I've never seen a single episode of this gay show, is it worth marathoning to catch up before the finale?

I've never seen a single episode of this gay show, is it worth marathoning to catch up before the finale?

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Just watch the first 4 seasons and pretend everyone dies.

don't have sex

Watch it without any idea what it is about. It's what the writers did.

>I don't like this show
>Should I watch it
Jump into traffic OP

I don't get why you're calling it "gay" as if you're above watching it, while simultaneously asking if it's worth watching as if you're not sure if you're above watching it, while also going to the extent that you're suggesting marathoning 60+ hours of it - indicating that you are definitely not above watching it at all in the first place

all in all a really messy, convoluted post


I did that a couple weeks ago. First few seasons are good but it's not worth unless you wanna watch it all go to shit quality wise. I regret it.

OP just woke up from cryogenic slumber in the year 2000 where you had to call everything gay in case someone around you didnt like said gay thing and then you have plausible deniability that you yourself were gay for talking about such gay things

show is good while it follows the books


I just rewatched it from season 1 before watching season 8 and got very disappointed after the last episode
It's bad

Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel are so handsome.

Don't bother

Watch season 1 through 4.
then watch season 5 episode 8.
Watch the last 3 minutes of season 5 episode 10.
Watch season 6 episodes 9 and 10.
Then season 7 episode 4
Skip to season 8, watch the first two episodes,
then watch episode 3 and ignore the contrivances, then before the last ten minutes
watch this

and there you have it, the most kino option you could possibly have of starting the show and finishing with what we have been given

Attached: 1556697182892.webm (480x360, 2.87M)

Just teleport through the whole thing right behind the last 3 episodes, and have a go at it pretending it all make sense.

this is actually kino and a good recommendation

t h i s

I'm at season 7, it's painful.

No, because every good male character dies or is emasculated. The women are insufferable cunts and pointless wooden characters like Missandei are used as filler to cuntsplain, provide loopholes for bullshit like Arya offing the NK and show tits.

People who have never seen a single episode of GoT are like vegans how they go around telling everyone every chance they get.

big tru

After the fourth season, it's only worth watching for the high octane shitposting on here.
But you missed out on that.

this is the new canon