Well, I've watched the first three episodes. When does it start getting good?

Well, I've watched the first three episodes. When does it start getting good?

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Nobody here watches doctor who

It doesn't

It never gets good and never was good.

>not watching based 9th doctor

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If you don't like Tennant's Doctor, you can stop to watching right now. The rest of this show after him is pure trash.

This. Ninth was the best and everything after is just shit.

Seasons 3 to 7 were the best. Then the SJW propaganda kicked in heavily after that. Not even based Capaldi could save it.

everything after McCoy isn't Doctor Who, it's Eastenders for geeks

It’s a kids show that people watch with their families because it’s a national thing, it was meant to be consumed weekly by kids who look forward every week to watch an episode with their family and be scared. It’s basically like Friday pizza for TV, but with really shitty writing.

There is literally no point in American adults watching Dr.Who.

>When does it start getting good?
With the 9nth Doctor.

3 seasons later when they get someone with actual talent to direct it

Everything that the BBC does is low-brow and soulless, Doctor Who may have taken to shit because of Tumblr (it was always shit though) but even without Tumblr the BBC have no idea if soul or lighting. Not only that, but we have to pay for the most terrible use of CGI.

It would be nice to see a good high production of Swan Lake or something on tv, maybe a documentary on art, but everything has lost its charm for utter shit now. Imagine Fanny and Alexander appearing anywhere on tv today? Too much soul for the lifelessness that is modern aesthetics, too much thinking and colour, too much life in the fact that it uses film over shitty cold digital - no none of that is allowed.

The BBC is in fact so soulless and lifeless, that the method I use to find out if something is a BBC production is straight away is by its soulless look and shitty liking. We lost the charm of art and media, we can never go back. It’s all shitty now.

All cold and dull, nothing but a pale imitation of life and a complete failure of objectivity which in turns turns the colourful way we see the world into something dull due to its influence- we are no longer capable of seeing life beautiful.

Only shitty, grey and charmless- everything else is just fantasy. Fuck this world

Look at the David Tennant Hamlet, it looks terrible.

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Damn auto-correct

The Tenth Doctor has a tonne of really shit episodes. Skip to The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit, then skip again to Army of Ghosts / Doomsday, then skip to 42 and watch the rest of that season. Then skip to Forest of the Dead, and after Midnight watch The Waters of Mars then the two parter The End of Time. Matt Smith's era has much better writing and direction. At least at first.

Wrong. Series 1 is far and away the best, and Rose is the best single episode of nuWho

Voided your entire statement with that.
>School Reunion
>Girl in the Fireplace
>Turn Left

Weird that it felt much less SJW when the openly gay Russell T Davies was running it and introducing characters like Captain Jack and Rose being in an interracial relationship.
Then Moffat comes along and it all just got really preachy, always feels like straight white liberals are far more insane than the people they think they're protecting.

all british writers are inbred and related to each other

The first decent one for this guy is School Reunion, wherever that is, his old girlfriend and his new one fight over him while the guy he is cucking with his new gf works out he's the bitch in the squad


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