Listen you retarded tin can fuck: I don't care about your magic or your feelings, so you can go fucking kill yourself

Listen you retarded tin can fuck: I don't care about your magic or your feelings, so you can go fucking kill yourself.

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He was a good friend.

He was right though, the Death Star was more powerful than the force. Its just that the Emperor and his looney sidekick were devotees of that sad religion.

Luke uses the force to destroy the death star.

No he uses an x wing

Vader's force didn't stop luke, fail.
Stopping the turbo lasers was a mistake, and vader's hubris resulted in sending only 8 tie fighters when the DS obviously has thousands.

It's not like the port was undefended, there wee turrets and most of the xwings were shot down

Its like saying that the Sun produces more energy than a nuke. While true, no individual solar panel has anything comparable to a nuke

>we lost NORAD but we shot down most of the bombers

In the end, it didn't matter. The Imperial Fleet was massive and they were still getting their asses kicked in Episode V.
It just freed funds up for the bigger one. Again the Emperor and his idiotic force that that one destroyed too.

Motti was out of fucking line, that smarmy fuck. Even if he was telling Vader to back down with his space voodoo hoobijoob, he didn't speak on behalf of the other leaders at that table like Yularen or even Tarkin.

Mocking the Emperor's right hand man is akin to mocjing the Emperor. Vader could have fed him his balls.

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In the old EU, at least, it was entirely possible to use the Force to destroy planets, suns, and entire star systems.

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the force and the death star and the entire empire are incompetent

>stop using clones and just use the shittiest conscripts imaginable... to save money?
>dryden vos kills a regional governor like its nothing
>their own scientist cripples the death star
>instead of blowing up leia's ship they send in darth vader who can't walk down the fucking hallway fast enough to stop them from escaping with the plans
>blow up a peaceful planet
>kill a jedi who basically wanted to die and gave up and became more powerful than vader could possibly imagine
>get their death star blown up
>find the rebels and send massive walking things that can be tripped by tow cables, the rebels escape
>have to hire boba fett and a bunch of weirdos who can actually do anything
>bespin trap plan utterly fails
>entire legion of the emperors best troops get beaten by teddy bears
>emperor is so weak he cant stop himself from being picked up and dropped
>death star 2 also blown up

>Mocking the Emperor's right hand man is akin to mocjing the Emperor. Vader could have fed him his balls.

Motti is the military wing. The emperor is civilian. Vader was just the emperor's emissary. Vader was being an ass in a top level planning meeting.
Vader had no real authority over him, he should have just agreed to disagree. Its Vader's fault that the Death Star is now a space gravesite.

based and mottipilled

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>Pffft you mean to tell me that huge state-like organisation that existed for millennia and had a giant temple the capital up till only 17 years ago and was very involved in every major war actually existed? No way

apparently sheev sperged out at the kaminoans after they refused to collaborate and blew the planet to smithereens

The empire is analogous to modern Japan, let the past die, kill it if you have to

Why is it so funny to cap off a rant with "and he was a good friend"?


>Motti was out of fucking line

This. Didnt act professionally and resorted to a verbal temper tantrum. No different than when Krennic signed his own death warrant loudly poo pooing Tarkin in front of everyone. Although Motti didnt go full physical like when Krennic lightly shoulder barged Tarkin as he walked past (that's prolly what instantly put him on the shit list desu).

>not Bevel Lemelisk, Krennic, or whoever designed the station not noticing a glaring flaw in the designs fault
>not the fault of Tarkin demonstrating the Death Star capabilities on a founding Republic world and doing so without the Emperor's command
>not the Emperor for not demanding for intensive thorough security tests and signing off on its completion
>not the fault of the gunner who carried out the order to fire

Vader was in the process of interrogating a high priority criminal in suspect of possession of top classified military information and was cooling heads of the concern over just thst tooic by assuring brass the plans they were talking about would soon be back in their ownership.

And then Motti decided to mark out and think this untested protoype battle planetoid could withstand any sort of attack like it was swatting flies and implied that the importance of unfragmented technical schematics falling into enemy hands was not in the slightest bit important, nullifying Vader's efforts and by extension, the efforts of the men of the 501st who died in the capturing that high profile criminal suspect on the Taintive IV.

Motti slighted him once by saying that all that Vader worked for trying to capture those plans was for nothing, and did it again about his religion.

Motti had it fucking come.

*had it coming.

probably EU. Im sure they will come up with some story like that for the canon when filoni gets his standalone last-clones-hold-out-at-kamino film or something

This is one of the best written scenes in Star Wars imo.

2 minutes and you get the who, what, why, and where. With some world building thrown in. Modern films dont have discourse as good as this.

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but what was darth vader's tax policy?

Fuck off George, go finish the books.

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>the force and the death star and the entire empire are incompetent
If that's true then why do we still have movies featuring stormtroopers, death star clones, and darth vader wannabes? The rebelion and Luke's actions are meaningless. In the end, Sheev won.

Pity we never got a scene like this in Star Trek Discovery. I still don't know who the bridge crew are and why they fuck they're in outer space doing shit.

Ruling is hard. This is maybe my answer to Lucas, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Star Wars has a very medieval philosophy: that if the supreme chancellor was a bad man, the land would suffer. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Lucas can say that Palpatine became chancellor and reigned for thirty-six years, and he was cunninh and wicked. But Lucas doesn’t ask the question: What was Palpatine's tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of coaxium shortage and famine? And what about all these battle droids? By the end of the war, the Trade Federation is gone but all of the battle droids aren’t gone – they’re in the outer rim. Did Palpatine pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby droids, in their little droid factories?

The star war that Lucas wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of the galaxy, and that’s become the template. I’m not sure that it’s a good template, though. The Lucas model led generations of genre writers to produce these endless series of dark lords and their evil minions who are all very ugly and wear black clothes. But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.

Tbh, this doesn't fit for Lucas because he had dumb trade federation and senate politics.

the rebels are also incompetent and were too busy having a drunken orgy, sucking off ewoks and getting fucked, violating fireworks safety regulations on the Endor Protected Forest, to finish off the empire

I mean Sauron was a flaming eyeball not an ugly dark lord who who wears black clothes - and Sauron was actually just looking for political domination (he offers Gondor vassalage) like with the Haradrim and Easterlings. Palpatine and Sauron have infinitely more depth than the Night King LOL

Motti thought his rank and brown nosing relationship with Tarkin would let him run his mouth off without consequences.

Hes lucky Vader just gave him a little choke as a warning.

Motti was a bitch boy whose family bought his way into the Imperial Navy and got assigned to cushy Star Destoryer jobs far away from the frontlines and Vader smelt it.

A lieutenant could talk shit and question Vader's action to his face and Vader bantered back because he was stormtrooper corps, someone Vader had something in common.

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They stopped using the clones because logistically it was impossible for one planet, Kamino, to provide enough troops for the entire Empire considering how it already took them like 20 years just to make one army for the Republic.

Also in the lore the Kaminoans rebelled when Sheev turned Emperor, so after that he never trusted them or the idea of clones again.

That scene is even more hilarious in the context of Rogue One.

>back chat Vader and call him out to his face even though only an hour before youd just seen him hand to hand slaughter his way through a dozen guys with guns just for shits and giggles.

they only took 10 yrs and were being constantly pumped out during the 3 yrs of the war, theres even a clone wars episode about the funding for it being increased.

but then they all suddenly disappear and are only around in an extremely limited context as purge troopers for maybe two yrs or some shit. meanwhile rex is still in fighting shape over 20 yrs later

remember when you thought it was badass how vader comes in all comfy to walk over the dead bodies and interrogate rebels after stormtroopers do the dirty work

now its that vader already tried going in himself and failed so hard he was like "uhhh you guys go in first" (and they lose the plans again)

Goddamn every time I think about the original trilogy its just impossible not to be reminded how much better it is than everything that followed
>Even the most ground characters have personality
>The Empire had politics if you paid attention, like the Imperial Senate and Vader actually getting higher and higher command status
> The Emperor was a massive deal and not just someone you could casually call
So good

>Darth Vader, only you could be so bold...even though I already knew it was you chasing me because two terrified piss stained guards burst into my bridge and told me how a giant black armoured and helmeted figure with a breathing problem just cut through they're entire squad like the morning after a blue milk binge

It's the exact reason why LUCAS CANT WRITE is such a giant meme.

>be Empire Strikes Back
>show Vaders zero tolerance for fuck ups
>Piett confirms the Falcons hyperdrive is sabotaged
>Falcon escapes after a long chase
>Piett looks terrified because he knows what's coming
>Vader just walks past and leaves because he knows they must've eventually fixed the hyperdrive and that's not Pietts fault

10/10 writing.

The set pieces and battles were phenomenal. I watched a playthrough of the arcade games the other day and it isn't even possible to make a game out of the new movies.

>dont act so suprised your highness we were literally just at war at the battle of scariff
>no im on a diplomatic mission to alderaan
>???????? you dumb bitch fuck you

>an escape pod was jettisoned and we let it go
>the plans were on it. send 7 of your best stormtroopers down
>*none of them can hit han with puny lasers that do nothing while hans pistol shoots the equivalent of grenades at them*

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>only star wars film in the 6 lucas didnt do the actual screenwriting for
>he considers it the weakest star wars

You missed the part where almost the entire thing was either direct transfers or adaption of George's already written draft material for Empire.

bombers vs dreadnaught would be a sweet battlefront II (old) map

>Lucas considers Empire the weakest of the OT

Interesting, agreed with him there. It's far less rewatchable. While Empire has its moments, I think ANH is all round a better film, and ROTJ's best sequences (sail barge battle, space battle over endor, everything in the throne room) are a lot slicker, suspenseful and generally all round superior than most of Empire

it was still the least-written by george, whereas the TPM and AOTC were 100% george and awkward as fuck

Eh, I think TPM is the most solid of the prequels. Great locations, sets, casting. The designs were first class as well. Pic related is my ship-fu.

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Well that and Vader was a bit distracted by revealing his power level to Luke and being spurned.

they did you idiot, they were engaged in fights with the other x-wings

fuck no

return of the jedi is a lazy, ugly, rehashed, poorly plotted trainwreck. carrie and harrison literally look they're on drugs in every scene, the throne room looks like a plastic playset compared to the carbonite room

I do too but not because of the writing at all. It was at least shot with real film not the shittiest/earliest digital cameras, and

ralph mcquarrie > doug chiang >>>>>>>>> ryan church

>return of the jedi is a lazy, ugly, rehashed, poorly plotted trainwreck

Go to bed Kathleen.

>be me
>have average opinion of George Lucas
>find out the some of his favourite films are The Last Starfighter and The Goonies

Absolutely Pateician taste.

Does Vader need to force choke a bitch?

yeah except the fact that Vader is a fucking warrior who could have killed everyone in the room and nothing would happen.

>they did you idiot, they were engaged in fights with the other x-wings

"We count 30 rebel ships, My Lord..."

that is against your argument even more

why would you then send too many tie fighters?

you send 30 and 8 to chase down those who go for the ventilator shaft

I cant wait for the benioff and weiss trilogy with at least graphic 2 lesbian sex scenes per film

>The emperor is civilian
Between all the capeshit, GoT and Hollywood roasties threads, this is the post that finally gave me some serious ass-cancer.

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I love this kind of world building. One sentence about Emperor and senate and you know that the SW universe was run in republic governing style and that Emperor actually had to work on its dismantling.
Similar to the Dredd 2012 - absolute shithole, 98% unemployment, gangs everywhere, but there is a scene for two seconds in one of the living cubicles where people have plants in the window and child toys are scattered about, so you know that there are still majority normal people like you and me.
Most story tellers are now too chicken shit to trust audiences to come up with their own conclusions, but what the fuck do I know, maybe they are right with the prevalence of capeshit and GoT tier shit.


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No canon.

>Sauron was a flaming eyeball and not an ugly dark lord who who wears black clothes

Did you read the books?

Think it was a torpedo ackshully


>White Straight Male A Star Wars Story
>Directed by Ron Howard who was in American Graffiti
>Actually acknowledges TCW, Maul, Shadow Collective, etc. down to using Sam Witwer
>*boycott it to death*

>Haven't seen any Disney Wars except Force Awakens because my brother dragged me to it
>No interest, think they're going to be shit
>Keep hearing about them being shit

God I love being right

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Better than the canon You have now.

Original Trilogy >>> Rian Johnson Trilogy > Sequel Trilogy > Solo >>> David Benioff & D. B. Weiss Trilogy > Rogue One > Prequel Trilogy

Man why did the new trilogy have to be so shit?
They could have adapted literally any EU book/video game but instead they made this garbage that doesn't even make sense

Why was he so based?

Being that star wars is a fundamentally American story in both aesthetics and symbolism, yes the centralized imperial government is as incompetent as it is evil.
All the SJWs of today tend to say that "the empire was always a standin for the Nazis!!1!" especially when apologizing for Abrams' treatment of the First Order, but in fact it is well documented that Irvin Kershner wrote the essential conflict of ESB as that between the United States and the British empire

It's that kind of subtlety that I really miss in the any of the non-OT movies
The empire is evil not primarily just because it does bad things, but because it is a wrongful and inefficient means of government

And you've had greasy nerds puzzling over what any sequel movies should be like for some 40 years
This kind of shit happens when the ones in power simply have lost touch or are treating a piece of shared cultural history like an interchangeable product
The star wars sequels should have been like the edits made to the odyssey, done slowly over a timespan of likely decades by a community of people who liked the story so much they wanted to improve it a little

>flash gordon but modern and cool
>star wars but modern and cool
>a 2 hour toy commercial for children
>ridiculous edits to all 3
>a 2 hour toy commercial for children but worse
>a 2 hour toy commercial for children but even worse
>you know the drill
>an actual cartoon with basically none of the original actors where everyone looks like thunderbirds marionettes


This tbqhfam.

I can't believe we got a 20 minute scene of Vader crying after this. A little much, don't you think?

The destruction of the Death Star was an inside job. Just a convenient scapegoat to give the Emperor carte blanche for an invasion of Hoth.

It was a good time.

In the Clone Wars cartoon, which is canon in disneyverse, they say that the cloning facility is "stretching the dna too thin" or something along those lines. Basically without Jango, the original, around, they're making clones of clones of clones etc. and the dna is getting weaker like a corrupt file on your computer if you copy it a million times. Because of that the newer clones have a higher chance of defects, some of them are even completely unable to fight. That's probably the reason for why there aren't any clones around

Just clone someone else Lol

Jango was the übermensch apparently. I'm guessing clones are always weaker than the person they're based off of. So clones of Jango were still good fighting men, but clones of a random soldier would be kinda shit, so it's better to just use conscripts

Jango was the Big Boss of Star Wars, and the clones were his genome soldier

Rex is solid fett, Boba is liquid fett

What's Cody then?

if sheev or snoke made an army of bossks they woulda been unstoppable



He should've made a clone of the zillo beast. Instead of bringing it to the city, he should've said it died on the way or something, then put it into a secret laboratory and make godzillas

*hyperspaces into you

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>The emperor is civilian
Lol wut

Funding and training terrorists isn't peaceful. They got what they deserved.

Underrated Post

it was just jimmy smitz and leia doing that. the rest of the panet are pussies

No, he uses a torpedo.