This was a publicity stunt, 100%.
No copies of the trailers were sent out to movie theaters, they just put the bullshit version of the trailer on the internet for free to get people talking.
This was a publicity stunt, 100%
Other urls found in this thread:
It's shit, why would I watch it anyways
Why did they stretch his eyes like that? Are Sonic fans autists?
>they actually changed the arms from being blue to beige
lol. just lol. the absolute STATE of sonic fans that they still can't get over this
>are sonic fans autists?
What's wWRONG WITH BLUE ARMS? I don't get it,Sonic Boom has blue arms and people don't seem to complain?
Because nobody has played sonic boom
>No copies of the trailers were sent out to movie theaters
they screened 2 trailers at cinemacon
he's just like me
His legs are what look the most fucked up and I'm not even sure why.
Originally his legs were short in relation to his body. Giving him really long legs gives him a stretched out unsettling look.
I think it's some kind of uncanny valley type shit too. CG has gotten to the point where he looks too weirdly realistic.
Fixed design?
user, we need to talk...
>they fix the design
>sanic spergs and autist flocks to the movie
>it's still shit
>spergs and autist still throw their shekels harder
It does change his look quit a bit though. It makes him look less like a man in a fur suit.
Can just imagine some suit asking a marketing autist to explain Sonic to him
Free? You reckon the CGI in the trailer was free?
They should just keep the design from the trailer, the more subhuman shitstain fans of this fucking franchise unhappy, the better.
I'd keep the arms blue but the rest looks good.
>We at Paramount want a Hedgehog with attitude. He's edgy, he's "in your face." You've heard the expression, "let's get busy"? Well, this is a Hedgehog who gets "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.
I admire their dedication honestly
This. It was all for publicity. They had the redesign all along.
This whole thing is self aware. They know what they're doing. Sonic is popular because it's a meme and they are going to cash in on that.
anyone have the sony slideshows? that always gets me
>h-hey isn't so bad now look
It's like when someone tells you a movie is really really bad, so you go in it with bottom low expectations and it turns out to be just slightly mediocre so you enjoy it. It's the only way they'd make something positive out of this shit, by tricking you
>self aware
I really, strenuously disagree
Why is the fur on his arm flesh colored?
Tfw this movie wont have him skating down the street with live and learn playing the background
Perturbed Pedro is happy.
>mischievous but not malicious
False. Sonic is a cunt and he lets you know it.
that's how it was originally
Because thats the way god intended faggot
This fan "redesign" is even worse. It's so embarassing when people try to "fix" characters.
It'll only be "fixed" when he has facial animations like in Sonic Adventure 1
>Sony is self aware.
Haha, nope.
This guy is a fucking hack. He'll shill anything for views. Has he ever once mentioned sonic before this?
I understand it was originally like that, but why is it fur and not skin?
It really isn't though
(Formerly Columbia)
>Are Sonic fans autists?
new to the internet?
Because hedgehogs have furry legs, dipshit.
>I don't get it,Sonic Boom has blue arms and people don't seem to complain?
They did complain which is why it's a joke in the show.
Honestly, it probably was but given the current trend from hollywood to tell people to go fuck off It's still a step up.
OP is right, after looking at this pic there no way this isn’t a publicity stunt. Are they knowingly mocking s-o-y face? Are Sega capitalising on the anti sjw crowd? fucking genius if they are
i promise this was all unintentional, they are not that smart.
Would be a great strategy if true, but than we have to assume that some of these studios and marketing companies are actually competent.
That's just what you'd want us to think isn't it, Jeff?
>buy Sega redesign with offer for free sonic game
>mail it in
>get cock blocked by SEGA
>game is only if you bought older Sega gen1 whatever version
>years later class actions law suit
>get notice of coupon for $$ off new SEGA game or mail in postcard to get game
>fuck you I want my Sonic game!!!
>mail it in, get new Sonic game
>never play it.. still have everything in box some where in my junk room
but at least in the end I got muh game.
and I also suspect this is was a promo move. I refuse to think sega would let their classic sega poster child be butchered in a film look wise.
Dude you have no idea. Just turn back now.
Really? You don't think Gangsters paradise and "gotta go fast" aren't them being self aware?
>tfw actually wanted it to go with the design from the trailer
Executives aren't nearly as smart as you're giving them credit for. Haven't you read the Emails?
This. Their emails and powerpoint presentations show just how hollow they are. This is a case of actually taking a look at the autistic feedback and determining that it could and should be fixed in time to hopefully see a higher return. Purely a business decision approved by the bean counters' projections.
Coke a Cola did this EXACT same thing back in the day and they made crazy $$$$ doing it.
Coke make “New Coke” changing the original recipe when zero people asked for it...It tasted bad and everyone hate it. Coke then “listens” to their customers switching it back to the original in 2 months only to see sales hitting record highs.
Smart move
>only to see sales hitting record highs
Source? And was it enough to cover the cost of discontinuing the new brand?
>let's sink hundreds of millions of dollars in production costs, distribution, and advertising just for an elaborate ruse
so what/when was the breakeven point of this marketing scheme?
They also swapped out the sugar in Old Coke with HFCS, so it technically wasn't even the true old Coke recipe
Friendly reminder that the very same autist who practically engaged in jihad to defend the color of Sonic's arms, himself drew Sanic with blue arms as a teenager.
Lol dude I think you underestimate how much $$$ coke has. That’s was drops in a bucket and it would not be expensive to them to change the ingredients and the can.
And this is a good business decision because...?
>New Coke
>crazy $$$$
Stupid millennial, that stunt nearly bankrupted the company because coke drinkers mass boycotted New Coke.
I can totally believe it. Fake controversy to drive exposure. It's the same thing with all these product 'leaks'. Morally bankrupt tbqh famms
yeah but shes a retard
Yes he is.
They're hoping anons make $0Y face memes of the trailer for exposure. It's meme-bait.
>being against calling people what you want to call them
communist detected
Design is fine. You guys are just spoiled brats.
It's just such a simple and easy thing to get right that its baffling they didn't.
People forget how much they love something until you take it away. Give it back and you appreciate it more.
the difference is nobody's going to see Sonic either way
>child says hes a dinosaur or astronaut so that automatically means they literally ARE a dinosaur or astronaut
the absolute state of retarded trannies
Were you born yesterday?
defective pikashit cope
the movie will be based
>are the kids from the 90s who grew up on New Coke and squealy guitar solos autistic?
Gee I don't know
Why the fuck do his spiky bits look like chunks of his body that are covered with fur?
He's a hedgehog. They should be clusters of spines. Why is nobody talking about this?
I was wondering when i saw the trailer, does he have huge flesh dreadlocks under there? yikes
Because they clearly are clusters of spines you retard.
Have sex.
I for one said it would be a good movie from the beginning.
>t. Angry Zoomer
Critics are useless.
I saw an early screening of this movie then went home and had sex. It's good.
Give birth.
Pikacuck cope
>>jewish tricks
you don't fucking say
Serious question, why would anybody be autistic enough to care about big eyes v small eyes in a film adaptation?
>make something look shit to come to the rescue with the solution
could work, its also a massive risk that the brand isnt permantly damaged considering that sonic is already well known i doubt this was intentional it just seems...incompetent.
Autism works in mysterious ways.
user I...
Ackshually most people were fine with New Coke since it was regular coke based on the diet coke recipe, which more people liked anyway over original coke at the time. It only failed because a few dumdums thought they were discontinuing the original coke and caused so much of a stink about it that it reached mainstream attention and eventually lead to Coke pulling the plug on New Coke.
Besides, Coke has done way dumber things than New Coke
A teenager drew that...oh dear.
That orange vanilla cream soda they’re doing right now is one of those things. Awful.
Sonic has never had small eyes. It looks unnerving, and frankly a very stupid marketing move when looking for toy sales in the future. Kids love big eyed characters, Disney has proven this for 75+ years.
>they just put the bullshit version of the trailer on the internet for free to get people talking.
Yeah, instead of uploading a demo a few months ago they spent time and money into a fake trailer for fucking Cinema-Con and Youtube. The absolute trickery! What a smart user!
>This was a publicity stunt
Releasing a trailer online is always a publicity stunt, it's literally part of the publicity.
sonic doesn't look like a real hedgehog.
I can't stop wondering why the fuck they would choose Gangsta's Paradise
I mean
You know the answer, you just refuse to believe it because you think it's too implausible.
But you'll have to embrace it sooner or later, for this is a clown world.
I thought it was some kind of cliche.
New Coke isn't from the 90s you fucking stupid zoomer
He’s a character who solves all of his problems by violently rolling around on the ground. What do you think?
>the arms aren’t blue
This design is so sweet.
What if they give him a visible penis to make it more realistic
Never heard of Chrischan huh?
It doesn't have anything to do with autism, it all about the movie design simply looking bad.
Somebody post the Sonichu edit
Chris also thinks the world is eventually going to merge with his furry utopia of magic and autism
You have to draw lines somewhere user
I'm always surprised that people still give a shit about Sonic.
They had 4 decent games back in the fucking 90s and that's it, yet people still care about it like it's a fucking Star Wars movie or something.
It's not just the niche autistic demographic, like every single fucking normalfag on twitter is talking about it.
If a reviewer references pokemon go instead of detective fucking pikachu for this, stop reading the review
Sonic is gender neutral. He only has an asshole.
Squealy guitar solos are unironically awesome.
is that something from the north korea hack?
Pokemon Go have sex.
Rich and successful people/businesses don't stay that way or make more money by pissing it away in the hopes the rebound is enough to cover the sunk cost of an elaborate scheme to boost sales of the original product. No sane business executive would sign off on a ploy like that and keep their job to reap the perceived benefits after it was all said and done.
Look at the thumbnail image of the original trailer. That is a selectively curated show of Sonic looking extra bad. That is a "mid sneeze" picture.
It's intentionally ugly. And that tells us about the rest of their intentions, which was to make a ton of clicks and internet buzz with a horrible trailer - then release a new trailer and make people go "Oh it looks better now!"
>somebody made this
it hurts
You know what would be even more effective? GETTING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME
NOOOO stop reading negative reviews for my children's movie!!
>take screenshot of character opening mouth
>OMG it's the basedboy face it's a secret reference to us redpilled gents :^)
Pink light saber.
I'm guessing their logic was, "If we release a 7/10 mediocre Sonic movie nobody will care enough to pay attention + our "good" design will get shit on, so release a bad design first, and suddenly people will say our new good design is an improvement and lots of buzz"
>Are Sonic fans autists?
Nigger, I've been a Sonic fan since 1996 and if you don't know by now that us Sonic fans are autistic as fuck, then you need to fuck off from the internet.
I completely agree with you.
I saw the Sonic trailer at the cinemas yesterday before Endgame. You're a fucking retard. Kill yourself.
this how to farm some (you)'s
can't wait for memes to become 100% square, so we can finally move on to some greener pastures.
Prove it, nerd.
You clearly have never seen any of sonic's social media posts.They are smarter than you think
>Would you describe your brand of comedy as reverent or irreverent?
>slightly reverent
Super mario fans are more autistics because mario is not even a good game
Only an autist would say that Sonic has better games than Mario.
obviously not if they finalized this horrible design, I get that negative press is better than no press but it’s still only a big deal to autists, not the majority of moviegoers. if you’re being forced to redesign your entire movie then that doesn’t look good to anyone.
doomp eet
If so, this is truly ingenius campaign and they deserve all that free press coverage
that's one very good PR person
this movie was coked out suits
here's your redesigned sonic bro
Reminds me of me.
months ago the director was already saying the producers/studio were demanding changes to the design so they made a compromise
I think he's genuinely telling suits "see faggots I told you people would hate it, we have to change it"
Unironically kino.
fuck off newfags
>4 decent games in the 90s and that's it
>what are Adventure 1/2, Shadow, Advance trilogy, Rush/Rush Adventure, Colors and Generations
>Mania too, it's right up there with those 90s games
Sonic Battle was a'ight
Have sex
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>mario the plumberhog
>mama mia
I'm more of a fan of the JP design
>defending critics
You’re a fucking idiot
Jordan Peterson did THAT?
Confused by this post and all of the replies...
Stretched the eyes because it's more accurate. Are you all fucking retards?
Yeah I hope those animators and artists get crunched and get crunched hard. Fuck them and the director for allowing a design this fucking terrible to be made.
lol the artists probably didn't even have a single bit of input on any of this, you just know the entire design was from 1 person, and with about 10 suits looking over that guys shoulder making sure it ticks all the boxes for them.
Meanwhile everyone else who works on the stuff that goes into Sonic being in the movie is being punished for the fuckups of 1 person who makes way more money than they do.
I get this is supposed to be a joke, but can we stop saying this person or that person here has autism? Likely you have Aspergers which is high functioning on the "autism spectrum which is comorbid with social anxiety(they just dont get how to navigate social interactions). Full autists dont even consider/notice other people and more severe kinds are literally retarded because the degree of social retardation renders learning impossible.
quality post right here
Still, ignoring Sonic's design, the way he appears in scenes is photoshop levels of bad. I highly doubt a suit went up and said "Oh yeah, dont even give Sonic a shadow in certain scenes".
they're executives, they literally live inside a bubble everyday of their lives right down to the very state they live in; hollywood.
They don't even carry the brain capacity to notice these things.