Detective Pikachu

Wtf bros? I thought this film was going to destroy capeshit. What happened?

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>I thought this film was going to destroy capeshit
You were retarded

This movie isn't ever going to reach Endgame's total gross, but it may still beat Endgame's third weekend gross in many markets.

Also, relying on early reviews from boomers who don't know jackshit about Pokemon.

How can something that promotes capeshit ideals destroy capeshit?

>boomer critics don’t get pokemon

What a surprise

Why do you Yea Forums faggots care about RT & Box Office? Just watch the fucking movie and stop being a pathetic fat fuck on the computer at your moms house and watch shit for yourself and not base off something you saw online.

Disney paying critics to try not let their shitty cgi fest being destroyed by ourguy

Go back to your containment board.

Let the money talk, we'll be wiping the green all over the mouse's face.

This but unironically

reviews /= sales

movie critics are boomers who know nothing of the SOUL that is the pokemon franchise

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Too much Pokemon 2/5

yeeesh Kate seems like a cunt

They added more than 10 pokemon which caused the boomer to get confused

Why are people who don't know the IP allowed to review the IP?

Why does this propaganda being shit on make sjws from /vp/ so mad?

Did you faggots really think this movie was going to be good? It looked like shit from day one

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It is good though? Go look at the review.

the fact that this movie still somehow has fresh rating even though it's a video game movie

Is this movie still being projected to hit 80 million on opening? It really got overshadowed by Endgame.

It's probably best to ignore the critics for now. They have no idea what Pokemon is besides pokemon go and Pikachu.

Also, the Disney shills are gonna be on full force trying to stop it at all costs to keep getting their Avengers money

>pokemon go joke

I rest my case

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Look at a genuine review from people who know what they're talking about

Honestly this
DisneyMoms are pathetic.


>What happened?
They cast an ugly groin is at happened.

>numale likes liberal propaganda

>Audiencescore N/A
They didn't pokemon Go To the Polls

The people who made this movie should make a Pokemon Go to the Polls movie haha

>80 Million
Who projected that? It will do amazing but not that crazy.

Oh shit it's Red

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So 71% is the new rotten ? I hate this board

Did I offend you Mr. Asperger?

no that's yellow

Based cheeky cunt poster

Why should I trust the opinions of "woke" critics who give good ratings to Black Panther and other lefty shit, but seem to have a deep seething hatred of anything outside their little Hollywood clique.

Why are you MotherFuckers giving Kate so much shit for this!?

What the FUCK did she say that is wrong!?

You mean besides the fact that her whole review is a Pokemon Go joke? It proves she knows nothing about Pokemon.

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But this movie is based on Pokemon Go. What problem presents!?

I checked and Kate only has 15K twitter followers, so not quite a lot of folks read her it seems.


I do not know what you are saying.
This rating is the highest number for video game movies.
I think it will be engraved as a historical feat.

>trusting RT
Asia will eat it this shit like it's rice. Pokemon is too big to fail.

Just by looking at the non-pokemon leads they cast you can tell that the people in charge were approaching it the same way that game freak approaches the modern games i.e. "Eh, people will watch it no matter what as long as it has pokemon".
Justice smith is pretty much one of the least interesting and likable actors in hollywood right now and it should have been a no-brainer that he couldn't play a lead man in a film like this (and he can't if reviewers are to be believed). But he's obviously a cheap, ethnically ambiguous dude theoretically capable of playing a teenage dweeb, so he got the part, despite being a terrible choice compared to any number other actors.

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It's inspired by Detective Pikachu. Fucks sake, user. It's the damn title of the movie.

>But this movie is based on Pokemon Go

Conan takes first place in Japan's ranking today
Pikachu is second.

>These are people we're dealing with
Almost as bad as some people not knowing what a pokemon is.

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>not devolving