Arya trained for six whole-ass seasons under the cruel tutelage of a succession of the most cold-blooded killers in the world, nearly losing her literal sense of self in the process, and motherfuckers are calling her a Mary Sue when Jon Snow learned to ride a dragon in 5 minutes.
Arya trained for six whole-ass seasons under the cruel tutelage of a succession of the most cold-blooded killers in the...
She trained for six seasons? You sure?
For 8 seasons actually. She trained with Syrio from season 1.
Her kill was earned and foreshadowed by Mel in Season 3 with “closing blue eyes “.
Mel never even said close blue eyes. She said shut, and ended on green eyes. Also Mel saw a darkness in Arya, not the destroyed of death.
Why did her training include screaming during a sneak attack?
Syrio wasn't cruel, the Hound taught her Syrio was stupid, Jaqen never directly trained her in combat, and the she got one lesson in archery she never used. She randomly got super human healing and jumping out of this
Ok I know this is bait but lets see what she did...she cleaned corpses,sold seafood,god beatup by the other bitch,god blinded for FAILING an assassination,got stabbed and chased by the terminator and miraculously turning a candle off made her a better fighter
also she swept floors and then dropped out.
Pretty sure it's bait but then if it were for that the fucking hound, beric, Jaime, Jon or barristan fucking selmy would've made more sense killing the night King if it were for "experience" or amount of training time
What part of Arya’s training prevented her from freezing from the Night King’s touch?
I don't have a problem with Arya getting the kill, but the Night King deserved an epic duel. Maybe John gets a 1 on 1 fight, loses, then Arya saves him. That would have been good. D&D picked the lamest possible ending for him.
And yet Jaqen said she was finished. The whole sequence was a test which she passed.
Sex - you should have it
>six whole-ass seasons
Wanna know how I know you're a woman and/or minority?
Back to /reddit/ you go, piece of shit.
she was hit around for a bit with a stick
went blind
got her vision back
then she was fatally stabbed
then the dagger used for the stabbing was twisted inside her guts
then she took a trip around in some sewage with the open would
at what point does this give her the ability to teleport behind people
I'd like an honest answer from this 30 year old females who write this stupid shit in the OP
Is scrubbing floors and dead bodies part of an assassin training? Should I start now?
>Wanna know how I know you're a woman and/or minority?
I do, actually, because she actually trained for 8 seasons to be an elite killer.
If it's based on "training hours". Pretty much anyone else has had more training and battle experience. Even Edd, at least he's fought ww before
Even /pol/'s conservative Gods are supporting the ending. KEK
bend over
She only trained two and half assed them and fucked up every assassination mission
>a kike
>/pol/ god
Lurk more.
Also, training in assassination and teleportation/invisibility are two different things.
Even as an assassin the situation itself was completely wrong for an assassination - unless you're a sniper. The guy was surrounded by his troops and generals.
The same wights who could hear fucking BLOOD drops hitting the ground earlier in the Walking Dead Library scene.
It's not even a meme. She actually did the *teleports behind you* shit.
>(((ben shapiro)))
>/pol/s "Gods"
Kill yourself retarded tranny
She killed the pedo guy though, wasn't that her mission? Or did she go off-script and kill him for personal reasons? Honestly forgot.
I dont think she counts as a Mary sue because she is so hideous
Kill yourself muttdyke. The ending is retarded and everyone knows it exept for feminist retards like you
>You passed the Bar congratulations! I have now nominated you to the Supreme Court.
Passing a test doesn't mean an expert, it just means you passed the minimum to be recognized
>tfw memes transcend to reality
Here’s a gripe I have that I hope someone can un-ironically answer. If the entire point of being a faceless man is that you get a bunch of OP assassin skills BUT you have to give up your identity. Why did Arya get to do both? Shouldn’t the faceless men be pissed that she took their secrets and dipped?
Made me realize the kill of the Night King would have been way better if Arya had Gendry build her an epic Dragon-Glass sniper crossbow.
We got the shittiest ending for him.
This is what girls are capable of. We don't need prolonged training, we just do it intuitively and we fail or succeed based on our natural talent. Arya is a born fighter and under the right circumstances has always got her kills even when she was younger and weaker. Now that she has grown up she obviously became one of the best fighters in Westeros and it makes a lot of sense.
It wasn't and that's why she got blinded. Her mission was the ship guy I think.
8 Seasons to train as super cool faceless men assassin.
Cool Wine Aunt Red Woman has to remind her / give her a pep talk.
Her super stealthy move is to leap / while screaming / at target so he can dodge the blow.
Then OMG she can use her other hand !!!
My mind was blown !!!
you go girl and cool wine aunt !!
>you failed your test,proved that doing this while youre arya stark
>congrats,youve become no one!
Yea. If Mel had been prophesying that Arya would kill the Night King, then why did she immediately go back to following Stannis and then go through a bunch of anguish when she realized she had been wrong all along?
They can say they planned it for 3 years, and maybe that's true, but they didn't foreshadow it at all.
And Arya is not a Mary Sue just because she killed the Night King. That was terrible for a bunch of other reasons.
She was a Mary Sue anyway when she came back from Braavos like the number one warrior in all of Westeros.
No character in that show should be as OP as Arya is now, including Jon. And wow, riding a dragon. It was already established that it's not difficult to do when Dany does it effortlessly on her first attempt, so it's hardly impressive when Jon does it. It also doesn't even look hard. Literally just get on top of it and hold on. End. Tyrion could fucking do it.
Yes they should. Here are some answers from most plausible to least
>She's a main character therefore she is special and gets to have her cake and eat it too
>She was already exiled and had a hit put on her. The hit failed and so her debt was considered paid
>The faceless men should have known Arya would never stop being herself, so the real mistake was teaching her
>They planned on her being Arya and wanted her to kill the people on the list
>The Waif killed Arya and took her place
>Arya died but your identity remains with a face like in face off
>You don't actually have to become no one just simply change your face and make shit up
>Jaqen is a bored weirdo
That would be just as bad, but it does raise the question - why didn’t she just shoot the Night King from the top of the walls with a dragonglass arrow? With all these potential risks, wtf was the Night King doing there without being completely encased in armor?
gtfo you cunt with that retarded shit
>get your ass beaten on a daily basis
>suddenly turn into le epic brooding assassin
did that shit got written by an overweight 12 year old weeboo?
>why didn't the nightking do a fucking flyby with his undead dragon and torch the whole godwood
1 or 3 seem most likely to me. I don’t see D&D having the foresight for 2
She didn't train for six seasons to be an assassin, like wtf?
She got the same basic training literally everyone gets when she was in Winterfell. When she was in King's Landing, she got some sessions with Syrio but this didn't amount to her being much of anything. It was clear she would still get rekt by any accomplished warrior.
The next few seasons, she's just walking around with various people. No special training, no indication that she's learning anything special. She becomes more hardened but there's no reason to believe she gains any particular skills.
Finally the season in Braavos, where she gets some blind stick fight training and okay, that's some training I guess. But compare that to Brienne, who has been training and fighting her entire life, and suddenly Arya has her evenly matched when she gets back to Westeros.
Not to mention the fact that we're talking about a 16 year old midget here.
I have no problem with arya killing the night king, i just thought the delivery was underwhelming
>that hyprocritical kike
>/pol/ god
Try harder shill
>I have no problem with arya killing the night king
Get out.
What happens if I spoil avengers on here will I get banned from just Yea Forums or all of 4channel?
Objectively untrue.
You have no problem with a character who had literally fuck all to do with the White Walker series arc or any of its associated prophesies/foreshadowing getting the kill all in the name of YAS QUEEN?
Arya didn't even know what a White Walker was until this season or at least near the end of last season and suddenly she's the chosen one being watched by Melisandre like, "oh it's herrrrrr"
Fucking plebes
However much the bitch might've '''earnt''' her assassination, it doesn't make the complete betrayal of every light/dark fire/ice dichotomy they've pushed us towards for fucking ever any less retarded. Subversion for the sake of subversion in a pale imitation of what GRRM was already doing lacklusterly makes for retarded TV.
They did something similar when one them killed themselves after Arya killed Meryn Trant, but that made very little sense either so who knows
Seriously. I think Samwell Tarly is CAPABLE of killing Cersei, that doesn't mean it's a good way to write the end of her character.
Yea, let's have Sam kill Cersei and let's have Grey Worm kill Euron.
Frankly, it doesn't even matter what they do at this point because it was all supposed to be secondary to the White Walkers in terms of gravity.
Arya was the worst faceless man, should've just hired one of them to dust this ice nigger a few seasons ago and be done with it.
That's honestly one of the problems with this ending. It's immaterial whether or not Arya was "lolassassin" enough to get the kill.
THE KILL should not have been possible for anyone who just "trained enough" to be a "lolassassin". They built the whole thing up like it was an insurmountable task but that there was a prince that was promised, Azor Ahai, a prophecy, some kind of epic collision of forces.
And here's the thing. Why does it only have to be one person to do it anyway? We have fucking 20 characters. We had 3 characters in the god damned area at the time. Even a collab between Bran, Theon, and Arya would have been less distasteful than what we got, and that would still be S U B V E R T I N G the fuck out of Jon/Dany.