How in the fuck did this noname bitch land the directing gig for phase 4 of the goddamn Marvel cinematic universe

How in the fuck did this noname bitch land the directing gig for phase 4 of the goddamn Marvel cinematic universe

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Directors for marvel didnt do shit. Every scene should be accepted by producers

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

Hey man. It's racist not to accept her.

Well, can you not be a faggot an post the director instead of some random man

She's a non-white woman

Fuck the russos at least made decent episodes of tv before hand, the fuck has this chick done except some weird ass hippie Indian art house movie

jewlywood execs are virtue-signalling
they've been on this "WE NEED WOMEN DIRECTORS" shtick for a while now
it was bound to happen eventually

Because it has been the Marvel/Disney/Franchise strategy to hire indie or unknowns with festival cred directors for their films so they don't have to pay them as much and so the producers can exercise more control over the product to prevent the directors from trying to be creative and doing something off-brand.

She's a diverse woman, have sex™ incel®

Watch the trailer for the film she made, her boyfriend is also the cinematographer, so its gonna be a package deal.
Pure KINO, uses non actors. She's a female chink Werner Herzog.

>he actually thinks directors direct these movie

lmao how can you be so fuckign clueless.

Women directors are in high demand because of politics so hiring someone with any sort of record means they can demand creative control. So they have to hire nobodies to make quota.

Ok nevermind this is based

But since we're on the subject who the fuck is Cathy Yan

What's she directing?

Any indie director can do a Marvel movie honestly. Marvel does all of the visual planning, action scenes, and story planning in advance. These directors are just for directing actors and making comedy mostly. Just as much experience on a indie or comedy film. Taika Waititi said so himself.

Eternals, first film of Phase 4 of Marvel Universe.

Because she's not a fucking white and/or male. And that's the best they could find to fit the race/gender profile (which says it all really). That's it. Those are the only criteria she had to meet. If you're ok with that, bend over. If not, go back to /pol/. They're the only ones who dare care anymore.

>uses non actors
How do people manage to get great performances out of non-actors? How does it not end up like a star wars fan film tier? Genuinely impressed whenever anyone pulls it off.

Because Marvel directors are all yes men hacks

When any director puts up a fight to include stuff the studio wants to cut they get the boot

See Whedon and Edgar Wright

Oh no.... a person who doesn't look like me is getting a job. This is causing me severe mental distress, I'm not a snowflake btw.

Because contrary to popular belief it's really fucking easy to act.

They're not a director, they're a product. Disney/Marvel loves its formula and they're not letting it go. Their aim is to dumbify the GA.

They're playing fictionalized versions of themselves.
They're not doing a character.

She made The Rider you fucking retard. I know Yea Forums only watches blockbuster garbage so it shouldn't surprise me that you don't know it. Also it doesn't matter who directs a fucking marvel film. They are all the same, designed by a committee and made by producers to pander to idiots.

Why do retarded liberals always boil things down to race? The op said nothing about her apperance or race. Fuck off faggot.

She has a brown vagina

>said nothing anything about race

Really tipped your hand there, user.

Lol directors dont do anything in marvel movies

token diversity

get on board

Because it's real drama, so people can draw on their feelings about the situation and their experiences of life. Fantasy shit doesn't have that, and you have the added problem that most of the fans who care enough to do a fan movie are somewhere on the autistic spectrum, so their grasp of human behavior is tenuous.

She was willing to sell out and not too expensive. Same with James Gunn. They want someone who can do human interaction under pressure and doesn't mind selling out. It's probably harder to make something with integrity in a capeshit situation than it is to make something artistically satisfactory in a low-budget situation.

Because the only qualifications you need to direct a marvel movie are "Can follow directions". They're not creative movies, you slap the same shit together in the same basic shape and it makes a few hundred million and go home and toast another job well done.

It's a diversity double whammy.
Anything post Nolan is literally nothing more than middle management,

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