Pic related. Literally nobody could have done that better
ITT: Actor's best performance
3 good films
2 good games
Beat that.
It's still surprising to me just how well directed and acted Pitch Black is, a sci-fi horror on a dying studio's budget with a majority C list cast just shouldn't be that good.
It was a better time.
Riddick is the ultimate pleb filter franchise; the only people that hate on it have never seen it.
only the original film is any good. the other two are reddit-tier trash at best. necromongers indeed. never played the games because I occasionally have sex.
I thought Chronicles was pretty weak and gay, but Pitch Black is kino.
>gets cuter in literally every scene
Not only Vin Diesel's best performance either. I've never seen any of them act as well as they did in that movie (most because I've never seen any of them in anything else). Kino ending
Would you have done it?
this straight up. Late 90s early 2000s was the peak of civilization and we are now in a decline phase
I guess agent Smith was right about us.
the riddick game (the first one) was very well done but also too short. was glad i only rented it.
Fuck now I gotta go watch this again.
r e d d i t
You wot
Back on topic : essential T.Hanks
Who could have known?
3rd was ok
Keanu's best work.
I love the Riddick movies, although Vin Diesel has done nothing worthwhile outside of the franchise.
It's an interesting idea, but it's neutered by studio intervention and budget issues. I like Chronicles because it expands a pretty interesting universe, but it's not as good as Riddick, let alone Pitch Black. Either way, the franchise as a whole is definitely underrated. It's space Conan. It may not be particularly high brow, but it's absolutely a good franchise.
Chronicles was kino you fucking idiots
Objectively Pitch Black > Riddick > Chronicles
Love all three films.
This is right. But also this
Riddick was too similar to pitch black and a let down regarding what chronicles established.
never watched this flick so thanks for posting this webm, now I know to avoid this infantile cringefest
The only complaint I hear over and over is that it isn't similar enough to Pitch Black. Not a real criticism
>t. dwayne johnson
I guess pic related was the first scene then
I disagree, he was better in both The burbs and Bachelor party. Heck he was even better than that in Green mile.
That movie was trash
Good footsexual scenes
You are trash.
peak Hank were his movies with Meg Ryan, they were 10/10 comfycore
What about John Wick?
What a fucking awful movie.
Most people hate how they tried to force a massive Star Wars style universe that was clearly just an attempt to start a series of sequels
Money Pit is peak Hanks. His dramatic turn was shit.
It's closer to Dungeons and Dragons than anything Star Wars, and they clearly created the setting because they thought it would be fun. I don't detect an ounce of cynicism in it
Its a cool premise done with care