Sad scene happens

>sad scene happens
>it's actually sad and makes you cry
kinos like this?

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Elephant Man

I only watch films with happy endings because I'm unironically a massive pussy.

The road

That's okay user, just don't pussy out on the things that matter

Avengers endgame

Pick any MCU film


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>the tea scene
I can't watch it without using tissues. Just to think that such a man existed.

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pretty much any film for me, even if its not especially sad

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At least he experienced some joy, some warmth.

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I hate Mexicans and Coco made me fucking cry, I haven't cried at a film as far back as I remember. I think the last time I cried at the television was when I was like 8 and watched Ash let Butterfree go on Pokemon.

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It's a Wonderful Life
Legends of the Fall
Summer of '42

I tear up a bit at joyful things or especially moving scenes. Somethings wrong with me

the ending of Gladiator

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wait is that catelyn stark?

I swear the older I get the more sad scenes effect me.

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Just think of it. Most anons around here complain about their life and their lack of connection with people. But John had such an hard life. People treated like an animal and saw nothing but a monster in him. If it wasn't for a few people to care for him, he would have got the saddest existence the world has ever witnessed.
I would still press F today. Yeah.



I teared up when the kid tried to make Coco remember her father.

When Billy gives Goon his locker combination in Buffalo ‘66.

The scene with the wife
The scene with bath house mother
The scene at the end

The ending scene

It's a Wonderful Life

>the scene in Gremlins where Gizmo sings along with the main character playing the keyboard
i honestly have no idea why

>hates Mexicans
>watches Coco anyway
What did this retard mean by this?

>I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil
I haven't cried in years but this always brings me to the brink

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This is unironically one of the saddest moments in television. A genuine first reaction after learning of the death of his friend.

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Well said. F


I cried when Disney made a FUCK DONALD TRUMP speech after trying to literally buy the rights to Mexico's national holiday for that same movie.

>that book scene
I sobbed like a little bitch. Good thing I was watching that film alone

very powerful, stunning and brave!

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Okay, I will.

>The cameraman intervenes to say sorry because of how tragic the situation is
>''I know you want me to say something but uh...''
the silence in that scene means everything.

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The Pacific
>that scene near end of series where Sledge is hunting with his dad but he just can't
Forrest Gump got me when I was younger because I have an intellectually disabled uncle

Revenge of the Sith


A.I. Artificial Intelligence

I’m ashamed that this movie has probably made me cry the hardest. A fucking Adam Sandler movie.

It's the empathy. Don't worry, it just means you're a well adjusted individual. :)

the kid is his son but he's never acknowledged him

I will never, ever not cry at this

All I can think of is
>white Ainsley Harriot shoots Jordan Peterson

yeah I don't think those bits are meant to be cut in like that, its a pretty good scene in its own right.

Don't that picture look dusty

Porco Rosso
A pig's gotta fly

Oh fuck, that Butterfree episode is real sad though. My son was inconsolable when he watched it.

What a decent guy. Both of them.

Pretty much any scene where a family member dies gets me.
Even fucking Spy Kids 4 made me cry with the villain's backstory

This /thread

>But John had such an hard life
Such a hard life that even his supposed 'friend' Treves forgot his actual fucking name when writing about him in his memoirs. He was Joseph not John.

This big time

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based thanks for reminding me to finish watching it

Did Lance Storm write this?

t. 15 years old