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Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that your meme dragon magic soap opera was never good and will be as memorable as L O S T in a decade. You'll see it on VH1's I Love the 2010s and laugh at how you remember that.

Seasons 1-4 were kinda' good.

Season 3 was the beginning of the end, there’s no point in watching the show after the Red Wedding, that’s the point where you should get the books and read the source material, waiting with the rest of us for the end of the book saga or for the author to die

I haven't paid a single dime to watch this show so I'm fine with it

It's much more fun to shitpost how awful it is with Yea Forums


LOST is on another league than GoT. Also how can you not understand LOST almost a decade later? It’s 2019 get that brain going already.

No, there is another


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TFW when you get assrammed by D&D

Is there a more predictable normie so ¥ infused tv show than game of thrones? You should be embarrassed to admit you watched it.

I'm still in disbelief.
They killed him in the worst way imaginable.
It's so bad that it would have been better if he slipped over and landed face first onto dragonglass.

Expectations: Subverted.

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the end we deserved but didn't get

what you talking about op, there's 3 episodes left

Azor Ahai, The Ending That Was Promised.

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it is actually kind of decent and is typical with GoT. every season you get the unexpected. i don't know why people hated it so much here.

you know they fucked up when Yea Forums makes a better episode

That's what makes this even more hilarious. Arya killing The Night King easily would have been a dumb anti-climax had this been E05. Doing so in E03 is insane.

I think the show has sucked for 3-4 seasons now and this was worse than I imagined it could be

Unexpected would have been Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Sansa, Arya etc. being overwhelmed and dying. Game of Thrones would have become GOAT but instead chose a lame cop-out.

The White Walkers were supposed to be The Apocalypse. This is even worse than Mass Effect 3.

Not it's not decent in any way. It's like Legolas shooting an arrow straight into Sauron's Eye and it just explodes and good guys win.

no, this would have been unexpected

i wasn't expecting it, clearly you werent either, that is if you even watched the show. i thought it was a solid twist to have arya kill it.

Imagine being this stupid.
People like you are why the show does this unexpected shit now.
The death of Ned, joffrey and the rewedding all made sense in the world established by GRRM.
Also unexpected doesn't mean good, subversion for the sake of subversion is poor writing.

When did "SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS!" become popular?

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>Imagine being this seething about a fucking fantasy show
It's not supposed to be realistic dude
Also how the fuck is an assassin taking out a King unexpected?
That's what the entire Arya storyline has been leading up to anyway

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GOT has been bad for a while now. Perhaps S4 onwards. There's been some good such as Battle of the Bastards. Opening of The Winds of Winter. Ending of Hardhome and The Spoils of War. Aside from those it's been meh.


The Long Night being destroyed on IMDB and for good reason. 8.8 for an ep which should have been 10 is so bad.

Epic bait my dude

>it was good because I wasn't expecting it
Sorry but I don't quite follow you.

>He doesn't SEETH at the finale
>Must be baiting
This is your brain on Yea Forums. Maybe step out of this echochamber, the episode was fine.
Nobody is saying that. We're saying that it was good as well as unexpected.

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Catharsis for Arya was killing Walder Frey. The Night King is out of her depth. It's not her story, it's always been Jon's. It makes no sense for Arya. Yet here we are.

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people like twists. arya killing him was a twist. this is entertainment, not shakespear.
this was just like any of the events you listed. those are all twists..
what's GRRM?

So your problem is that the show that was all about subversion of storytellingtropes subverted the Heros Journey?
Building up the heroic prophecy for years only to have someone better qualified drop in and killsteal Jon makes absolute sense

who the fuck cares

I don't really mind Arya killing the Night King, but the way they did it was garbage.
They killed him way too early and she shows up out of fucking nowhere.

Did you enjoy The Last Jedi as well?

it's shocking how much of GoT was just completely pointless filler looking back

>what's GRRM?
this is the average GoTfan

She fucking jumps on him from the trees, what's not to get.
For all we know she hid there after her encounter with Melisandre and protected Bran until the NK showed up only to drop on him
I hate the entire Star Wars Franchise and I didn't watch TLJ

>We're saying that it was good
It wasn't good. In fact it wasn't even bad. It was so fucking awful it retrospectively killed the entire show.

>I can't enjoy character focused drama because the wrong person stabbed the big bad after eight seasons
The growth they go through and their journeys are still interesting.

Agreed. Should have been a massacre. Confirmation that The Night King is as bad as was said for 8 years. Everyone is overwhelmed and dies during Ramin Djawadi's interlude or something. Maybe plot-armoured characters such as Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Jaime somehow escape. Retreating to King's Landing and get Cersei on-side before Round 2 vs. The Night King at King's Landing.

Would have made much more sense...

This is what I thought they should've done. The North puts up a good fight, gets fucked, then have to retreat back to Kings landing warning the people as they head there. Cersei then captures everyone, is super smug, then the white walkers show up and big awesome battle ensues to finish the second to last episode. Last episode ties up loose ends and then everyone lives happily ever after (so to speak).

Biggest dose of TRUTH I've ever seen:

People don't like bad twists though

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The Red Wedding was unexpected because it violated an internal rule of the GoT universe. "Hold the door" was unexpected because it introduced a new variable in its magic, i.e. time-travelling possession. Jorah getting busted by Daenerys was unexpected because he seemed like a loyal waifufag. Yet all of these subversions were plausible. And that's the difference with last Sunday's anime episode.

you don't enjoy the ride without the catharsis that is at the ending of the ride. Its why people rewatch movies because the ending made the journey enjoyable.

Think again to lord of the rings. Once the painfully long ending is done, you feel complete as its over and you wish to complete the whole thing again.

Now think of Lost with a great journey but a shit ending...why people don't re-watch it.



Jesus Christ.

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>it's another keyboard war tactics autist dishonestly picks apart a war sequence as not being realistic enough in a fantasy show that literally has dragons flying through the air video

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What? That’s not what the user was getting across, he was saying LOST has zero cultural relevance and is about as forgotten as HEROES. Oh wow, Abrams sure does make a lot of media that’s as filling as Chinese food, huh?

The show sucked from day one. Sean Bean executed that poor soldier just for the crime of surviving a white walker attack and came to tell of the threat. His reward, off with his head.
Sorry Eddard, you're not the Queen of Hearts.

>She fucking jumps on him from the trees
>from the trees

Stop with this. No, she did not jump from the trees. Watch it again. She clearly stealth runs from behind the White Walkers.

Please observe the hair of the White Walker suddenly blowing in the direction of the Night King just before we see Arya in mid jump.

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this is so much better than what we had. Have everyone die, then bran go back in time to cause some fuckery and change the past like he did with Hodor

it was all a dream.. he actually kills arya and then jon goes nigmode and kills him

Arya was always my favorite character (in the books) so I don't mind.

>Master, the fat man has resumed writing. He's going to finish the book.
>"He cannot be allowed to finish. The HBO ending will be the only ending. Kill him, then burn the manuscripts."

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See how the Night King is holding her throat?
The NK can warg humans he touches, like he does with Craster's sons. If a warg dies while controlling something, they live a second life inside of it. In the books there's a character called Varamyr Sixskins, a very powerful warg who can control 6 animals at once. As Varamyr is dying, he wargs into the body of a spearwife named Thistle. He's not powerful enough to control her, it drives her insane and she tears out her eyes and rips out her tongue. He ends up warging into one of his wolves and living his second life inside it. Thistle dies but is raised as a wight.

So the NK could be living a second life in Arya. A warg's original powers are lost in the second life, Varamyr lost control of his other animals, and the NK's army dies/ But Arya has wolf dreams, so she likely has warg powers of her own. Maybe the NK can master them. Also, Arya can face change so she can disguise her transformation.

Arya never met Melisandre in the books, but the Ghost of High Heart has a similar prophecy for her: "I see you. I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death ... You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from here, dark heart. Begone!"

Also things like the faceless men worshiping death and becoming no one, and the NK in the show is both death and no one.

She doesn't jump from a tree you fucking retard. even in the behind the scenes shots they have her jumping off of a trampoline right behind the NK

I know exactly what he was saying and he's wrong about that as well, just as you are. Every single show after LOST tries to be LOST, including GoT, Breaking Bad, etc.. It's the most culturally relevant TV show ever made in terms of how it changed the medium afterwards.

Also it's 2019 you should be able to understand LOST by now. Step it up.

Why do the twins hate us

>You can't critique something because it has dragons in it
I hope that you're just shitposting me, user.

Fuck this just reminded me that Bronn on that ballista was the first kino moment in seasons and the very last.

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>The Red Wedding was unexpected because it violated an internal rule of the GoT universe.
What rule? Please elaborate.


jfc can you imagine if bronn fucking pulled that shit and it worked. FUCK

The red wedding broke zero rules of the show. Don't know how you could possibly think this. Stop defending Arya getting force-powers you brainlet

they must have done serious reworks to the storyline once the show took over as canon to the book

So if Ghost blows Cerseis head off with laser-turds next episode, are you going to remain immersed and completely fine with it? I mean its just fantasy right?

>expecting perfect tactics and completely rational decisions during a war with literal zombies
The salt from this last episode has been absolutely incredible, I've enjoyed every second of it unironically.

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At least the Orville hasn't injured my soul.

would have redeemed season 7 and 5 in my eyes
we will never get a pay off to the time travel/viewing shit
>we will never see mad king bran or bran the builder

hehe i love retard tactics; those dirty brown fucks all deserved to die first

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this show was just the product of being the first "hit" show during this autistic social media shit

just like shitty movies like birdbox only got popular because of social media

and just like birdbox, 4 months from now nobody will even talk about GoT. maybe some retard normies here and there that eat up fan service but thats it

hey you watched that youtube video!

have sex

>tfw all these characters got cool valyrian steel weapons and dragonglass, but none of them used it for the whitewalkers because they never showed up

>tfw no scene with beric fighting a bunch of white walkers with his flaming sword to save arya. They could honestly keep in the part where he throws his sword, but he just gets stabbed in the back while he does that

>tfw no scene with jorah protecting dany from a bunch of whitewalkers, and not some wights who stab right through his armor

Fucking neck yourself. There's a universe of difference between "perfect tactics" and "not being completely braindead and making unnecessary sacrifices for the sake of "shock".

That episode was written to pander to the twitter and feminist crowd, and you're delusional if you think otherwise

>hehe i love retard tactics
And there it is, the autist exposes himself for caring more about the "tactics" he's learned from playing Total War than experiencing an entertaining product with stunning visuals.

what u saying I unironically enjoyed it... u absolute nonce

Do Jon and NK kill each other in this? Or does NK just kill Jon?

>"I'd rather turn my brain off and just mindlessly consume what's in front of me instead of giving a shit about the story or any of the characters


>Fucking neck yourself

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>what's GRRM?

Just fuck off retard

>when you show her your penis

>when she shows you her penis

>I'd rather nitpick one of the most popular and well received episodes of television in history just so I can feel superior to "normies" who don't give a shit about my autistic opinions of war tactics

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cope argument

I still like to think Jason Momoa penetrated her.

"Whoops, how'd that happen?"

Based Dany poster dabbing on the seething incels.

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You have horrible opinions and you're a retard

How hard was it for the final battle against NK to be an actual duel? Guy could take wyverns down with a spear, pierced Theon's plate with a piece of fucking wood of all things. How can you make a dagger kill the guy like this...

Literally shaking

non argument

> stunning visuals

AHAHAHA the whole episode was barely visible for the sake of being 2spooky.

The score was great, but that's it. This episode ruined the series.

>you're not allowed to have valid criticisms if other people like it

Yes, I do feel superior to people that think "le epic moments" are better than actual plot playoffs after a decade of hype. I'm glad that you enjoyed it, but you're unironically retarded and have no taste if you think that ending is the best they could've done

seethe argument

You have horrible opinions and you're a retard.

It's so weird. Actually, it's mind-boggling. Why repeat character-gets-overrun-by-wights-and-then-saved again and again and again rather than having some White Walkers or something involved for some awesome set-pieces?

Instead we get some random Monster House scene with Arya? Really?

sorry sweatie, too bad you can't enjoy things

>waiting with the rest of us for the end of the book saga

Go to bed David Benioff

You're seething and is hilarious to watch. Continue to behave like a clown for my entertainment, user.

I assume it was a budget thing? it's a weird thing.

The Jon Snow dodging the dragon thing reminded me of "Coneheads" when Beldar was narfling the Garthok.

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gay argument

I'm just enjoying laughing at the people that expected this to be some realistic representation of a battle by our current standards and will literally spend 40 minutes like completely whining about it while anyone who actually matters enjoyed it immensely.

Coneheads is mildly better than this.

>I'm just enjoying laughing at the people that expected this to be some realistic representation of a battle by our current standards and will literally spend 40 minutes like completely whining about it while anyone who actually matters enjoyed it immensely.

Thats the same bullshit logic of people who deny Star Trek Discovery is shitty.

"Forget about the science, just enjoy the laser blasts and Mikey Spock!"

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At least in lotr killing evil beings have consequences

>strong enough to throw a spear at a dragon and kills it
>doesn't just immediately snaps Arya's neck as soon as he grabs her

Why is Night King such a cuck?

When the dust settles and people move on what will they say about this episode or even this season?

meme dragon soap opera is exactly what it is and anyone who says otherwise is a brainlet

reminder that game of thrones is and always has been for normies and youre dumb for watching it and complaining like you expected something better


Patrician taste.

>not inviting your mates over to light up your flame pit and char some mammal flesh


cuz he's white

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Who said anything about not understanding it? He just said itl be remembered as shit

it was mediocre, prob. doesn't live up to helms deep, but it's just a thing that happens

Except for the fact that Star Trek always had a semblance of science underlying it. This was always a fantasy show full of flawed characters that constantly fucked up. But now since all their theories have been shot down autists have been left with nothing other than to REEEEE to the skies about how they could have done it better.

oh yes such amazing writing. Subvert my expectations, shock m e with your hacky endings


they wont say anything about it because none of it is interesting or memorable

i hope all GoT threads just dive into "this show sucks cock and has always sucked cock" because anons realize they have no power over the story

She jumped out of table shaped tree that grows from the ground.

She didn't drop down at all, you can clearly see on the scene, even at the white walker hair moving from her moving sanic fast or something.

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4 months? A month at most.I think pickle rick was the longest running normie meme

she kinda looks like sonic from the trailer

is this an accurate depiction of what happened? I don't even get it

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>like you expected something better
I expected something like the first few seasons, which wasn't much to ask by any stretch of the imagination.

Bran warged into the Ravens and carried Arya to the Night King

The shot of the WW's hair being blown by the breeze has to be the worst shot in TV history.

The fact that this stoic all-powerful unmovable entity does a "huh? what was that?" and looks behind his shoulder is so fucking out of character, out of theme, out of tone and out of fucking genre for GoT.

wow it all makes sense now

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It's basically bold and beautiful with ugly people and loud noises.

That little girl is five feet off the ground. She could dunk over Lebron James without issue. Did she invent basketball?

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Please kill yourself. This was a fucking shitshow of an episode and a joke of a way to defeat the Army of the Dead. Plot armored characters all survived the battle because it conveniently ends as they're being overwhelmed. The drama was cheap shit that ended up not mattering at all. I would have rather had a 1v1 duel with Jon vs NK or the NK literally conquers Westeros than this deus ex machina bullshit.

>Game of Thrones has been COMPLETELY FUCKED now. Forever.

But there are still five more hours of show to see. Would you be as upset if episode 3 was actually the last episode and came after killing Cersei and friends?

nope his eyes were normal for like a minute before she got there so no way they were flying here there its obvious she took a dead persons face and was hiding in the crowd for the perfect moment so what really happened is she poked her up out of no where really fast but she was laying down so the perspective made it look like she was moving in fast on the Night King

The only Long Night we'll get is in our hearts, and it was caused by their fuckening of what could've been one of the best conclusions in TV

youre fucked if you think I'm going to watch a 40 minute video of someone bitching about a show

>daily reminder

dude we've been having reminders every minute in this board

Who the fuck even cares about Cersei and the Iron Throne at this point? Arya's just gonna kill cersei to complete her faggy little list, they'll give Dany one more victory by having fucking Daario show up last moment with a fleet of the second sons to kill the Golden Company and blamo, shows over

Replace LOST with Sopranos, you retarded zoomer

i never got into this retarded show, thank god, here's your reply

>Who the fuck even cares about Cersei
I still have a hateboner for her

To be fair, they really could've done it a lot better. I thought the episode and the end to the story of the night King was rushed and sucked, but that doesn't mean I'm losing sleep over it.

You are literally the reasson why every single IP in the past five years went to absolute shit.
When people talk about low IQ, sugger addicted, ADHD riddled consumerist manchildren who clap in cinema - that is you.
Capeshit is aimed at you as its primary demographic.

whats sopranos

wow you're so special

not that user but in the books there is this big deal on sharing salt or something along those lines. Basically once you are offered salt by your host, you are under his protection - no matter what. It's a big fucking deal and a major sin to break this. In fact in cat's chapter if I recall she was big on making sure they all were offered it by walder frey, and she was resting easier after that. Don't think the show conveyed that well.

nice bait

Don't get me wrong, i love cersei and everything about her character, she's one of my favorite.

It's just...how is the battle with her going to be tense in the slightest when arya one-shot the embodiment of death? It's like if Vegeta kills Frieza on Namek when they meet, and the rest of the saga becomes about fighting the Ginyu Force. Its like if Yamcha killed Perfect Cell and then the rest of the saga was spent fighting Android-19.


typical low IQ argument. next

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well i like to think jon survives or is like a wight but for the red god so he just comes back to rematch him again in the future.
Or Jaime stabs the nk in the back.
but for all intended purposes and showing how to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONs satisfyingly and thematically yeah they all be dead.
The very least the actual episode could have done was at least jon get within 2 feet of the fucking dude

Is every show trying to be the worst show ever to be made? Everything makes sense now

Eowyn killing the Witch King is kino in the books and still pretty good in the movie. This was a total hatchet job. Like anons said, who gives a shit about the Iron Throne? The most interesting tension left in the show was quickly killed off once it became inconvenient to the writers' shitty plan for a fan service ending.

why u even here.

i'm here to samefag and be the embodiment of chaos

Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel are so handsome.

dubs of truth

it's an inside joke between the jews

unironically based

Maybe it will give the fatfuck incentive to finish his books now that he's got the fear of this being his legacy should he die hanging over his head.

That actually makes sense and has just improved my enjoyment of got

>implying ppl read the books lmfao


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Why didn't the night king just wear non rubber armour?

I don't give a fuck what normies do, you faggot. As long as the real story exists they could turn the show into gay porn for all I care.

>I know exactly what he was saying and he's wrong about that as well, just as you are. Every single show after LOST tries to be LOST, including GoT, Breaking Bad, etc.. It's the most culturally relevant TV show ever made in terms of how it changed the medium afterwards.
>Also it's 2019 you should be able to understand LOST by now. Step it up.
I have never seen an episode of lost and I am not about to start now, it was obviously garbage from season 1

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You're wrong, idiot. Yes, Sopranos and The Wire are significant, but they represent refined dramas for adults.

LOST was the show that invented hype. The show that created Internet speculation. Basically the show that represents Millennials (for good or bad). So yeah, I think it is the most culturally relevant of the Internet era because it's basically the first one of its kind.

GoT could have surpassed it if it had retained some of its refined and mature elements while keeping the fun and mystery, therefore bridging the genres, but it hasn't. It sucks now and it has ruined its potential legacy.

Can someone explain to me why killing the Night King magically kills the entire army as well?

When will people get tired of this hivemind overlord meme?

>Why didn't the night king just wear non rubber armour?
Even if it was leather, it was over 10 000 years old, yo, shit breaks down, becomes desiccated or rusted

cuz easy way out no other way they would win lmfaoooo

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>LOST was the show that invented hype. The show that created Internet speculation.
False, I remember Babylon 5 on usenet


They were literally raised from the dead and only act on orders


have sex

>This show was revolutionary because "it created hype"
Lol and then it failed to deliver. If anything Lost showed everyone how easy it is to write a show where all you have to is create mistery you never intend to explain and wrap it all up on the most retarded ending possible. It showed how easy it is to play the audience with a story that has the same quality of a turd.

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It would unironically be kino if Arya stabs the NK, goes over to Bran, only for one of the Wights there suddenly goes forward and stabs her in the back.

>When will people get tired of this hivemind overlord meme?

do you have another suggestion?

hhehah fuck

very kino

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>It showed how easy it is to play the audience with a story that has the same quality of a turd.
DID IT? DID IT user?

I literally do now know ANYONE who watched that show


have sex with me, khaleesi

Have them not die upon their masters death? They're already weak to fire and dragonglass, why add another last-minute weakness?


I'm not saying it was good or bad. I'm just saying it was objectively highly influential.

>this is what DnD literally believe
GOT was not good because of 'muh subversion.'

It was because of realism + muh subversion + scenes that make sense.... If you remove the other two, it becomes as shit as any other show.

>refuses to watch a 40 minute video of some incel bitching about game of thrones
>"haha virgin"

Bend over

and yet here you are defending said "fucking fantasy show" and the writers decisions.

Bang the cheer leader, bang the world.

to be fair it is not really last minute, I mean it was shown before that when you kill the WW the wights they turned get destroyed.

And they needed a weakness because otherwise they are kinda overpowered.

Was it more influential than X Files? I remember when I was a kid everyone talking about X Files. There have been "hype shows" for decades.

>It's not supposed to be realistic dude
Its supposed to make sense in-universe
>Also how the fuck is an assassin taking out a King unexpected?
She literally, **LITERALLY** appeared out of THIN AIR

>And they needed a weakness because otherwise they are kinda overpowered.
I mean wasn't that the fucking point?

>Night King kills Jon
>Melissandre revives him next episode
>Night King kills Jon
>Melissandre revives him next episode
>and on and on forever

They're zombies, they're skeletons and dead bodies, the only reason why they're even moving is because of the NK's magic. Stop the magic source, they're immobile bones again.

>Someone shits on my dinner plate
>Wasn’t that so unexpected? Why are you eating it?

DnD could tell you the sky is purple and you’d start telling everyone how stupid they are for thinking it’s blue

I'm glad I never bought any Game of Thrones action figures.

X-Files is influential in its own right, but it belongs to a different era of TV. And there was practically no Internet back then.

LOST obviously was influenced by X-Files, just like X-Files was influenced by Twilight Zone for example.

>NK death sucked so bad that I now watched all the theories, anylisis why show sucks, leaks and post-traumatic memes and used powers of imagination and imagery from show to complete series in my head with Jon having long battle with NK as warrior of God of Light, which will lead to his death as he turns into ice and ash, LF & Jaqen stabbing everybody in the back in Kingslanding after battles end, and Bran turning into new NK and just walking into winter storm through the hole in the wall as final frame

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have sex

have sex

Fuck off with your capeshit time travel crap, that would be fucking terrible, it's just a shitty deus ex machina that restores everything to it's original form like nothing happened at all, it's shitty writing

just turn your brain off

Hold the door was so fucking awful though too

help me Yea Forums I literally cannot stop masturbating

Bend over

So when you claim Lost was special it's just because it happens to coincide with when the internet was becoming more popular? What a pointless claim to fame. I don't think anyone will say Lost was popular but it was complete shit and maybe you're right in the sense it started an era of shows where you just need to write something that breaks normality and that's pretty much all you need to do to have a sucessful show that normies will eat up.

ummmm sweeties?


relax asshole and receive cock

>and then Bran reverses everything via time travel

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>She literally, **LITERALLY** appeared out of THIN AIR

She stealthily ran in from behind the White Walkers. She must have went straight to the godswood since running out of the room with Melisandra and the Hound. She must have been waiting in the shadows, watching the events, hoping that Jon would arrive any moment. When she saw the Night King attempt to draw his sword on Bran, she took off toward the Night King.

Here is a webm - The implication is that she silently and swiftly ran passed the White Walkers and jumped when she was close enough to the Night King.

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Fucking l m a o

>ends with superhero landing

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>the show that was all about subversion of storytellingtropes
>good guy kills the one dimensional evil baddy when he inexplicably pauses just before he's about to win
That's already happened 24 times in James Bond alone. It didn't subvert any tropes. And that's just the ending. The whole epusode was bad on a technical/thematic basis.

what is wrong with these fucking reddit faggots every single god damn episode all they talk about is how its so emotional such an emotional journey what the fuck

I haven't watched since season 7 so for me it won't be. The books if they're ever finished will be how it ends for me!

It subvert the subversion

Edit 2: thanks for my first silver and first platinum coins kind strangers.

my new copypasta

>My tattoo that I got to remind me to not self harm.
cringed hard at this one

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Fucking retard. Ned killed him for deserting the Nights Watch. White Walkers were just "fairy tales" at that point in the sure let show


Reminder that redditors unironically want things like Chris Hemsworth as Rhaegar Targaryen. This is the vast majority of the fanbase. This is why the show has become a meme. The showrunners pander to this audience, not Yea Forums.

Stopped watching this in like 2014. Really now? Just Mary Sue every problem, the girls on Facebook will love it!




Now everyone knows our pain

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It wasn't for S1-4 and it isn't in the books. It is so much more than that. That's the problem. It could've been the last great thing Western civilisation produced. But (((they subverted))) it.

this. I get that people think D&D are stupid, but the foreshadowing for another twist is present in the books too.

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Well they are still stupid but I have no doubt in my mind that there's going to one last twist. Probably related to Bran.

Will it make this episode better in retrospect? Fucking nah but still.

I actually felt something watching this.

>She stealthily ran in from behind the White Walkers.
No, look at the images linked in message you're responding to, she literally materialized out of thin air

>fighting hundreds of thousands of zombies actually results in deathly consequences
>Character arcs like Jon's are actually subverted by failure instead of hack rewriting others into his climax
>Professional sellswords like Bronn actually get a chance to shine due to be the most battle hardened troops available
>Sam doesn't get to cry on an active battlefield for an hour without getting slaughtered by wights
>Weaker characters like Sansa drop off due to their own personal failings
this is the kino that was promised, but not delivered

>Will it make this episode better in retrospect?

reading the complaints, a lot of it is focused around thinking the main plot arc is over.

well, if the twist is based on something GRRM is planning to do in the books, there WILL be a link of some kind. so they just need to execute it well and it will address that specific complaint (although of course user will keep whining about something no matter what).

Arya stark Is one bad mother fucker.

Creators take notes.

When you want to create a powerful and incredible female character this is what you should emulate.

She is incredible.

killing off 80% of the cast with 3 more episodes to go wasn't ever really going to happen, user.

seething lmao

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>she literally materialized out of thin air

the scene was directed like it was to make the twist surprising. the visual language of film allows for all kinds of time compression/expansion, and mucking with the geometry, it's part of blocking and so standard you literally don't notice how much it happens.

It wasn't ever going to happen, but it should have been given that it was apocalypse made manifest. This should have been the most Pyrrhic victory in modern fiction, but the cost was so low the result feels empty.

Other than Danny losing quite literally ALL of her cavalry, I doubt the next episode will really correct for just how many troops she lost in this shitshow before marching against Cersei

>a lot of it is focused around thinking the main plot arc is over.
Yeah nah. If I had my way, fucking 85% of the cast should have been dead with the way they directed this episode.

And if they don't resolve the entire Cersei conflict effortlessly using Arya alone then they're even bigger hacks than they already are.

Nah, you're just retarded. She literally materialized out of thin air, falling out of the sky on night king

I think there's going to be another twist. if they killed everyone off in one go the individual deaths would mean less and they wouldn't be able to have equally impactful culls in episodes 5 and 6.

plus you're ignoring that they can't just kill random characters off: main characters by definition have to be kept alive because no one's going to be able to get as excited for Podrick saving the day, or as happy when he does if literally everyone else is dead.

Then where did they explain how they got past the white walkers? or where she jumped from? or why the Night King didn't snap her neck and instead stared at her like a retard for 10 minutes? or how she even go to the point where she could get that close to him?

Because we are all at the bargaining phase.

Lost > GOT

A battle between Cersei and the north being interupted by the dead would have been more interesting. It always seemed that the show was heading in that direction where the battle for the thrown was secondary to the threat of the white walkers


Imagine Lost airing during a time when social networking and twitterposting was as bad as it was now.

>Game of Thrones has been shitty for more than half of it's running time now
>suddenly normies and retards on Yea Forums realize it

Holy lel. I bet you faggots clapped and slurped onions during Battle of the Bastards too when Jon was a fucking badass beating Ramsay even though that whole episode was filled with just about as many plot holes and stupid moments as the recent shit

>ummmm sweeties?

My aunt has been calling my eight year old cousin "sweetie" since he could talk, and she says it just like you wrote it. Example - "Uhm, sweetie, it's time for your bath".. "Uhm, sweetie, lunch is ready".. "Uhm, sweetie, don't watch commercials". My brother and I cringe everytime we hear it. She is a new age hippie. She named my cousin Freeman and calls him sometimes Free and sometimes Birdy (free like a bird). She is a vegan. She has glowing salt rocks all over her house. She has fairies hanging from the ceiling everywhere. She has a barrel in the yard that catches rain water so she can water her vegetales with natural water rather than tap water. She loves, LOVES, GoT. She has GoT shirts, GoT coffee mugs, GoT stickers all over her garage door, GoT dreamcatcher hanging over her bed, and other little GoT shit all over the place.

Well, guess what happened two days ago. We were eating dinner at her house when she said to my mom, "Sorry I didn't call you yesterday. I was on reddit all day talking about episode three". She's a reddit fag. It fucking figures.

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>they wouldn't be able to have equally impactful culls
But that's where I'd hold against. Tonally they don't need extended sequences of self sacrifice, they are the few named heroes fighting against an untold mass of thousands of years worth of undead finally breaking through the barrier of life. Dying ignoble deaths against an impossible enemy is the most consistent with the rules of the universe, and Brienne holding off scores of wights while screaming for help for upwards of half an hour makes Armageddon seem toothless

If Podrick of all people saves the day, it'd be a great moment to show just how fucking starved the cast are for heroic action. He was last shown to be more competent than his peers, and having him actually do something memorable like try ingto stall the White Walkers through death by dueling them to a standstill to protect Bran would have been absolutely kino contrasted to his character of just being a hung squire who can sing.

Attached: um sweetie.png (1232x186, 37K)

same look captain marvel had when she got her powers

>she literally materialized out of thin air

You couldn't see anything more than three feet behind the Night King. The NK is surrounded by White Walkers, by caste walls, by terrain, etc. You can see none of it in that shot. It's a cheesy technique so that you can't see Arya running up behind the NK and leaping at him.

Arya runs from behind the White Walkers. She did not "materialize out of thin air". Her speed as she ran passed the White Walkers is shown in the hair of the White Walker blowing in the direction of the Night King. Whoooosh!! Arya is so fast and silent, you guys.

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Battle of the Bastards was much worse, honestly. but it ended with Yea Forums's husbando Jon looking badass so the rage was only about those flaws instead of expanding to be about the whole show.

>leaping at him.
You're a fucking moron
Fucking look at this

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>Dying ignoble deaths against an impossible enemy is the most consistent with the rules of the universe

no it isn't. main characters in ASoIaF die because they get cocky and forget the consequences of their actions. it's actually totally legit classical storytelling which is why the books don't register as tediously flat and grimdark.

holy shit kino

Even in the 'making of' episode, they describe Arya as coming OUT OF NOWHERE

Attached: temp.png (2061x1049, 725K)

like I said in it's a standard part of all filmmaking. you may as well complain about actors wearing lifts to make them seem like they're the same height.

>it's a standard part of all filmmaking.
So you're defending doing something retarded by saying the other guy drank the bleach too? Are you fucking retarded? She **LITERALLY** materializes out of thin air

>letting theon die still
come on

>bran brings arya from the past to the future through time to that exact moment
wow kino inc lads

>Her speed as she ran passed the White Walkers is shown in the hair of the White Walker blowing in the direction of the Night King. Whoooosh!! Arya is so fast and silent, you guys.
Sorry but I live in a place that has snow

You cannot move on snow without making noise.. Unless you're literally flying through the air

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>having him actually do something memorable like try ingto stall the White Walkers through death

you mean like they did with Theon?

the more death scenes in an episode, the less impactful each ones going to be. given that even relatively minor characters have fanbases in GoT, I really think they're better off leaving characters alive if they can't figure out a way to make their death scenes mean something.

but like I said: I think it's going to happen and not going to be just because of Cersei and le epic pirate chad, so my optimism isn't based on just assuming the remaining 3 episodes are going to play out in an expected way.

>they describe Arya as coming OUT OF NOWHERE

Then explain the White Walker hair blowing towards the Night King and then turning to look in the direction of Arya running passed him.

Attached: 1529212451790.webm (1920x1080, 1.16M)

>the white walkers just let her run past

What assholes!

I'm defending ignoring geometry of the scene to make a shot that looks cool and catches the audience off-guard to create a surprising moment that needed to be surprising for the story to work for normies.

D&D care more about normies than you and that's really all their is to it. I'm a bookfag since 2001 and I've learned to enjoy the show for what it is in spite of it's flaws.

Nice digits

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since when does running through snow make no sound

>She has a barrel in the yard that catches rain water so she can water her vegetales with natural water rather than tap water.

imagine being so american that simply not wasting rain water and instead use water you must buy is something to mock

It's implied that was part of her training in bravos, incel.

So can nu-GoT cucks explain why the Night King didn't just snap her neck or throw her away or do....anything really?

Because he was cocky?
Because she was a master assassin the quickest of her kind?

Why didn't she just kill the Night King way earlier then if it was that easy? I mean if you can easily get past white walkers, not make any sounds (except screaming really loud when you jump because it'd be pretty fucking badass if someone was watching it on like a tv series or something) and kill the Night King in one stab, why did she bother waiting until this point then?

Because she was a main character
her plot armour was thicker than his

muh blue eyes

>because he was cocky

Pretty sure I've seen this excuse used more than a handful of times in bad GoT episodes and just bad capeshit in general. It's one of the worst justifications for bad writing

Because she only heard of the night king like 2 episodes ago, and only knew it was her destiny to kill him after Merysand dropped those kino hints.

>I watch epic high fantasy shows with dragons and zombies to complain about the inaccurate use of cavalary

Attached: Tips.gif (330x204, 403K)

>watching medieval capeshit

Anyone else still holding out on one last bait and switch? 3ER and all that.

Lost had no gays in the huge main cast and nobody cared. Different time.

It's like these bookvirgins think the show is made just for them. What does it matter whether the archers are in front or back or whatever, doesn't change the story or affect any of the heroes.

>instead use water you must buy

But that isn't the reason she states as the reason she does that. She wants to eat natural foods and drink natural things. She spends more money than she needs to because she shops at places like Whole Foods where everything is much more expensive but is claimed to be non-GMO. She is willing to spend extra. She had a reverse osmosis water filtration system with UV light sanitizer installed in her home. Parts and labor to install the thing cost her "$1200, but it is so worth it". Mind you, the filters have to replaced every three months and there are five of them and they cost over $30 a piece. Worse, reverse osmosis systems take the city water, filter it, and store the filtered water but wastes out 75% of the water it takes in. So, in effect, she is paying 4x the cost of water than she would if she didn't have a reverse osmosis. But she pours mouldy impure mosquito-infested rainwater from a barrel over her vegetable plants. Hurray for her.

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Why is she so unattractive?

because she didn't know he existed until that night lmao

>Then explain the White Walker hair blowing towards the Night King and then turning to look in the direction of Arya running passed him.
They literally don't know what they're doing

I live in a fucking country that has snow


>Arya is the major force of change in the universe and is basically invincible

Seems like more people should randomly train to be a faceless man so they can get anime powers

I will be severely fucking disappointed if they never use Arya's super assassin powers again after this.

>What does it matter whether the archers are in front or back or whatever, doesn't change the story or affect any of the heroes.



i'm so fucking glad i lost interest in this show last season (it went downhill after season 4 but i gave it a lot of chances) and started watching films

>The Night King is such a massive cuck threat that as soon as one assassin earns of his existence he'll die easily the same day

So why were they building him up for 8 seasons then? Seems like a waste of time to me


Literally autistic screeching
Have sex, care less about hollywood tactics

Don't worry, she'll be back for Cleganebowl. She'll save the hound from imminent death and slay the Mountain. It's been foreshadwed by all the times the Hound saved her.

Absolute KINO

why tf do people think hollywood is behind every american audiovisual production is beyond me

So I was right, zoomers?

Unironically copulate Yea Forums


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Lost sucks and realising you’re correct is a big sad blue pill

>For all we know
and that's the problem. if they;d established that before she appeared out of nowhere, it wouldn't have been as awful.

>Literally autistic screeching
>Have sex, care less about hollywood tactics

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its the jews either way

The Night King and white walkers killing everyone would be more satisfying. Almost the entire cast of GoT characters are bad or annoying. It would be a better subversion then just randomly getting gimped by one person

>I live in a fucking country that has snow
wow, aren't you special

>Autistic neckbeard screeching at a fanatasy show is also a /pol/tard


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>not realizing audience at large wants a happy ending
There's no way the good guys would lose in any scenario. Even if they reversed The Long Night with fighting Cersei episodes and upped the casualties.

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>we gotta appease the fans, top priority.
thats why it's shit you fucking jew

Yeah, that's what I said.

>wow, aren't you special
Apparently I am, since you don't know walking or running on snow makes relatively very loud noise

You cannot silently run on snow past the white walkers, she literally materialized out of thin air as far as physics in concerned

>lol it has dragons in it so it isn't realistic which is why Dany just flew to King's Landing and used her laser beam eyes to burn down the Red Keep as soon they hatched because magic idkLLOL
Hours old post but fuck you, double nigger.




>Paying for got

>a blood drop is enough to alert the dead but walking on snow doesn't

No it’s not. Arya trained at the house of black and white which worships the same god of death that gave rise to the white walkers (in response to a request from the children of the forest). Arya, an agent of death who defeats death, is a parallel to the fact that Valyrian steel is defeating a monster created by dragonglass.

This is what Arya killing the Night King was supposed to convey to non-regards.