wtf are we going to do about this, bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>all americans, not likey voters
i'm sure trump is shaking in his boots

>survey is on abc.com's most click-baity lefty rage bait "DRRRRRUUUUMMMPPHHHH!!!!!" articles
>still 45% of site visitors won't rule out being on the winning team for his inevitable reelection

Attached: 1135214874.jpg (304x412, 48K)

Hillary has a 98% chance of winning

Attached: clinton-campaign-may-have-been-too-smart-to-win-by-9377972.png (500x533, 111K)

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she's probably still salty about losing because there is no way she even gets a chance in 2020, she could never compete against biden

>tfw too intelligent to become president
>your people don't recognize the clever thinking behind dabbing on live TV and the wit of saying "i want to know how to make them Pokémon GO to the polls"
>the stupid masses weren't satisfied with you calling to treat alleged hacks as a russian invasion
>dumb monkeys were misled by shit like "corruption" (which is just a social construct btw)

Attached: brain chess.jpg (1004x737, 249K)

what matchup do you most want to see?
Trump vs

>Creepy Joe
>old Jewish communist
>Fake Indian
>Beta Male
>the other 20 literally who

Attached: trump.jpg (399x482, 91K)

Remember when they said Hillary had a 98% chance to win?

guess it's time to do what I gotta do to spite the libtards

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nobody cares about zionDon anymore

lol biden is her but even worse
He will not win the nomination, even obamalovers are starting to wonder why he was ever picked as VP

>fucking play-doh
Is this a university for literal children

Creepy Joe
Creepy Joe

Attached: maxresdefault (5).jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Thanks for your input, discord tranny

This dude is legitimately hilarious, those debates would be fun.

Remove their ability to vote obviously.

do you think Biden will cry when Trump makes fun of his dead son?

/pol/ can screech all they want but it's a fact that Trump won because Hillary was widely defeated by both sides and even by people who don't care about politics, she was known to be a lying, corrupt warmonger; and even then Trump won by a hair's breadth. If Democrats put up an even reasonably competent candidate, Trump's gonna have a hard time and might even lose.

>inb4 shareblue

I'm not even a burger I don't have a horse in this race

Attached: IMG_6546.png (1444x2048, 3.6M)

*widely detested

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>If Democrats put up an even reasonably competent candidate
The chances of that are looking more slim by the day, pretty hilarious that they are going to put up either an actual socialist or the only person who could rival Trump in terms of being a gaffe machine.

He also won because he stood up to the social justice mobs (and didn't lose anything like most) and while I think it would be so easy to beat him with a centrist who has left leaning monetary policies it seems the opposition wants to triple down and be even more annoying than they were in 2016.

wait has that photo always had Keanu on the left?

According to an old ABC poll 99% of Americans said they would definitely not vote for Trump in 2016, look how that turned out.

Attached: 2016 3.jpg (520x390, 25K)

>Only 55% from a likely biased poll
Kek, 8 years confirmed

>hairs breadth

You mean nearly all of the us's non metropolitan areas?

Attached: 1556677184448.gif (240x180, 1.75M)

Alls I know is I hope the dems steal yang's ubi plan and it becomes a standard platform policy, I think one of the other low polling ones is now proposing $600 a month(lowballing ho) but that's pretty much the only thing that will make me want a Dem to win.

He won by a combined 80,000 votes in PA, WI, and Michigan. If he lost 2 of those 3 states he would have lost the election.

>tfw you can no longer tell when occupydemocrats memes are real or not


I tought after the last election everyone knew not to trust them lol.

>remembering all of this random junk hillary did 3 years ago
youve got to let go user

They only had like 5 people for this photo, look at the thumb placements.

Attached: SP.jpg (368x382, 29K)

I think this is something the dems just don't get. Hillary Clinton covered up war crimes for a rapist, Biden doesn't come close to being worse than her, there are very few people on this planet who do.

There are two Keanus in that picture you idiot.

Attached: polls.jpg (1800x3268, 298K)