Pokemon BTFO

Pokemon BTFO

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>Trusting critic scores
I have no intention of watching that movie, and I have no hopes for it.
But even I'm not dumb enough to take critic scores seriously.

leave vidya kino to us

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What happened to Tony Jaa

How is it BTFO exactly?

>first postitivel rated video game adaption
I'd say it's a win.


A *LOT* better than I was expecting, desu

Why are critics racist?

>Still a Capcom property
>Directed by the same guy
>Still starring that guy's wife
>She looks literally exactly the fucking same

You guys, what if the Monster Hunter movie is just a Resident Evil sequel?

Honestly, I would enjoy Anderson's movies more if he would stop inserting his wife into them.

Honestly, I would enjoy Anderson's wife if I could start inserting my dick into her.

Not surprising. They pokemon and world looks great, probably great production and decent cast. The problem was they got a no name hack behind the "goosebumps" movie to direct it, instead of someone with talent.

It's boosted because of le diversity guy tbhfam

the fucking mouse threatened the critics

From what I can tell from the rotten reviews the biggest problem is the pacing or editing. They don't say anything about the acting being bad, or the action or the way it's shot.

Goosebumps movies are pretty decent. I've watched them.
I've seen far far worse movies. Movies that had a lot more money and time put into them.
Like A Wrinkle in Time. Ughh. Makes my skin crawl.
Goosebumps was a bit rough around the edges honestly.

>She looks literally exactly the fucking same

Honestly this. Is it genes? Or is she just super healthy and active? I know girls in their early 20's that are completely fucked up but Milla is barely out of her prime.

The main character should be Asian.

oh no no no

More likely that Legendary just didn't bribe them enough.

>doubting Maldraw even once

So what? It's gonna be a massive success, regardless of quality. No way it's not gonna break a billion. It's fucking Pokémon. It prints money.

People are saying it's a better movie than the first Wreck-It Ralph.

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Reduced to being the martial arts guy in mediocre movies

he'll still stop Endgame from beating Avatar

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What race is that?

>26 reviews
nowhere to go but down

seriously Yea Forums do you ever get tired of being wrong?

That kids face annoys me too much to watch this. Such a shame


This. Little kids aren't reading RT, and pokefags will go see it for "muh nostalgia!"

I'm sorry to tell you user, but you're a racist bigot

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>I'm sorry to tell you user, but you're a racist bigot
Why are you sorry to tell me that?

>movie with anime shits and niggers

Yeah probably. Your point?


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They could be anything since the region is unknown.

I can't tell why /vp/ would hate it since the Pokemon don't look half-bad and outside of the fart jokes I haven't seen anything egregious.

never said the next blockbuster you literal bot


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>Better than the first Wreck It Ralph


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So what?

This is what happens when you cast a fuck ugly negro mutt as your protagonist. this is dead in the water in Asia. Your forced "diversity" (translation = shove blacks into everything) doesn't play in other countries!!!FACT!!!

Pikachu should put out a commercial with all the bad reviews but show the hideous reptilian boomer photos of the critics
Make it look like only old out of touch people hate it

if they don't like dark skin then why do iris and olivia exist in the pkmn games? 2 of the hottest characters from anything

>I'm sorry to tell you user, but you're a racist bigot

Why because he's fuck ugly?!?FACT!!!

Fuck off pedophile.

>not knowing that scores from press screenings usually go down

Captain Marvel was at 88 or so and now its hovering at barely 80. Shazam was at 97 yet now its around 90. Heck even Endgame, which managed to get 97, is at 95 and might still go down in the next few weeks.

The studios are picking the people they invite for these to review them, and they'll obviously mostly pick the ones who are interested in their movie and who would probably review them positively.

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>shit diversity main character
>talking Pikachu

What were they thinking really?

>liking lines with color between them makes you harm real children
go back to tumblr

Unova is based on New York and Alola on Hawaii and since both of those are US states I seriously wouldn't be surprised if that was the sole reason to include characters with a darker skin tone. On the other hand, dark skinned characters have shown up in other regions, so perhaps not.

>That protag
Not suprise

Sometimes the score does go up though, but it's pretty rare.

No way. It's guaranteed to flop. Can't wait for Based Disney to buy Nintendo

Sega does
What nintendon't

>captain marvel
Hahaha man critics are literally children

what about we just have an amalgam of the two? i'm not sure what to call it... pikahog?

This is a Kamen rider

Unfortunately with got being so popular, Yea Forums has become a refuge place for the tumblr crowd

/vp/ is one of the most contrarian boards there is thanks to its high concentration of underagefags. Look right now and you'll see Detective Pikachu hate threads.

>its hovering at barely 80
no, it's been firmly at 78 for several weeks lol

Classic damage control you pedo degenerates always use. Jerking off to an underage character from children's game already makes you a disgusting human being. Seek help you bitch ass nigga.

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0/10 it's not disney

Wouldn't laugh if I were you, hog. You might be looking at delayed release or broken promises.

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Honestly isn't it actually quite “racist“ that the main character in this isn't a Japanese guy? I always assumed all the humans in pokemon were Japanese. Intrested to know what the japanses audience thinks of this casting

Disney airs Pokémon Sun and Moon and advertises Pokémon cards

You think critics care about that? They see the company who's producing the movie and then vote accordingly.

American setting, American casting. They are not in Japan, Ryme City is like NYC and the news station the main girl worls for is a CNN knock-off.


This is what I don't about this pokemon vs Disney thing. Disney airs the cartoons and the animated movies so why would they care about this?

>The studios are picking the people they invite for these to review them, and they'll obviously mostly pick the ones who are interested in their movie and who would probably review them positively.
This is just stupid. They shouldn't have pre-release screenings. Reviewers should see movies same as audience. In same conditions, with no perks.

Movie reviews need to be regulated.

And yet it's still probably the highest-rated Video Game movie of all time.

Always warms my heart when a christcucks try to post a pic of their jew on a stick, and don't realize that they posted a pic of Cezare Borgia.

Also christcuck sperging about kiddy fiddling ads another layer of sweet irony.

Considering the Pokemon fanbase has been obsessed with consuming copious amounts of mediocre shit since Gen. 2, this movie will make tons despite what critics say.

Oh wow that sucks, I was actually hopeful for this

Didn't you guys say that about Black Panther?
>reddit speech

He had a very nasty meltdown and literally run away to live in a jungle. Producers won't touch him now, but he is still absolute beast.

Its a marketing strategy, its just like having youtubers have early access to their games to advertise for them.

Honestly I would enjoy Anderson's movies more if he'd stop inserting his dick into me.

I think makes a solid point, it's not about Disney getting upset at a profit loss (see: every other live action flop they've had this year and last) it's more about critics clapping for the mouse and yawning at anything else because they have more incentive to do so.

Some /vp/ user also made a good point that it's hypocritical to say that DP is overwhelming as though 22 MCU movies before Endgame isn't, yet there's a common pattern that the critics rating DP low rated Endgame high.

That fucking Great sword pisses me tr off. The alleged plot names me so mad too like wtf were they thinking if at all?

>actually believing out of touch reviewers

disney shills getting desperate

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>Hollywood cocksuckers
>the fucking Guardian
>Associated press

All of them should be learning to code right now and stop spewing their bullshit.

Reviewers are on the same level as Hillary “pokemon go to the polls” Clinton.
It’s both sad and hilarious.

(((((((((critics)))))))))) thought that the spic horse movie was a 100% perfect film. Why would anyome trust a bunch of conniving gangletards?

this is a man who plays pokemon and masturbates to little girls

>An obviously okay movie gets okay reviews
What did OP mean by this?

They could have casted japanese people

I am unironically hyped for this.
RE movies are my guilty pleasure.

Ratings decide what happens with your mum.


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This is a man who still believes in a book written during the bronze age that has no evidence of being accurate

>inb4 tired ass fedora meme

Coming from abrahamic faggot who plays 'Who's your daddy' in confessor and fucks actual little boys.
But don't worry, Yahweh will forgive you if you just say sorry.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo as long as you don’t act on your urges.

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False flag

so THIS is the power of pokemon...


This is your brain on Disney

Youre a kiddy fucker?

Which should be okay with christcucks since they are the same flavor of trash as judaists and muslims.

>Implying Rotten Tomatos gives accurate reviews.

Did you even read what i wrote?

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Japanese dont give a fuck, they arent sjws

Excellent taste

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here's reason why they had to reviewbomb it:


i liked goosebumps for what it was, captured the feel of the books and 90s kids halloween movies pretty well honestly.


RIP Reddit: The film

Pokefaggots in full damage control mode

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Jesus and Mohamed, same dude bro.

Pick a mutt instead of qtpuh2t Tom Holland. What did they expect?

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>going to reddit

Gens 1-4 are based on Japanese regions, the rest are outside of Japan.

Is Pokemon as big in Japan as it is in the West? Maybe I'm just less exposed to their autism, but our whole Pokemania shit seems to be out of proportions as opposed to the chinks.

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They seem to have new events every other day over there, but maybe it's because the place is smaller and everything's more densely packed that everything seems more intense.

In your religion it was perfectly okay to fuck kids just a century ago and old retards in charge of your religion are the cause of literally the largest children rape scandals in history of humanity yet you complain about cartoon kids.

Literally fuck off and die like your entire retarded civilization. I'm so fucking glad that future belongs to Asians.

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think of capeshit but among all age groups, from kids to elderly


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Always bet on the hog

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>americans fuck up an adaptation

Is anyone really surprised at this point?

>muh white pride of ancestors
>plays and jerks off to children’s video game characters
lmaooo so this is the “redpill”

It's just going to be gen 1 nostalgia like Pokemon Go was. It'll genuinely be a 5/10, make a gazillion dollars and just be whatever. I don't mind its existence and probably just won't see it.

Nah, there's plenty of Pokemon from Gen 2 onwards. One of the main Pokemon that come after them is Greninja.

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there's a pokemon tier list now? must be hard to drag 800 stickers

>I'm so fucking glad that future belongs to China.

I think that's a list of all the Pokemon in the movie. I expected more Gen 1's than anything else but it's amazing that other gens are represented at all, nevermind all of them.

Any review that mentions "Pokémon Go" is immediatly invalid because it's written by a boomer who's still obsessed with Go

>this offbeat adaptation could catch most - if not all - of the franchise's fans
I don't think you understand what that means.

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pokemon go is the only good pokemon game since it encourages cooperation and exploration rather than isolation and shunning society like the other games

>no Raichu

Literally a free gag if Reynold's-chu came across a Raichu and got his ass beat

Gotta save something for the sequel.

Nnnooooo Marvel bros it keeps going up. We need some more of our paid reviewers to spam low reviews.

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>someone actually made this

Disney will buy Pokemon next, screencap this.

Pokemon is fucking cringe though


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Was Ash a faggot?

Jesus is prophet of Islam you faggot and both are abrahamic faiths with identical beginnings.

Its just a disney mouse panicking over an electric mouse

Ok pal, go touch your cock to your little pokemon games

so what it's a movie with not so good story, but has cool pokemans in it
did anyone expect anything else from this?sounds like it's good for those that like this stuff

pot calling the kettle black
>racist nips letting themselves get bought out by gaijins

The video game isn't gonna win any awards for story either and the movie sounds like it takes a lot of elements from it.

Same shit. Chinks are actually slowly becoming allies with nips.

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They literally can't according to japanese law.

>defending Chinks

Don't pretend America is better.

>Rathalos Takes Manhattan

So because burgerclaps are bad, Chinks are alright

I can't believe the consolewars are renewing in the cinema in 2019. Time really is a flat circle.

Holy shit Tony Jaa is hitting the wall at full speed.

Pokemon and Sonic share the same audience. Now it's more about western vs Japan videogames.

Another fresh review

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>christcuck assblasted that his fairy tale is revealed to be just a jewish fanfiction
Reminder that all three abrahamic religions begin with your pathetic little god baiting a father into killing his son.

But the universe is literally a fanfic
We all live in a simulation

Considering the dieector's awful track record, this is better than I expected.

What are you talking about? /vp/ hates Pokèmon.

Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus statues

You are literally upset over anime girls from kids games being insulted
Why would anyone take you seriously?

You never played the games or read the books have you?

Cope marvel faggot.

Why is The Mouse so afraid of The yellow rodent bros?

>racebend lead
>it's shit
every fucking time

Here's a review for you.

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Another fresh review.

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The greatsword is the one thing they got right, what are you talking about

damn nigga 74? usually shills blow their load at around 85 or 90.

it's going to land on 82%

tik tok

>Nigger protagonist
Let it bomb

Not enough race or genders issues to exploit in the movie. It'll still crack 1 billion though

today's Japan box office ranking

1.Detective Conan
2.Detective Pikachu
3.Avengers Endgame

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>It's really enjoyable
>2 and a half stars

It's like reverse IGN.

>couldn't even dethrone Conan
So much for being the largest franchise huh




theyre unironically kino

It is quite difficult to win Conan in Japan.
Only two works won last year.

>I only take scores seriously when their positive to a movie I like

Why cast that mutt? Do americans like him?

That's a 5/10.

Isn't Pokemon like their Gods in Japan and China? How much will it make

It releases today.

I never take critic scores seriously.
No matter what, critics are dumber than sponges and are not to be trusted.

Audience score on the other hand. Now that's the good stuff.

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I am Japanese.
I watched Pikachu in Japan.

It is 4/5.

Disney is strong-arming critics to make sure Endgame cracks 3 billion. Prove me wrong

Why are you even going to this site when you hate it's foundation? Literally just go to reddit you actual retard.

I am Japanese.
I watched DETECTIVE PIKACHU in Japan.
Takeuchi is good. He do good dub voice.
Story is bad. 2/5.
Effect is okay. Some Pokemon look not good. Skin is weird. 2/5.
Music is okay. No memor-able track. 2/5.
Overall is 2/5.

As I always think, do Americans know how much Pokemon movie box office is?

>I fuck dead bodies
>literal pedophile

wow dude you got issues



based desu

o i am raffin


Why are we grading a films quality and framework by how many braindead bugmen see the movie and how much money it makes? that means nothing, what happened to just critiquing it?
But it seems to be these films are just a bunch of commercialized nostalgia milking solely to shit out as much money with zero depth, substance and work as possible which ruins the value of the art ALWAYS once it becomes a soulless product. So maybe there was nothing to even talk about in the first place. I swear to fucking god cheering for a company to make millions of dollars is the most bugmen thing i’ve ever seen in my entire life.

The box office of Pokemon movie in Japan is approximately 2 billion yen - 3 billion yen.
in other words $ 20 million - $ 30 million.

As a Japanese, those who make a fuss without looking at these numbers can only look stupid.

Reposting this from Yea Forums:

It opened over here today and I just watched it.

It was pretty good. The last pokemon games I played were the original releases of gold/silver and I never touched anything related to the series after getting out of primary school but I enjoyed it. 90% of the fun is Ryan Reynolds though so if you don't like him then don't even bother watching the film.

Actual spoilers:
Villain is white businessman who wants to become a pokemon and transfers his mind into Mewtwo then starts transferring all people's minds into pokemon because he's bonkers, his secretary (lady in shades) is actually a Ditto and basically the final boss (transforms into multiple human characters and pokemon), Ryan Reynolds is actually the kid's father whose mind was fused into Pikachu before the movie started to hide him from the villain

It’s a Pokémon movie, obviously it’s going to be dogshit. The only thing left to discuss is how much money it makes. Same with all capeshit.



t. Capeshitter


I also watched.
I think it is not necessary to focus on Reynolds alone, but I agree that the biggest attraction is Pokemon (in other words, Pikachu etc)

I am 29 years old but I enjoyed it enough.
I think at least Pokemon generation can enjoy it and see it.

no one cares play bw2

You can “try” to discuss this obvious product pretending it’s an art form but you are not going to get much out of it because, well it’s pokemon. That’s it.

Ok now that is actually different from the games. For the better, I think.

sorry , i can't english.

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I feel like every American adaptiation of something that's Asian deliberately avoids using Asian-Americans for some reason. Asian Americans are a LOT different than Asians in Asia. Ryan Potter could've been a great cast if he wasn't stuck in that dumb Teen Titans movie

What's with all the water references what the fuck

>slurps and gulps

What the fuck is this?

Formerly's Suts

Yes. I also think that it is completely different.

However, even if Asian Americans are adopted in Japanese franchise films, nobody knows Japanese.

There is only one critic Yea Forums cares about and he is probably busy right now destroying the AOC netflix documentary

Coordinated effort by reviewers on Disney’s payroll.

Ash is white.

Are these critics from IGN or something?

The kid watches a video which has a pro pokemon trainer dressed up exactly like Red/Ash and he's asian.


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ash is satoshi

hmm ...
I understood now! He was actually Asian.
His skin is brown!


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It is rising with tremendous momentum.
By the way, I am Japanese.
I watched the detective Pikachu.


Does Marvel also tend to rise later?

Monster hunter movie when?

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a Yea Forums meme

This is the only right answer. Anyone who listens to critics, or tries to deflect negative response to critics with shit like the user you replied to are literal retards who should promptly be put down.

Marvel BTFO

2020 year 9 month 4 day

>Portal opens to monster hunter world releasing monsters in the real world
>Evil US military wants to capture the poor innocent monsters to use them as weapons
>Heroic soldier dude bro befriends a monster and goes against orders trying to save them
yeah how about fuck off

I think Endgame did rise at one point, then goes down again later.

I'm Japanese
My peepee very small
So small it won't even hurt Pikachu
I watched Defective Pikachu
Like my peepee in foot

He was also a crossdresser.

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MC should be asian not some mutt

Because pokemon is bigger than Disney.

No, he should be white, like me.

Actually didn't expect for the movie to haw this high a rating

What the fuck MCUCHADS, this can’t be happening!
Only based disney is allowed to make movies now. Arrrrrrrrgghghggg!!!


In fact, Disney is too strong.
What will happen to the American movie industry?

It's called journos mailing list, user. It came to light during the GG. Mention this to a journalist and you will get immediately banned without a reply.

>trying to save population of Diablos and Silver Rathalos
What kind of BDSM fetish is this?

why is dc there, people here are begging for a crossover with de dceu

>Yea Forums thinks movie everyone was waiting for 20 years will flop
>believeing the dave meltzer of flicks
I hope Snyder somehow gets involved in the sequel to complete the keikaku

>forced diversity and race mixing
>rt still doesn't like it

it must be really bad then

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I was right again.

>fucked spoilers up in two seperates ways
Just use Ctrl+S my man

Tim is white in the game though

newfag hunting season when?