Thorkino is still on the menu.
Chris Hemsworth Renegotiates Contract For "Next Phase Of MCU Films"
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Him and Benedict Cucumber are the only ones worth watching t b h
I'd watch a MCU Blade if Wesley Snipes comes back though
Good, I feel like after Ultron gave him literally nothing to do he was feeling burnt out, once they woke up to his comedic talents he definitely seemed to be having a lot more fun. Now he's usually the best part of every movie he's in.
God, I wish I looked like him...
Thor the character and Chris Hemsworth the actor are some of the absolute best parts of the MCU. Once they gave him his true powerset in Ragnarok and let Hemsworth be funny (was more well done in Infinity War with the balance of humour and seriousness), he easily became the best character. His chemistry with the Guardians is great too, Thor should be a space character not an Earthly one.
I'd be ok with him doing an "indiana jones" reboot
I cant believe im saying that, but he's the perfect blend of comedy and action star
Hemsworth could be a slightly funnier Brad Pitt type A-lister if he wanted to be. He absolutely has the acting chops and the looks. It's funny because he was seen as the weakest actor out of the original Avengers when he was signed on as Thor.
Well Brad Pitt has played in more than 10 kino roles and Hemworth plays in capeshit nonstop
Why does he keep signing up for awful comedies though
>Ghostbusters reboot
>MIB reboot
El Royale was ok I guess
>if he wanted to be
So he's going into space to meet Beta Ray Bill?
Really like this guy. The anti-Chris Evans.
>Why does he keep signing up for awful comedies though
Cause they're being made and pay well. Why wouldnt he cash in?
He's going to keep bullying Quill, isn't he?
I wish he hadn't folded like an umbrella after he was caught at that Lone Ranger-themed Halloween party
can't wait for gotg3
the bantz between quill and thor are gonna be fun
hopefully thor fucks mantis or gets some space broad
too bad marvel fucked over sif
He actually could have been Volstagg if he wanted too.
>Implying Jaimie Alexander wouldn't be bending over backwards to go back to the MCU if they asked
I'm glad they're not pushing him out, even if I was a little unsatisfied with how his Endgame arc ended (Valkyrie is a born leader. The ex-slaver who spent centuries drinking and working for someone else is a born leader). He'd said before he was willing to continue exploring the character, and sending him back into space is actually a pretty good way to do that.
I'd imagine it's pretty hard to work on anything but MCU films when you belong to the mouse. He was the best part of the Ghostbusters reboot but that doesn't say anything at all
He needs to renegotiate other things as well.
That's kinda the cool part about him resigning and playing Thor for a little longer.. We'll definitely see Beta Ray fucking Bill.. And probably soon.
They started talking about Thor 4 a week or so ago.. Taika Waititi would more than likely want to fuck around with something as wild as Beta Bill.
Almost undoubtedly, but Gunn doesn't write quill quite as stupid or weak as Markus and McFeely do, so it's probably going to be better and funnier overall.
For having 3 kids and being in her 40s she looks pretty fucking good desu
He likes doing comedy, and he's talented at it. It's not his fault that so many comedies being made are shit.
Does Thor 4 mean he won't be palling around with the Guardians? I was kinda looking forward to that.
>Implying that Thor would be better as a character with a gf vs as a alphachad who fucks space babes like they are disposable trash
Yall know they announced Thor and Rocket Raccoon are getting a TV show on Disney+ right?
Loki gets a show.
Vision comes back and him and Scarlet Witch are getting a show.
The trick is figuring out who they want to build up as the next major villain.
Thanos set the bar pretty high but the way that paid out means they'll be planning the next big bad immediately and making all the new movies tie into that right off the bat.
I'm hoping it's Doom but the problem with that is that he relies too heavily on whether a new FF movie will sink or swim.
this seems embarrassing for chris since this implies he needs capeshit to live with himself
gunn wrote the guardians scenes in infinity war incel
So he'll do some cameos tier appearances, and charge for it. Not really big news
This is a good thread to remind everyone that Vin Diesel, who is the voice of GROOT, was the HIGHEST EARNER of anybody in Avengers: Infinity War, with a reported salary of $53 Million. It's rumored he earned similar numbers for Endgame, where had all of 5 minutes of voice acting work
>TV show on Disney+
That's terrible.
Doom, Apocalypse(?)... maybe Galactus...
I doubt it, he was probably only consulted. Quill wouldn't forget he was from Earth if Gunn had done his scenes.
Do you know how much work it takes to maintain the musculature of a bodybuilder just for a movie role?
Then why did Quill know what earth was in his own movie, but not in Infinity War? And why was he pulling off crazy rocket boot moves against Sakaarans and killing tons of them in GotG 1, but struggling against a few of them in Endgame? It's because Gunn wasn't the one writing the screenplay. I don't know where you got the idea that he was, the only credited screenwriters on both were Markus and McFeely. Gunn was there as an executive producer to give counsel on his characters, not to actually have the final say on their lines and actions in the movie.
No they did not
>Yall know they announced Thor and Rocket Raccoon are getting a TV show on Disney+ right?
Fake news.
>yfw Thor 4 featuring the GotG comes out before GotG 3
Why do aussie Chad's marry older women?
Thor with the Guardians is literally the only MCU premise that would be entertaining.
Think his role in Ghostbusters influenced his portrayal of Thor in 3?
I am so conflicted and scared anons.
Ragnarok did so much that was utter trash and so was Fat Thor in Endgame.
The Russos did Thor perfect in Infinity War but now I can't trust them. They would have been so perfect to do a serious toned Thor as King movie.
God damn Waititi to hell.
>Earning more than RDJ
Sounds like bullshit desu.
>They would have been so perfect to do a serious toned Thor as King movie.
No, he pushed and had meetings with Fiege after AoU. He felt he was underused and it wasn't working. He agreed and wanted Thor 3 to really elevate the character.
>Thor and Nebula are going to knock boots.
> We will never get a serious toned Thor and Panther team up movie with them both being kings standing as royal equals facing African or Egyptian gods.
thats what all the usual salary rumor mill gossip sites reported. Disney doesn't release hard figures, but even if 53 is just ballpark he probably got a ludicrous amount for how much work he did
>rdj made 75 million for endgame
Why is he quitting again?
This and Chris Evans saying he is coming back too was really unexpected.
because due to union rules he would have to make 100 million the next movie. Its not feasible. Unions ruin everything
>unions ruin everything
>unions are good
That's what was reported when IW came out. Diesel has the best agent in Hollywood
The duality of goy
Leave Capekino to me
She was pretty good when she got nude in that F&F movie.
The Screen Actors Guild has a lot of rules for salaries and raises for actors staring in sequels.
RDJ was the only one making that kind of money, how can Diesel get that much in a voice role speaking less than ever?
They gimped the Infinity Gauntlet. It didn’t actually give omnipotence. So the logical next Big Bad is the Beyonder, or rather the Beyonder up until Doom steals his power.
Agreed. A little weathered. A little too much yoga. But respectable
What does it feel looking like this?
I hear some of these high powered CEOs get their kicks smoking crack when the power high of their position wears off, so maybe it was a side effect of that
Better than me or you.
I wanna see Chrim Hemsworth in a indiana jones like movie
Move a decimal place to the left and you might be close. Max 10 million, but that's pushing it.
Doesn't matter, with the hair and Stormbreaker, they essentially did him as War Thor Volstagg.
the literature disagrees
asgaurdians of the galaxy is literally the only phase 4 capshit I’ll watch
Maybe they gave him points.
Agreed. Watched Strange again last night. It's decent. I'd check out the sequel
Nigga, we already got two serious Thor movies, they fucking sucked! I know Yea Forums can have shit options at times but hating Thor Ragnarok takes the cake!
retarded post
get a load of Mr. Hollywood ova here
He is destroying that ass with the power of thunder
>Ragnarok did so much that was utter trash and so was Fat Thor in Endgame.
This is a wrong opinion
Makes sense. He had some cool stand out moments in A1 but I don’t recall anything in AoU. And Thor 2 was garbage.
Have so many new franchises to introduce with the Fox merger, and taking a ore cosmic stance with the next few movies (Capt. Marvel, Eternals, GotG3) I would not be surprised to see some sort of Secret War/Incursion event.
We'll get Panther and Namor at each other's throats, that's cool too.
WHAT HAPPENED TO HER ??? officially
Is love to know. Her and Warriors 3 got shafted so hard and it sucks :/
Got busy with Blindspot
i ate her
>Nigga, we already got two serious Thor movies, they fucking sucked!
NO ONE fucking hated them for being serious because they weren't. Both the 1st 2 Iron Man films were more serious then them.
The main universal complaint against both was the earth bound humor ruining everything especially the final battle of 2.
Zero people complained about it being serious.
I remember people begging for the 2nd to be more nordic, viking-ish and gritty then the first.
Everybody keeps saying Galactus. Does he even speak?! Beyonder is cool cause at least he is truly omnipotent (and Doom, just a man steals his power like a boss!). So yeah...
>Beyonder + Doom > Boring Galactus
Wesley Snipes is like 60 fucking years old. Is he going to roll around in his specially made vampire-killing wheelchair?
>I know Yea Forums can have shit options at times but hating Thor Ragnarok takes the cake!
>>Ragnarok did so much that was utter trash and so was Fat Thor in Endgame.
>This is a wrong opinion
> The film has zero emotional weight after Odin's death. The Guardians films get away with their humor because before Infinity War they had the most emotional impact of the entire Mcu. This had none of that balance. The entire time I was watching Ragnarok I was saying to myself "Gunn could have done this so much better".
> The humor is unbearably awkward and fake feeling, like a bad SNL skit. It went genuinely into Scary Movie/Movie 42 spoof vibe territory. The scenes with the Grandmaster especially.
> Hela is just as flat a villain as Malekith or Ronan but is given a pass because she is alot more badass then them.
> The sets and outfits on Sakaar look disgustingly cheap. Instead of celebrating the mythos (like aquaman did) and bringing Jack Kirby's designs to life they literally use his art as fucking wallpaper.
> Valkyrie looks and acts nothing like any version of the character in the comics.
> Surtur in the comics is a dark apocalyptic figure as menacing as Galactus, here he is a god damn joke.
> A major complaint against the first 2 films was them doing nothing with the warriors 3 and this film does the same but full on kills them off. People give Snyder crap for killing off Jimmy Olsen in Bvs but give this a pass, hypocritical cunts.
> Doctor Strange is wasted.
> Jeff Goldblum is wasted.
> Ruffalo is wasted.
> Karl Urban / Skurge is wasted and his death (one of the most emotionally powerful in all of comics) is done as a afterthought.
> The destruction of Asgard is given little to no weight. We could have gotten something tragic and beautiful like pic related but they pissed in our faces instead.
It'd be hard to have a character take up thousands of panels without speaking.
Beyonder isn't happening, which is a shame only because I want to see them put a white dude with a Jheri curl on the screen
> The last joke with the rock guy thinking he killed his friend was mean spirited and ruined what looked to be a nice ending with Thor becoming king and them bringing back the ending music from the 1st Thor and everything.
When will it fucking eeeeennddd?
This. My nigga. Jpg
No she looks like shit
Idk bro. If you look at Secret Wars 2, Beyonder took the form of a movie star. In this case, say Tom Cruise is the Beyonder. That shit would be DIMES.
As user said earlier and per SW1, Beyonder is just a vehicle for Doctor Doom. And we all know who would play him...
>thor grows old like just like his dad
wow Im literally crying
snipes is too old and insane now
Tom Cruise shows up as Tom Cruise, Hollywood actor, and is actually a villain in disguise.
I would watch that shit for sure.
Hemsworth plays in literally whatever he wants and ends up being the best thing about even the worst dumpster fires he's in. He's a true professional, a class act, a masterpiece.
Imagine if they did God Doom storyline
Snipes was always insane lmao.
He's in good shape still and they could deage him or do a passing of the torch type movie even.
Nah these are the tv shows they're doing
You could use Michael Jay White, he has the martial arts skills.
Acting is a bit less though.
>And we all know who would play him...
Who? They fucking wasted Mads on a cameo villain role. Imagine him as Doom... And possibly a Triumph and Torment storyline with him and Benedryl, such a shame
Good. Thor is the most tragic and well written character in the MCU. He was terribly robbed of potentially kino scenes in Infinity War. His conversation with his mother was the most emotional scene in the movie, even though they really ruined it with the fat jokes.
Find me more kino scenes than these in the entire MCU.
Imagine if they did an "Agent of Asgard" type of storyline, wouldn't that be cool?
>Ragnarok did so much that was utter trash and so was Fat Thor in Endgame.
No. It's in the highest tier of MCU films and probably has the most emotional weight of any of them, despite being a comedy.
Itd be a shame to let him go now. Ragnarok is by far the best thor and one of the few good mcu movied imo
>implying i care about Disney+
I would go with something like the Living Tribunal before I went with the Beyonder. The Beyonder/s are on such a retarded level of power that you can't go anywhere afterwards. If you went with something like Galactus or the Living Tribunal you could at least go somewhere after them. The only problem with the two is they're not evil plotters and thus would be hard to build up over the course of years.
>10millions to say "i am groot" couple of times
When this society will crash and burn it will be fun.
Replaced with diversity quota valkynegress
>hemsworth could be a slightly funnier brad pitt
are you high? pitt has some of the best character actor shops ever. its honestly a shame he became a leading moviestar. What on earth have you seen from hemsworth that is even remotely as good as pitt in, say, burn after reading, fight club, thelma &louise, 12 monkeys, the ocean's movies, inglorious basterds, moneyball, or the counselor
>wheelchair with a mechanical staking arm and a garlic spraying gun
Based Blade.
>I know Yea Forums can have shit options at times but
Watch this:
Thor: The Dark World is my favorite MCU movie.
that thing womens bellys do when theyve had kids really grosses me the fuck out.
Thor's mom's funeral is a legitimately touching scene and the progression of Thor and Loki's relationship is well done.
>Space elves and a dozen of fantastical worlds
waah no good
>ebin quips in a generic futuristic city
omg thor finally good!
God, I hate people
To be fair Malekith was the most boring MCU villain and the movie would've been infinitely better if Natalie Portman and the comedy club hadn't been in it.
Same applies to Thor 1.
Australia is the godless heaten version of Saudi Arabia, a godless heaten state.
It's still the only per-GotG MCU movie that doesn't feel like a generic superhero film, but a fantasy flick. And newer MCU movies ruin everything with just the worst quips all the time so they can't really be enjoyed.
Thor and Doctor Strange are the only parts of the newer movies I genuinely like.
>reduce the best remaining characters as cheap TV stars
>Loki with a Tesseract and a dead Thanos gets his own show
Alright, this could be amazing.
their contracts still allow them to be in movies, though
60 is the new 50
everything is running together and becoming the same
>Asguardians of the Galaxy
>Dr Strange II
>Loki TV Show
>Wanda TV Show
>Hawkeye TV Show
I'm happy that all the characters I like will get something.
>oh shit everyone hates Captain Marvel! shes supposed to be the face of the MCU
>what do we do?
>pay Hemsworth more money so he doesnt leave
Others are just shit
Because he's the new Matthew McConaughey
Beta Ray Bill when
>Forgetting Paul Rudd
Spiderman 2 would be cool if Peter was depressed about the lost of his mentor, like having difficulties about going back on track or acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences. But it will be about a fucking school trip.
Why d'you think he's going on the trip in the first place.
I literally couldn't finish Ragnarok. It was terrible
Sarah Jessica Parker is too old now
I wish he goes back to short hair. He is so handsome with short hair.
It's insanely easy to lift and eat properly when you're a millionaire
Get the hell out Chris Aussie. You deserve more than this. Chris Gay and Chris Christian have no soul.
I don't get it
She looks incredible
and even more when you are paid for it.
this bish need to EAT
But there never was any "Thorkino", Ragnarok was the worst of the bunch.
i know that fourth solo movies don't seem to be a thing but i would like to see a "thor 4" about beta ray bill. might be a risk though
Because they are mostly white and or male. They need to step aside to make room for that newness.
So he will be the king of New Asgard, right guys?
New Asgard is a village in Bumfuck, Nowhere, Norway. Who gives a shit who 'rules' it, it still follows the law of Norway.
And right in the middle of the rapefugee crisis and Norwegians getting replaced more and more. So subtle.
Why didn't they settle in Wakanda instead? We already established that these Asgardians has no racial, ethnic or cultural ties to Scandinavians.
This needed saying
Don't waste dubs on shitposting.
reminder there is likely another decade or half decade til we reach the next thanos tier big bad if they stay with the current pattern of phases
Bloodborne did it. Why can't Disney?
The only current media to portray a proper way of dealing with immigrants was the last episode of GoT. They just sent all the rapefugees in a suicidal charge against the army of the dead.
Don't waste your life by being a cuck.
>Beta Ray Bill
Comics are trash holy shit.
nobody liked thor 1 and 2 and everyone loved ragnarok. i have talked to multiple normies irl who agreed that thor was the funniest part of endgame
>Scarlet Witch show
Hell yea-
>its with Vision
Fuck off.
I liked Thor. Branaugh did a great job making a fun movie
why, WHY is it always animeposters who have the most abhorant shitty opinions?
That's exactly what they're going for. Rumors say that it'll be about Loki tricking Hela in some way too.
Good. He, Benedict Cumberbatch and Paul Rudd are my favorites. RIP Robert Downey Jr.
Only soiboys liked Ragnarcuck, it only served to emasculate Thor and further pass the torch propaganda.
go back to /pol/ retard
aparently the budgets are massive
mads not being doom is the MCU's biggest blunder apart from inhumans
Do you say the same to the Black Panther fans who's obviously on board with the black power message?
>cheap TV
TV is beating the shit out of movies these days. Especially streaming.
Wankada is literally a white country in the middle of niggerland
Guardians of the Galaxy feat. Thor could be kino. Only part of the MCU going forward that I think I'd see, except for that Spiderman movie cause I'm a faggot for Jake.
wakanda is actually based and you would say the same if it were white
Your new favorite Avenger!
I cringe at guys who bleach their hair.
Why would you, are you gay?
Wesley is not coming back. It would blow the MCU's "BLACK PANTHA IS DA FURST BLACK HERO MOVIE" bullshit that they payed the media to shill for months on end.
>Does Galactus even speak
Yes, retard
thor shouldve married this bitsh,
too bad she got replaced by diversity
whatever thor is a manifestation of satan anyway, idc about him
>doing Secret Wars so soon
nigga please, the next big villain is either Kang or Galactus
post yfw Thor and the Guardians wacky adventures massively outgross the New Avengers movies with Captain Fungus and Blacktain America.
She looked great at the Endgame premiere, faggotanon.
Hemsworth should have ALREADY starred in adaptations of Flash Gordon, He-Man and Doc Savage: Man of Bronze. It's soo obvious!!!FACT!!!
Most reddit post I've read on here in years
Literally kill yourself
>I doubt it, he was probably only consulted. Quill wouldn't forget he was from Earth if Gunn had done his scenes.
>Then why did Quill know what earth was in his own movie,
It was a joe made as his expense. He knows he's from Earth but says Missouri because he's a redneck and Stark corrects him "Yeah, that's on Earth dipshit!"!!!FACT!!!
I'd trade my parents for looking like this
>I wanna see Chrim Hemsworth in a indiana jones like movie
Shane Black had mentioned being a fan of old pulps like Doc Savage and it would have been PEREFCT if he used his post Iron Man 3 cred to make a DS movie with Hemsworth a few years ago!!!FACT!!!
I LOVE Thor, HATE Thor 2 and UTTERLY FUCKING DESPISE THOR 3. 3 hurt the most because I wanted a Sci-fi/Fantasy Fifth Element style Planet hulk movie and Ragnarok seemed like everything I wanted. It even rips off the structure of TRANSFORMERS THE MOVIE (1986) where peripheral characters are killed off, father figure dies, protagonists end up on a planet of junk and a giant horned demons wants to destroy their homeworld.
Except that 90 minute toy commercial made 30 fucking years ago had more heart and soul than that fucking clownshow that sheep fucking Kiwi faggot turned the movie into with INCESSANT, NON-FUCKING-STOP JOKES EVERY FUCKING FIVE SEONDS. Completely undercutting every moment of pathos or drama.
FUCK RAGNAROK when Thor's interactions with the Guardians is EXACTLY how you do comedy with the right balance of serious and funny!!!FACT!!!
How does a superchad like this actually end up being good at comedy too? It's just not fair bros.
100% correct!!!FACT!!!
>They fucking wasted Mads on a cameo villain role. Imagine him as Doom
Mads would have been GOAT as Doom!!!FACT!!!
>It's insanely easy to lift and eat properly when you're a millionaire
>and even more when you are paid for it.
Especially when you have access to top gear!!!FACT!!!
Thor was my favourite marvel franchise but.
Ragnarok is one of the worst Marvel movies because of Taiki Waititi the samoan jew bastard who obviously hated the source material and white people in general.
He only wrote their dialogue.
I do it and Im bi AMA
I'm completely burned out on these movies and have been since Ragnarok. Haven't watched any of them since. Hemsworth is good and Guardians is probably the most entertaining of the Marvel lineup, but I can't see the merger working. Hemsworth is a bigger name than Pratt and I feel like attaching him to Guardians is a mistake. It will muddle both franchises and probably cause tension between two of the most popular actors.
I mean, I can see (((them))) trying to push Pratt out because of his values, but replacing him with Hemsworth won't play well. Then in just becomes :Thor and Some Other Guys (Also a Racoon with a Gun)" because the emphasis will be on him and Rocket and interesting side characters like Drax will be relegated to the background. Guardians and Thor both are at their best when focusing on the side characters, not the main one.
Galactus is the safest bet. They can work him in even if F4 sucks.
>Michael Jay White
lmao have you seen him lately? His face has morphed into a fucking tomato
>Tfw after we say the film my niece said I looked like Thor
I don't, but I was proper chuffed.