Talk about the movie. Highlights:

Talk about the movie. Highlights:
>Don't pop the liver
>Shitty mannequin head filled with ground beef exploding
>[spoilerBlack guy wins in the end?? Mel should have greased him like a True Nigga]

All in all, I would have to give this movie a Shit out of Fuck.

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So if Mel wasn't racist, everything would be cotton candy, right?

he gets knighted as a true Nigga by the end of the movie by the black guy did you even watch. He goes "Nigga" and Mel goes "Likewise."

I did detective, but if Mel wasn't uncomfortable being around African Americans, he would have survived

Nigga he died by being not uncomfortable enough

I didn't even think mel was a racist character in this. yeah he stepped on the spic's head but he did it because the guy was a criminal and not because he was a spic. he'd have done the exact same if the perp was white.

You heard a bit of a crunch, but yeah. Wasn't aggressive racism

>dragged across concrete
>persons, white or of colour, haled over said surface: 0
really subverted my expectations

he just got a lil cast iron...

Zahler the hack should have called it Crawled across concrete

No. I think if Henry was white, it would have been the same. Ridgeman just wouldn't trust anybody with the video and he would have done the same thing, regardless of the race.

You know he watched this, and twiddled his little dick, and wondered why he can't make good movies anymore

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True. It was better than hateful 8

This is legitimately the worst movie i've seen in half a decade.

I swear to christ it was written, directed and filmed by three different people in complete isolation and then edited together by a third party who had no contact with the first three.


Is Brawl In Cell Block 99 worth watching?

The weakest of his 3 movies. But might be the most violent too

Yes. Its better honestly.

Brawl in Cell Block 99 is a masterpiece compared to Dragged Across Concrete.

Damn, you believe this too

it's zahler's weakest film but still excellent compared to what else gets released in current years.

Ok so in this shot, I've filled a cheap mannequin head with ground beef. We've rigged it with explosives, and its gonna represent uh... late capitalism. Yeah

Didn't it represent an exploding head?

>I swear to christ it was written, directed and filmed by three different people in complete isolation and then edited together by a third party who had no contact with the first three.
This is pretty spot on, the whole thing felt incredibly disjointed and there were so many pointless scenes.