Movies with this feel?

Movies with this feel?

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beauty and the beast

Nice. All I could come up with was season 5 of OZ.

>be white
>don't give the slightest shit about bmwf even in my own family
>feel devastated when I see bmaf
anyone else?

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wtf how am i supposed to get an emotional connection when none of the actors are my race

she looks like she fucks black men

you are scared because you know the second asian women discover the power of bbc you're fucking done.

What do kissing feels like?

Nah that aint it, it just shatters my illusion of them being pure. Actually I don't like seeing them with white people either. Gaijin lovers are impure. Pure Japanese waifu is a paradox for a foreigner.

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lol dude you've never kissed a girl before?

the fuck?

damn black MEN look like THAT?

japan women are fucking hotels exist for a reason

nope, only a tranny which doesn't count because that's not a real girl

>asian """horror"""

Why can't those enemies open doors?

That's ok if they're fuckin other nips, I'd unironically marry a jav

You sound like a fucking loser. Stop obsessing over Asian culture and their women. Start being proud of your own, and be worthy of a white woman.

What is the easiest way to get someone to kiss me?

>presented by "Arby's"

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Just be yourself, girls love a confident man

>I'd unironically marry a jav
absolute state of white boys...

my friend have you seen julia?

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Your mother doesn’t count so you’re in the same boat

Why not?

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Is there any Hapa and Asian qts?@

holy fucking JUST for asian ""'men"""

Shut up grandpa lol

But no group of women that large is going to be entirely pure
There are degenerates everywhere, Asians are just a bit better at keeping things lowkey. Also, there's more to purity than just sex, being a gossipy jealous bitch isn't purity and Japanese girls are far worse at that than Chinese or Koreans. They're the queens of bullying and nastiness behind others backs

This is exactly what happened in my country. big conqueror cock triumphs. age of white men is truly over.

>western 3D momcest
sauce me mang

shiraishi marina takes some good BBC


Based and redpilled post, fuck insectoids and insectoid enablers

You wish nigger
we're making a come back

No bbc is good nigger

literally 100% of asian women hate black men stop deluding yourself

I can't deny Australian tenacity, especially on Yea Forums. It's especially you guys or the Netherlanders.

What is it about having a vice around your balls, and bothering people that don't?

nvm found it
I loved the y3df comics, gonna see if this is as kino

It's not y3df, it's erotic game.

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milfy city is pretty good, summertime saga is good as well, it just got a update today

>tfw this ended my NoFap streak

Fuck this board

whats really funny is that, porn actors and produces are usually in the know about these type of productions, same over her in the states with blacked porn and the like, but they make it for the audience that wants it even though they know it's rediculous, to them its just as goofy as some 25 year old guy pretending to be 18 with his back pack and then sara jay walks over and grabs his junk saying shit like "oh my, you've gotten to be such a big boy these days my son" or whatever.

Those black dudes probably speak very good japanese ad might even be natively born.

>btw I like asian girls ;^)

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What the fuck is wrong with you? They're just kissing and it's a nig

why do japs kiss like that?

i have said neither of these things tho

user the sooner you stop caring and just fuck whatever comes your way the less of a chadless dicksucker your dad will have to bear in mind with the spaghetti on the floor walk the dinosaur

If by now you haven't understood that all women are whores, there's no hope for you.

Asian women aren't pure you fucking retard. You could get an asian prostitute in 30 minutes or less in most cities

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Is that who it is? I always figured it was the same handful of posters who pop in these threads with that attitude and don't leave until the thread is pruned or dead. It's a really weird form of autism.

did they fug?

small mouths, chances are culture dictates how you kiss so at some point all these japs started imitating someone and here you are

or maybe biologically their lips don't feel as much so they prefer tongue? idk, i watch a lot of JAVs and they all kiss like that

But user legit, how do I find my wife in these times? I feel like I was born too late, girls my age (17) are just yeah.. complete sluts. Anyone born after 2000s is having the same issue, all of my friends got cheated on.

Even better.
Summertime saga doesn't cater to my taste for 3D.

I remember buying a fleshlight twelve years ago and seeing this guy younger than me buying a garbage pile of dvds and was like "the fuck even is this place." It was like they hired a guy to close the place with walmart shopping bags but then he bought them all. Uh......okay.

You get to a point where you're like, "well I'm not that dude, the fuck?" I reached that point day one.

or their mouths were designed for noodle dick

Marriage is a losing deal for men in modern times. just nut and bolt


u don't even have to pay for white slut whores but only if u black cuz white whores dun fuck white bois

The second his lips touch her, the melanin receptors activate and she can no longer resist but to become a whore for his BBC.

But I want to have meaning in life and that includes family with children and a loving wife. Maybe this suffering will bring my generation to the point where we upload our minds into 2d or make 2d waifus reality. Idk.

You gotta change with time man. You don't find a wife these days. You just fuck and duck.

>be wh*te

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White women wouldn't let you do that

What about white women (XY) and adoption?

I highly doubt the probability of an uploaded intelligence. Or that the collective population of still physically function people will be able to properly maintain in. It's an ultimate idea to some degree.

Then there's the camp that wants to make that an ability, or natural evolution rather than a trait simply of preservation.

Pictures of her make me sad.