What is it about her that makes all the normalfags on this board seethe with rage?

What is it about her that makes all the normalfags on this board seethe with rage?

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she acts like the queen of all actors and she shits on based tom cruise

tom cruise has literally acted with some of the best film makers and actors of all time

Forgive me user but what's so based about a narcissistic scientoiogist?

she's a cunt

Havent seen her movies but she seems like a total cunt and an SJW. Also the shilling of her is pathetic. Fuck her.

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>a narcissistic scientoiogist
seriously? this is some weak ass bait

I bet your friends think you're annoying

her choice in men

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She's autistic. I've seen her Wired interviews, same humor as me where you think being long-winded distracts from how weird you're being.



What are you talking about? Normies absolutely LOVE Captain Fungus and defend her every move

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Do people really find this man-jawed dead eyed cunt attractive? She is the most boring looking Hollywood star I've ever seen.

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>gets a mental breakdown by hearing a white guy say nigga
>wonders why people are upset when a famous actress openly discriminates against white men and normalises racism
Why are niggers retarded?

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its gal gadot all over again
im glad its almost over

She didn't blow them for being white guys and she has the audacity to use deadpan humor and be a woman

I will admit shes a bit socially awkward which when combined with deadpan really triggers virgin's insecurities

Tom Cruise is literally a narcissistic scientologist. What's your fucking problem?

Says boring twitter wine aunt bitch stuff
I admit that she is not by any means ugly, but she is not jaw-dropping 10/10 ultimate starlet hot.
Played the lead diva in some dumb super hero movie.
Seemingly no self-awareness
Doesn't have an interesting sense of humor.
Hero to incompetent thots being insufferable.
Dumbasses kissing the ground she walks on validating her bullshit all the world over.

It's the incels that are seething. Normal people dont care about this.

Most incels are just failed normies.

What the actual fuck

Tom Cruise literally believes he can do anything he puts his mind to, and so does. He left narcissism behind years ago.

This cunt just talks the talk, doesn't walk.

if you arent willfully ignorant you would see why.

I never understand why people are completely overcome with rage when it comes to Brie. She didnt say anything that bad. And just ignore her if you're triggered, not that hard.

I like Brie. Can't wait for brie love threads in 1 year.

>What is it about her
>she hates whites
>she hates Christians
>she hates men
>she hates the United States
>she loves blacks
>she loves jews
>she loves gays
>she loves cultural marxism
>she has a flat and flabby ass
>she has a manjaw
>she has hideously shaped toes that are infested with nail fungus

Hmmm, what could it be about her, OP, you imbecile.

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>Discriminates against white men
>Normalizes racism against white men

Her saying everything doesn't need to be targeted at old white guys = racism but white guys saying racial slurs isn't racist

The logic of a retarded autistic incel



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>white guys saying racial slurs isn't racist
When did anyone ever say this?

or at least something closed toe

you should literally be killed for being so stupid, op


The exact post I was responding too said it in the first lines of text..read you idiot

He makes good movies. The fuck do you care about his narcissism or his Scientology? You don't have to hang out with the guy in real life.

she did fix it

People that wear flatfooted shoes like that disgust me.