Why are Joe Rogan threads allowed but Cumtown threads aren't?

Why are Joe Rogan threads allowed but Cumtown threads aren't?

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This is going too far. Ban this fuck now

joyrogen was on tv

1. Nick Mullen
2. Adam Friedland
3. Tom Myers
4. Mike Recine
5. Ian Fidance

9001. Fat Gay Stav
9001. Fat Gay Stav's unfunny girlfriend

>literally regurgitates contrarian takes from Yea Forums
>praised as edgy cool comedian

Joe Rogan is a seasoned television actor, announcer, interviewer and presenter.

No one cares about it

Nick and Stav both have tv credits, poor argument, try again

Jamie is friends with the jannies and gives them free Onnit and other joe rogan supplements

nigga, I have tv credits, doesn't make me Yea Forums related.

Jamie is a jannie.


I don't really understand what you're getting at, threads about the Rogan podcast are ok because Joe Rogan was on TV 10 years ago? In that case you would be Yea Forums related

anyways man I hope you have a good day

That guy has a very fuckable face.

He's still on tv guy, and many of his guests are too.

Because the mods realize that pretentious NYC hipsters belong in your shitty subreddit

i refuse to watch cumtown i've only ever seen it shilled here so fuck off and take it to reddit

interesting, thanks

Joe Rogan threads are allowed because people discuss his podcast while these threads are just everyone else telling you to fuck back off to your subreddit

Because it's being spammed by insufferable people

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