Don't mind me, just being the best science fiction film of the last 10 years.
Don't mind me, just being the best science fiction film of the last 10 years
Other urls found in this thread:
it's pretty good film desu
All right ya cunt. Carry on.
dude apartheid but with aliens lmao
>dude apartheid lmao
Have sex
how many years?
I love Blomkamp's stuff.
This and Elysium were quite cool.
Would love to work at Oats.
*blocks your path*
Yup normies love it.
Those alien weapons were awesome
>District 10 never
fucking prawns
I really like South African accents. Blomkamp's stuff is always good for me.
>interstellar space ship floating above unmanned
>we want weapons tech though
other than that it was good and the prawn mech was a thing of beauty.
Moon is great, the story and general scope of the entire thing really reminds me of an old sci-fi novel in a good way. Are there any other movies like it? The only one I can think of is Ex Machina, but it doesn't really capture the same atmosphere and it's not quite as good overall.
its a meme movie, it sucks really bad
It was extremely mediocre
You uploaded the wrong image OP, Alita is the best sci-fi film of the last 20 years.
>extreme middle of a spectrum
Movie had a good premise but it was difficult to watch because of how badly realised it was. I think it was mostly because of shitty main character, it was physically painful for me to watch him.
That's a romantic comedy with elements of sci fi.
Back to your general.
fucking cringe
/alita/ sucks and it's one of the worst things that happened to this board but despite that Alita is a great film.
*blocks your path*
The first hour or so is pretty great. After the transformation, its just p boring action that goes on for far too long.
Honestly, I don't know how it survives. There's a group of about 40 people that continuously make 250+ post threads about it, recycling the same discussions and images every time.
It's actually quite fascinating that it keeps surviving.
Agreed the movie was good though.
So when are we getting the sequel?
What if instead it was District 69 and it was a movie about me eating a girl's pussy while she sucks my dick
When Blooompf's goodwill money runs out.
this. jannies need to man up and get the balls to do something about that cancer
Thats not scifi. Thats fantasy
There is no discussion, no originality, no humor, they are like tranced zombies, worst, most worrying thing I've ever seen on Yea Forums, I suppose that's how /mlp/ started.
You don't have to remind me you know
Get back to your containment thread. You wouldn't want to miss some fresh OC would you?
>everyone who likes alita is an /alita/ poster/lurker
Two different things entirely, /alita/ sucks and must be moved to /trash/ and residents of /alita/ purged.
Would you fook a prawn, Yea Forums?
Prawns don't have pussies, they lay eggs and you spray them, fucking is not possible.
But there's interspecies prostitution in the movie.
It's been years, I thought they only ate prawns.
Nah, the only one eating the prawns were the crazy ass Nigerians who thought it would give them the power to wield alien weaponry. But there was prawn fucking going on.
I'd prefer to fuck a Nigerian chick than a prawn because at least she has soft squishy skin but she surely has aids so I'll pass.
This by far
*teleports behind you*
Prawns are soft and squishy on the inside
Say what?
The best sci-fi of the decade isn't even out yet.
I love that
Yeah, luckily the true answer is just out of season.
I have an extremely low tolerance for anything found footage but this did it right and knew when to drop it.
This just annoyed me
Remember when it was just a concept trailer?
That's when it was good.
There wasn't enough meat there to make a whole film.
Sunshine, while quite different, gives me the same vibe at times
try Prospect !
>in giant mech that can explode the bodies of targets
>probably 88mm tier machine gun
>multi target mass missile system
>can literally stop their bullets
>no no let's just run away taking massive damage in the ass and ultimately being downed instead of just turning and fighting and slaughtering all of them in 30 seconds
Such a retarded scene. Know what is better then trying to covering your precious cargo with your body and running away? Decimating your attackers so they are forced to focus on you or die.
Think it was already well-established that Wikus largely doesn't know what he's doing, is a fuck up, and is a coward. Would have felt jarring if he suddenly went trained soldier. Besides, he went apeshit on them at the end when Chris got away. Only one left alive was South African Bruce Willis and he got torn apart by pissed off prawns.
Exactly. He knew barely how to shoot but he knew how to shoot. All that damage he take and still only 1 survivor. Imagine if he had not taking 900 rounds in the ass as well as some heavy armor piercing shots? They'd all be dead and he'd have a mostly intact kickass mech.
How you remember so good details and names?
I remember only the most basic plot, sometimes not even that.
Am I brain damaged/alzheimered?
>Consider phebias
Kek who comes up with these autist titles lmao
You're fine user, I rewatched it last week.
The shitty "deep message" aside, which is basically muh white guilt, it also has boring action and is very very boring to look at, visually ugly as fuck.
Why does Yea Forums go on about this? It looks cheap as fuck
Like I said, Wikus is a fuck up. Felt natural for the character.
Z proonz!
why not
>District 9 2
>white guilt
You are projecting.
It's a cheesy prawn shoot em up.
Prawns are filthy and double crossing.
Refugees out.
District 9: Return of the Prawn
District 9 2
District 8: A Prawn Story
District 10
District 11
But I can't even enjoy it on a cheesy B-Movie level since the action is only for the last five minutes and the movie itself is very ugly.
the last third of all movies is always shit but in this case the last third went for like hours it seemed
It's funny shit, wilkus transformation is like jekyll hyde but more realistic and creepy.
I liked the directing too.
Not everything has a secret message.
And even if it has you are free to ignore it.
It hadn't an offensively bad fourth wall breaking line like
>white straight men, amirite?
Hell there wasn't even any disparity between whites and blacks in the movie. They all united in hatred for the prawn
Around the beginning there’s a shot of a black chick in a skimpy dress going into a shack with a prawn and it mentions that inter species prostitution took off fast. I think it even jokingly refers to the ‘prostitution is the oldest job in the world’ adage, but I haven’t seen the movie in years so I might just be dreaming that line up. There was definitely a mention of how some of the first people to make contact with the prawns wanted to fuck them.
The first Monsters movie was pretty kino. The second movie was pure propaganda ridden trash though. Only good thing to come out of it was the ending scene.
>A New Hope
yeah but the prawns are a allegory for immigrants which means only one thing for the south African native
>The prawns are chinamen
It all makes sense now
District 9 3/4
I remember the second half was boring as shit
>not blade runner 2049
>not rise of the planet of the apes
>not dawn of the planet of the apes
>not edge of tomorrow
>not under the skin
>not ex machina
>not arrival
>not source code
>not annihilation
these are all far better than district 9 and this is only western cinema
Consider yourself a pleb.
Nick mullen? Shouldn't you be busy being short and depressed?
What made Annihilation so great? More than half the movie was slow and boring.
for me? its mad max.
All those movies are shit don't listen to him.
It was enjoyable for sure
t. pic related
the Minds
This isn't BR2049
Mad Max is great too
This always bothered me because District 9 ended on a cliffhanger with lots of potential to build upon the story, yet Blompkamp decided to make Die Antwoord: The movie but with an autistic robot instead..
There was a second?
>after District 9 the riches used the ayyy tech left behind to build the Elysium
>the military force was focused on space warfare to prepare for the inevitable second contact hence why there was only merc and small security force during Elysium
3rd movie could have been about the return of the ayyy in an attempt to colonize earth with the Elysium as the battle station. Both sides would start shitting out interplanetary superweapons.
At the end human launched Elysium at the ayyy fleet to stop them.
Ayys will rape eartlings, Elysium got only health pods and the magii computer went full commie to wage war.
One guy on earth has a surface-to-orbit MANPAD which can shoot down spaceships. What made you think that they wouldn't have shit that is even better?
It's shit, don't bother
are you one of those Alita shilling faggots? Apparently you know nothing about true kino.
Haven't seen it, my favorite sci-fi movies are Coherence and Solaris, talk shit I dare you faggot.
Prospect is boring garbage with a piss filter that hardly qualifies as sci-fi, literally just filming some retards in the woods.
Nah. But it's a great movie I give you that.
I don't know why is this praised so much. I enjoyed it but it definitely didn't meet the expectations. Upgrade was a much better movie overall imo. Also some episodes of Black Mirror entertain the subject in more interesting ways.
It was literally just a "dropping bombs in the middle east is bad 'mmkay" movie with sand squids shoehorned in a little here and there. Just pretend it doesn't exist.
couple of issues with blonkamp that district 9 seemed to dodge.
1: he's an idea guy. he has some solid ideas, and great visual aesthetic to his films and usually has an eye for quality CG effects (a couple of parts in chappy aside). this is largely due to his background as a CG artist and robotics designer turned director, rather than starting as a director who later had to understand the nuances of CG
2: producer fights. producers, for one reason or another, like to fuck up his films with re-writes and cuts. it wasnt terribly noticable in district 9, but was somewhat noticable in elysium, very noticable in chappy, and all out in the open with his alien film which was cancelled. the biggest problem with that is that he doesnt have the clout or weight in hollywood to dispute them like someone like a spielberg or cameron might be able to
3: message. he usually tries to use his movie to say something or talk about some issue relevant to a culturally prominent social issue, and the writing is NOT subtle about it. this can lead to some heavy devisiveness between critics and viewers alike. some dont have an issue with the movie being about an issue upfront, while some believe that if you arent sneaking your message in the backdoor through subtlety, symbolism, or implication, that it's not a quality film. both points have merit
The biggest redpill in this movie is that the prawns represent white people, and the humans represent black people.
>why is this praised so much
Reddit faggots worshiping ai singularity false prophets.
>some episodes of Black Mirror entertain the subject in more interesting ways.
I've seen all of Black Mirror, and none of it comes even close to being as good as Ex Machina. Which episodes in particular are you thinking of? Be Right Back?
Try Black Mirror San Junipero, Christmas Special, 15 Million Merits, White Bear, USS Callister.
>Christmas Special, 15 Million Merits, White Bear, USS Callister.
All trash, nice
Ex Machina could be easily cut down to 1 hour as just another episode of BM.
What makes San Junipero different from the rest? Nice trips btw.
They are scaly and coarse and rough and I hate them
Calm down Anakin.
Fuck off Anakin
i really think there is some serious untapped brilliance with this director...I'll just pretend chappie never existed though.