Did Sean Astin (Sam from LOTR) really blew up a helicopter by accident?
Is it true that he's a massive asshole?
Did Sean Astin (Sam from LOTR) really blew up a helicopter by accident?
he was only sued for that because he was a main actor, he had no involvement in the guy dying or the helicopter crashing
imagine being known all over the world for being a manlet
you'd be an asshole too
This is fucked up but we werent there so we dontknow what really happened and who is really to blame
I'm going to need a quick rundown.
Sean was demanding fresh in and out burger be in his trailer by a certain time every day and it was too far to drive so they would have the chopper go pick it up from a vehicle at a heli pad in LA. The fateful day of the copter crash Sean was heard saying “I don’t give about thunderstorms, I want my double double!!!”. But no, totally not Sean’s fault right guys?
he was in the latest mandaloregaming video
seemed pretty chill desu
fuck helicopters
He's An Asshole!!
Apparently the widow was just a massive cunt and only included him in the lawsuit because he had fresh LOTR $. He wasn’t part of the production/filming crew at all.
Yeah but he was flying to go pick up Fat Astins burgers. Of course he was named in the suit.
So if a Pizza guy crashes on his way to your house, you should be sued for it?
You sound just like a Jewish lawyer you know that???
>t. Jussie Smolett supporter
He recently did a part for a review of a LoTr game that came out a decade ago for an obscure channel, so he's pretty based in my books.
Wins the case, and that's why we hire JEWISH lawyers.
Its actuall more like, if you were the employer forcing the employee into a dangerous situation for a frivolous requests. If thats the case I would say yes.
>do it or you're fired
>not forcing
Ok kid.
Jussies a nigger, Astin is white and was in Toy Soldiers, big difference now fuck off redditard
he's a giant cocksucker IRL, check his twitter. classic trump derangement syndrome, literally campaigned for hillary, thinks he's 500IQ because he dabs on le racists, etc. NPC to the core. I still like him as an actor though because his Sam Gamgee performance was 10/10, but what a fucking faggot jesus.
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But Goonies never say die
Jussie is not black, you simpleton
He is racially confused white mang
well yeah, no one put a gun to his head and told him to fly. The only reason shit like that happen is because everyone is being a spineless faggot who can't stand up to themselves.
I always see these famous people with custom fitted, expensive suits and they can never take two minutes to properly tie their tie. A grown man should know how to tie a knot especially if you're on the red carpet.
Nigger mother get fucked. Hahaa nigger deniers are the qorst you played yourself
>But no, totally not Sean’s fault right guys?
No, it is fault of whoever okayed the flight in the first place. Flight plan and airtravel control is not a fucking game and if you are a pilot or dispatcher and there is some Hollywood cocksucker yelling at you to go fly in bad weather, you pull down your pants, take out your dick and ram it inside his mouth so hard that his yarmulke will fall from his head.
He's a jewish gay nigger
I'd have blown up more than just a helicopter if I knew Frodo would take all the credit after all the fucking shit they put me through.
is there a credible source for this cheeseburger debacle?
>he didnt use a gun to illegally threaten the man so I win
you're underage
nah he became a hero too, since he had the ring for a short time while frodo was fucked he is technically a ringbearer like all the others throughout history so the elves and other kingdoms consider him a hero and he was offered a chance to go with frodo to the elf retirement home paradise for ringbearers
however, he decided to stay in the shire and have a daughter...
Oh yeah? Then how come everyone shouts "For Frodo" At the end battle?
That's some bullshit right now. He should've crashed the gates set with his trailer.
well yeah, I don't see the fault in what I said
Listening to this guy on the cast commentaries is maddening
He interrupts and talks over everyone
Finally a rare quiet person speaks up and he buts in "yeah i remember that, remember my reaction to when you...." then the person doesnt finish their story
It got so annoying i hated his voice and really wanted another actor to speak or finish a story but sean interrupts them. His voice is easily 50%of the commentary. He needs to be the center or reactor to every story and takes over the telling of the story even though hes not in it. At one point elijah is telling his own story and sean takes over and elijah is like "yeah sean just tell my story for me then" and dom and billy snigger. I actually felt the cringe and tension.
What kind of an irresponsible chopper pilot would you have to be if you bent over for an actor?
When you're small you have to stand out and it doesn't really matter if it's hate or love as long as you do. That's why so many short men are angry, they're not actually angry they just don't really have any other choice and being positive is insanely difficult. If you look at his co-stars, almost each one of them have some sort of controversy that they started out of nowhere.
merry+pippin have the best commentary
because you are underage
The Goonies commentary was kino, though. Everyone was having a good time, talked over Aston, even fucking Plimpton dabbed on him. Then Donner’s like, “remember that, Sean? Sean? Where’d He go?” and then it got real quiet for a minute and then they started back up laughing.
Exactly the opposite. If the pizza guy crashes on the way to my house I will sue him or his employer for failure to fulfill their contractual obligations resulting in pain and suffering of hungryness.
He was definitely pressured into flying in the storm that’s for sure. And I’m paraphrasing here but it went something like this “ I thought you said you were a great pilot, we hired you to fly and if you won’t then we will find someone who will”
wait is all this burger talk real? in and out is a fucking meme burger anyway. you could make het a stack of wrapping paper have have a cook heat up some frozen patties every day and he wouldnt be able to tell. ive taken many people to it (as a random thing to do in California because lol the dude) and everyone has said its very mediocre at best. its basically just a "old" style burger place like Freddies (which is much better)
The truth about in and out is finally out.
its just odd because something like a big mac or pizza hut pizza crust are very unique and if you really like it i could see this sort of demand coming from a crazy person. but in n out is literally just a normal shitty generic burger
No, Sam wasn't offered at first to go the Undying Lands, that happens afterwards.
After Rosie dies, he goes there with Gimli and Legolas, and gives Frodo's book to her daughter.
they didnt have helicopters back then
>be hired to do a mjob in exchange for money
>dont want to do the job but still want the money
>I've being forced because otherwise they'll fire me, Ill sue them!
this is how retarded you are
This, although you’d be surprised at how many otherwise competent and otherwise responsible pilots get talked into going up in the air when they absolutely fucking know better that they shouldn’t
t. dad is a pilot
>work for company
>do this task or you will lose your job
>task gets you killed
were you born retarded or did you grow up eating paint chips?
When my wife and I was vacationing in the Maldives 3 years ago, Sean Astin and his wife was at the same resort.
First night in the restaurant some guy walked up to Sean and said "hey, aren't you that little guy from Lord of the Rings?".
Imagine that. He probably gets called "little guy" or "midget" wherever he goes. You'd be an asshole too.
>he was offered a chance to go with frodo to the elf retirement home paradise for ringbearers
Why wasn't Gollum offered this sweet deal?
>people all over the world recognize you from being the hero (as stated by tolkien himself) of the greatest trilogy ever made and the best movie (fellowship) ever made and in particular being a fan favorite of the films
yeah must be terrible. his fucking vacation in the maldives must have been ruined
the letter burned in the lava of mt doom