Why are american films so desensitizing and dumbed down?

why are american films so desensitizing and dumbed down?

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He looks like he fucks black men

Americans are dumb
>Why the name change from "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in the UK to "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the United States ?
>"Sorceror" sounds exciting, "philosopher" sounds boring, and nobody in America knows what a philosopher is.
>Famous title changes to take account of the incredible ignorance of the average American include "Licence Revoked" which became "Licence to Kill" when over 70% of those polled didn't what "Revoked" means, and "The Madness of King George III", which had to drop the "III" because it was realized that Americans would be uninterested in the film since they'd obviously missed the first two films of the trilogy.

she certainly fucks black men

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Because they're written for the chink market, retard.

Watch older movies brainlet

is this true?

because, if they are blockbusters, you have to translate them into +/-60 languages.
every country has own drama films or serious stuff, so from hollywood they expect big and noisy blockbusters their owns companies can't afford to produce

>"The Madness of King George III", which had to drop the "III" because it was realized that Americans would be uninterested in the film since they'd obviously missed the first two films of the trilogy.


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Holy shit Americans really are stupid. No wonder their so racist.

none of this stuff was "realized," marketing execs just decided on their own

And the reason Harry Potter was renamed wasn't because Americans don't know what a philosopher is, but because Americans don't know what a Philosopher's Stone is (a legendary alchemy ingredient)
Obviously you don't know what a philosopher's stone is, either

>The British detective show 'Life On Mars' is named for the David Bowie song, specifically the line 'Take a look at the law man beating up the wrong guy'. The song is played several times throughout the show at important moments
>In the American reboot they made all the characters ACTUALLY GO TO MARS

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These are just greedy studio bigwigs who assume everyone is dumb. They have no respect for their audience and never have. Not indicative of anything else

t. american
>In the 1980s, A&W attempted to capitalize on the success of the Quarter Pounder—and drum up a little competition for Ronald and friends—by introducing a third-pound burger. The bigger burger gave consumers more bang for their collective buck. It was priced the same as the Quarter Pounder but delivered more meat. It even outperformed McDonald’s in blind taste tests, with consumers preferring the flavor of A&W’s burger.

>But when it came down to actually purchasing the third-pound burgers, most Americans simply would not do it. Baffled, A&W ordered more tests and focus groups. After chatting with people who snubbed the A&W burger for the smaller Quarter Pounder, the reason became clear: Americans suck at fractions. Alfred Taubman, who owned A&W at the time, wrote about the confusion in his book Threshold Resistance:

>>More than half of the participants in the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. "Why," they asked, "should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us." Honestly. People thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound. After all, three is less than four!


>These are just greedy studio bigwigs who assume everyone is dumb
They're not wrong. All amerifarts are fucking retarded

Then why does every other country suck down our media like a two-dollar whore? You bitch and moan and act superior but you still eat what ever we shit out

To cater to the needs of the American audience obviously

All Amerisharts are fucking retarded.

Alfred Taubman made this entire anecdote up for his book and then you copied and pasted it from MentalFloss

Amerifats are so fucking stupid jajajaja


>and "The Madness of King George III", which had to drop the "III" because it was realized that Americans would be uninterested in the film since they'd obviously missed the first two films of the trilogy

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