James Camerons Dark Angel

You now remember that this show existed


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I've always remembered this show, season 1 is great and season 2 is watered down crap.

I have had this on my HDD for years, somehow I never get around to watching more than the first two or three episodes.

My father still rewatches that shit and NCIS. I always remember

This show was just an excuse to ogle prime Alba and I’m okay with that

THis show had a cool premise,shame it aways looked kinda on the cheap side

I'll take fun but cheap shows over the big-budget serialized shit any day

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didn't season 1 look dystopian and then season 2 just looked kinda futuristic?

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Such a fun show. I wish it lasted longer.

Alba has top tier feet

>Alba has top tier feet
are you sure

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umm..yes? Whats not top tier about her soles?

Attached: Jessica-Alba-Feet-2434431[1].jpg (863x1024, 248K)

They toned it down because muh 9/11, and introduced some male hunk character to draw in female audiences. It was fucking gay

Would be perfect were it not for her inferior brown skin, pale feet are best feet

I realise this isn't a top ten concern but 9/11 really ruined television. You can't make a camp film or show where buildings blow up but also everything has to be carefully designed not to invoke certain imagery or themes and god help you if you're writing a show where a group that might be misconstrued as terrorist-like are the protagonists.

Only nigger feet is off the table for me.

Well Battlestar Galactica Season 3 had the protagonists basically be Islamic terrorists with a "maybe they have a point guyz!" message about America having too much of a presence in the middle east. It was interesting but also a little cringe at the same time

There's exceptions but you know what I mean.

No I know what you mean. More importantly than avoiding 9/11 analogues though was the general shift in tone. The highly publicized Columbine shooting was also a factor. Everything from movies to TV shows became gritter and more realistic and silly over-the-top shows became a relic. Modern audiences would mostly cringe watching great camp shows like Hercules and Xena and would rather have their Game of Thrones and their Walking Dead crap. You can no longer make something silly without constantly winking to the audience to let them know it's all a joke or covering it with 500 layers of irony.

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And then there's what happened to Buffy in S6 and S7. I don't mind the pseudo-realistic stuff and I enjoyed S1 Walking Dead and S1-4 GoT but you're right, there is no grit free options anymore. Sometimes I just want to watch a show that doesn't make me feel like shit, y'know?

What's the modern equivalent of Dark Angel; Orphan Black? Don't get me wrong, that was a great show that deserved the praise it got but there's niche that's just not being filled.

>Dark Angel isn't on Netflix or Amazon Prime
Damn... it really is forgotten, isn't it?

>Customers who viewed this item also viewed:
Tru Calling, Roswell, Dollhouse, Buffy, Angel,
La Nikita Femme, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Covert Affairs, Alias

Wasted years

Yeah, I miss goofball TV shows like Relic Hunter!!!FACT!!!

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prime latina* alba, before she fucked up her face with surgeries

I think I'm going to rewatch this show now, see if it's as comfy as I remember.

>some male hunk character
Jensen Ackles?

Nah, Dog Man. Yes Jensen Ackles.

Whatever happened to jumpsuits? Alba looking tight.

It is indeed pretty comfy. It's also set in the far a terrible future of 2019 which I had forgotten but is pretty funny.

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There are grit-free options, the problem is that all the "fun action shows" of current year are filled with propaganda and just terribly made in general. And they aren't silly on purpose, they're silly because of poor writing and acting,.

My second-favorite show of all time

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my penis remembers this show

Cringe. Jessica is not only a 911/10, but a good wholesome woman who told the kikes to put their limp baby dicks away and started her own business.

Yup, I remember. Take a girl who can be hot and make her look like shit.

It's not fair, it's not right.

Impressive how you managed to spell all those words correctly after what I assume was quite a bad head injury.

No matter the circumstances, you wouldn't pull out of young prime alba.

what show


>Cringe. Jessica is not only a 911/10, but a good wholesome woman who told the kikes to put their limp baby dicks
away and started her own business.
She worked with Harvey Westein himself

Man, that looks wacky as fuck. I bet it was awesome

>YWN encounter Max when she's in heat and help her "scratch the itch"

product of its time.

I had no idea Jessica alba did a tv show with james Cameron. thanks.

It was, have it on DVD and rewatch it every year. Imagine Xena, Charlie's Angels, Terminator and The Matrix all thrown in a blender.

lucy lawless > tia Carrere

Everyone worked with Weinstein at some time or another, doesn't necessarily mean anything. James Cameron's description of the casting process on the other hand is 100% casting couch.
You should watch it. It's a gem
I've just started a rewatch of Dark Angel but maybe I'll stick C2525 on after that.

You now remember that this game existed.
You now remember that you can never go back.

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i fapped hard to this shit on late night tv as a child
prime alba right here
never found a decent quality rip of the 2 seasons, its all 480p shit

Man, the streams are shit too. All out of order and everything

Me in the back

Or, buy the DVDs...

Kinky ass Devo mother fucker. Who do you have wood for. There is only one right answer.

I haven't had a DVD player in years.

>terrible future of 2019
Arguably the show future is better than our reality

Loved this show. I don't remember people actually watching it though.

There's a great line in the pilot where Max all "I don't see why it's called a depression, everyone's broke but no one's depressed". Weird how the exact opposite came true.

Jesus, this show has way more implied rape than I remember.

How did shows about strong women end up turning to shit?

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Sorta OK. She ruins things though. Fuckable but never good.

Max a cute. A CUTE

I had the hugest boner for Jessica Alba back then

Your father has great taste in waifus

>no reverse image results
What am I looking at?

It appears to be a bad photoshop of Jessica Alba in a bubble bath. I think the post was about the existence of the Dark Angel game

Obvious answer is (they) stopped caring
Hollywood has been btfo this decade by TV kino and is unironically dead it's no longer the centre of anything anymore.
Streaming finished them
Mcu and Disney don't count as they are basically nu hollywood

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Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I knew I recognised the principle off Riverdale from somewhere. He's the physiotherapist.

I remember being a horny kid and watching this. I still cringe at her delivering the 'damn you think you're a playa playa from himalayas' line

I love it when whitebread writers try their hand at urban-speak. See: the character Gunn from Angel

That's more or less every time she and Original Cindy talk. It doesn't sound nearly as weird coming out of the black girl's mouth because that's the only way she talks throughout the entire show but Max goes from normal Jessica Alba to bad ghetto so fast I get a TBI from the whiplash.

It's totally radical man! You want to go do BMX tricks at the skatepark? You know chicks dig it!

The panties were white in the show scene but they're black in the trailer shot? Who is in charge of continuity? Because they dropped the ball hard. Literally unwatchable.