I find it extremely odd how little screentime Brie Larson had considering Disney went through all the effort into...

I find it extremely odd how little screentime Brie Larson had considering Disney went through all the effort into shoehorning Captain Marvel into the MCU right before Endgame dropped.

Like, I feel Endgame went through some pretty drastic cuts to minimize her role in the film because of her very mixed reception.

She might as well not have been in the movie at all.

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Wait for the DVD to come out. We'll count how many deleted scenes she was in.

stronk female very good

u buy lot of merchandise

family unit bad

Will she just be the MCU's Professor X problem. Oops too powerful, better knock her out of commission in the first act.

you are legitimately stupid

Russos literally stated that the movie was gonna focus on the original 6 the most

She is too charismatic and steals every scene with her charm so they had to remove a few scenes. It's supposed to be a sendoff to some old characters afterall.


Never saw Captain Marvel before Endgame and the very few scenes Larson was in she was very wooden and dry as an actress. I instantly understood why everyone hates her.

Just there for the oomph factor. Also give a bump to her solo movie in theaters at the same time.
Since she mostly amounts to a plot device, not showing her too much means you have to go elsewhere for more, and that she does not take away from the real draws, Evans and RDJ.

Got this thread blown apart on Yea Forums () so now you're trying it on Yea Forums? You are the van to Thano's big blade, user.

Attached: Av. Endgame 2019 5 - death to la cucaracha.webm (1000x394, 2.97M)

Saw it yesterday, this was genuinely one of the cringiest scenes I've ever seen in a film. It was so on the nose and embarrassing.

Wow, you incels never let up.

>"I hate Brie cause she is gonna one shot Thanos and the whole movie is ruined!"

>"I hate Marvel cause they took out Brie and now the whole movie is ruined!"

Fucking losers

Like that one bit in BP where a guy goes "WHAT ARE THOSE?" and everyone groans because that meme is from 2014 or so? Marvel is full of idiots that write little gotcha lines like that and think they're witty.

Can you sum up the thread on Yea Forums?

What's OP trying to accomplish, I guess?

There were rumors for a while they had filmed two versions of Endgame, where in one she was very present and in the other pretty much absent. The goal was apparently not to alienate the audience in case they didnt like her movie.

At first I didn't think much about it, but after seeing the movie I'm starting to think ot might have been true. She was barely in the movie despite huge marketing for CM. It'd be odd if people actually really liked it and she barely showed up after.

OPs just continuing the Van Sciver and other incels' attacks on the Captain Marvel character and Brie Larson in general. It's an either/or thing: if Captain Marvel had more to do in the movie they'd be screaming that "the SJW insert is supplanting all the other Avengers!" but because she got as much screen time as the other non-O6 Avengers they're saying that the MCU head honcho's "are disappointed in her reception by the public (in that 1billion+ solo movie) and are about to write her out". Don't go thinking they even acknowledge a middle ground.

In short they're just making noise for the sake of it, again. Pushing an agenda they can't properly define to an audience that doesn't care. The only thing they are genuinely providing is ammo for the actual SJW's to post more of their own "and that's a good thing!" style crap back at us. Between them the SJWs and MRAs have created a perpetual motion machine. They scream, the others' scream, we all (except the vast majority of the audience) scream for imaginary political points scoring.

no bully brie, she cute

Attached: brie larson.jpg (428x594, 61K)

she has a horrible personality and ugly face but aside from all that she is really really really bad at acting

Hmm, not called Yea Forumsmblr for nothing, innit?

No shes not. Her greasy disgusting face reminds of expired buttermilk.

>She might as well not have been in the movie at all.
I fuckin wish

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When she covers her giant forehead, she is kinda cute. That one picture is more attractive than any given frame of Captain Marvel.

>>"I hate Marvel cause they took out Brie and now the whole movie is ruined!"

that's not what user said at all, they wondered if she sucks which is why she was probably cut out

t. npc


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>Pushing an agenda they can't properly define to an audience that doesn't care
That's the problem with Nu-Carol in a nutshell, two sides arguing over a shit characterization that shouldn't be a thing in the first place.
'Party girl who has to grow into her mantel' Carol is so much better than 'resting bitch face triggers the patriarchy' carol but Marvel decided to push the latter and here we are. If the über-woke shit didn't sell comicbooks why would it sell movie tickets and why do I have to suffer through the incel/sjw soap opera that accompanies it? Fucking clown world I swear to God.

>went to cinema for the second time, with sister and mom this time
>both sighed at this scene and found it cringe
It was mostly because of Brie Larson, but they didn't get the point of the scene anyway

>Trying to reason with mentally ill trannies

Good luck.

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>mixed reception
one billion dollars, count 'em incel

>Instantly assumes OP shares both beliefs because sometimes they’re on the same 4Chin board
Fucking Redditors.

They filmed endgame first then captain marvel.

>I feel Endgame went through some pretty drastic cuts
It did. They had two cuts of Endgame. One where she had a major role, and one where she fucks off for 90% of the movie. They used the damage control cut where she's barely in the film at all. That's why she was such a bitch when promoting Endgame. She knew she got shafted.

Oh! B-b-but Captain Marvel was super successful! Everyone loves it! It was just trolls and R-Russian bots spamming hate! Everything's f-fine! T-that's why she was cut out of 90% of Endgame!

What's with the lasers? Are those fucking orcs or what? I thought Marvel was about like superheroes and supervillains. What's all this laser gun minion shit?

Same, I thought the hate was too overboard, but when I saw endgame I couldn't believe how unlikeable and annoying her character is.

Oh god. Im glad i never spent money on this board room approved crap

An entire gen of blockbusters ruined by forced cringe. This is an entire decade i wont be revisiting when im older.

They wanted more box office for Captain Marvel, very simple

Nobody hyped up anything. Yea Forums just spammed for months that she would be the one to use the gauntlet or one-punch thanos or lift thor's hammer. no rational person ever thought that would happen. you fell for Yea Forums's outrage shit. instead of realizing it's wrong and moving on, you're trying to rationalize it.

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"She was not in endgame because she'd be too OP!!" cries the normie
Ah, but what did we learn in basic storytelling class, kids?
"Ugh, show don't tell, sure whatever"

>Nobody hyped up anything
except kevin fag and their own last movies

What a fuckin ogre.

Look at the poor thing. You want to bully it.
Shame on you Yea Forums.

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This is so accurate.
Carol Danvers is a mistake. Can we just go back to the era where Brie makes underrated kino indie films?

I wonder if her asshole smells like brie? Hmmm

What the hell is that?

Yup, that's the pronoun.

She's embarrassed to be in capeshit
I guess she's right ...it's awful BUT if you're getting a 7 movie contract you might as well try.
MCU only worked for 22 movies because of casting: script , direction , cinematography, cgi , pacing , blocking, lighting, dialog, set design, costumes, are all basic cable tier


TRUE capekino

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>im so offended that people don't like this cunt of a character
When she goes out of her way to be a cunt in both real life and the movie why aren't people allowed to dislike her? Because she's a woman?

Black panthers sister so black you cant even see her

>you bullied
It's her fault though. I hope someone in Hollywood can redpill her soon. Daisy too.

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isnt it obvious? they filmed her scenes for endgame before they filmed captain marvel

Such an asymmetrical face. I might let her bully me though

No, but her pee could.

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That's because you're not a marketing genius. Those guys marketing the MCU movies need to be getting paid a lot because they a partly responsible for these movies succeeding. I'll be honest, I wouldn't have watched CM if I knew how irrelevant she was in Endgame even though I've seen every Marvel movie before that, but because the hype the built for her I was curious and yes it was a waste of my time but I watched it anyway.

Its because she's part chink or coon or something. You can tell she's not fully white. That's why she's such an abysmal cunt about nig nogs and hwhite man.

what do you want her to do about it?

You dumb cunt.

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endgame was shot before captain marvel

>they're marketing geniuses because i like to watch the movie with biggest budget
That's all you're doing, you're going out to see the biggest budget movies every chance you get.

/pol/ get out

I didn't even see it cinemas because I had a feeling I wouldn't like it. I'm saying they are geniuses because they market their movies properly and boosts their chances of success. If someone told me two years ago that a Black Panther movie and a Captain Marvel movie would make over a billion I would have laughed at them but here we are. I didn't say I saw all in cinemas, hell I've only paid to see 5 of those 22 movies.

I think Disney wanted her in and then the Russos said fuck you.

She's fucking French-Canadian not chink.

Canadian = Chinese