Why wouldn't they let Obelix drink the magic potion? He is already strong as fuck, just imagine the fucking power he would have if they let him drink the potion.
Why wouldn't they let Obelix drink the magic potion? He is already strong as fuck...
sometimes i question the historical accuracy of this series. would a child really have survived falling into a vat of magic potion in the first place?
there was a horrible comic (made after Uderzos death of course) in which he drinks a whole Cauldron full of magic potion resulting in him turning into stone first and then turning into a kid afterwards.
He was so fucking fat, he needed to lose weight
Because too much potion turns you into stone you dumb Roman.
Because if he did there would be no place in the series for Asterix.
*Goscinny's death
The comic you're talking about was made in 96 and was written and drawn by Uderzo.
this. he could drink it because he has diabetes.
Because it didn't have any further effect on him, he just loved the taste.
true, sorry.
Yeah Uderzo is a good artist but not much of a writer.
Nah, it does, in Asterix & Cleopatre they get stuck in a pyramid, the druid makes Obelix drink a couple drops of potion, and he just barrels through a slab of stone
which he could have done anyways, it was a motivational placebo.
Why would he need a motivational placebo ? He wasn't exactly depressed.
IIRC he then says he doesn't notice much of a difference
Is the sky really going to fall in lads?
Wasn't he saying that in case the druid would let him have a bit more ?
Yes. We need to make more magic potion if we want to have the strength to hold it up when it does.
That's why they all wear helmets
why are the french and belgians so god-tier when it comes to comic books? why them specifically?
Why didn't they make every baby drink it and become chtronk adults with no need for potion?
They could have taken over Rome. They could have conquered the whole world.
It would have trully been The Reign of the Super Gauls.
In america and england, it was something to make money and cheap entertainment for kids until a few decades ago.
For the french and belgians, it was also art from the start. Lower art, for sure, but still considered an art.
because only the good thing manages to cross the ocean
i'm french and i can tell you : there's SO MUCH SHIT in the BD industry you wouldn't believe it
How did Geriatrix get her?
they really arent anymore, it was just this small scene, it had its time when the hippies adopted it as this counter pop-culture since comics were generally seen as low-brow trash and guys like Moebius or Crumb turned the perception of that, nowadays we are back to square one and its probably worse than its ever been.
Stylistically this looks even more stagnant than manga.
off the scale tongue skills
Not even best Asterix waifu
I'm pretty sure this is made fairly explicit; they simply don't want to. They like the peace and quiet of their village and just want to be left alone.
The art just looks derivative of the sort we've seen in Goscinny's other works. I'm guessing this is the "Belgian comedy standard art style".
I don't want to go to Yea Forums
Do they still make viz comics and are they still as politically incorrect as they were in the 90's?
yeah its been the same since the 60s, pretty sad if you ask me.
I’m pretty sure he did actually get to drink the potion once. I think it turned him into a baby or something.
Wasn't all that bad, if i remember correctly he turned into a kid afterwards and we got to see a bit of kid obelix/falbala action.
Three quarters of the good stuff never crosses the ocean though. This standard belgian humor style barely sells at all these days anyway, there are only a couple editors on this dead market, and almost nobody reading BDs on the regular buys them. The saving grace of the franco-belgian market is that most editors rely on a few flagship franchises and authors but also a lot on releasing a bunch of one-shots with middling sales. Which gives a lot of guys their chance at creating something somewhat new. Two thirds of it have shitty 'new school' (read 'lazy webcomic') art and are basically SJW mouthpieces on whatever overdone subject (immigration and basic leftist guilt tripping 'look at these poor third worlders' mostly, with the more occasional shit about fags and trannies). But the last third usually combines ambitious art to interesting stories. A lot of trash getting released indeed, but also a few nice gems each year.
They still make the magazine and usually an annual as well. I haven't read it for a few years but it was just as near the knuckle as when I started reading in the 90s.
Thanks user, time to get some annuals
Like everyone said, most of it is actually trash, but it has indeed a lot of amazing, works that could never have been made in America or Japan. The reason is pretty simple : the market in Europe isn't cornered by magazines and regular publications anymore, and albums are expensive. Which allows artist to survive by releasing at most 52 pages a year (at most!), contrary to a Japanese artist who has to churn out three times that amount every 3-4 months, or an American one who has to release that number every 3-4 months too, both under constant pressure from the editor who are always there to remind them not to step out of the very specific and detailed guidelines.
The fact that the Europeans albums are more expensive has also allowed for a more high quality editing process, which allows colorists a lot more freedom in their work. Watercolors and paint in general are a lot more used to their full extent in Franco-belgian works because the final product won't be edited as cheaply as possible on garbage paper with a limited palette. Whereas in America, it has always been the exception rather than the rule, and it's basically inexistant in Japan.