Why did the guy who cried while watching the star wars trailer get mocked and belittled as a "manchild" just for liking...

Why did the guy who cried while watching the star wars trailer get mocked and belittled as a "manchild" just for liking something that is popular with millions of people?

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Because he is

so much onions

Damn of course he plays a switch too

If you call someone who criticizes Start Wars a manchild, then someone who reacts like that is far, far worse.

Because like most youtubers his reaction is exxagerated. And the double standard, because he is a manchild by the definition but everyone who insulted others with this term suddenly protects him because he follows their agenda.

Probably because he cried in reaction to a series that hasn't released a good movie since the 80s.

This fucker is the epitome of a loser. I'm not one to call everyone a basedboy or an emasculated piece of shit, but this one is. I was really annoyed while watching his reaction video, and was angry as fuck when lots of retards came to defend him. Fuck this guy

Only nintendies act like chopped onions. Basedstation and XBros are out fucking women and getting drunk

Because he is ugly as shit, and is even below the level of normal man children.
Next up on clown world, man weeps at Mcdonald's as he tastes his artificially flavored fat ridden fudge sundae.

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cause he cried like a faggot, actual kids dont even get that happy

Because star wars is a corporate product for manchildren

>Nintendo switch
>Rick and morty
I wouldn't be surprised if that whole channel is one huge troll

because autistic incels can't fathom someone not being a depressed joyless shell of a man like they are

>Probably because he cried in reaction to a series that hasn't released a good movie since the 80s.

He tried to bring this to peoples attention by crying out his tears of frustration at the fact there has not been a good Star Wars film since the Ewoks movie and you ridiculed him.

He was tryng to put this out in the open, to shame them into making a third Ewoks film and you all just laughed. He put his very reputation on the line to save us and he had it thrown back in his face by people too stupid to realise what he was doing. You people disgust me, you don't deserve more Ewok movies.

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Because he cried while watching a nu-Star Wars trailer?

This but unironically

He and his friends makes Yea Forums users look Chad by comparison.

Same reason people like cringe vids.

>At least that's not me

Unironically this. He makes all of us abject losers look like chads by comparison and that's saying something.

>18 minute reaction video to rick and morty
is it really just a camera on his face the entire time while the episode plays?

because he is ugly
no one complained when PDP was the one crying at videogames

>He and his friends makes Yea Forums users look Chad by comparison.
fuck off back to r/incelthoughts you shitposting retard

he has a wife

The alt-right hates Star Wars and Marvel because it's anti-facist and because we should "grow up". No! Communism is the future!

(OP) #
I know you're being facetious, but this man is deranged.
His behavior is forced, unhinged and inappropriate.

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Let's take bets and armchair diagnose what the fuck is wrong with him. I'm guessing some kind of personality disorder (histrionic, all though it's rare in men)

>His behavior is forced, unhinged and inappropriate.
This. I've gotten emotional over media that is really powerful or important to me, but I've never devolved into a crying lump of estrogen and soi like that. There's an accetable level of emotion to show over mass-produced, billion-dollar Hollywood franchise shit intended to sell toys and t-shirts, and this is beyond it.

To be fair, I actually DID get a little emotional over the Episode 9 trailer, just because the music was so good, and in my head I was imagining the alternate universe where the build up of 15+ movies over the course of 40 years had actually been handled with some modicum of competence and creativity beyond the original trilogy. Like, I'd probably get misty over a really good Simpsons retrospective/montage, too, but I still wouldn't be able to forget that well over half the entire series is trash.

>Star Wars
>Rick Morty
>Low T
It checks out.

He got mocked as a manchild because his is a manchild. Words have meanings you see.