At this point, Game of Thrones is basically just a female power fantasy

I always knew this was the case, but after the last episode, if anyone says otherwise you are literally retarded and should kill yourself at the first opportunity.
I mean, there is literally no male characters left in the whole thing who has any real worth, and isn’t a constant failure.
The irony is, that’s the biggest fantasy aspect of the whole show. We all know women are pretty much useless in all ways in reality, yet in this show, they are god-like ubermench. So let’s go down the list...
In Kings Landing, we have a woman sitting on the Iron Throne. A woman whose latest achievement is outsmarting the High Sparrow (male), and is about to outsmart the North by not sending the army she said she would (with a load of men grovelling and serving her). Pretty much a no-nonsense SLAYY QQKKWWAANNN!!1
So who is her biggest threat? Dany! A girl who literally conquered the whole of Essos more of less by outsmarting all the men who were opposed to her (and again with a load of snivelling men at her feet...Jorah, Grey Worm, Tyrion, Dario, etc). Pretty much invincible, and not to forget ohh so 'moral'. Freeing all the slaves and being worshipped as a god.
Ok so they're the two biggest power players. Lets go through all the main kingdoms and see who is running the show.


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Other urls found in this thread:

And that's a good thing.

So starting at the South we have Dorne. Currently run by a group of massively overpowered STONK WAMENS who overthrew their weak male ruler (Doran) and kill his captain of the Guard (Areo of the best fighters in Westeros) with ease to avenge their family. They can pretty much kill anyone without any effort. Cause we all know that in real life women are just so damn aggressive and skilled killers. Also, you'll notice a theme throughout the show of the men being weak, such as Doran being in a wheelchair. For other its being eunich (theres like 3 main characters who have had their genitals removed), being a midget, missing a hand, etc. Basically, it seems the majority of the men in this show has a physical deformity. Can you name a single female character who does? Anyway, I digress...

So next up we have The Tyrells in the Reach. Literally a house ran by the women. At the moment its the Queen of Thornes (Lady Olenna), known for her sassy wit and strategic mind. Technically it was Mace Tyrell, but as we know, he was just a stupid bumbling idiot. A literal caricature of a man. Luckily we had the STONK WAMENS to keep him in line and do the real thinking (and he was killed by a more clever wamen too).

After that we have the Baratheons in Storms End. They arent very involved in the show anymore, but even when they were it was by an evil man (burnt his own daughter) and was easily manipulated by a woman (Melissandre). Lets not forget it was a STRONK WAMEN who eventually killed him in the end anyway as Brienne.


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Kings Landing and Casterly Rock are also pretty run by Cersei, as we have explained.

The Eyrie was ran by a woman, but now is run by a sickly and spoilt boy. She was manipulated and killed by an evil man, but luckily, he was killed in the end by the far superior STRONK WAMEN.

Lets go to the Iron Islands. Although technically it is Euron who is king (very evil man), in reality the real face and strength of the Iron Islands is Yara. The good and noble one, who was denied being ruler cause of the evil sexism of the system!!! Not to mention she is super STONK and can defeat pretty much all men in combat and is loved by her crew.

And obviously the North is run by Sansa, so enough about that one. So as we can see, pretty much all areas of the map are run by amazing STRONK WAMANS, and there’s pretty much no decent or strong men to be found.

So now lets look through all the other character who are worth mentioning in the show

Strongest fighter? Well thats probably Brienne of Tarth. She beat the Hound in combat (one of the best fighters in Westeros). Has held her own against armies of the dead in the last episode where she was pretty much invincible. Not to mention she has impeccable honour. I mean, she has pretty much beaten everyone she has fought without fail. Oh wait...I should rephrase that, She has pretty much beaten every MAN she has fought without fail. The only person who was able to beat her was an even STRONKER INDERPENDANT WAMUN!

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Arya Stark. I mean, where do you even start with this pretty much invincible overpowered terminator? The nigga studies waterdancing for a couple of weeks (literally spanned about 3 episodes so can’t have been more than a few weeks). Then she trained with the faceless men for a season (of which only about 3 or 4 episodes revolved around actual combat and she was kicked out after failing her first assassination mission) and now she’s pretty much the best fighter in the world. Oh wait...there was one person who bested her...The Waif...yet another STRONK INVINCIBLE WAMEN!!! SLLAYY QQUEEAANNN!!!!

"Oh hello Brienne, I know you’ve studied fighting your whole life, but I've studied for about a year in total and am half your age and can beat you instantly".

"Oh hello Lord Frey. I studied with the faceless men and failed my first task, but I can now infiltrate the castle, kill all your sons and assassinate you without an problem"

"Oh hello Night King. I know you’re the biggest threat to the world, have thousands of years of fighting experience and are surrounded by an army of undead warriors, but I fought a girl with a stick once when i was blind and she then stabbed me 4 times in the stomach and I fell into a dirty river which i instantly recovered from with no problems. I know shes a trained assassin who would never have failed to kill me with 4 stabs with a massive dagger, and we live in a world where Kahl Drogo died of an infected wound without falling into a shit filled stream, but hey ho. Think I’m just gonna insta-teleport behind you and kill you instantly cause I'm a STRONK GURLL U BIGGERT!"

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OK, so the world of combat is out of the question, cause as we know women are physically the strongest when compared to men in real life, so its only natural (lol).

What about in smarts? Surely men have the upper hand there? So who was considered one of the smartest people in Westeros? Little Finger. Uh oh. Guess he wasn’t smart enough for Sansa, who out-played him in the game. DIE U BIGGOOTT!!!1 Guess you just can't beat a STRUNK INTELKIGERNT WLAMANE!

And before any of you faggots give me the "B-but T-Tyrion is the s-smartest man in Westeros". Uh, no sweetie. At the moment both Dany and Cersei are laughing in his face and mocking him for how stupid he is for falling for Cersei's trick and actually believing her to send her armies north, despite everyone and his dog knowing that Cersei wasnt gonna do it. DDOUUBBLLEEE SSLLAAYY QQKKKHHEEAAANNN!! OOUUTTSSMMARRTT THHEE BBIIGGOORTT"!!

OK, so we know the women are far superior physically and mentally to the men of this world. Lets look at the last episode to see if theres anything at all that the men of this world have done to possible redeem themselves in any way.

What did John Snow ultimately contribute to the whole episode? Ohhh, he knocked the Night King from his dragon. Wow. Note: both Jon and the night King needing to use/steal one of Dany's dragons. Typical men needing to leech off STRIILLNKK WWUURRMMENNS as usual. But yeah. Ultimately this 'prince that was promised' did absolutely nothing to change the outcome. Useless!

What other main characters were up there fighting? Oh yes, we had Sam....cowering and being afraid. OK, I'm being unfair. Sam isnt a warrior. What about a real warrior, like the Hound?! Oh wait...he was cowering and being afraid too.

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Have sex

Hmmm, struggling to think of any other men who contributed anything of worth up in the killing fields. As we know the men were cowering and afraid, but the women were up there kicking ASSSS!!! (Dany, Brienne, Arya, Lyanna). Its to be expected don’t you know.

OK OK, maybe down in the crypts we will see some women who are more vulnerable. Oh no. What a surprise. Theres more male main characters than females in the crypts cowering (Tyrion & Verys vs Sansa). So it looks like no matter where the men are, they’re cowering and afraid somewhere while the WOMMEENNKK remain STRONK!
Ok, lets see who the main slayers are of the episode are. Obviously the main SLAY QUEEN is Arya. Even a 17 year old skinny girl is able to do what thousands of adult men could not. So who did the next greatest kill of the episode? Surely the SEERRLLLAAYY KKQQUUEERREEAANNN Lyanna Mormont gets that title. Killing a giant with ease! a 10 year old girl can do what took Gren and 6 brothers to do at the wall. LOL. When will men ever learn they can't compete with 10 year old WAMENNS!!!

At this point in the series, its purely a female power fantasy. All women in the thing are pretty much god-like. All the cleverest people are women. All the most powerful people are women. All the best fighters are women. Men can just sit on the side lines in awe of their WWHHAAAMMEENNN PPOOOWWERRSZZ!!

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Any man who actually enjoys the show at this point is official a tranny, and needs to get T injections immediately before the killing themselves out of shame.

This lecture of mine is true and anyone who disagrees with everything I have said is wrong and knows it, and is also a massive faggot.

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I already did today

Have sex

This show is about male impotence

Baste and Kweenpilled

A compelling point before that last idiotic part where you talk about testerone injections.
You can't balance a society that was so imbalanced without going through the opposite motions first. It will all balance itself out in the end, it'll take a while but we'll get there eventually.
Possibly too late for mankind to persist but what can you do.

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I kind of enjoy the show at this point. I don't know what to think desu. It used to legitimately good, seasons 1-4 weren't like this for the most part. Now I just roll my eyes at the stronk wymnyn bullshit and focus on the parts that are okay, I guess.


Just the fact this is your go to reply indicates to me that getting sex is some massive accomplishment for you and that my post is a result from the lack of it.

Maybe for you sweetie, but for me getting sex isnt the issue. In fact the fact that I have enough testosterone to see what a shit show GOT has become is the reason why.

But i can understand why someone like yourself who sees women as god like creatures who grace you with their sex is a reason youre so hostile to my correct views.

I forgot to mention, everything you said is pretty much accurate as far as I can tell. It's ridiculous

They realised who their audience was after a few seasons and with them running out of material to use it was obvious that they would lean heavily toward pandering.

It's a meme

> It will all balance itself out

In the next 3 episodes?

Im not against having any strong female characters, but its got to the absurd where there is literally not a single male one and its just females doing everything. Its just stupid.

>Step aside, niggers

What did they mean by this?

The biggest travesty of all is that even John has been turned into kind of a joke in the hands of Dany "I fucked a producer to get this part" Targaryen

>in reality the real face and strength of the Iron Islands is Yara. The good and noble one, who was denied being ruler cause of the evil sexism of the system!!! Not to mention she is super STONK and can defeat pretty much all men in combat and is loved by her crew.
dang that one actually hits me because that goes back to when I still actually watched the show. it was dumb that a bunch of pirates would look at a woman as just another member of the crew. they spend months at sea! they'de be running trains on that bish. what a dumb show

This is such a repulsive woman, and I've seen a couple of interviews and she comes across as the worst kind of passive-aggressive pseudo intellectual imaginable.

No wonder the millenial leftist horde worships her.

have sex incel

I'm not talking about game of thrones. Game of thrones is fucked, I'm talking about societal disparities that lead people to make such one dimension art. Before it was wenches in the tavern while men act all strong and save the useless princesses, now it's the complete opposite, we have to reap what we sowed. Doesn't mean that you have to watch the show but you can try to understand how it came to this.

>t. incel

beta and cuckpilled
have sex

Problem is that the strong men saving the princess was an accurate reflection of the social norms and realities of that world (obviously exaggerated). But now its the polar opposite.

A woman being able to beat a man in combat is very rare in reality. In the fiction these days its the norm.

Atleast traditionally it was just an extension of what was already real. This tries to make it opposite.

t. literam basemenet dwelling virgin that lives with mommy and is insecure
remember that only alphas dominate women incel, they will always look at you with disgust because you're a beta male
remember that even when you try hard they can smell your low T and they will hate you even more
it's like geek trying to become a fighter
have sex incel, unironically without meming
oh wait, that's right, you can't LOL

>have sex

Ok, I'll do it with my girlfriend later. If you have an point that refute what i said I'd be a lot more interested.

Well, I dunno, I'm an anti-feminist myself, but I think Arya is hot.



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you don't have a girlfriend

have sex


Then maybe it's time to accept that the world you live in has changed a bit from the world you used to know. Women used to not be able or allowed to do much more than assume a traditional stay-at-home mother role. Now and in the western world they can do as they please but a lot has changed in the last century. A woman training in hand to hand combat should be able to beat your ass fairly easily but if, like you I assume, she's stuck at home and doesn't do much in terms of physical activity it'll probably be a tie with advantage given to the most fit or cunning one, whatever their gender be.
And get that reddit-spacing out of here.

Nice shopp.

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>Amerimutt detected

The irony is I've had more sex with more girls that I can even remember at this point.

I know you're attempting to hit a nerve which might be the case if I was an actual incel, but youre wasting your time on me.

Don't be mad just cause I attacked your precious women. I'm sure if you just keep showing them how subservient to them you are and how much you love STRONK WWUUMMEELLNNS, theyll be throwing themselves at you like they do with all male feminists.

lol @ your life

ummm incel much

>A woman training in hand to hand combat should be able to beat your ass fairly easily

LEL. Youve been watching too many marvel movies mate.

even a women trained in hand to hand combat would not even be able to beat 75% of the male population in an actual fight,

In the grand scheme of things, people who think that you can just 'train' your way out of all your physical flaws is a meme. A small framed women who trains will just increase her chances against an average sized man marginally.

We are starting to see it already in the news, where you have them letting these insane, minimally trained trannies compete against women in sports and completely demolishing them.

Conclusion: life isnt a Marval movie where 5'5 110lb women kick the asses of 6'6 muscled henchmen all day .

pic related

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>I need attention.

they're still right because my girl zuby could snap your spine

She's so fucking ugly goddamn, god is toying with us.
I mean everything is good from the neck down, but then, Jesus.

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He needs female attention by the sounds of it

A person trained in hand to hand combat will always beat the fuck out of an untrained one if they so want to but enjoy your red pill reddit-spacing-user.

>being meme trolled this easily.

Have sex.

>sheeeeit men are better at being woman than woman are

>A person trained in hand to hand combat will always beat the fuck out of an untrained one if they so want to but enjoy your red pill reddit-spacing-user.

yeah, of 2 people of equal size and strength.

But as soon as that starts to change, then training can only help so much, and it has diminishing returns the bigger the size difference,

I know this from personal experience.

Hey, I have an idea. Since all that matters is training, maybe they should stop separating boxing into weight divisions and just do it in "how much training they have" divisions.

Do you see how retarded you are?

>A man trained in hand to hand combat will always beat the fuck out of an untrained one...
ftfy, if you think a woman can beat an average fit man hand to had go train for five years and try your luck against a chimp or a gorilla.

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Just another one of these keyboard warriors who watched black widow so some spinny shit and knock out 5 henchmen and think thats how the world works.

Have sex

You offering?

>Have sex

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When some herpes riddled feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!

And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!!!FACT!!!

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All true

GRRM is a feminist too so don’t expect the books to be better in that regard

The books are already starting to get like that,

Should have known really. Hes got all the signs.

>low T
>lives in fantasy world
>Left wing politics
>High pitched voice
>obsessed with sexual perversion

Phrenology is real folks

Dont even know who that is

>be insecure incel
>see woman do thing
>get triggered

>be incel
>see someone criticize women online
>project own sexual failings onto them
>see if women are impressed
>notice they aren't
>continue to be incel

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Also true.

This makes me hate jews even more.
Pic related.

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Don't be so stupid. My Sociology professor Dr Finkelstein told me that saying jews are responsible for feminism is a conspiracy theory.

based numale tell those chauvinists that women only care about good boys like us

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Stop thinking. NOW.

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You're absolutely correct. However... Isn't this true of pretty much everything coming out of Jewlywood these days? What you said about Got could be said about a majority of shows. The SJW agenda is real and has destroyed good story telling. It's time to stop wasting time watching this kind of garbage.

nothing about the show is good anymore

Its full of deus ex machina, people don't die anymore and the writing is good afwul


>hey, if I call everyone incel, people won't think I'm an incel
My 5 year old is at this level of reasoning and subterfuge.

she is ugly - never saw someone disagreeing with that

Oy vey, delete this right now, your enemy are white women, your own race, go destroy them.

The more you reeeeeee the more I laugh.
Arya killing the NK is logical since anybody would have been cut in half in a one on one fight.

> A woman training in hand to hand combat should be able to beat your ass fairly easily
Someone like Olympian, former UFC champion, and ESPN's Best Female Athlete EVER, Ronda Rousey?

Yeah, here she is wrestling with a middling male fighter. She's giving it her all and can't do anything. The guy isn't even trying and just hoists and could rag doll her any time he wants, and isn't even breathing hard at the end of it.

>a middling male fighter.
the moose is one of the best in the world at 185lbs
he's probably closer to 200lbs outside of fight camps
ronder is probably 150lbs at her heftiest

>Arya killing the NK is logical
How the luck is that logical? There was nothing logical about that shit

Don't forget also that Serena Williams was not able to beat the 200th best tennis player in the world when she was number 1 in the world.

>b-but 'muh training' sweetie.

That’s funny considering I’m reading this on my phone.

That's a better example, especially seeing as she is physically enormous for a woman

Also, I bet she was wet as an otters pocket after that fight

I bet you thought you sounded smart when you wrote that post. Sorry sweetie.

185 is middle weight, literally.

And Ken Jennings lost to Nancy Zerg (a trash one-dayer) at Jeopardy. Sometimes unexpected things happen.

have sex

Watch quiz show.

Does obesity cause feminism

Middling is appropriate in both senses. As a middle weight he's not a huge guy compared to male athletes overall, whereas Ronda competes at the higher weight classes available to women, it's not like she's sparing Brock Lesnar. While he's good, he wasn't good enough to not lose like half his fights in the UFC and not get cut. He's not an olympian, he wasn't even a contender in the ufc, and he'll never be mentioned on any greatest athletes lists.


He also played tipsy/hangover(don't remember which) against her.

It's been that way since they raped and murdered Stannis.

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jeapardy is rigged? shit there goes my Holzhauer worship

Incels are dead, long live the volcels!

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Ya know that’s just proving the op’s point, right?

She's the master assassin

>Australia's national women's soccer team the Matildas lose 7-0 to an under FIFTEENS boys' side
Wamyn athletes are a joke. The only thing that's impressive is how deceived people are about their abilities.

nigga, thats remarkable cause its so rare.

its not like women are always beating men in physical sports, and that my example was a one off. Its literally the norm.

Another example is pic attached. Maybe you should go and tell them that those 15 year old boys just had more hours of training than thye did.

LMFAO. Imagine actually being you and not being in a constant state of humiliation about how retarded you are.

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He went free agent for Bellashit ez money
He would beat most of the top UFC MW contenders today

I said watch it, not google it.

I wonder if obesity causes feminism, or feminism causes obesity.

A vicious cycle, maybe.
We do have some sparse evidence of obesity causing significant changes in hormone levels.


For men, its low testosterone, which can be caused by being overweight, or just not producing enough. Its why male feminists are either fat losers, or skinny dweebs.

For women, its being unattractive, which means many of them will be overweight.

Have sex

>implying i'm not in humiliation over retardation

i am, (REM reference) and i feel fine

I've never watched this show (it always looked nad to me) but I think it's truly delightful how massively upset you are that after decades of almost all male centered power fantasies, there's one that isnt. You just can't handle it at all. And even if you saw it was bad you could have just stopped wasting your time watching a show you don't like. But you can't! You're stuck because you're so angry about women and that's super duper funny.

Thread made my day.

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It's always been female power fantasy. Stop acting like that's the problem with the show.

Imagine writing that and believing you're making an incisive point.

>It's just a power fantasy for females
Yup, has been for a few seasons now.
It's why so many people dropped off.

The funny thing is, the only thing a woman hates more than another woman is a weak man, subservient man.

>there's one that isnt

LoL. pretty much 100% of the shit coming out now are female power fantasies. Look at GOT. Look at start wars. look at captain marvel, etc etc.

I'm not against a realistic well written powerful female, but its just gone t absurd levels where you can no longer suspend your disbelief.

And as I have said before, in previous decades it was an extension of the existing reality (i.e, men are more powerful than women) so its not that unrealistic. Now its just gone to opposite world, where 100lbs women are just god like in all ways



>I have nothing to counter your argument and am too weak minded to come up with anything

H..have! Yeah! That'll teach 'em!

>>Jewish showrunners
>>Muh stronk whaman

j'accuse le juif

Battle of Winterfell:
>White Man in soup line: "But I'm not a soldier!"
>Little Girl: "I want to FIGHT!"

Is there a study for it? Found this old statistic from wired.

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Go back to Yea Forums.

problem is a lot of the male viewers are also low T onions-boy faggots, so although they are technically male, they should be classed as female.

Now if they did it based on T levels, it would be different.

Joos are a matriarchal tribe, and as such D&D push a hyperbolic feminist plotline to accelerate a subversive socio agenda in America because Joos believe in a New World Order as promised them by their Torah and Talmud. Anyone who's had to read Susan Sontag at uni can tell you this.

Still i have the feeling with all these reactions on social media and youtube, its now, after the hype season 4, more female. Even all merchandize i see, it would fall into female leaning categories.
But the soiboy is a good argument.

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and that's unironically a good thing, fuck off nazis

>At this point, Game of Thrones is basically just a female power fantasy
You are like 4 years late or something

Rape bitches, got it



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Can somebody shop brienne's jaw onto sansa's face? Should look awesome

I was gonna tell you to have sex but you know what? You are entirely correct. It's quite astonishing when you look at it in detail. Almost all (semi)important male characters are either deformed, crippled, castrated or physically inadequate in any other way. Or they are evil. Jamie is missing a hand. Greyworm, Varys and Theon were missing their nutsacks. Jamie is missing his hand. Sam is fat. Tyrion is a dwarf. The hound is disgustingly ugly. Euron is there caricature of a macho villain.

proper slag

The only semi-main character who I can think of who has anything like that would be Shireen Baratheon with her greyscale.

but in the grand scheme of things its quite small, and is used as a device for sympathy more than anything else.

Not to mention shes pretty minor

Not true in the slightest.

A 5 to 10 male bouter in amateur boxing could more than likely KO Claressa Shields

I love this meme.

>worlds greatest female athlete
>head coach her whole mma career was a boxing coach

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>have sex

Why, do you think that would change my opinion? Or is it that women think they can solve all of their problems and adversity and get everything they want by spreading their legs like they always have like the useless fucktoys they are?!?FACT!!!

Who do you think reads fantasy books? Women

overwhelmingly incorrect

>Why, do you think that would change my opinion?
You'd be less of a colossally angry pissbaby. Men need to have sex to function normally. Without it, you just get fatter, balder, and angrier (which in turn reduce your chances of having sex)

Who is the chic in the middle of right pic? Also does she have bude scenes?

Based and truthpilled

FFS cecil, that episode was trash

GOT is for women anyway.

>have sex!

You idiots act like getting sex is some massive achievement.Anyone can get sex these days.

Just the fact you hold it in such high esteem that its the be all and end all of your life demonstrates how elusive and valuable it obviously is to someone of your low sexual market value.

You might as well be saying "go drink some water". Its literally a non-factor in my life. When I want sex I have it. But for you it really is something else.

Your post is more embarrassing than OPs post. That is quite a feat

Are you retarded? You realize every fighting sport has weigh classes for a reason.

A trained 5’1, 120 pound woman is not going to do shit again a 6’3 200 plus male.

>b-but, in the last Marvel movie, Black Widow did a super spin kick and knocked out 10 henchmen, s-so it must be true, r-right?

The absolute state of the people who post on here,





>women are pretty much useless
Have sex, please.

Prove me wrong

I said it again guys!

1. You can put your dick in them

Imagine caring this much about retarded GoT

Jon Snow is a man and he's the most hilariously OP character in the show

How many death situations has he escaped thanks to plot armor?

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Stil he acts and behave like a dumb knight in his scenes since season 5.
His plot armor now is that he is the comedy relief or clumsy knight. Besides plotarmor doesnt mean OP, but too impportant to the plot to die that young.
Or is Princess Peach OP in SuperMario? No, she is so important, mostly as damsel in distress, to die.

you proved his point, brainlet

>dumb knight
When has Jon acted that way?

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My intersectional feminist queer studies professor Moisha Grubbenshekelstein said that cultural marxism is a white nationalist conspiracy theory and that antifeminism is code for antisemitism.

So you just now come to this conclusion?

After Iron Islands,7 kingdoms, reach, aerie, north,stormlands, and whatever Dani has now is ruled by a queen
Most of the main male characters are eunuchs, cripples, or freaks
Vast Eunuch army
Every single man everywhere without exception wants to fuck dragon queen and will do anything for her
Most badass killer ever is tiny girl
Second most badass killer ever is huge bitch
Main hero is a queen
Main villain is a queen
Season 6 is all about throwing off the shackles of male dominated religious rules
Season 5 was all about throwing off the shackles of female limitations in society
Sandsnakes subplot literally has no other purpose whatsoever

i wanna fugg aria

Jon Snow has become a complete Damsel in distress

>gets killed...needs woman to bring him back to life
>starts losing battle of Bastards...woman saves the day by bringing the Vale Army
>starts losing fight in retarded expedition beyond the wall...saved by woman on dragon

Jon Snow is the most feminine main character in the show at this point

You forgot pirate kween who magically. Made iron Islanders to forsake their pirate ways because silver haired bitch told her to

Exactly. Damn dykes
