Name a worst GOT moment than "20 good men"

Name a worst GOT moment than "20 good men"

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Other urls found in this thread:ârgoviște

impossible, it ruined one of the best characters arc.

one good woman moments

Jamie and Bronn's sneaking mission into Dorne.

The sneks fight scene

When Ellaria kills Doran Martell and says, "Weak men will never rule Dorne again," culminating the most thoroughly retarded feminist pandering storyline in the show's history for sheer volume of stupid aspects.

Also when Arya kills the Night King.

There's probably about 10 in that series alone.

When Nymeria didn't get her tits out.

Based Ramsey making Stanniscels seethe since season 5

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the dorne shit was worse but it was inconseqential. Twainty Gudmen just ruined the entire Stannis arc in a really fucking cheap way

It's retarded that they killed Doran but the "weak men bla bla" actually fits better in Dorne than everywhere else. They have Nymeria who came from Essos, burned down her ships and BTFO the whole of Dorne before the Matells agreed to marry her and make her royalty. Dorne is also the only kingdom where first-born girls get the inheritance even if a boy comes after.

>You're a Goodman
What did Bran mean by this?

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Not to mention her and the vipers job hard against Euron plot armor and get wrecked

the whole of S8E1 because its literally just reunions and they could have spent at least half the run time explaining the night kings purpose or motives before killing him off

Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are so handsome.


if theon had his fellow 19 theyd have won quicker

There were actually twenty-one goodmen. Ramsey just forgot Theon.

one down 19 to go

The tower of Joy adaption. What a fucking disaster on almost every level. Fucking Arthur Dayne dual-wielding, what the fuck?

this one never took off

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Never said the vipers where competent. They're like those little hood guys acting tough but then start crying when you hit them. Do you think anyone would come to Oberyn and tell him his girls are acting up without getting murdered? Euron sailed around the world and fought a bunch of people ("when people see my sails, they pray") so him being a good fighter isn't such a stretch.

When they omitted Darkstar

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Arya getting stabbed 6 million times and surviving.

Sure. Which is almost why it makes less sense. It's a place where women should be LESS likely to have a stupid sexist chip on their shoulder. It's a bit odd though, because it's almost like Ellaria and her Sand Cunts are being used to invert male chauvinism or something, but clearly those characters were initially intended to be well liked.

All feminist pandering aside though, they absolutely pissed all over, not only the Dorne storyline from the books, but their own established characterization of Dorne's characters in the show.

"We don't kill little girls in Dorne."

>family proceeds to murder an innocent little girl to avenge their father, along with killing his brother and so on.

Everything they did seemed to me motivated by their anticipation of fangirls eating up the girl power moments rather than with even a cursory glance at what would make sense from a narrative standpoint and it was so bad that even they realized they'd fucked up and would have to write it straight out of the show.

Wew lad. Anyone who didn't realize the writing was shit by that point was extremely loyal.

Gendry taking years to row somewhere but minutes to run just as far.

The way they wrote out the Tyrells/Highgarden and Dorne as players were extremely laughable and ridiculous. Almost on the same level as just saying "they returned to their home planets and died on the way there".

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I thought nothing would top the Sand Snakes, how they were shoehorned in and the absolute retardedness of that storyline as a whole, the fights, Doran's and Myrcella death, etc, but by god the battle at winterfell proved me wrong.
I didn't mind it, by that time the show was chock full of off screen teleportation, heroism and bullshit the writers can't explain, not to mention Iwan Rheon is a god whose dick I'd never take out of my mouth, no homo.

>loses majority of iron fleet

"I will build a thousand ships!"

>instantly has a thousand ships

>dominates the ships he lost what seemed only days prior

I'd say Dornish women would be less likely to spout stupid feminist shit but more likely to actually do something if they don't agree with a situation. But killing the Martells is retarded. I'd see them assassinating their enemies before doing that. Having a plot where more Dornish show up at KL with Trystane Martell and people who had a hand in the sack of King's Landing start dying for unknown reasons would have probably made the whole Dorne conspiracy plotline work.

For the Watch in the show is an abortion and the worst whitewashing and at the same blackwashing in the entire show

He states he returned to KL and has been making weapons for Lannisters without anyone suspecting who he is. Seems keeping your mouth shut really fucking works.

>bad pussy
>nothing personell
>ow right in the snowballs
>Ramsay murders Roose for plot convenience
>Wight hunt
>entire dorn plot
>wasting cavalry in a charge into an army of zombies for no reason

I could go on

The Long Night

Myrcella telling Jaime she knows he is her father, and that she is glad that her father is her uncle who has been fucking his twin sister for decades and that she is a product of incest and that the king who raised her is a cuckold

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Bad pussy

>wasting cavalry in a charge into an army of zombies for no reason

Dany wanted to get rid of the rapefugees.

Where did his 20 good men go? Why weren't they with him in the Battle of the Bastards?

Remember when the warlocks were described as being dangerous and very powerful? They try to kill Kelly C once then give up forever because Barristan Selmy had a dagger on him that day.

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Jon is a Targ
Theon is a Goodman
Whose parentage will Bran reveal next?

>Name a worst GOT moment than "20 good men"

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Too good to die. They hang out with Daario and fuck whores

>I could go on.
Please do, spare no detail.

Saveeee meeee red priestess!!!

I hope Stannis comes back and wins the throne

It should have been Darkstar teleporting behind the Night King and nothin' personelling him, at least it fits with his character.

I mean, I guess. But at that point of the show, women were pretty much taking over the entire 7 kingdoms.

Yara was, at that time, in control of the Ironborn. Olenna had just been the de facto leader of the Tyrells, Sansa was coming to the fore of the Vale IIRC, Dany was soon to be landing in the Stormlands with her army, and Cersei was essentially at the helm of King's Landing along with being the de facto leader of the Lannisters. The Riverlands and Stormlands had no real leadership and the North was under the Boltons.

But anyway, I had a problem with them being so gender obsessed in and of itself. The fact of them doing stuff wouldn't have been unusual if it weren't for everything they did being ass backwards, but we seem to be in agreement there.

Either way, it wasn't done with much consideration of good storytelling so much as a desire to pander to female empowerment and female revenge fantasy.

When the ugly sandsnake throws her spear at that guy they buried up to the neck in the sand. Everything about that spear throw is awkward and looks bad.


>Remember when X was.
You can replace X with a million different things the show just used for an episode or two, and after serving it's plot purpose just completely fucks out of existence.

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>"I want everyone on the Iron Islands cutting down trees and bending planks for ships!"
>There is no woodland whatsoever located on the Iron Islands

>have an actual 10/10 scene with Stannis talking about the lengths he went to save Shireen
>/spongebob/A Few Moments Later
>Burn Baby Burn

Olenna states herself that Tyrell women are the smart ones while the men are dumb (we have Loras, Mace and his dad who ran off a cliff) so I'll let that one slide. Them and Dorne being female power fantasies wouldn't be so bad if it was handled better. The Vale just cared about Jon Arryn's kid. After the crazy bitch died they all fell in line behind LF. I liked how they portrayed Olenna as a schemer when she seduced her soon-to-be husband in her youth or when she tried to snatch Salsa. On another note, when Sandor is talking with Beric, the Hound says he knew better men than him dying and not coming back. Maybe all the good men are dead and all there's left are beta orbiters. Same thing happened in Europe after WW2.

Illryio has delegated all the hard work to Varys while he gets fatter and fatter in Pentos as one of the city's Magisters.

That was so fucking retarded, what's even more retarded is the dumb ass director, editor or who ever the fuck was in charge kept using wide and landscape shots showing us how resource rich the islands are, god damn dumb cunts.

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They might have a bunch of trees on their islands. The rest they probably stole from whoever.

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Doesn't Jon kill 20 guys in that battle?

>Loras chilling in Dragonstone plotting some fucking crazy-ass shit pretending to be the phantom of the opera in the books
>Show Loras

I am still fucking SEETHING! Nevermind the fact that the show pretends Loras is the only son and, therefor, the heir of highgarden when he's a fucking FAGGOT and a KINGSGUARD WHO CAN'T INHERIT SHIT!

It's not like they fucked this shit up when they went into their own full-OC mode in the past 4 seasons. They fucked Loras up from like S2 or S3. God I am livid thinking about it.

>get so heartbroken you lost your favorite sausage that you decide never to have sex again and join the Kingsguard

Actually, Ramsey didn't state that his twenty Goodmen were the only Goodmen in existence, declaring the absence of other Goodmen in the realm.

Arya-Waif terminator chase after gut stab

And the fact that she dies immediately after this revelation. So convenient.

>It was never our forte


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Bronn has met some of the Goodmen and he didn't hang out that much in the North so there's bound to be a bunch of them scattered around. Bronn even mentions a man named Claymin Spikes that could help him take the Vale along with Goodmen.

They couldn't take a castle from Starving Stannis so what the hell can they do?

At least Stannis was

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in ADWD Lord Commander Jon Snow is stabbed for breaking his vows, abandoning his post, and for potentially dooming all his fellow nightwatchmen to getting slaughtered by Boltons for riding off to fight Ramsay

In the season 5 Jon is stabbed for not being racist enough against wildlings.

+ D&D mentioned that the reason they added the character of Olly was to make For the Watch not just "a bad guy killing a good guy"
+ Alliser is not at the wall when Jon gets stabbed and actually obeyed Jon's order to be assigned to another NW keep

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Littlefinger death scene. *cringe*

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Remember the death scenes of Stannis, Littlefinger, and the Night King are so bad that a lot of fans think they aren't dead.

The more you think about that shit, the more you begin to appreciate good writing and how hard it is to write and tell a decent story.

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I mean that's my point. It's not all that outstanding that women are doing some shit to take charge in the context of the world we're seeing.

But Dorne would be the least likely to have women who are actively buttblasted about gender restrictions, since they don't have them.

There is some small irony in the show wanting to make Dorne a feminist power fantasy while also removing Arianne from the story.

But anyway, there's really no getting around the badness of that storyline. It wasn't just bad, it took a dump on the story it was adapting.

When the show had Jon name Thorne first ranger, I thought for sure he was going to die protecting Jon. It always seemed like he was a character on the verge of depth.

maybe she wanted to get in on the incest action too?

probably, it runs in the family. but with who?

He's obviously implying Jaime.

What was so bad about it?

>mentioning Arianne but not one peep about the one who is of the night

is that legal under kings law?

I was leaning towards jaime but I actually was thinking Cersei could join in as well

Lil' bro is king so who gives a shit?

everything with shae

S7 really. The scenes when Jamie (+Bronn) and Jon went bathing in full armor and made it out like it was nothing a bit later.

Deus Ex machina to fuck Stannis and his entire plot line in the ass, coupled with a text book example of off screen shenanigans because the writers are fucking hacks.

>Papa I only need 20 good men to defeat the army that's about to annihilate us.
>Cut to the heavily guarded and patrolled huge fucking army camp burning up with soldiers running around like headless chickens.
>My king we lost almost all of our food and rations and our plans are completely fucked.
>I know, I'll follow the words of the priestess who has brought me nothing but bad luck and defeat from the start, lemme burn my only daughter at the stake real quick, surely this will bring me victory and my men will follow me with undying loyalty after that.
Stannis Baratheon, the rightful heir, the proven warrior, military commander and tactician

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what's exactly bad in that scene? he knows the territory better and the guys are tired, he sets the stuff on fire and runs away
how's that so unbelievable

They never heard of the Night Attack.ârgoviște

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what about when bron and jaime walked into the king's garden right at the time 3 lesbians showed up to assassinate him - one wielding a fucking WHIP

>final episode
>story comes to a conclusion, Dany became a mad queen, slain by Jaime
>jon sits on the iron throne
>quick cut to black
>we see bran wake up in his bed, still young and cute
>catelyn holding vigil jumps in shock
>"while I was gone, I had the most elaborate dream! It was truly a song of ice and fire
>bran winks into the camera, roll credits
Boom. Expectations status
[X] subverted
[] not subverted

>Ser Clamin Spikes
lol that deserves a (you)

How about the entirety of GoT happening inside a snow globe?

>cut to black
>jay Z starts singing
>and who are you ?

>20 good men
>stannis fucked in the ass
>naked ramsay fighting
>dorne plot
>sand snakes killing doran
>sneaking into dorne
>greyjoy kingsmoot
>euron greyjoy characterization and character development
>barristan selmy dies to peasants in masks
>grey worm and missandei romance
>grey worm talking whenever instead of being an extra-tier character
>sansa outsmarts littlefinger
>cersei becoming the big bad
>cersei becoming a woke qween
>lyanna mormont
>arya killing the night king
pick one

saddest moment for me was the entire process of got turning from the point where characters are grey to the point where characters are black and white, either good or bad, no matter what

The entirety of last episode is way worse than Twenty Goodmen

Why it is so terrible? I really have forgotten this scene since there are others worse


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FUcking hacks

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I wish I could go back in time and prevent myself from watching anything after Sir Twentygoodmen. The show really was top notch until that travesty.

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god this would be awesome

And then he hangs Daenerys and Aria lol

It was pretty funny to see this guy play a villain after he became famous for playing a sperg in Misfits.

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Didn't Theon's room have to use peat to get a fire going in his hearth in the books? If even the nobles of the Iron Islands couldn't afford wooden fires, how could they find enough for a thousand ships?

retard posting again, I see

>wasting cavalry in a charge into an army of zombies for no reason
Needed to kill them early on to save the cgi budget.

for a few seconds there were 21 goodmen

more realistic than Arya Baratheon doing a somersault flip multiple times into the air only to be caught mid air by the night king and then proclaiming she was a man all along with a valerian steel penis extending out of her pants to metaphorically and literally pierce the night king in the chest

Jaime being Cersei’s bitch boy for seasons 5-7 halted his character development and essentially ruined him. What’s even worse is that he’s utterly meaningless in s8. He won’t kill Cersei because that’s expected and these hacks want to subvert expectations for the sake of it
>Ramsey needs 20 good men to conquer the north
How many man would he need to conquer king's landing? Would 22 be enough? 23-25 for the world?

Pilot Illyrio = best Illyrio

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>The rape Theon..

When the sister of the cockless guy that fingered her came to save her cockless brother but her brother is too psychological and physically tortured and refuses to go back home with her so she just leaves her brother to his kidnappers and fucks off alone.
The fight scene itself is so fucking stupid.

Actually it’s accurate. Giving women more political right simply turn general woman more feminist and sexist

I don't think they meant "all men are weak," I think they specifically meant "weak men"

I can't see shit

Is the reason we didn't get Garlan and Willas Tyrell in the show because they arent retards?

>implying Ramsey forgot him
"Not even a man, truth be told."

Probably. Not enough drama to be had from no-nonsense men. Also too many characters for normies to keep track of.

Stannis burning his daughter and only heir.

More than anything else, that's the biggest 180 from the books.

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Best thing that came out from the shitty NK death episode is people will start looking back on the show and see how much shit they suspended their disbelief for, and how D&D are talentless hacks that ruined what could've been one of the greatest TV shows of all time.

>no one's posted any of the comparison pictures yet

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How quickly you guys forget

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I didn't forget, I just chose not to remember.
Ed is a pretty cool guy tho

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I actually liked the book dorne stuff. No idea why they butchered it and cut out most of the storyline from the show. They didn't even cast Arienne for fuck sake.

hey user. dnd said that the burning of shireen was one of the 3 wtf moments grrm told them about. while the first one was the origin of hodors name and the third one was arya beeing the one stabbing the night king. so i am pretty sure that book stannis will burn shireen too (maybe not due the same circumstances)

It's was either season 5 or 6 where like 5 leaders of the realm died in the opening 2 episodes and no one particularly cared

why do D&D insist on turning all female characters into carbon copy unlikeable cunts

Did Myrcella deserve it?

When will we see Bronn's company of 10 good men with climbing spikes?

It was the best moment in the franchise. Every moment that wasn't this was inferior.

Is it really that unbelievable that 20 guys could sneak into an encampment at night and burn it down? This isn't nearly as bad as Arya teleporting.

Jon and Ygritte’s stupid and cheesy reunion during the battle between the wildings and nights watch. What made it worse was that Jon saw Ollie kill her and he starts crying with her in his arms

Pretty much everything about Arya's story after she split from the Hound is poorly written, girl power fanfic.

Final episode, the siege of kings landing is going horribly for both parties, Cersi is considering blowing the place up with wildfire, Bronn and Jaime and 3 good men are up to their shenanigans again, as they infiltrate the castle and square up to Cersi, Jaime kills Cersi, saving kings landing, and hence forth known as regicidal Jaime, the king and queen slaaayer

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Stannis and Tywin died but this guy and the Ledditic dwarf are still alive. Why

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He thought if he told Theon he was a descendant of the greatest House in Westeros it would give him the courage to sacrifice his life for no reason

Bran is fucking great
>Gets Theon to sacrifice himself for no reason when he knows Arya ex machina will happen
>Gets everyone to fight a massive battle to protect him even though the whole plan was about using him as bait so they could have just let the Night King get to him without fighting
>While everyone is fighting and dying for him goes back in time to watch Sansa get raped again
Literally /ourguy/

To be honest it looked pretty bleak for Stannis in the books

In the same way that Snow is the surname for a northern bastard, Goodman is the surname for a dickless ironborn.

you're not alone user

>Living in a gynocentric world
>Everything is about 'stronk womyns'
Why do we all even act surpised these days? It's all so fucking obvious and everybody just tags along.

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can't believe they killed all the best actors, what were they thinking.

>have a monogamous gay character that actually loved his partner
>turn him into a buttslut in the series
How progressive.

Can't be having gay people in long relationships. Where's the pride?

Don't forget
>planned to destroy dragon lady's army so she could not oppose Jon's mighty cock

>hey user. dnd said that the burning of shireen was one of the 3 wtf moments grrm told them about. while the first one was the origin of hodors name and the third one was arya beeing the one stabbing the night king. so i am pretty sure that book stannis will burn shireen too (maybe not due the same circumstances)

I see the opposite here:
>Arya Stark killing the Night King was not one of the things Martin told Benioff and Weiss because the Night King does not even exist as a character in his books series. Martin has scarcely shown the White Walkers at all in his published chapters, let alone a White Walker leader.

It was retarded because no kingdom would recognize a dead prince's fuckbuddy as a legit ruler.

Nööö, nuoauwy tenns!!!

bad pussy

Not his fuckbuddy but Oberyn's daughters. The Dornish don't make much of a fuss over bastards.

Barristan Selmy dying like a cuck

>I don't even like cheese

S08 EP03

That just makes it even worse, you sick fuck!

I hate bran so fucking much literally the most useless character in the whole franchise


>Ah. Cock! I love it.
>Bet you do.


>Maybe it is all about cocks...

>Do you think her pussy hair is white as well?

>You want da good girl. But you need da bad pussy!

>Weak men will never rule Dorne again!

There was at least one more, but mercifully my mind has eroded around it.

Not to mention, how was he democratically elected king with a dozen supporters, while everyone else made off with the fleet? Surely Yara and Theon couldn't sail a whole fleet together.

he was just as much of a weirdo in both show

What is this, the Sopranos?

Battle of The ________

You can't.

He's solo weirdo in Misfits which accentuates the weirdness while he's surrounded by other weirdos in GoT. Him and Locke were best buddies that talked about maiming people.

You don't even have to have studied the war between Țepeș and The Ottomans in detail to know that this attack was much more thought-out and well-planned (and eventually its main objective failed too) than whatever the fuck Ramsay was supposed to have done to undermine Stannis' food resources and army functionality in such a major way.

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That bitch inspired my wife to cut her hair short and I’ll never forgive her

>suddenly Selyse of all people grows a heart three sizes too big while Stannis eagerly lights matches too quell his sudden pyromanic tendencies

Season 8 Episode 3

Not realizing:
>anything that DnD claims, even with GRRM's support, is bullshit to placate fans who have the brain capacity to question the clusterfuck that is the show's storyline
>The Night King does not exist in the books
>the rest of the books will never be written

>season 1 Loras: giving the rose to Sansa, Littlefinger shows he knows everyone's secrets by hinting Loras is gay despite looking like the perfect romantic knight ideal
>season 2 and further Loras: ultrafaggot who does nothing but fuck boys in his bed, who fucked every stableboy from King's Landing to Winterfell and EVERYONE knew
I'm surprised at D&D not catching more flak for so absolutely ruining the gay character.

I remember reading they insisted on writing the episode themselves, in order to make sure "it would be done just right"

If they hadn't shown Barristan's corpse in the next episode I'm sure we'd also have plenty of people still believing he might be alive. Holy shit what a terribly shot death he got.

That was the part I truly hated. Suddenly the woman who 100% is going to be the burner in the book because she hates her daughter turned repentant, crying and killing herself, because "muh mother's love" bullshit. Insultingly bad ending to a character you're not meant to like, until the last second apparently.

>anime insert: the character

That theon is a je

Tepes used thousands of men over several days to attack the camps and set wild animals like bears and wolves loose amongst the camps. He digs traps and scorches the earth. He even send lepers and plague victims into the camp to spread disease and even then the Ottoman army still made it to the capital and Tepes didn't have enough men to defend it.

Ramsey used 20 good men in one night and utterly crippled and destroyed Stannis' entire army.

Sure it looks bleak for Stannis, but there's no way he'll just go "oh well burn my Daughter then" because a tent of supplies burnt down. What'll most likely happen is that the fanatic mother will burn her, and Stannis will be destroyed by that ultimate treachery. For what future will he fight with no heir, when he's already embraced the idea that the king should save the kingdom instead of squabble over the throne? In that distraught state it's easy to believe he'll die while ridding the North of the Boltons, clearing the way for someone else.

>Stannis burning his daughter
>Gut stab and sewer swim
>Giant fighting with bare hands
>Muh weak men can't rule
>Killing pope in vatican with hundreds of worshippers and not causing a massive religious chimpout
>Dothraki khans can't escape from a burning tent
>Nothing personnel sparring, not using superior reach to dominate the fight
>5 minute greyscale cure
>CIA death

He abandoned the capital and left presents for the Ottoman army. What can you do when the promised backup doesn't arrive and you're facing an empire?

I'm not faulting him for abandoning the capital, it was definitely the right thing to do, I'm just contrasting reality with the fiction in GOT.

>5 minute greyscale cure
All the more aggravating as Jorah could've died just for Dany as well this episode if he went full stone leprosy.
Though I take that back, Khaleesi wouldn't have laid a hand on the contagious cling-on and he'd have lived.

>Killing pope in vatican with hundreds of worshippers and not causing a massive religious chimpout
For me it was the Faith Militant being a bunch of sadomasochistic monks using cudgels to fuck with the commoners by taking away their drink and merriment, instead of being, you know, Knight's Templars swearing to protecting the commoners on the roads and thus being loved. It's just a ridiculously stupid change that the terrorist attack ending to the whole thing doesn't even matter.

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Maybe Ramsay's 20 good men had 20 good men of their own? We all know it's bullshit because they wanted to get rid of Stannis.

Now Kelly C will feel even worse every time she'll see Sam. Fat fuck made it through without any help and she got Jorah killed.

>All the more aggravating as Jorah could've died just for Dany as well this episode if he went full stone leprosy
Was just thinking that. It would have been kino if the battle was being lost when a lone rider covered in rags charges in and turns the tide, being revealed as Jorah with half his face all greyscaled and shit.

I'm not arguing with that or saying you're wrong. I was just pointing out that comparing the 20 good men bullshit with the Night Attack is dishonest.

twenty good ottomen

I absolutely forgot the point about the Dorne plot and the Sandvipers, can anyone remind me?

>up to 30,000

>just give me 20 (thousand) good men
I think that's what he said.

Why did D&D hate Stannis so much anyway? Something to do with being Jewish?

Wasn't peat considered superior to firewood in some places IRL?

At least it was entertaining unlike all the other trash.

>greyjoy kingsmoot

Yeah this was a lowkey disappointment. The coronation was good though intercut with Theon and Asha fucking off post haste.

The truly sad thing is that there are so many terrible moments that qualify as 'ruining the show' that even if you start listing them and fire off 10-20 you'll miss at least one.

>Killing pope in vatican with hundreds of worshippers and not causing a massive religious chimpout

This really pisses me off too.

The entirety of Season Two has still yet to be matched. It's when the show took a sharp nosedive down and never looked back.
>Jaime Lannister: kinslayer
>Cersei whitewashed even further
>Love with Tysha over Shae is my true love now
>no chain
>no peach
>Renly good Stannis bad because Weiss is still butthurt
>no Lightbringer
>Brienne turned into one dimensional YASS SLAY QUEEN
>no Garland
>Robb falls for the first piece of brown ass he sees which makes no sense
>no Westerlings
>no Westerlings plots
>Robb and Talisa marry under the Seven which makes no sense for either character
>no Roose in Harrenhal
>Papa Tywin shit
>no Weasel Soup
>Arya's stupid use of names which is so dumb they have to make excuses for it in season 3
>Jon's plotline neutered
>removes reasons why he spares Ygritte
>removes Qhorin's talk about how he understands Jon
>only Bran is a warg
>Qhorin just getting Jon to kill him out of nowhere, yelling his plan in front of all the wildlings MAKES PERFECT FUCKING SENSE
>"I'll bet you don't know Dagmer's real identity."
>Qarth plotline a shell of itself
>House of the Undying, one of the most important chapters in the fucking books, just glossed over and made shit
>no Belwas
>no Arstan Whitebeard
Been shit since then, and still is now.

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She blames it on them when she meets with the Iron Bank dude. Calls it an accident.

>fanatsy hammers

damn that's sadly based

Name a better GOT moment

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>why is this show based on hack writing so full of hack writing?
wow really makes you think... FUCK OFF GOT FAGS

The real retarded part is that they're mad that Oberyn Martell died, so their revenge is to kill the last of the Martells to prove how inaction of killing Martells is the best way to avenge the killing of the Martells?

It's just retarded the whole way around.

Were the sand sneks supposed to be rooted for? Show depicts them as petty noblewomen that take shit way too personal.

People talking about Stannis now makes me remember that there used to be good characters in this show.
There is not a single interesting character left.
The new game of thrones just feels like a drama series made for women.

They ruined the show so much no one cares about Cleganebowl, this is the biggest let down.

No hype.

I repeat no hype is had anywhere.

I can't tell you an exact moment, but generally as soon as plot armor started playing a big part. the thing I liked about the show's opening season is that it made a point that nobody is untouchable. if you made a mistake, you suffered the consequence. if you are surrounded by your enemies, you will die. the later seasons - especially the latest episode - has seen a lot of characters weasel their way out of almost certain deaths. the mortality of the characters was a big part of what made the show interesting, without that there is little urgency in any fight sequence. the other thing that made the show interesting - the dialogue - has also declined in quality. the intrigue is gone, the remaining clever characters are dull now.

I felt violated

Probably by woodlets trying to cope.

One good female Stark ninja assassin

No hype and all is lost

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I don't even know if I can bring myself to consider Arya killing the night king as canon

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in robbs defense though, she had a really great ass
would marry that ass in a heartbeat

>yfw the two DO face down in King's Landing, allowing someone else to get to Cersei
>yfw Sandor doesn't finally overcome his fear of fire to end his brother, he just stabs him and that's it

i have always sadi this show was shit. it was always SHIT. just look at all the retarded scenes itt. 100s of them.
p.s. regarding 20 good men, remember the trojan horse

the mountain is a mindless zombie now, it lost all meaning

>when Roose, a master of intrigue, allowed himself to be killed by Ramsay
>the entire sandsneks plot
>the entire braavos arya plot
>when stannis, a master of warfare, had his army destroyed by 20 good men
>the whole bran above the wall plotline that went nowhere

too many to count

Speaking of which where did Davos' black pirate buddy go?


I don't know if I recall correctly, but instead of killing the two Stark children when he sieged Winterfell, did he not murder (or have murdered) and burn the corpses of two farmer's children?

I've always thought he deserved all the torture he got in the series. Maybe I did just remember wrong.

>>the whole bran above the wall plotline that went nowhere
why did the NK even want to kill him again?

Nah nothing can top what they did to Dorne.

>>Arya's stupid use of names which is so dumb they have to make excuses for it in season 3
I have no memory of this, can you describe it more?

>yfw Ayra kills the mountain to save The Hound

people easily forget this show ACTUALLY introduced the time-traveling element like in some cheap sci-fi.

cry more bookfag

Dude got sick of all the danger and fucked off to the Summer Isles to chill.

>and burn the corpses of two farmer's children?
Which may or may not have been his own children, seeing as he thinks of the farmer's wife as one of the many commoners he's bedded. The dude is definitely meant to deserve his faith, but that doesn't mean he can't have some redemption by the very act of trying to redeem himself through it.

hits home, user

Chaos is a ladder was my favorite scene, with two of the best characters. Now, writers killed one off in some shitty way and the other they have effectively written out of the show.

No one remembers the "Power is Power" line?

Should have beat her. Inspired by the show of course.

>dabid dabid, Howland Reed has proof Jon is Targ!!
>WHAT? Shit, we haven't established him at all! How the hell are we going to pull this off?
>is okay dabid, Bran sees his dad have a cool fight-scene where Arthur Dayne dual-wields and then he follows his dad into the bedroom and hears Lyanna!!!
And thus with one small change they completely uprooted Bran's powers, having it not be tied to weirwoods in any way, all because they couldn't think of a way to prove Jon's heritage without a vision.

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Same with Tomen, they were good kids taking into account how fucked up were their parents

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Haven't read the books, is it stupid that they had Dayne duel wield?

his arc was complete

Yes. In the books Arthur Dayne is an incredibly good swordsman who has a Valyrian-steel tier ancestral sword called Dawn, supposedly forged from a fallen star and passed down in the Dayne lineage to the one who's most worthy to be the Sword of the Morning(as a side-note, some think that's the origin of the Lightbringer prophecy deal). Think of acclaimed swordsmen like prime-time Jaime or Ser Barristan, except with a Valyrian steel sword that's lighter but sharper and stronger than normal swords, which makes their skill even more pronounced. Making him some meme dual-wielder is simply retarded writing because a great swordsman wouldn't try to dual-wield two swords like that, and the fight scene was even more stupid with the dropped shields etc.

Euron finding Asha and Theon in the middle of the fucking ocean almost immediately after they set sail (with their faster ships)
Was it just as stupid in the books?

Everything about Euron is tenfold better in the books. No teleporting ships, no thousand ships built over-night from a tree-less landscape and the reason why so many follow Euron is perfectly clear because he brings with him incredible riches like more gold and jewels than everyone else put together, dragon eggs and other artefacts he claims to have picked up in Valyria, instead of "lol u got no cock! XD" faggotry.

It's a small nitpick in the grand scheme of stupid things in the show, but it always annoys me just how fucking close together their armadas are grouped every time they're in shot. They're great big fucking sailing ships, they need room god dammit.


fuck off

They really did kill off Stannis

I was still holding out hope for him to show up against the night king but nothing, D&D are absolute retards

>I was still holding out hope for him to show up against the night king
Why? He was a moron through the entire show

Are the creators of this show of semitic ancenstry?

>I am not blind, nor deaf. I know you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Your father knew me better. Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dared tread on him. I was the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes.
Show Doran is hands down the biggest waste of potential in the entire series, especially since they actually did get a great actor and one that fit the role perfectly.

at least we are all gonna save some precious hours in our life considering any possible rewatch is off the table

Might rewatch season 1 at some point.

He acknowledged Theon as one of the strongest people in Westeros, addressing him with the highest honor someone could receive. Now, I'm not saying other characters aren't as strong as Theon, but he was the only one to be formally called a Good Man.

its kill

Season 1 is perfectly fine by itself. Just look at it like a really long movie starring Sean Bean.

>its kill

We can probably edit it and have it as decent sized movie. It's not like any of Jon's parts are relevant.

Barristan calls Robert a Goodman, and I think Tyrion calls Ned a Goodman. Also Tyene calls Bronn's wife a Goodgirl, but it's implied as an insult when compared to Badpousy

the guy that sentences the mountain to death based on a hearsay?

>Ramsay murders Roose for plot convenience

Roose was awsome and well played for what they've given him

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Theon was on the level of legends. Makes sense Good Girl being an insult as opposed to Good Man being the highest achievable honor.

she kept saying the names on her bucket list

>A northern lord who thought Rob Stark was in over his head and switched sides to the ruling king
>realistic motivations? not in our show - Dabid

no wonder they cut him

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Can you blame anyone for doing that? This is the mountain we're talking about, he's done worse without a care.

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Ok but everyone knew what the mountain was like, also he was challenging the Lannister's by doing that.

Nothing will top this. I am still mad.

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How can Arya penetrate his Armor when it is so good, it doesn't melt vs Dragonfire?

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>bad guy killing the good guy
Uh... did these motherfuckers miss the part in every fucking interview GRRM has done on how much he hates the good vs bad guy arcs and how he doesn't believe in "good" or "bad" guys?

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>Ellaria Sand laid her hand on the Mountains head
Wait, did they kille the Mountain in the books?

>>Wight hunt

What's this?

Littlefinger's whore with cum on her mouth, he wipes it off and sends the whore off to a fresh customer.

It's about subverting our expectations

Oberyn kills the Mountain. Qyburn brings back an abomination through dark magic.

That's actually an enjoyable story and was a good dive into Jaimes character and developed the relationship between him and bronn and Jaimes daughter

It was ruined by the terrible acting of the sandsnakes and a plot that went nowhere

>>Do you think her pussy hair is white as well?
Implying we haven't been wondering that for years

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Roose has never actually been competent, not in the show nor the books. He's spent the entire franchise riding on his opponents carrying the idiot ball and his allies doing all the work for him while he coolly stands to the side and takes credit for things. He's just the step up version of nothin personnel. Ramsay was always a better antagonist.

Him killing his dad when he fucking idolized the dude and was in pure pants cumming bliss that his father even recognized him as a true son.

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is that luis inacio lula da silva?


Worst part of the show, in all honesty, is King Slanding. I just don't understand. Is it just something everyone says? "We have to go to King Slanding" "The army will arrive at King Slanding" blah blah blah. But no one ever seems to meet King Slanding, or think he can win the Iron Throne. Giant plothole that honestly ruined the show for me, don't introduce characters and never show them on screen!

theon is like a chimp with a machine gun

They also said that more than one million people live in King Slanding. What does that mean? If he stealing people's soul?

he was smart enough to betray Rob and became new ruler of the north, unlike many other characters.

And also they say that the smell of King Slanding is the worse.

Roose weakened the other northern armies while protecting his own.
Book Ramsay is a dumbass who only survived out of luck. The retard roamed the north causing problems everywhere then when he's with roose starts eating all the livestock they need for winter

Roose lucked out because Catelyn is likely the stupidest character in the franchise and even the writers know it and present it, instead of it just being shit writing making a smart character look dumb. Ramsay at least made the maneuvers to take Winterfell, Roose's entire character is sitting in the back and waiting for everyone else to kill each other hoping that no one notices him. And honestly, I might give him credit for that if not for it only working because other characters retard out when he's done nothing clever to maneuver into those positions himself.

A lot of characters have their wits destroyed by the show but Roose's danger has always been an informed trait.

Holy shit I thought I was the only one who thought about this somehow.

>Theon was originally one of Ramsey's GoodMen

It all fits, the other 19 must have sided with Cersei

the whole episode 3 of season 8

of course

You mean Fat Sam who was "almost" killed four times in one episode but thanks to the miracles of quick cuts and plot armor is always saved from being swarmed by dozens of Zombies?

any time the sand snakes arent naked

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Since he's a tragic hero, he will burn her in the book as his Nissa Nissa. God I wish I could somehow send him all the AA theories to stop this from happening ;_;

>8000 years old
>born of a force beyond human existence
>literally The Void personified
>smirks, displaying human ego and contempt

Sure, dragon fire can burn PLATE armor to ash, but can it burn PLOT armor to ash?

I think not!

>Germany hosts Victoria's Secret fashion show next to migrant camp, 2019, colorized

I remember it in Order of the Stick

Go on

El goblino keep killing the cool characters in the worst way possible.

Why do women bitch so much about rape?

Aren't they supposed to take dick anyway? What's the difference between fucking willingly or unwillingly? I would understand he they were being fucked up the ass, but they aren't. Don't women feel pleasure during sex? Why do they bitch so much about being raped. I don't understand.

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What a retarded thing to be hung up about, among all the actually retarded shit in the episode. He didn't get touched by the dragonfire because he can project cold, the same way a white walker quenched flames earlier in the show. He merely cooled the air around him. The reason the VALYRIAN dagger could penetrate the centuries-old armour and some shitty castle-forged sticker can't should be obvious by show standards.

What you should have a problem with is him having some shitty regular armour on at all, instead of being an icy being who's armoured with cold, like in the books.

After the Mountain is killed by Oberyn a skull is sent back to Dorne. There's some contention whether it actually is the Mountain's head and the reanimated Mountain is just a headless body, since he's never seen without a full helm and it's described as only having darkness within it or something like that, or if it's another giant skull sent in its stead, such as the skull of a dwarf with an unusually large head that Cersei received from someone trying to cash in on her Tyrion bounty. Either way, that's the head they're talking about.

Didn't she stab him in a convenient opening in his armor though?

You gotta be over 18 to post on this site

theres no armor. when the thens and the NK are killed there's only ice. he was 100% made of ice. as george once said: they can do things with ice that you and me can't even imagine.

I can't even comprehend how it's possible to be so bad at writing. D&D must be absolute cocksuckers in real life because nobody has the nerve to tell them their ideas are stupid.

>8000 years old
>he actually believes the inflated timeline

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Honest to god I forgot these were in the show. The Church that imprisoned Cersei have gone that way a bit already, but I legit forgot totally about these.

there is literally nothing worse and anyone who claims the previous episode was worse should stfu

It's Valyrian Steel he could have been wearing full plate or be completely naked it would make no difference

Well dabid and deebee wanted it to happen so it was going to happen even if she had a twig if you wanna go that route

>convenient opening
>over your heart
That'd just be braindead armour design.

its so hard for you to understand because you have no idea how the human body works and apparently never talked with a female about sex before

bros - no armor on the NK. when he's killed there's'no armor left on the ground. same for all the dead thens

Give me one word to better describe the writers

No those two things aren't similar Valyrian steel in universe is capable of penetrating armour easily that's different to just outright terrible writing

this ^

Weren't they all conveniently burnt to death in the House of The Undying, when Dany was getting her visions? Or did that only happen in the books?


Later on one pretends to be a little girl with a ball inside the ball was a manticore scorpion
When barristan chases the warlock he teleports

That's fair.
I think I just didn't notice the moment she stabbed him

>LGBT community unconcerned by an accurate depiction of the gay lifestyle.

Haha you fell for the love is love meme

look again

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Remember the faceless men, the network of ruthless supernatural assassins that span multiple countries? Apparently one of their new recruit broke every of their code, killed her instructor, then fucked off back home with full knowledge of their sekrit hide out and everything. They just gave up on her

>Later on one pretends to be a little girl with a ball inside the ball was a manticore scorpion
That's not a warlock, that's a Weeping Man assassin. He even says "I'm sorry" or whatever it is before she's about to be killed. Or, again, they greatly changed it from the books and I'm just muddling the two together. It's not like I've ever felt the need to rewatch the schlock show.

But that shows it turning to ice when the blade hits???


>GRRM will die before we find out what the Faceless Man needs to do among the maesters, and what purpose his visit to the dungeon in King's Landing served
Such a small side-story yet it's got me so intrigued.

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Yeah I know it looks like armor. But it's actually ice. Nice detail on that scene of the armor transforming into ice. And again - check all thens that were killed in all episodes. There's never a single piece of armor that falls

I also think that if they actually wear any armor it would be so cold that it the armor would be brittle and break on the first movement

fast forwarding a little bit where the armor turns into ice

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A woman's most valuable resource is their pussy and rape is taking pussy without paying. If a man gets "raped" by a woman, like she humps you while you're passed out or some shit, you probably wouldn't care because the exclusivity of your dick isn't valuable. Even if she was Jabba the hutt's daughter or something it would probably just be a funny story to tell the lads rather than a traumatic experience.

The closest thing a man can experience to being raped (aside from having your asshold raped by another man) is being cucked. A man's most valuable resource is his time and money, and if a woman tricks you into thinking you're trading your time and money for exclusive access to her pussy when she's really giving it away on the side, you're having your most valuable resource being stolen from you.

daily reminder that she could have shot him in the foot with a dragonglass arrow and the giant would be dead

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not to mention in Jon's case it was Arctic cold and anyone who actually fell in something like that would be dead in about a minute

dude, armor, everything is made of ice

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another detail here is that the dagger doesn't get any ice on it, so it's not that there was a sudden cold that froze everything around

Why do you keep calling them thens? Thenns are a wildling tribe.

Which is actually another point they ruined in the show that I personally fucking hate and thinks shows D&D's utter idiocy. In the books the Thenns live in some slightly-volcanic warm valley that allows them to live sedentary lives with bountiful harvests, that in turn allowing them to have a feudal structure and noblemen of their own that Jon can intermarry into Northern families with little problems. The only wildlings to have this characteristic, and they're also the only wildling tribe who can forge their own weapons, with every other wildling tribe either using old stolen Night's Watch weapons or using shitty bone/stone/whatever weapons.

So what do D&D do? They merge them with the cannibal tribe that even other wildlings despise and who can't easily be brought into Northern society, but still gives them distinctive new shiny weapons with no fucking explanation why the cannibals of all tribes are the only ones with new and very distinct weapons. It's literally the worst two tribes to merge you could think of. Merging them with literally any other tribe would have been fine, but D&D couldn't even pass that incredibly low hurdle.

is it really turning to ice or do White Walkers/NK radiate extrem cold resulting the armor to mist up and then turning into dust because it is so brittle?

This was ridiculous. It was purely DABID shitting on Bobby B. They've always hated the Baratheons but once the show got into fanfiction territory in season 5 they could finally reveal it fully. First the Stannis character assassination and then suddenly everyone remembers Robert as a horrible piece of shit rather than a flawed but decent man badly suited to being king. They're complete Targ apologists as well. No one ever challenges Dany on her "rightful queen" bullshit. You have no right to anything, your family was overthrown.

Remember the end of last season as well?
>Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie
Oh, it was a lie that Rickard and Brandon were burned alive? It was a lie that all of Brandon's companions were executed? They phrased it as though Robert KNEW Lyanna had run off with Rhaegar willingly and lied to everyone. Fuck DABID and their retarded fanfiction shit. Ours Is The Fury.

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>the living giant was never given a weapon so he had to punch and kick people instead of wading in, and got killed by arrows in a stupid way
>the undead giant did get a weapon, and they didn't easily kill it off with arrows which were bountiful a second before
That dude was everything Wun Wun should have been, goddammit.

what was the point of that?

That actually makes a lot of sense. It's all about playing the victim.

I just found it bizarre because like... you're having sex, how can you bitch about it? You're supposed to draw pleasure out of it, and it's not something uncomfortable like sticking something up your ass, it's actually pleasurable, so why do they bitch about it regardless? Although I admit I already had a suspicion it was all just so they could feel special.

>Why do you keep calling them thens? Thenns are a wildling tribe.
Because I'm retarded. Sorry, I meant to say white walker, don't know why my brain got stuck on then

>look at me mom, I'm HBO the cable-show that can show anything!!!
That said, I'm almost wistful about the days when we'd complain about such simple things like the forced brothel exposition scenes. Compared to the shit ladled out in later seasons it was nothing.

wtf i can't see anything

I'm making this point about their armor/weapons being actually ice because of the answer George gave in an interview:

Shaw: Do you know what substance an Other sword is made from.

Martin: Ice. But not like regular old ice. The Others can do things with ice that we can't imagine and make substances of it.


Shireen isn't even with Stannis on the march to Winterfell in the books. She's at the Wall with Melisandre. The Lord of Light worshippers want Stannis to burn prisoners to clear the snow and he tells them to fuck off. Then he gives orders to one of his men to go back to Shireen at the Wall, and put Shireen on the throne if he dies in the upcoming battle. People have been predicting Shireen would get sacrificed for years, but that it would be to revive Jon. The Dragon (Jon) will be woken from stone (Shireen).

D&D hated Stannis from day 1. They gave a morally complex character a generic evil theme and gave all of his redeeming moments to Davos and some of Mel's worst moments to him.