Can't believe they're gonna dump this kino design.
2019 I am forgotten
This looks like something out of cat and the hat.
Thing 1 and thing 2 I might add
there's no way they can change it in right, right?
The president of Paramount is getting the J U S T cut as we speak.
What if they rolled this trash out knowing people would view it as shit. Maybe they have 2 versions already finished and just played everyone
If they change it successfully this design will become an urban legend.
just like the snyder cut of justice league right
That kino design will live on in memes.
Was talking about this today with someone. I think they wanted to trigger everyone to create buzz and then drop the real character design. so everyone who heard about it may be more inclined to see the film
There's no way they would just out of the blue, "fix" their movie from backlash. That would be millions of dollars down the toilet. Some of the biggest franchises would have scoffed at any fans bitching about their movie, but all of a sudden a studio want to hear out the fans. Fuck them
we would have it but o well enjoy Aquaman
that was never gonna happen
Note how the fur on the tummy is clean and white whike the fur around the mouth is a dirty, stained yellow literally like a wild animal that shovels food into its mouth
It was too experimental for regular audiences
Good, this is a kid in a fursuit.
What's next, kid in bondage gear?
*knocks on wood*
Do they actually have time to change it like the director suggested they might?
Haha that would be so funny haha
What's that French cartoon with the catsuit guy called? They've already done that.
Probably not. Unless they are fourtunate enough to find an army of high IQ autists with nothing better to do.
>the slippery slope is a logical fallacy guise
Blue arms!