeah, that's just awful
>Even as the worst SW character to ever exist
Rey is easily the worst SW character to ever exist, she's basically just wish-fulfilment for Kathleen Kennedy. Jar Jar is a kino character and very likeable.
What was the point of such a gigantic building if it was so empty?
Because most of the Jedi are off doing missions in other parts of the galaxy?
>what is opulence
>slit your wrists
I already sat through Crazy Rich Asians
explain what's wrong with this
Same audience. They’re all soibois.
See gas giant installations and Venus colonization theories