>He gives a Marvel flick a B+
>Go see it
>It's actually a D-


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This never stops being funny .

tell that to sneed's snapped neck

What a prick

>On today's episode I'm going to have Jeremy Jahns fuck my wife

lol that looks like one of those fake tattoos you apply on your arm

lol what an embarrassing person

>I grew up around blacks fucking my wife

Attached: AxlRmO2D3i2HKe9dLN8w2IJsqhABkGoLv6OOvQ5Uwcc.png (796x423, 383K)

I cant believe people watch this manchild.

Is there any other movie youtuber more vanilla than him who is at least sort of popular?

he gives honest reviews and is passionate about movies. I don't care that's he's a weeb cuck

>rain assaults me

jeremy jahns

hahahahaha, did he photoshop himself int this?


Get cuckmannized, does he actually niggers fuck his wife though?

Cried like a bitch when RLM made fun of him

Attached: 1550777760338.gif (245x230, 871K)

you see I grew up with Avengers : Endgame

Was that the video where Rich Evans called a bunch of other internet reviewers cunts or something?

Has he expressed anything about the Netflix Bepop cast ?
Goddamn Bepop is bad, no wonder he raves about it.

>virgin walks in your path

Attached: 1491004502987.webm (900x506, 1.75M)

What is it with these spergs and shooting "badass" scenes like this?

Attached: He's_gonna_get_you.gif (320x240, 2.39M)

why is bebop bad exactly


he reminds me of chris weidman

Attached: 1406806866603.webm (640x360, 1.21M)

>Manlet slowly grows into a manlet

Bebop is fantastic. Who gives a shit about live-action anime?

I'm amazed that movie reviewers that vanilla can actually be popular. They make vanilla their brand.

w-woah he's fast!

because it's popular

*flamenco tune plays*

holy shit stuckman is a coon

This guy is really like the lamest dude.
It's a wonder anyone takes him seriously.
"Check out my half sleeve tats bro, I hope it distracts for my weak jaw and overall demeanor."


Make me doze off, and the dog was supposed to be smart but wasn't.

>minding my own business making movie reviews like I have for years now
>reaching my peak of popularity invited to multiple events
>RLM makes a video calling out multiple channels that are bigger than them
>makes multiple videos "calling out" certain youtubers for being greedy and fake
anyways are movies are ironically bad and we ironically bought all that fanboy merch with your Patreon money pretty funny huh

Attached: the average rlm fan .png (318x167, 28K)

Attached: 56976-12885.jpg (320x240, 73K)

>hey chris can you review more anime
>chris *teleports* behind you
>*red eyes* bakana
>get suckmanized

Guess it wasn't meant to be

Attached: C3d5ApdVYAAEdgE.jpg (494x366, 55K)

Wait is the cucking thing a joke?

Isnt Linkara a male feminist that secretly wants to rape women?

no, he wants to be fucked by a trannie

>he's unaware of the GDMGB

>no money to fix potholes
>plenty of money to pay autistic retards to whine about movies despite the fact that they could do it for free as a hobby
Increase corporate tax rates NOW and execute those who do not comply.

what kind of shitty town do you live in?

Look at those flabby weak arms.

Attached: 1020.jpg (720x872, 376K)

>that sidestep to the right as if he stept on an invisible lego

can't even go straight line for 2 seconds

>>plenty of money to pay autistic retards to whine about movies despite the fact that they could do it for free as a hobby
he makes money from his videos, he doesn't leech off taxes or something

I don't think I'd be able to set up a camera and walk towards it normally without overthinking how I normally walk.
Then again, I just wouldn't do that.

I never noticed how depressing that fucking neighborhood is

thats all of them.

imagine the smell


Attached: 1556862763777.jpg (796x423, 181K)

Is that motherfucking don lemon?

I think it's time we blow this scene
Get everybody and the stuff together
Ok, three, two, one, let's jam!

i was about to say that

he cute

>honest reviews
Back when he started he was honest.
Nowadays he is just another pay whore.


But you dont learn anything from his reviews. There is nothing interesting in them. And he rates old movies on his stupid scale which is just dumb. He literally gave citizen kane a grade.


post the latza one

>look at me I hung around black people so obviously I’m not racist and you can listen to my political opinion xD

Unironically better cinematography than marlel