Is this a kid's show?

Is this a kid's show?

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Mentally, yes.

it's for the typical leftist redditor that worships popscience and thinks he's profound for being an atheist despite having never read a single Bible passage

does the torah count

Is rick (sanchez) a beaner?

yes show it to your kids

man, I remember when Yea Forums liked R&M
It's just like how Yea Forums loved Death Grips until highschoolers found out they were cool then suddenly it was 'the absolute cringiest thing ever made'

Leave it to an incel to think an interest in science is dumb and blind Faith is good.

>I remember when Yea Forums liked R&M

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real science is good
knowing stupid trivia about space is useless popscience

It is an antifa show

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The show is alright.
The fanbase is terrible though.
It's popular on reddit so therefore Yea Forums hates it.
Yea Forums loves to say that the show glorifies nihilism and atheism when it does the opposite.


cartoon network is for children and teens. also depressed alcoholics

Wtf is "real science"? Is that like when you retarded incels claimed women's bodies can magically tell of a fetus is a product of rape?

I don't think I could possibly cringe any harder than this.

the target audience is young teenagers, 12-16

>dude there are like, stars n shit lmao look at this picture of a nebula I'm doing "science" by looking at pictures

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medicine, technology, social sciences, psychology etc

can't tell if bait

cursed quads

spotted the redditor

Considering the Pentateuch is the first five books of the Bible, yes.

this shows comfy af

unironically based

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Christianity is a religion created by jews to appeal to women, trannies, pedophiles and homosexuals and any other people rejected by society. it fits well with bored chinese


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i like it for the overarching story and reference to popular scifi tropes and movies. some episodes are horrible though

>Bible is explicitly anti-fag, anti-pedo, tells women to learn their place
>Christianity is a religion created by jews to appeal to women, trannies, pedophiles and homosexuals
Based retard.

>book proves existence of god


Christianity was founded by Christians.

It's pseudoscience, but just lightly qualifiable.
He's just stating the useful sciences to society. Real science, to me, represents the thorough understanding of how our universe works, be it through physics, biology, or any other science. Just stating facts is no different than babbling quotes from a book they've never read.

It was trying SO HARD to not be a kids show (actually, it wasn't even trying especially hard) despite being a kids show, that it convinced some especially gullible adults that it in fact WASN'T a kids show. This is why said adults are manchildren. This is an absolute kids show.

Maybe because it is not a kid's show?


I been on 4 channel for so long. That I have seen it turn from atheists edge lords who hate the goverment and want anarchy to proud Christian Republicans Holy shit this place is fucking dead

A few episodes from the first season are unironically good. But it was obvious that they ran out of original ideas by the second season and started relying on "DUDE NIHILISM" and catering to Reddit and Twitter.

>founded by the Jews

>jesus literally beats and whips jewish urserers and outright states that god had abandoned the jew in favour of the gentile