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avenge this
Can someone name all the people that came out the portals?
All I caught were the Wakandan people
He said assemble pretty softly. I'm guessing the closest ones heard him and charged on it and the rest just did what the others were doing.
>my kinoplex lost their mind at this
What the fuck is with people clapping and cheering? Can't you just stupid the fuck up and watch the damn movie?!
practically everyone came out of the portals
Everyone says that capt marvel is OP but dr strange is the real OP one here, the guy can just open portals to any location in space or any dimension, not to mention see millions of potential futures and just avoid them
In terms of big armies, it's the Wakandans, Asgardians and a bunch of sorcerers. If you mean individual characters, it's everyone that got dusted.
Almost as cringe as "I am iron man".
>”avengers assemble”
>they are already assembled
What PSP game is this?
>the wizards are protecting earth from dormamu
>all the wizards came to help leaving earth defenseless from dormamu
>villains with giant lasers in front of you
>yeah what we need are the African women with spears, the slightly-strong guy with a shield, the alien with a knife, the space pirate dual-wielding guns, the guy who shoots arrows
I felt my IQ drop watching this.
The Ravagers too.
Dormammu promised not to attack earth again, promises like that are magically binding for beings like him.
That scene is genuinely the best scene in cinematic history.
CGI shit
So this.... is the power.... of captain fungus....
Homeman, amazing pickle, pissbee, coolspot, policewoman, dodger bros, lady marmalade, flying president and captain fist
t. Dc shills
I honestly hate how capeshit has to have an ending where nothing bad ever happens.
Have all of the remaining heroes sacrifice themselves one by one to defeat Thanos and start fresh for fuck sake.
>supy hewo moobies
Remember "Thor arriving in Wakanda" being "the most epic scene ever in the history of cinema"?
Well, this movie has two and they're more satisfying than Thor arriving in Wakanda
I really fucking hate what they did to Thor, Hulk and Iron Man in order to subvert expectations, really took me out of the movie.
>in order to subvert expectations
Nigga what are you talking about? The only unexpected thing that happened was to Thor and that shit was kino.
You know what is actually extremely fucking stupid about these films. Something that I never even really thought about right until this moment, despite subconsciously knowing it the whole time.
Thanos (nor anybody else) doesn't have to "click their fingers" to do something while wearing the gauntlet. It's just a gesture. The fact that so much of the fighting revolves around stopping him from clicking his fingers by holding his hand and preventing it is absolutely absurd. If you have the infinity gauntlet on with the stones, all you have to do is will something to happen and it does.
It's as fucking stupid as "Thanos wanted to wipe out LITERALLY 50% of life in the universe". There was never any reason he specifically erased half the living things in the universe in the original story, he just merked a fuckton of life so Lady Death would like him. Even with his movie motivations of reducing population indiscriminately to facilitate better quality of life, how the fuck does literally and precisely 50% of the universe make any logical sense? How does somebody make wiping literally and precisely 50% of life out their life goal, as if it's some kind of magical number that makes sense?
Lowest point of mcu. Literal naruto tier fanservice of everyone getting their own 5 second screentime for beating faceless mooks.
They have actual capeshit rule that says you need to click fingers to use the allmighty gauntlet. That exists.
But Thanos does plenty of shit without ever clicking his fingers. Like all the shit he does when fighting Dr. Strange in Infinity War. This includes reality bending.
He's literally called the Mad Titan. Guy is off his rocker
>I felt my IQ drop watching this.
You weren't using it anyway.
Thats using one stone at a time. To use them all requires a snap.
>Avengers Assemble
>Everyone immediately disassembles
Umm you didn’t notice the sorcerers putting up the shields then?
literally clapped at this scene with my bros. Such an extreme feeling that was.
How can people watch this shit without any shame?
kek maybe it's because a man's voice can only be heard a few feet on a battleground
fucking YAS!
>dormammu I've come to bargain
he has to close his fist to activate the gauntlet. it's why he took out the power stone to punch captain marvel when she was bending his fingers back. it's dumb, but it's canon.
That was so fucking cringe.
There is just something missing about this "epic" battle, isn't there.
It's like all you can really say about it is how awesome it was to have Cap swinging the hammer.
Or how all the guys from the other movies are in it too, even if for a few seconds each.
Who cares why? It's capeshit.
I get being cynical about superhero movies as a whole but if a film literally shows you already a few times 'this is how this thing works', then being deliberately obtuse about it isn't making you look clever compared to the morons you think enjoy these films.
Based as fuck
>be Wakandan soldier
>survived the big battle
>Thanos army have been stomped by Thor
>suddenly get dusted
>suddenly revived again
>for some reason another big battle is waiting
>this time actually gets killed by alien
That must be a very shitty day for some of them
This movie made me realize that Thanos was the only good character in the MCU and they ruined him with time travel bs.
The film shows me that the stones can be used without clicking your fingers plenty of times. It's sad that you think someone would think they're "clever" for pointing out how stupid a stupid thing is.
Whats behind the portal?
>when you ask to speak with the manager, but they are the manager
you need to form a fist to use the stones individually. Opening the fist again would stop the effect. Snapping is the ultimate jutsu since you use all of their powers together to grant your wish and it will hurt you as well.
Capeshit is so embarrassing.
I saw it and a regular theater and almost no one clapped or even laughed. It was like they watched ironically. Then I saw it on IMAX and everybody clapped like crazy at
>Cap wielding the hammer
>The end credits with the Tony signature
no edit of 'begone thot?'
Asgardians, Ravengers, Sorcerers, Howard the Duck
>the enemy has tanks and planes
>therefore, infantry is no longer useful at all and should be disregarded
Not like there was much IQ left for you to use.
I mean do they come back the same as when they were dusted? If say black panther had a bunch of scars pre dusting would they return when hulk undid everything thanos did?
>Brains Trump raw strength: The Webm
>epic lineup
>run towards the bad guy
is this supposed to be an epic battle?
if you take Peter's word yeah, for them it felt like being knocked out for a second.
If the infantry wielded pocket knives, I wouldn't see much use for them yes. Especially on a flat open field like this.
is the phone okay?
Imagine if she did that on your dick
>After 22 movies he hasn't learnt
Sorry to break this to you user but you are fucking retarded
>Literally NONE of the 100 or so named characters die in the EPIC final battle against Thanos and his army.
No the doctors said I'm not.
Also I've only seen 18 of those movies.
What are the benefits of having a Draxx on the field ?
Well in thirty years you'll have the GRRM of capeshit and the cycle will begin anew.
The also had a fucking ultraman.
>double hammer Thor lost against Thanos without stones
This certainly sours my experience
This. Holy fuck.
What's with zoomers doing this dumb, attention seeking shit?
The same as having Asgardian warrior n°333
Where was hulk?
So nil ? Yeah maybe they'd deal damage to Thanos' robot army but that means sprinting the 500 meter distance separating them for now.
Even historically, bayonet charges was only shit meant to intimidate the adversary.
You've no idea. Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch alone could've fucked Thanos and his entire fucking army by themselves. I did like that Scarlet Witch actually got close to murder fucking him by herself though.
How big is Ant-man here?
Why didn’t the US army help with the battle?
I cream soi out of my urethra when this happened
6 foot
The men around him are 5 foot 11.
Comics power level aside, yeah those two could wreck gauntlet-less Thanos in a second. The challenge was more about how to make them useless af.
>i am inevitable
>i am iron man
I don't get it
*it ain't me starts playing*
They had to wait until the leaders decided who would lead the army after the dead high rank officers returned from dust.
Well for starters the battle started really quickly, and 5 years after the snap all military forces are no doubt stretched incredibly thin through loss of numbers and dealing with recover efforts. Yeah all the snapped military personnel were brought back but they wouldn't have a clue what happened and they'd be 5 years behind the times anyway.
To be honest, now I think about it, I think half the population instantly returning after 5 years would probably cause more global chaos than when they vanished in the first place
This was kino
>one napalm strike from Thanos could kill them all
Some "super"heroes.
Imagine all the divorces.
And yeah we'd be seeing a mass famine.
Nothing tops "Thor arriving in Wakanda". It was on par with seeing "I'm always angry" for the first time back in 2012.
Thanos literally threw a MOON at Tony Stark, he just got up and said
>You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna lose it.
>Tony i'd love to help you, but if i don't stop this water a lot of people are going to drown, starting with the Wakandans, did you know that wizards cannot swim? Just like witches they melt when they touch water, also your wife's suit isn't water resistant you hack fraud, i saw it in one of the 40 million futures, do you want your daughter to end as an orphan? Are you kidding me?
I can't believe he had the time to say all that to be honest, very weird decision by the Russo brothers considering it was meant to be an emotional scene.
Holy cow dude, I love superhero movies
he'd still lose to superman so who cares
Cap lifting Mjolnir got cheers like you wouldn't believe
Are you okay user
Pretty sure Superman's other kryptonite is magic, isn't that why that purple dwarf with the weird name always owns him until Superman can make him read his name backwards?
>dumb, attention seeking shit
It's a woman; what'd you expect?
Fantastic, thanks Yea Forums
superman is too retarded to figure out how to escape mirror world tho retard
why doesn't thanos just freeze time and snap them out of existence?
He got nerfed because he's too OP
>To be honest, now I think about it, I think half the population instantly returning after 5 years would probably cause more global chaos than when they vanished in the first place
This is the biggest plot hole. Five years later and 3.5 BILLION PEOPLE just re-appear. It would be absolute chaos!!!FACT!!!
How often do you think her soldiers refer to her as Sergeant Derp behind her back?
You now realize all these people are 100% genuine copies. It's the same as walking into teleportation device. The original half of the universe is dead.
it was awesome but there was mixed feeling of 'wtf is happening'. Thor's arrival was pure hype machine.
I wish it was me
he just does that because that little dwarf bastard is annoying as fuck and he just wants him to go away
sounds like something a 13 year old would find awesome
give or take a few million who probably die instantly because they reappeared in the middle of a road and get run over or in the middle of the ocean or sky because their boat/plane no longer exists. Like that helicopter that crashes in the post credit scene when Fury vanishes, yeah that pilot is still dead
The 60s were very different times.
I saw some fat guys tits start lactating during this scene
Strangely my favorite person in this movie was paul rudd, who woulda guessed
Israel didn't tell them to
Forsure, wish I was there, especially in America.
The time stone doesn't exist anymore, thanos destroyed it and Steve took the other one back to it's original timeline so doesn't that mean the planet is fucked?
all the stones are destroyed so yeah the prime universe is open for all cosmic threats.
>its not gonna happen if I tell you
>tells him
>it happens anyway
>give or take a few million who probably die instantly because they reappeared in the middle of a road and get run over or in the middle of the ocean or sky because their boat/plane no longer exists. Like that helicopter that crashes in the post credit scene when Fury vanishes, yeah that pilot is still dead
Not to mention starvation, the outbreak of wars between countries etc... No, that's just some shitty writing. Should have been about stopping the snap from happening!!!FACT!!!
Well that black wizard did tell Strange that the bill comes due, and there would be consequences to pay at the end of the first Strange movie. If Thanos knew about the time stone because of what happened in Dr. Strange(how did Thanos know the time stone was on Earth to begin with?) maybe that's what the Dr. Strange 2 movie is going to be about, Dr. Strange having to deal with protecting the planet without the time stone.
Didn't iron man die ? Literally the most famous character
unironically this
Thanos in infinity war got caught by surprise though
Any webm of Cap with the hammer ?
Happened to my viewing as well, bunch of fucking nogs & greasy dudes and women in the front who initiated it when they saw the wakanda shit (mind you this is in yuropoor land). I liked the movie but you've really got to wonder how these fucking retards get dragged along into clapping and cheering for the big moments in a movie. I've heard stories about people punching retards that clap and holler at the screen like this in the theaters and thought it was taking it too seriously; but holy has my view changed on this since experiencing it first hand, would have kindly asked these faggots to shut the fuck up or just hit them in the fucking mouth. It’s a superhero movie for fucks sake, why the fuck would you be cheering and clapping.
Mine too. He's just so likeable. Also hawkeye.
That’s what happens when you have Raimi as a consultant
And we sucked each other of, afterwards
I was in a theater full of millenials and they were surprisingly well behaved
thank god i'm not a mutt
>muh powerlevels
literal kiddy shit
really easy when you're not a zoomer
the avengers didn't agree with the no tranny policy
I'm not even sure if it's limited to a generation, pretty sure it has something to do with personalities and how (I am saying this unironically) some personalities are really fucking susceptible to what the media is pushing on them. I get that this is a movie without deep undertones and is a straight up action movie, but it’s like the tards clapping and screaming at the screen just turn off their brain completely in favor of doing what they saw on youtube.
>it's not gonna happen if I tell you
>although you do know I've been trying to follow this plan that will make this one possibility happen and I appear to not have have thrown in the towel yet so get a clue moran
you need a physical trigger, I'm almost constantly thinking about how I want to die, and everyone else has similar kinds of intrusive thoughts. if I was wearing a gauntlet or something that just obeyed my thoughts, it'd be a disaster. You need a physical gesture to denote when you actually mean to do something.
>tards clapping and screaming at the screen just turn off their brain completely
Who said it was turned on in the first place?
Killed himself, doesn't count.
no oil involved
based and yibambepilled
This is the first and only time he said it btw
based Giant Man squishing Wakandans has he charges towards the aliens
>Yo Thor what did he just say? I couldn't hear that.
>I don't know man he kinda whispered that shit, I think he said "Ambrossia"?
Why the fuck are they striking a pose as if it's a judo match? Is this a Van Damme flick?
But wait... He had to use the power stone to bitch slap her... but when ALL of the stones, including the power stone, were on his gauntlet, he couldn't withstand her?
One question. Where did the Asgardians come from? They were all killed off before the Snap, by Hel. All that was left was the one ship of refugees, most of whom were non-combatants.
Pretty sure the heavy hitters are from the planets from Guardians too.
Thor did the exact same thing in IW you whining bitch
do people REALLY think this is good?
No, but still entertaining.
Its called a movie you dumb fuck.
yeah lets just have people look blankly into space instead of some action to let us know their intent.
off yourself immediately
The funny thing on Yea Forums is there is no film discussion outside cape movies. Everything else is twitter/clickbait reaction rage
>this is the cinematic experience of a generation
Fuck western society.
he punched her with his gauntlet-less hand you dumb fuck
>mfw a single person clapped in my crowded theater
feels good not to live in America
If little negros with spears can fight monsters. Surely fucking the likes of Daredevil and Co can. Daredevils power make him nigh invincible.
If they had a portal and those guys came out people would have loved it.
>better than thor arriving in wakanda
Asgardians (what's left), sorcerers (looked to be mostly hong kong), ravengers and assorted scumbags of the galaxy (from that planet in gotg 2), and probably a couple other alien armies of some sort
I don't get why normies are screaming about "ruining character" development of Thor.
First of all its fucking capeshit. Second, him being a fat drunk was great. He's a fucking nordic "human" "god", it's what you'd expect. It made sense for him to be depressed. Plus he looked great at the end.
Drax is actually indestructible. Look at the shit he's survived. He'd be very welcome on a battlefield just to kamikaze shit and keep it occupied.
Also invisibility
>my glass ceiling
Obviously didn't see it in theaters because most of the cgi is seamless throughout, especially this scene
All of them squaring up was one of the better parts of the movie. The battle itself is more subjective but that moment is one of the MCU's best.
Mordo was so based. Doctor Strange 2 is my most anticipated movie of whatever the MCU is doing next.
Probably because Strange knew Tony was already at the point of having made his decision, and he was letting Tony know that this was the 1 winning scenario as a way to reassure him that his death wouldn't be for nothing.
Telling him right in that second, may have in fact ensured that the entire thing happened.
asgardians, sorcerer, wakanda and 50million male to female trans warriors
Retard that's the beauty of comics
It could be a very interesting horror/drama kinda like a reverse leftovers, it's such a shame that they will breeze past that, just looking at the new spiderman movie you know they are expecting you to forget about it.
Just made one for you. People lost their shit in the theater at this... Me included.
>this thread
That scene was lame and every sōyboy screaming like you is embarrassing if you are above 14.
big pete, the gnawer, no face, mr rambler, hellpriest, and rick
She was holding his hand open...he needs to close his hand to use the gauntlet...dont you people actually watch the movie?
>Everyone including entire armies are ready to go to battle with formation and strategy within 10 minutes of re-materializing after 5 years
>No nation militaries or other global resources included to fight this universal threat. Just MCU superheroes. Only cool guys allowed.
>Captain Marvel shows up late from outer space even though Dr. Strange and Co already showed that they coordinated everyone to show up at the same time via teleports.
>All the girl characters somehow find themselves on the field in the heat of battle and decide to group up together to pose for a Girl Power photo op.
>Thanos doesnt want to fire from his ship on the armies but instead sends a bunch of alien cats to attack. Just so the heroes can have something to punch, I guess
>Dr. Strange can't just teleport Thanos away or use any of his number of space-time bending powers to deal with him.
>Thanos uses the power stone to punch Captain Marvel away instead of just crushing her head like a watermelon.
This movie sucked ass compared to infinity war
>nobody clapped in my theater
And im in America
God I wish that were me
Have sex
I was pleasantly suprised. I was expecting a forced captain marvel yaasss moment, but I fell for the old razzle dazzle. Cap america earned it.
Thank god the writers essentially wrote Captain Marvel out of the movie, her presence was so shoehorned in to begin with that she would have ruined the whole film.
All in all, 7/10, had it's moments and caps ending was touching.
What's even the point of the Tesseract/Space Stone if Doctor Strange can pull this shit singlehandedly
Helms Deep: I'm the best battle in cinematic hi-
It can do it from any distance.
>Thanos had to force the best blacksmith to forge the gauntlet that is good enough to channel the power of the stones together
>Tony casually created the same gauntlet but could be used twice
The sanctum was left unprotected... Dormamu isnt the only interdimensional threat out there.
It's still dumb. They made a point of Thanos being able to beat Hulk in a 1on1 and Thor, Captain America (with Hammer) and and Iron Man without any infinity stones and then needs the power stone to beat Carol Sue.
Fuck every part of the movie that includes Captain Marvel. Really she was only there to drag the stakes down
She's a fucking Mary Sue and it is going to get tiring very quick. Look at how boring Superman is.
Just like in the comics.
Thor arriving in Wakanda and the snap that dusted everyone was absolute kino.
What the fuck did this mean? Did he convert to Islam? Am I retarded?
>long-range fighters rush to the frontline
I know Marvel likes their epin clash shots, but for fucks sake. It looked homosexual enough in Civil War.
It was, and still is. Endgame just takes that and ups it to 11 more often.
Um, you forget that souls exist in the MCU?
Seriously, why do adults like this shit?
Based, thanks theQuartering
I think it's a cute detail that Thor started roaring immediately after, giving an actual command to attack.
DR. Strange was on the planet of fuck knows where and summoned armies from the entire galaxy
chris evans talked all kinds of retarded this movie until the time jump
Chang Thunderwang helped him
>I guess this was really Avengers infinity war part 2 endgame
real subtle steve
Popeye would kick his ass
It was weird when every hero came out and recited their specific trademarks, but I think they blended it seamlessly.
Popeye once punched a Sherman tank into a waffle machine
Well that was the intended market
Imagine my surprise at their continued existence.
>Why didn’t the US army help with the battle?
Thanos has oil?
Popeye punched the fucking sea and sky just so they'd shut the fuck up, and they damn well did
Probably the death of Gammora, the end of IW, or the final fight between Iron man, cap and metal arm at CW
>Strangely my favorite person in this movie was paul rudd, who woulda guessed
Not gay, but back off, Paul's mine!
Just noticed that you said cinematic history, not MCU.
its a dad joke
>"ups it to 11"
kys incel
You're both wrong. It's this scene:
>Theater starts to clap and cheer
Thanks for agreeing with me, my friend.
I lost my shit at that scene too.
I completely agree with you. Captain America deserved to use Mjolnir because he is worthy. Also, fuck Captain Marvel and the Russo Brothers are based for not giving Captain Marvel a lot of screen-time in Endgame. And yes, Captain America's ending was genuinely touching.
Because Doctor Strange has a limit to how many beings he can teleport, whereas the Space Stone/Tesseract has no limits to how many beings it can teleport. Also, the Space Stone/Tesseract is used not only for teleportation, but also for telekinesis, moving at the speed of light, moving faster than the speed of light and being able to change your size (like what Ant-Man/Giant-Man can do).
if Joss Whedon directed it this would UNIRONICALLY happen
Popeye punched an elephant into a tree, it exploded and the pieces came back down to form a piano
Deus ex
Where are the Sovereign? They were totally pissed when that trangle-faced monkey stole some harbulary batteries, I would think if thanos killed 1/2 their population they would show up with everything they had.
HAHAHAHAHA get rektd insuferabble bitch.
How did wasp get there? Nobody knows who she is except Antman
>Implying that Strange doesn't know who Wasp is due to her association with Ant-Man
they were outsmarted by a bunch of retards, Gamora and Rocket, they wouldnt stood a chance against Thanos so why try?
>tfw Scarlet Witch beats Thanos the fuck out so hard he had to call for Voldemort's help
>Captain Fungus gets rekt instantly
I dont care that shes a woman, it's more the fact that she's a character that hasnt been even present or mentioned for the previous 3 movies, so she has no skin in the game at all. It would be like someone building a house from the ground up then someone showing up in the last 5 minutes finishing off some paintwork and it's expected that we should give that person equal amount of credit for the construction.
Sorry chuckle fuck budget cuts
that this exact moment was their one chance at winning
He was pointing up, like when Tony flew up with the nuke in New York
Which Tony would have immediately understood because aside from his time in the cave it was the single most defining event in his life
Explain the rules please.
Why not just use the reality stone and turn fucking everyone to bubbles? Previous movies didn't have never required specific actions to do a task. There's no hand motion to activate space stone, loki just touches the stone-staff to do mind shit. What the fuck was the fixation on snapping? It just the easy as metaphor.
No, Thanos could withstand her with ALL of the stones on his gauntlet, he was just using the Power Stone in particular to withstand her.
I found it jarring that Strange was able to gather EVERYONE like that suddenly to all arrive together. Like, it ignored any sense of time or reality for the sake of spectacle.
why couldn't they wish tony back?
Honestly the actual final battle kinda sucked, even though the portals scene is one of the best.
It felt way too short and was the worst 3rd act out of all the avengers movies
Doesn't apply to Captain Marvel.
Because the Infinity Stones aren't fucking Dragon Balls?
Right into my giantess folder
My theater clapped at this.
Not an american.
Are you from Sweden?
These people look lame.
the rohirrim charge of our generation
>being this capeshitter
why did Strange leave out Quake?
This was a bit to corny, I also hate the fucking CG backgrounds, it's as bad as during aquaman's final fight. Why did they all just group up to pose in the middle of a fucking battlefield? Why is there no action in the background? Weren't you all at different locations in the fight? Why's fucking 2014 gamora there pretending to be part of the group? Most those characters don't fucking know each other.
Because she's not canon.
>WarMachine gets a new, fuckhuge suit
>barely see it used
Peter triggered maternal instincts in every female in 10 mile radius
why was the gaintlet thanos sized?
Is Agent Carter canon? Show, not the character.
not canon
I wish that was me.
It's never explicitly stated that every sorcerer went into battle, so it can be assumed at least a few stayed behind to protect the sanctum
Now that the dust has settled, which one of them would you rather fuck?
reddit overload
My gf and I cringed so hard at that moment. Even worse was the guy who audibly nutted when Captain America used Thor's hammer. You know who you are.
le snap meme.
The only honest answer is inconsistent writing.
If Steve gets with her, how does anything stay the 'same'. Shield spooks would know about her husband and who he is.
No, it's still First Flight from Man of Steel.
As before, Scarlet Witch followed by Nebula
Captain Marvel is also super boring and forced in the Comic. Nobody likes her.
nigger actors are cheaper
My theater started whispering shit like "Captain marvel is going to come in and say GIRL POWER and save the day" before this scene came on, then everyone laughed
I'm from sweden
>character gets big
>now everything he does is in slow motion
Lilly all day every day. And then we'll hit back and shoulders.
> The vast majority of them aren't Avengers either.
omg, so EPIC
> promises like that are magically binding for beings like him
> Lad must have gone to Hogwarts Law School
>that cringe pause of action just to make a dumb pose
may every subhuman who enables this shit drop dead on the spot
and then they proceed to do absolutely nothing
I would rate endgame WAY below IW and the GOTG movies. Those were actually Kino.
Howard the duck too.
Man this was a pretty shitty scene if im honest, they all literally just come away from their own fights to stand behind Cpt Marvel and she flies away in seconds
So pointless
>To me, my X-men
>Mess of CGI
why do they even need actors anymore?
why didn't Doctor Strange open a portal to a dimension with more resources?
> Anything comicbook
> Canon
All arbitrary nonsense changed at whim.
Hey, vsauce, Micheal here. Blacks. You know them, I know them, they're just regular ordinary people... or are they? Blacks make up approximately 13% of the US population and yet, they commit 52% of crimes... How is this possible? In 2013 according to the FBI, 90% of black homicide victims were killed by other black people. According to the US justice department, in 2006, woman of caucasian origin were raped by people of African American origin. That same year, the number of African American females raped by men of caucasian origin was... zero... So ok, knowing these statistics, lets just assume that every black person from the U.S. were to just suddenly... disappear?... What happens then? Murder would go down 49.7 percent, murder recipients would go down by 40 percent, SAT scores would go up about 100 points, the average IQ would go up by 7 points and aids victims would go down a STAGGERING 67 percent! Significant changes for a race that only makes up... 13% of the population. Remember, around blacks, never relax, and as always, thanks for watching.
>anyone other than Pom
Here we go
>literally had to close his fist all through Infinity War
Wait, what the fuck is she doing with her other hand?
Because he becomes very heavy, but weak, and when he shrinks he becomes very dense and strong and energetic, but light.
Her breasts exist
it adjusts by the size.
Now, why Iron Man who created glove (which is retarded on itself, but okay) didn't make somekind of switch that could disassembeld it instantly is another plot hole.
based and yasspilled, also
>Spider-Man in a sea of vaginas
unironically based, for the most part
>it's as bad as during aquaman's final fight
no, it's not as good as Aquaman's CGi
>Spider-Man activates murder mode
>he just using his robot legs, nothing changed, no webshooters turned into murdershooters
based, the power of 5 7
based, agree
yes! based and Snyder pilled
holy shit fuck these clown mods
go choke on a hot pocket you janny faggots
I like how Evangelline Lilly shows up. It's cool.
It was for the nothing though, he could beat all of Thanos army, turn Thanos in jelly without snap. Or hand over glove to the Hulk, Carol, Drax.
But again, snap is retarded. Iron Man is retard.
That's because SHAZAM! is fun, Endgame is plot holes.
I think I saw Pickle Rick come out of one of them
Does that classify as rape?
Yeah I guess Scott can handle repairing the most important plot device alone.
Didn't the Russos say that Thanos would've won without the gauntlet anyway when fighting Ironman/Dr. Strange/spiderman/gotg crew?
Basically means Strange can't 1v1 Thanos
This feels weird. This feels wrong
It makes sense though?
Captain Marvel's director said she's by far the most powerful being in the MCU and that she could defeat Thor and Hulk at the same time using a single finger
>Captain Marvel's director said
I wonder what other MCU directors said
They say all bunch of crap. They said that those who were killed in Infinity War are gone, yet there is Gamora.
because that's a Jessica Jones episode nobody would watch
>file name
>not "Have sex"
one job
>why don't they make a world known terrorist be the new Captain America
Would actually be pretty fitting.
Gamora is from Future Trunks timeline. I hope Tony dusted her along with the army. She was still kind of aligned with Thanos and I'm sure Tony didn't specifically wish for "Kill Thanos and his followers but not Gamora".
Well, she's very specifically not shown after Thanos army gets dusted, even in the Guardians scene with Thor. Yet they never talk about it for some reason or try to draw your attention to it. She should stay dead, if Marvel wants to have even an ounce of credibility with their "souls taken for the souls stone can't come back." But I'm sure they'll pussy out.
Yeah, Star Lord searching for her was surely a hint that she's "out there" so they're definitely pussying out. Would be hilarious if Tony dusted some perceived good guys secretly working with Thanos.
What if he kills all bad guys at all?