Stop, my invincible son
Stop, my invincible son
Stop invincible girl!
Was it suicide?
Does he really say this in the movie or is it just memeing?
He doesn’t say anything. He literally just raises his hand and fucking dies
buckle your seatbelts lady we going for a wide
What kills him?
>Clark, I don't think we make a good duo
Bad screenwriting
the fucking doggo
man that one spammer was a trooper I wonder how much he got payed in the end for all his hard work
He fucking had to die because Clark wasn't ready to reveal his power to the world. Fucking idiot.
Dumbest moment ever
Is this broly dragonballs?
SEETHING Snydretard
can't argue with those holy pents
Nigga just blow the tornado away like nigga just suck it up and blow it into outer space lmao
>Bad screenwriting
explain why it is bad
I think I'll have sex instead, seething incel.
telling truth is now seething
explain why
so you can't explain why it is bad, tranny, threfore it is not bad
>stop invincible force of evil that have been built up for 8 years
The truth Revealed!
I chat to this guy at work about capeshit and I described this meme to him once as I find it absolutely hilarious. He just kinda looked at me and chuckled.
If he'd exposed his powers to strangers he would endanger Martha when feds will be knocking the door.
Holy based
should have let his invincible son save the dog
>Clark, sorry I’m making your mother a widow and abandoning you traumatically to have my body torn to pieces in a cyclone but I need to make a dramatic statement about power and responsibility or something. And he was a good friend.
They didn't know Clark was invincible. They knew he was really strong and really fast and had some other weird powers but he hadn't really tested them all that much up until that point. They didn't know whether or not he could take a chunk of debris at 300 mph any better than a regular human, but Pa Kent definitely knew that if he displayed his powers in front of a bunch of strangers, the risk of his son being investigated and taken from him was high.
>inb4 "HURRRR, why would Superman be afraid of the government?"
He wasn't Superman yet, he didn't know he could fly, they didn't know he was bulletproof, and willingly exposing his alien status on the flimsy premise of "I'm invincible, I'll just become an enemy of the state for the rest of my life" is MUCH worse writing than the tornado scene.
The problem with the way audiences responded to Snyder's movies is that they went in thinking they knew everything about Superman and refused to accept the story that was being told in front of them, and then whined like babies when it didn't match their preconceptions. Kind of the opposite going on in the MCU right now, where the Russos gave Captain America an epilogue that 1.) doesn't make sense, and 2.) completely goes against everything about the character they spent the last 10 years establishing, but MCU fanboys are going full mental gymnastics to explain why and how it was okay for Cap to abandon his friends in the present and create, then destroy an entire alternate history just so he could get his dick wet.
It doesn't matter what happens in a movie; people will twist their logic and selectively understand or misunderstand as much as it takes in order to align the movie with their agenda of opinions.
>Stop the tornado my stronger than average son
>if people see you somehow survived a tornado it means you're a superpowered alien from Krypton and you should be investigated by the government
Not to mention he could have used his superspeed and people can't see shit in a tornado anyway.
>Clark, bring your mother over here.
Didn't read. Have sex.
>if people see you somehow survived a tornado it means you're a superpowered alien from Krypton
There was already a lot of concern about Clark from they neighbors and kids he went to school with. Did you miss the scene where that woman came over and basically admitted to wanting to start a cult around Clark and wanting to tell the whole world about him because she believed he was a prophet from god? Pa didn't want to risk taking away his son's right to choose his own future by forcing his hand.
>Not to mention he could have used his superspeed
But he didn't know he had superspeed. He knew he was fast, but at that point in his late teens, he was still being actively discouraged to display his powers and probably hadn't even tested how fast he could go, and certainly didn't have the control or experience to know that he could survive and not be seen on account of it.
But you're missing the point and getting too hung up on the fact that you KNOW Clark is Superman, and what abilities that entails from decades of consuming Superman media that specifically explores his limits. This is largely unknown to Pa and even Clark himself. Everyone is looking at Clark as "Superman" in that scene, instead of looking at what he really is; Jonathan Kent's son. The angle here that nobody seems to want to look at is that Jonathan Kent is a father that LOVES HIS SON MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD. Why the fuck would he let his son willingly walk into a tornado without knowing 100% whether or not he would survive? That's completely antithetical to what it means to be a father. I know that, even if my son was wearing a bullet-proof vest and I wasn't, I would still rather walk in front of a firing squad myself than risk the fact that my son might not survive, and then it would be on my head for the rest of my goddamn life.
>they didn't know he was bulletproof
>Goes to doctor, can't be stuck with needles
>never gets in his life
>lifts things that are 10x his bodyweight with easy
"idk if my son is invulnerable or not" lol Snyder fags are the most pitiful posters on tv
also its a tornado and he has superspeed no one would be able to see him
Global Warming
halt, heroic heir
why didnt superman just dash to him really fast and dash back?
>needles can't go through plastic
>plastic must, therefor, be bullet-proof
Please, cover yourself in plastic and shoot yourself with a .45, ASAP.
You're making assumptions about the character because you fucking know he's DC's Superman™. The characters in the movie didn't know that. They knew he was faster than normal and stronger than normal, but didn't know he could stand up to a tornado. I don't know why this incredibly simple thing has proven so hard for brainlets to grasp.
He understood Clark's potention, and didn't want him and his secret out in the world until he was ready and understood his own powers, even if it meant dying to get his point across to his dumbass teen son.
Supes could have jumped in an instant and got him tho, and landed in another state.
what did kevin costner mean by this
He didn't die. The tornado lifts him on top of a mountain where he tells the people who visit him how he killed a bunch of horses.
It's like none of you watched BvS
>Supes could have jumped in an instant and got him tho, and landed in another state
Could he have, though? Clark didn't even fully explore his powers until the flight scene.
This, obviously.
The point of Pa Kent's death is supposed to be that even with all of Superman's power, he can't save everyone and has to accept that people are going to die no matter how much he doesn't want it to happen. Instead we get "People will think you're weird if you save me. Stop being so clingy and let the wind tear me apart."
>They knew he was faster than normal and stronger than normal, but didn't know he could stand up to a tornado.
He lifted a bus out of the water as a teen and prob alot of other feats of strength and durability. You are telling me a superhero teen never tested his potential? and his parent's were completely unaware of it?
LMFAO if his parent's didn't know he couldn't last through a tornado after 18 years its good thing his father died to be honest he's retarded
invisible gun with invisible bullets
All of those threads just for you to come by with those quints totally worth it.
Can a invincible bullet kill Superman ?
only if you shoot it at invincible speeds
A member of a particular minority that constitutes 13% of the population
Someone post the black version
>ayy hol up young nigga
DCucks think memes are the mark of a good movie
Gay marriage
There is nothing wrong with what this scene was trying to convey, or why the characters did what they did, in fact it was one of the most "human" part of any Superman movie so far, even if the scene was a executed a bit awkwardly
There's plenty of wrong. In the comics Pa' Kent has a heart attack, showing Superman that even with his powers, he can't hope to save everyone. It's a humbling moment for a perfect man.
Having Pa' Kent suicide to save a dog, something he didn't need to do as
>the dog isn't important
>Clark had plenty of time to run at human speed and get the dog out looking perfectly normal for a teenager
>Clark could run at super speed and people wouldn't notice anyway
And it serves no real purpose besides giving his own life to make a bad point to his son: be afraid, be passive, don't stand out or they will hate you. It's as human as the comic scene I described above, but it's a lowly, cowardly human instinct instead of an uplifting one.
do you know how loud tornadoes are? He shouldn't even be able to be standing there. A tornado of that size has wind speeds over 250 miles per hour
ok but why did the writers choose a dog of all things for him to sacrifice himself for? why not the child?
Getting shot before getting thrown out of a plane
He might've been reaching out for his son to save him and Clark interpreted it wrong
>dogs bad
Non-white detected.
>Tornado is ultimate distraction, people looking at that instead
>Doesn't save daddy anyway
Nigga there's a massive tornado that's going to KILL YOU 10 feet away, fight through the ankle pain
The Last Jedi
he subtly shook his head
a signal that most people wouldn't be able to see from 100 maters away when there's an f6 tornado right behind him, but superman could
Stop, invincible iron man
based ME poster
Dying from a heart attack was a way better idea because it really showed Clark how powerless he can be against certain events.
This tornado thing is just bullshit.
Stupid scene. Movie is still good though.
I think the premise of a lot of those scenes from Snyder aren't really as bad as people makes them to be. The problem is that the execution is not that well. Snyder could have gotten his point across in a better, more polished way
Mary Suenado
Watched Superman TAS cartoon recently and it was great. First episode was about based father and based grandpa making sure rocket with Sups could be launched while the planetary supercomputer was sabotaging all efforts to save Krypton. It had many other awesome episodes like Toyman making a robo-waifu for himself. Why do these faggots make everything boring in movies?
Arya Stark
absolutely based and quintspilled
Carry on, my wayward son
the holy quints of truth and lucidity
>Why do these faggots make everything boring in movies?
creative bankruptcy
Snyder's actual age which is 12
You didn't understood the scene
Checked. Truth confirmed unless someone can beat these holy digits.