It just fucking dawned on me guys. Eight fucking years of build up and it's all down the toilet now.
Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
It just fucking dawned on me guys. Eight fucking years of build up and it's all down the toilet now.
Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
Nobody but a select few butthurt critics and the contrarians of Yea Forums give a shit. It's breaking viewership records left and right and it's good spectacle, all that counts.
That’s the twist. You didn’t see it coming, did ya,
Lmao even my normalfag friends hated the last episode. You're wrong and also a humongous faggot.
>my normalfag friends
return to whence you came, foul beast
You first, Redditor
Get the fuck off Yea Forums you reddit scum
Reminder: we will never know why the night king wanted to kill the 3 eyed raven or why he needed to rush his attack instead of just surrounding winterfell and starving them out. Also won't figure out how the sneaky assassin girl got around all the other white old dudes and their dead army to kill their king/God/life force.
At least I don't have to watch the rest of the season now.
>getting trolled this hard
We'll find out in the bo- oh who am I kidding that fatfuck will die before finishing WoW let alone the series
>Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
Probably thinking about which colored crayons taste best.
NK was made by the children of the forest as a nuclear option to get humans the fuck out of Westeros.
It backfired because he turned into Terminator basically.
Bran is a powerful greenseer since Starks come from a line of who knows what going way back. NK recognized that Bran has crazy magic powers and is attempting to turn him to his side, giving him access to even more powerful magic. Or he's simply triggered by the presence of magic since it's high on his list of priorities.
Either way Bran is a target. Any simp can tell that Bran's mark will turn him into the next NK once he loses all his humanity so they'll wheel his ass back up north so he can chill there before he dicks out after a couple hundred/thousand years.
Maybe now, but four years from now it'll be another Lost or Simpsons and even normies will look back and say "this is the point where it got worse".
Honestly though, After Season 3 it really took a nose dive in quality
This season has been terrible.
It's half way over and it's consisted of buildup and filler for the worst episode in the history of the series.
get this..
>being excited for things
thats where you went wrong in the first place. if you don't expect anything you can't be dissapointed, only surprised.
you can't have the bad guy have invincible swagger when it turns out he's just as easy to kill as every other zombie, ESPECIALLY when LotR already did that
also they did a horrible job of making it seem like an actual battle was going on, they might as well have been in a haunted mansion for half the episode
That is literally the problem you dumb faggot.
Nothing you just wrote answers any of those questions. You assume things, but we actually don't know because they let it all vague and killed him off like some big guy side character. There were many ways they could have went with the NK/Bran relationship but they didn't even bother, deciding to "subvert our expectations" by killing him off like a bitch. Arya killing the NK also makes no literary sense and is only done to further said subversion. She's shppose to be killing the ppl who fucked with her family; the names she repeated over and over. Are they going to give her that honour as well as the hero who destroys the big bad evil? The show can't even figure out simple chatacter arcs.
As are all shows. Yea Forums is the board though, so...tits or gtfo.
He also was impervious to dragon fire but died by a valerian shiv to the gut. I guess dragons are pretty fucking pointless.
>fire and ice
He could only be killed by the destruction of the dragonglass shard in his chest, which is where Arya stabbed him.
uh I'm a boy dummy..
(speculation, not established anywhere books/movies)
anyway, yeah because that makes the whole fire and ice thing make even more sense.
So dumb on so many levels.
>Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
They were thinking "Hey, because we're both Jewish and thus have no souls, why don't we do what we do best and ruin everything for everyone because that's how you make money".
Show died with Tywin
Normies will flee like locusts once the show is done and never look back. It's totally forgettable.
NK wants an endless night, he wants to erase all humans and their history. Bran already said this. He goes after the three eyes Raven because he has all knowledge past, present, and potential future. If the three eyes Raven dies he can essentially erase all human existence. How did you not get that?
You fuckers say the same about all popular tv shows, Breaking Bad, Lost, Sopranos, etc
>why can't early seasons be as good as the last
Niggas, all you want is to travel back in time and be 6-7 years old younger, you don't really think season 1 was better
Have sex
The whole series is a metaphor for sex. You spend 10 years making your self good enough for it, then you have an amazing foreplay where the tension and excitement rises even further, then the actual act starts and its kind of whatever until you finally come and then you go "that was it!?"
based retard
>lists shows notable for not being like that
In situations like this I would give anything to be a fly on the wall in the writing room. Surely they must have known that it is shit? Like mentally retarded tier of writing. Were all the other writers just so scared of D&D that they didn't call out their bullshit at all (Lucas style)?
It is just so baffling to see all these billion dollar budget megahits with supposedly talented creators blundered in such obvious ways. Has the creative writing industry been so gutted with nepotism and diversity hires that they simply are that incompetent? Or what the fuck is going on?
the fact that everyone is so mad about this episode just shows the writers knows exactly what they are doing and everything is going according to plan. There is a reason they are writers for the biggest tv show in history and you are an anonymous shitposter on a rug weaving forum
How did you retards suddenly get access to virtually every major franchise?
it's the jews, it's always the fucking jews
I'm not even mad
We deserve their shitty entertainment for we are too craven to make our own
The reason is they adapted a book with better writing than they were independently capable of.
you have to go back
When was it explicitly stated that the Children of the Forrest created the Night King, and not simply WWs?
And he refuses to let anyone else continue or take over from him, saying to destroy all his notes and end it if he does die.
Little dumb imo.
back to leftbook you stupid faggot
Lost was and is garbage though, everyone recognised that while it was going on and it's views plummeted. Breaking Bad was mostly strong all the way through
Didn't he have 80 centuries to fix flaws in his armour? Keeping a vulnerable spot screams negligence.
Based chaos poster
writing is hard. be nice
This disgusting fucking normie thinks he is welcome here.
>Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
"Lets get this shit show over with as soon as possible so that fat asshole with the hat won't be mooching around for edited nude scenes anymore, and eating all of our snacks. We have Star Wars waiting for us to fuck up."
>Haha making a shitty episode and generating outrage was part of our plan ALL ALONG. You fell right into our trap!
>user actually believes this
Sorry dude, but you aren't very smart. D&D are just hacks. The show is popular so it is going to generate buzz no matter what. D&D are stupid (like you) and they think "shock value = good writing".
I think she very brave
watching a homeless person shit on a cat is a spectacle and would probably get good viewership, what's your point?
Fuck you nigger
Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel are so handsome.
Nobody but a select few butthurt critics and the contrarians of Yea Forums give a shit. It's breaking viewership records left and right and it's good spectacle, all that counts.
I hope you all watch GoT legally! That's all that matters.
Lost was shit from day 1
Breaking bad did get shit
you're a massive homo faggot monkey nigger
pirating confirmed to be anti satan
She did it
are you fucking stupid?
I don't know user. Maybe that scene where they showed the Children literally shoving dragonglass into a guy's torso causing him to turn into the NK?
Just a theory.
>got so many bad ratings they had to turn off IMDB ratings
you're in denial
Sorry dude, they are hugely successful and creating the biggest tv show in the history of TV. You couldn't do that, you couldn't write half as good as good as them. Its not that you are stupid though, its just that you are not intelligent enough to do what they do.
Says who?
>Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
>We have a very strong core audience and we need to wrap it up as soon as possible, we don't have any books to base our story of anymore and these actors are starting to ask for ridiculous wages
>We'll just wing it with the story, throw in some modern political messaging and keep most stuff flashy so the non-questing fans don't notice are flimsy plots and bizar reasonings
>his eyes turned blue
>he must be the NK
The absolute state
Yeah I suppose the children also lied about it when they were spouting their exposition?
I do hope you're pretending to be retarded you brainlet.
So binge watching wouldn't be such a bad idea?
Cant believe people consider this an acceptable explanation
how the hell did she know that?
Because Bran was the living embodiment of human history :^) That's why it was so important for him to grow north, so he could turn into ravens and watch the battle from the sky.
Yeah but why the fuck would Arya know that? If Bran told her it would be one thing but man its so lame.
But he could accomplish that by just killing every human anyways. If everyone dies he can erase human existence. So who the fuck cares?
So basically...
- D&D spends 7 plus years telling the intricate narrative of GRRM's detailed book based- story, albeit pruning the details that are to far off the path, overly complicated or distracting (ex. Lady Stoneheart or the intricate Dorn plan). Although simplified a bit for television D&D as avid fans of th book tried to follow GRRM charachter direction as closely as possible and adapted the core narrative of the books for television.
- in the previous 7 seasons of television and in the books the story was driving towards a battle between the NK ( and his soliders/wrights) and the Prince(ess) that was promised (and the living) with the entire story pointing towards either JSnow or DT being the peoples champion. GRRM spent endless prophecy & pages subtly teasing one or both of them having the role. Similarly the seven seasons of the show basically translated from the book did this as well.
- GRRM with his books also spent decades weaving an intricate and varied understanding of the NK and how Bran as the T.E.Raven was his counterpoint and integral to the story/history between the various magical properties in the kingdom.
All bringing us to Season 8...
- D&D no longer have the books as the gaurdrails for their narrative. This means they can kind of take the story where THEY believe it was headed and do so in the most expedient way possible to bring the television story to "generally satisfying" conclusion.
- as a result they lose the drive/guidance to continue the intricate character development and plotting that made the first seven seasons so unique. As a result characters suffer...
- Tryion and Varys (for example...others too) have lost their impact, wit and intelligence, and general importance to the story. Resutling in poor writing (endless enuch jokes) and lack of opportunity for involvement. This is probably liked to both of these characters (and a few other) often being cited as favorites of GRRM,
What would've been the best possible outcome?
>Arya's and Gendry's baby is born
>It has ice cold blue eyes and little horns
>There must always be a Night King™
The only way to still redeem this piece of shit is that Bran becomes the night king 2.0 and the Real Battle™ still has to be fought.
Fuck that Iron Throne shit. Nobody cares about that anymore after that dumpster fire of an episode.
Imagine LOTR ending with Gimli jumping out of nowhere to take the ring from Frodo and finish the job. And then Peter Jackson being all «DIDNTSEETHATCOMINGDIDYOU????» and all the fans being hyped because a short fan favorite got to finish the job instead of Frodo who was destined to do it, which was built up to the whole series.
That would be so sad, but in GoT it’s widely celebrated...
Get subverted lmao
>expect the unexpected
Truly what GoT is all about
...To continue
Fan favorites to GRRM, therfore recieving his wittiest writing and love. Not necessarily favorites od D&D both characters are now shoved to the side or at least no longer recieving the best material.
- also as D&D were planning to wrap up the story, the #me too movement rightfully swept over the industry. No longer beholden to the an unknown GRRM narrative it makes sense they use this key moment to Shift the spotlight to one of our Female heroes...Albeit at the cost of the narritive GRRM had been developing in the books for years, the narrative of the show for the past 7 seasons. They're now in a position to write the ending as they see fit wih on the general plot of the past 7 seasons as guard rails.
I'm personally happy to see GOT come to a close. You can clearly see in season 8 that D&D have spent years on this and are ready to move on. The actors are great (still) but the writing and plotting seem as though they want to finish it with respect but quickly. Imagine how you could have captured / told the stories of the first three episodes in more detail if spread across two season (or even a full 13 episode season?). Imagine a more detailed and impactful meeting of theron and his sister. Imagine a more intricate mingling of Arya and DT. Or even a bit more intrigue around the planning for the battle of ep3 with Tryion and the other leaders, or even tryion simple making a saddle for Jon and DT.
GOT will end. And itll be good, but imagine/perhaps in 5/6 years if GRRM or another selected writer finish the series, id be interested in an animated version of the final book (ideally with the live actors voicing their characters) to wrap it up in the GRRM version way.
Boy am i glad i stopped watching after the Season 4 and there was already some fuckery going in that one.
I just watched Mauler's video. The literal advertising slogan is "winter is coming" and that's how they are going to end the show? LMAO
>the night's watch didn't matter
>the wall didn't matter
>stannis going north to save the night's watch didn't matter
>jon saving the wildlings didn't matter
>cersei joining or not didn't matter
>all the prophecies didn't matter
>nobody south of winterfell is even affected
You forgot the most important part
>Cersei was right all along
So Arya finishing the NK is 100% in line with all of this...
- subvert the expected... Finish it quick/clean, no explanation of NK and not killing any fan favorite despite the historic nature of GOT to do so.
- subvert the expected ...with a great #metoo power moment that is a reflection of our time not of the books direction
- little charater spotlight for the GRRM favorites.
Kind of like in Harry Potter how it was clear that it was Harry that was supposed to get Hermoine
you didn't read the books
nigga Bran is the fucking night king / bloodraven now.
how are they gonna fight cersei with no army?
where is the golden company fake targaryen boi?
More like
its celebrated because arya is a
Arya is going to teleport behind Cersei (after successfully dueling the Mountain) and do her dagger trick.
have sex
True, they have no army left. So they have a few options
>Arya assassinates Cersei, prevents any war
>Dragons set fire to King's Landing
>Ignore the consequences of last episode and still have an army left; or army-ex-machina some into existence
Like with Mass Effect 3, the entire series will be remembered for it colossal failure.
Rewatching the great earlier seasons will be pointless. Physical sales of the entire saga will be lower than projected.
Only GRRM has the potential to partially unfuck this IP with his continuation of the story, but he is a cunt for all the known reasons.
Im so glad you are all unhappy with your degenerate porn series. You deserve to be disappointed, because you have no taste.
That’s amazing, and in someway it proves my point. But it would be even worse if it happened two movies later
oh yeah, forgot about that move.
>they have no army left.
>e4 opening scene
>Dany: well that sure was a battle to remember, huh friends? luckily we still have over half our troops left, now let's go to kings landing
They are showing soldiers marching through the castle in the preview. I bet they'll still have a sizable army left, pulled straight from their arse.
Imagine going back and watching earlier seasons and laughing every time a Stark says "winter is coming" or anyone gets nervous about the Long Night. They're gonna destroy all the good shit that already happened.
kek. there is a scene in that episode where she stands in winterfells throne room and yells something like we won the great war now lets win the last war and all the north/vale lords cheer. its so fucking dumb.
This is very easy to explain - look up the story of Superman Lives/Superman Reborn. The way Hollywood works is that producers get to control much of the film's production and can dictate to a writer whatever batshit inanity they like - the writer's job is not to come up with things that aren't stupid, it's to try and write the pre-existing stupid ideas in ways that aren't stupid. This isn't actually feasible most of the time so it just gets dressed up as much as possible.
ya'll need to chill, it's as almost as if ya'll are virgins lmao
Kind of like Gollum came out of nowhere and destroyed the ring after the ring bearer had been hyped up for 3 movies?
Literally everyone I talked with hated this episode.
In few years it will join Prequel Trilogy in the hall of garbage hated by everyone but few autistic contrarians.
Why didn't he have fucking plate armor there then?
Look at TLJ. Those people are so out of touch they think everyone but them is a retard and they are geniuses.
Remember fucking Sony leaks?
you forgot bran
You don't even need plate to stop a knife wielded by a little girl.
Just look at the scene between Arya in Hound in like S3
Gollum's entire character was made around the Ring. Araya had shit to do with NK.
Reddit fag.
>sony leaks
yeah we almost had true kino
by the same logic Transformers are good movies too. go back you dumb nigger
Not that guy and I haven't watched whatever shitty season this happened in. But how does this even make sense from a book perspective. How is there a "Great Other" who is the eternal counter-balance to the "Lord of Light" if the Night King was just a guy who was created by the tree elves to be a killswitch for humanity?
I dunno user. I doubt the writers do either. They're likely not going to explain shit next episode about what the fuck just happened.
When did this Ruin Johnson meme became a thing in Hollywood?
>in the previous 7 seasons of television and in the books the story was driving towards a battle between the NK
Stop. The Night King isn't a book character.
>GRRM with his books also spent decades weaving an intricate and varied understanding of the NK
I said stop, you dumb faggot. The Night King does not exist in the books.
The future is female and the past is too.
>Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
They weren't thinking. They're literally morons.
Someone told me they were screaming at the screen while watching. I changed the subject.
>You didn’t see it coming
Because it was physically impossible to pull off without either LITERALLY FLYING or MATERIALIZING OUT OF THIN AIR
>instead of Frodo who was destined to do it, which was built up to the whole series.
Gollum destroyed the ring. Regardless, Frodo, Gollum or even Sam destroying the one ring would have been acceptable outcomes as they had all been built up around such a task, as characters. Gollum was the correct choice though. The irony of the avarice caused by the ring, to allow it to return to it's master, being it's destruction is good writing.
>I changed the subject.
I changed the channel when I saw the dothraki charge in the dark against opponent who sees in dark and cannot suffer from morale
What happened? I haven't watched the show since season 4 but you've piqued my interest
I really don't like this character or actor but what they ended up doing was still retarded.
>Theon, you're a big guy
what did bran mean by this?
But she actually kind of overpowers him because her left hand was extended to her left and she pulled it to the right so she could drop it and catch it with her other hand. Pretty badass and slay.
Arya got him in the gut. Not the chest/sternum. He wasn't stabbed in the same place. REEEEEE
nope, now kys shill
How fucking awesome would it have been if NK just surrounded Winterfell with thousands of Zombies and just stood there looking and staring both story wise and cinematically. Then the NK summons the blizzard and it just keeps getting worse and worse. The dragons are getting sick because of the cold, the Dothraki are dying left and right. They try to send ravens but they're all killed because of the cold. Jon walks out alone to talk to the NK to negotiate. NK just looks at him and orders the zombies to storm the castle, you see Jon's face as winterfell just falls within seconds and is stormed. NK just kills Jon. Last scene is a montage of all the cast as zombies as they march towards King's Landing.
Yeah, he was. I also thought it was his gut so I rewatched the scene, but user is correct. She stabs him in the chest.
>talking like a nigger to pretend that you aren't the virgin here
>You didn’t see it coming, did ya,
I did. Arya killing the nightking was obvious since last season, the only unexpected thing was how badly it was done.
>What happened?
Dany/Jon threw away thousands of troops against opponent who raises the dead to fight against he living and somehow it was the "smart" thing to do, for absolutely no tactical gain what so ever AND instead of retreating to the castle and using the castle like castles are supposed to be used, they met the enemy on the open field
Also they killed the big baddy by literally teleporting an assassin out of literal thin, SUPRISE!!!
>Pretty badass and slay.
No, she SHOULD'VE DIED RIGHT THERE by having her air flight stopped by getting grabbed by the neck, she was going faster (flew further) than required to snap neck in gallows
He wants more than that. Why the hell were they getting Crasters male babies and turning them into white walkers? The WW plot line doesn't make any sense. Nothing was explained
What is funnier is that before the fire witch showed up they were going to charge at them with normal weapons that don't harm them.
That didn’t just dawn on you.
>SHOULD'VE DIED RIGHT THERE by having her air flight stopped by getting grabbed by the neck
If she can overpower him like that then he can't just outright snap her neck.
>normal weapons that don't harm them
Wait... did they just give normal weapons to them and only gave dragon glass to a select few characters?
>she can overpower him
She didn't? She dropped the dagger so she could stab him with her free hand? That's not overpowering.
And it still doesn't explain why her neck didn't snap from a sudden snap to the neck, or why the NK didn't snap her neck immediately after.
Only low IQ Twitter normies loved this episode and that's D&D's target audience.
>If she can overpower him like that then he can't just outright snap her neck.
They're normal weapons, look how smooth it is compared to dragonglass weapons. They were 100% going to send them to their death unless they read the script and knew the firewitch chick was going to show up for some reason.
They were sending them to their deaths anyways.
Imagine unironically leading with your cavalry, charging straight into their front line from the front.
That's fucking based and redpilled and it's what every writer worth a damn should do.
You didn't read the books retarded faggot nigger
jon and arya tag-teaming the NK + adds
Arya gets flanked byb a wight, jon intercepts off balance
NK stabs jon, arya stabs NK
jon dies while speaking with arya
It was assumed that everyone got dragonglass weapons, but clearly the Dothraki did not as shown in the scene where they raise their weapons. They're still using regular weapons.
So yes they were initially planning to send 100.000 cavalry units into
>the complete unknown because it was dark as fuck
>with no light so they wouldn't be able to see shit
>against an unknown force of undead
>with weapons ineffective at killing undead
>knowing full well the NK can raise the dead so will just stop a second and add 100.000 fresh zombies to his army
Reminder that this tactic was cooked up by a council of some of the most clever, experienced battle-hardened warriors.
Everything about this episode was wrong. Everything.
>Eight fucking
lol everything past season 4 is shitty fanfic
This is just the the culmination of the faggotty of the past four years.
It's almost like they wanted them to die
being really interesting at first only to descend into hack material as your interest gradually putters out towards the end? this is also known as the L O S T formula
NK froze the baby just with the touch of his fingernail, but not Arya upon grabbing her bare neck
Episode one Ned tells Jon we gonna talk about your mom when I get home. Tension builds season to season. Final season John tells Dany who he really is on the first episode. Oh How convenient That your best friend and brother say this Jon
Never mentioned again and Dany still in charge.
season 5 brba is a little drop off from season 4 but in comparison to the abortion that GoT became, BrBa is perfection
My prediction: first scene off ep4 is Arya turning into the new NK
the later Sopranos seasons are the best you fucking retard
>it's good spectacle, all that counts
this is the mindset that ruined the shoe
I just rewatched s1 of GoT it's still as great as ever, you retarded nigger.
hahaha no
The target demo of the show would probably hate that.
and the show
Anyone got the retarded jon snow unkle bemjem wojacks?
>it's all down the toilet now
anyone got GOT spoilers?
It's a Michael Bay production now. It's gruel for brainlets. Even the normies are starting to wake up. Nobody's gonna rewatch this garbage.
>good spectacle
the fucking things you have to read these days
Piss off normgroid. And don't come back.
Stop associating Michael Bay with that garbage. Dude made mostly kino (The Island and Transformers 2-5 are shit but everything else is great).
>Gollum came out of nowhere
>star wars
>star trek
>game of thrones
What else has been desecrated?
She dragged her left arm to the right so she could drop it in range of her right hand. When she jumps, her left hand is extended to the left.
Frodo still didn't do it though.
>people are buttravaged because a show about major characters dying unexpectedly had a major character die unexpectedly.
Are you faggots going whine and cry until they bring back your favorite supervillen that got whacked not according to your entitled headcannon.?
You stupid fucking nigger.
A daring plan by Sansa "kill the shitskins" Stark.
This is so different and you know it. Ned dying served a purpose in the plot. This whole white walker plot has just been a waste of time.
They should've wiped out 75% of the named characters in Winterfell if they were going to kill the NK so quickly. It's a cheap conclusion to the main conflict of the entire story and it retroactively makes the entire series pointless.
Have sex
What major character? They all survived lmao.
>Ned dying served the plot
Stop rationalizing your anal pain.
This last episode served the plot just as much since Daenerys plans for the throne are now in the foilet because she has no army and one dragon.
drink bleach nigger
Try again
Something like this would be more in keeping with the spirit of GOT than the fan fic you-go-girl shit we have. In a show that gained notoriety for removing plot armour from beloved characters, it armed them to the brim in these last seasons destroying any appeal the show had.
Winter was supposed to be this cataclysmic, horrid event where mystical, treacherous things plague humanity and existence. This last battle was the worst one.
That shit was never good.
They are currently making a Sopranos prequel.
Both dragons are fine, brainlet. The one Jon was on was just taking a nap.
I'm not even meme'ing, he's actually alive in episode 4.
>What were they thinking?
"I bet r*ddit will eat this up!"
I really liked how a season and a half sweeping floors and washing dead bodies turned Arya into Darth Maul. Phenomenal writing. How do they do it?
>all the people that died for nothing
>could have just had 20 good men defend Bran while Arya waits in the shadows
Every day I find another reason why this was retarded.
Perhaps, but the MCU is the myth of our times. its a global phenomenon. It may suck but its important to popular culture
Lol they built up the threat of the zombie apocalypse for 8 seasons so that Daenerys could lose her Dothraki army and a few Unsullied.
Did you even fucking watch the episode?
Arya literally materialized out of thin air
user, report to your designated tard wrangler. You absolute moron.
Except when those major character die, after the initial shock wears off and you analyse the whole thing, it made sense for them to die at that moment because their story is over and their death serves as a catalyst for the plot to move forward.
Let's look at some examples,
1) Robert's death - Brought Joffrey to the throne, made Ned carry out his plan to put Stannis on the throne and to dethrone Joffrey
2) Ned's death - Accelerated the Northern rebellion, serves as a revenge plot for Robb, makes Jon question his duty and in turn he gets reminded of his role at the Wall, causes Arya to escape and get sent on her journey
3) Robb and Catelyn's death - An effective end to the Northern rebellion, a consequence of Robb abandoning his vows, shows that his decision have results, Boltons get the North, Lannisters hold the throne, act 1 is over.
4)Joffrey's death - His tyranny comes to an end, a consequence of having too many people despise him, Sansa escapes, Tommen becomes king, Tyrells become bolder, Tyrion is put on trial
5)Tywin's death - Tyrion's point of no return, he can no longer stay in King's Landing, he enters into a new chapter of his story and is sent to find Danaerys, Cersei effectively has the throne through Tommen, she goes batshit insane and fills the council with her cronies
6)Night King's death - ??? Where is the consequence? Side characters die, main characters live to tell the tale, that's it? The threat of the Walkers comes to an abrupt end, except this time, unlike the Red Wedding, the state of the characters is still the same, every character now behaves the same way and goes to fight Cersei. There is no point of having this storyline in the plot at all since it is prematurely cut off from the rest of the world.
I am perfectly fine with Night King dying, what I have a problem is that the way they did it killed any suspension of disbelief I had
Arya should've been either outright killed or paralyzed by the sudden stop by her neck
Bran will tell Jon that Dany was making fun of his height. He will kill her in a manlet rage and the world will be saved. The End
>it took him eight fucking years to realize ASOIAF/GOT is just Rian Johnson style "SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS: THE MEDIA FRANCHISE"
You thought righteous Eddard would be around for a while? Too bad.
You thought his son's justified revenge campaign would breed some kind of success? Too bad.
You thought the big strong mongol warrior guy wouldn't just get poisoned and die like a bitch? Too bad.
You thought an illustrious and cunning man like Tywin will have a glorified death? Too bad.
You thought the bestest swordsman will go around swinging his sword instead of losing his dominant hand? Too bad.
You thought Oberyn would just win his David vs Goliath fight instead of getting a "slipped on a banana peel" tier death before it's over? Too bad.
You thought an absolutely incompetent little girl wouldn't become one of the greatest military threats in the world by receiving welfare dragons, an army and an assortment of capable followers who treat her like Jesus? Too bad.
You thought the notorious white walkers would be a legitimate threat? Too bad.
You thought the future isn't female? Too bad.
You were born just in time to see the greatest works of fantasy fiction adapted with incredibly high production values but ruined by subversive hacks
It was unexpected and cool as fuck, imagine if Cersei gets shot with a crossbow and then greyworm appears from the shadows and smirks. That would be so awesome! I also hope that Missandei and greyworm end up on the throne because they've had nothing to do with the KL plot and it would be a total surprise ending.
Patrician post.
Plebeian post.
I can't wait for ep. 4 to have my expectactions subverted!! What will they do next? Will Zombie Mountain regain control over his own mind and murder Cersei, allowing Jon and Dany to waltz into Kings Landing unopposed?
That would be so cool. Also they're people of color, it would be a great up yours to the white patriarchy.
Well you have the fact that Dany now wants to kill John, Sam wants to kill Dany, Cersei wants to kill everyone, it’s back to the interesting part of GOT which was the political intrigue and backstabbing not the blue zombies
It's all so tiresome.
dude its Game May Cry now
But then it will turn out it was a trap and the True Night King™ will be revealed.
That’s why it turned to shit, but plebs can never achieve a patrician taste.
Yea Forums should ignore this piece of trash and keep the discussion on shows that are worthy of its time.
Now that would be surprising indeed!
Funny how everybody LARPs as an edgy superior intellectual who totally doesn't like "generic" fantasy like the other "plebs". but at the end they really do want the handsome knight in shinning armor to kill the bad guy dressed in black and get the princess.
I said it before episode 3 that the NK should have been killed by some random soldier and the "heroes" should have all died stupid deaths. The Arya thing was too generous.
This is a stupid post. Why did you spend all that time writing this?
>You thought the future isn't female? Too bad.
Nobody thought this. We've been saying since Season 5 that the new feminist writers ruined this show. It started in conjunction with Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2015, it was very predictable.
Yes fine but what the fuck was the point of the blue zombies then?
Except..none of the fucking heroes died. It was all utterly pointless.
I don't care who kills him, my problem with the episode is that they threw away 8 seasons of WW buildup for fucking nothing and made Cersei the main focus. Honestly NK killing everyone would've been my preference and an actual ballsy subversion.
>edgy superior intellectual who totally doesn't like "generic" fantasy like the other "plebs"
Thing is, I predicted who was going to die and who wasn't back in like, season 3. Arya is a generic fantasy hero, knew she wasn't going to die. I knew the dwarf wasn't going to die, Dany, knew Tywin was going to die because he was shown to be so powerful and in control. Only one I was "wrong" on was Jon Snow, I didn't think he'd be killed off but then again they revived him so that was pointless and while he did die, he wasn't killed off.
By this point they're trying so hard with the subversion meme that they simply can't see that it's become cliche and generic as fuck.
All we know from this point on is that Dany is killed by Jon and Tyrion is executed for treason by the Starks
3 episodes to go. Their pacing is way off.
Or, as one of the fake leaks suggested NK lays waste to King's Landing by reviving the dead soldiers from the battle of Blackwater Bay and they invade the city. It would also bring the White Walker threat to the pampered lazy South.
That's actually a regret of mine.
But again expecting Jon or Jaime or the Hound to wield a literal fiery sword and kill the NK like a "hero" is just wishful thinking and naive and goes against what the show was about even in the first seasons.
Arya killing the NK wasn't actually bad in itself.
>Nobody thought this
They outright said before that season began that they feel very proud that when GoT started, the men were occupying the positions of power, but now the women are occupying all the positions of power.
>women get in positions of power
>plan to continue fighting giant wars costing hundreds of thousands of lives
>commit atrocities like burning POW's with dragonfire and blowing up a church with wildfire
>literally two mad queens
what did D&D mean by this
Yaaasss Queens slay.
It was the best thing they could do.
hahaha, look at the damage control in the 'preview' video for 8.4
user gets it in one
Even if Night King were to fall down some stairs and break his neck you would call it "great". Arya killing NK is THE retarded and easy way to write a show: just write without thinking about source and what you showed in the previous episodes, call it expectation subvertion and you are ok untill the show is famous
How? Everyone is dead except the ones with plot armor, they clearly showed it in the last episode
>Internal consistency? Whuzzat?
t. D&D
She's a professional magical assassin. She can handle a few broken necks.
They were unexpected but "just and deserved", in every major death in grrm story you can see all the mistakes that caused that death
By that logic the NK should have won, that was a piss poor plan
Got better than s1,2 are the two worst ones
Literally got better every season
Yeah OK granted, but that's the fate of all Lindeloff series
My normalfag friends loved it though
They're just plotting out all the main points GRRM told them about. So you can bet that
The Others are just magical human weapons
Being a Greenseer just lets you be a living hard drive reader of trees
Theon dies
Arya kills whatever is leading the Others
Harry Strickland betrays Aegon VI to join Cersei
Jon and Dany have a final Dance of the Dragons civil war at the end of this whole thing
is going to be in the books.
Arya likes to steal kills
Night king was jons
Just lile he fucked over bran in season 1
Not so funny now isnt it Jon
Some characters(and I mean characters not unnamed extras) die, white walkers and nk actually fight. If you really need to have Arya kill him at least have him be distracted by Jon as he fights and even overpowers him.
fucking cringe dude, this isn't /r9k/, go back to your containment board. Even /pol/ has normie friends I'm sure
But they're goal was to upset their fan base and displease them with quality of work?
have sex
Doing something with the other white walkers besides just turning them into wights and dieing when NK died. You can tell they had no idea what to do with them and were relegated to just being a badass posse for the NK
Have them control parts of the army for the night king and killing them kills a section of wights or makes them less effective. This sets up character deaths, duels and having something to do as well as explaining how the world war Z wight wave just stalled as soon as they breached the wall instead of having 3 characters pinned to a wall screaming for the finale 20 minutes of the episode and the rest having wights running at them one at a time
NK dies: have an actual fight with him, meaningful and heavy deaths, a mind battle with Bran where we learn more of him, Arya gets the fatal blow but Jon is crucial for this to happen
NK wins: kino option, the plan was awful, almost everyone dies, Jon, Dany, Bran and maybe few others fly away with the dragons to King's Landing, we have actually something to look forward in the next episodes
says dabid in the post-episode interview you pirating scum
There's a pirated version with that interview too.
>it's good spectacle
cause the reason why they were getting children was built upon and explained so well to
>What were they thinking?
It all makes sense, but you guys are seriously stupid.
It's kind of infuriating to see.
But it's also genius.
George RR Martin is a genius.
The last episode will fucking shock you all because you are so fucking stupid.
>all that counts
Counts to what, you imbecile? The point is to talk about it, obviously it's a succesful show.
especially when you think of what jon went through... he literally went to hell and back. how does he have not 16 different shellshocks by now?
lame. bullshit and you know it. cheap reach and retcon.
>a show about major characters dying unexpectedly
Out of every theme the books had, this is the only thing that sticks to your tiny brain? DUUUUUUUDE HE DED LMAAAO ?
>NK wants an endless night, he wants to erase all humans and their history. Bran already said this.
Watch 10 seconds of this video please, it's a clip from Game of Thrones:
Watched it? Good. Now, please look up what Ravens symbolize.
R'hllor and the Great Other are two personalities trapped inside the weirwood network, locked in a power struggle eternally. They use humans as pawns in their game, and are fed by the blood the humans spill.
The cave painting of the Night King on Dragonstone clearly shows a different person was Night King back then, it is a title that gets passed on.
The Children of the Forest are liars, and they were trying to trap Bran in that cave to drain his life force.
It's completely un re watchable, they fucked it.
when rian johnson once said he wanted to make a film that "subverted expectations" in the sense of being surprising and fun, unlike TFA and Rogue One. so then the alt right memed it because sounds like their jewish conspiracy theories
>puts on classic Hollywood glasses
I kind of agree with some of this.
CotF are liars yes, but so is the Three Eyed Raven (now Bran).
The original Bran is gone.
>a show about
>Out of every theme the books
Based retard. Bad enough you took such weak bait...
>Night King dies
>Cersei dies
>"omg wtf lol lame hack writing"-shit for another week
>Kings Landing blows up all your characters
>"omg wtf only bran and sansa left? wtf lame" for another week
>Azor Ahai, born again, kills the Three Eyed Raven
>"oh.. well, that was genius and I take back everything negative I said the past three weeks"
"Yeah, I guess the first thing to say is coming into writing this or any story the object is not to subvert expectation, the object is not surprise. I think that would lead to some contrived places. The object is drama. And in this case, the object was figuring out a path for each one of these characters, where we challenge them and thus learn more about each of them by the end of the movie.
So that having been said, Kylo’s arc in this movie, besides his relationship with Rey, I saw as the big arc for Kylo breaking down this kind of unstable foundation that he’s on and then building him to where by the end of the film he’s no longer just a Vader wannabe. But he’s stepped into his own as kind of a quote-unquote villain, but a complicated villain that you understand, right? So with that in mind, the idea that Kylo would get to that place by the end of it led me to think, well, then what is Snoke’s place at the end? And does that work with him just kneeling before Snoke at the end? No. If Kylo’s gotta get to a place of actual power the ultimate expression of that would be him ascending beyond his master.
And that also then gives the opportunity to have a great, dramatic moment that you don’t expect of getting Snoke kind of out of the way. So that really is where it all stemmed from. It was thinking about Kylo’s path, thinking about where I wanted him to be at the end of the movie to set him up for the next film. And thinking okay, that means we’re gonna clear away this slightly more familiar dynamic of the Emperor and the pupil. Clear the boards from that, and then that’s much more exciting going into [Episode IX], the notion of now we just have Kylo as the one that they have to deal with. You can no longer take a rational guess at how the Snoke-Kylo thing is gonna play out in the next movie."
>It just fucking dawned on me
No it fucking didn't. Just another excuse for another shitty thread, to say EXACTLY the same shit as hundreds of others before you. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying you're a mindless drone that perpetuates unoriginal thought and discussion. Think for yourself, and think outside the box for fucks sake
Don't worry, user.
No one's gonna remember this post 2.5 weeks from now, but Arya is not Azor Ahai. Azor Ahai's mission is to kill the Great Other - The true antagonist of the show - and the Night's King isn't him
The prophecy will yet be fulfilled
Finally someone who gets it
As stupid as the Beyond the Wall episode was, it was a great scene when the white walker army had the group surrounded on the lake.
It's amazing that people think that the writers fucked up and not that they themselves might have missed some points and clues.
you can just watch the early seasons of GoT right now and they're clearly better. I'm sure many people did that because of the new season coming out.
jon kills bran
I understand that the others will be defeated in the books but it def will be the last battle. It won`t be fought and concluded in WOW and then ADOS is about fighting for the throne.
Exactly. If killing the NK insta-kills all the White Walkers and wights, why does he need to continuously make more WWs? He just wants more buddies to make art with?
>people still think they're going to get anything about Azor Ahai, the Great Other, Three-Eyed Raven, Dragonbinder, or any or the other foundational lore from the books
The next three episodes will consist of Euron and Cersei using underhanded tactics to slow Dany down before they die, Sansa will bitch about Dany until she changes her mind for some reason and gives Jon her blessing, and Sam will marry Gilly and finish writing "A Game of Thrones" (so not even A Song of Ice and Fire) before escorting Bran to the Undying Lands
Who's the "other" then if it's not the king of the dead? It makes no sense now, the great threat is gone, just some bitch with a mercenary army remains, hardly the stuff of flaming swords.
Tony Soprano takes the throne?
wtf I love Game of Thrones now!
>Who's the "other"
The friends they made along the way
I mean, an obese man running down the street singing Rocket Man while spraying diarrhea out of his ass would make a good spectacle but...
>Like with Mass Effect 3
Why did you remind me
what in the fuck is this even saying?
its bran you dumb bitch. the three eyed raven told bran to never fear the darkness and shit, and melisandre saw them as the Great Other's champions
bran is going to warg into the mountain while he fights sandor, and try to kill jon
No, dumb and dumber fucked it.
Show has dragons lol it doesn't have to stay consistent
>Except..none of the fucking heroes died.
Jorah died. Beric died. Theon died. There are half a dozen others that are probably dead but we don't have a definitive answer either way yet.
>set up that retards can be warged
>set up a giant mutant retard unstoppable killing machine in king's landing
>set up ser gregor as having killed jons siblings
>bran gave danaerys a reason to not intervene to save jons life
dont worry arya will kill bran, avenging both the hound and jon :^)
They're deleting comments, lol.
Beric was rendered a completely pointless character who had been resurrected 6 times only to be mauled by basic undead and delay them for about 20 seconds to ensure Arya would survive? That's retarded. Completely anticlimactic. I don't care about the hamfisted Jesus iconography. It's obvious the writers had absolutely zero idea what to do with his character. A better ending, which I had thunk up, would be that Beric was to slay the converted dragon and perish in a blaze of it's flames, after piercing it through the head; opening the way for Jon (or Arya now, apparently) to face the Night King. This would be a far more appropriate, impactful ending to his character whose fate is supposed to be shrouded in mysterious, mythical qualities and nothing would be more appropriate than being the one to slay a legendary dragon. The dragon just dies in the most anticlimactic fashion with Jon screaming at it like a retard. These Jewish, hack writers don't have an imaginative bone in their body.
>NK recognized that Bran has crazy magic powers and is attempting to turn him to his side, giving him access to even more powerful magic.
I wish they'd given this as a reason, better than derpderpmemory.
She's going to teleport behind everyone in Kings landing and one hit kill them. The end.
Wasnt the wall a bit over the top?
Turns out Dany didn't need all those Dothraki and Unsullied after all
Ok when is wheel of time coming out?
There is no way GoT could actually have a good ending, even with the world's best writers. ASOIAF has sent fans into decades of a frenzy to predict and hype up the ending. Literally nothing could live up to the hype at this point. It wrote itself into a corner.
If all characters die, no one is shocked. If every character lives, its a bullshit ending. If the whole world gets BTFO by ayy lmaos its a bullshit ending. Nothing can be kino here.
In a world of Harvard authors, just a bit.
>She's going to teleport behind everyone in Kings landing and one hit kill them.
top kek
tfw Yea Forums memed *teleports behind you* "nothing personnel kid" into the biggest episode of biggest series of the decade
>Wasnt the wall a bit over the top?
But since it was a magical wall magically keeping white walkers from going through or around it its kind of acceptable, because, you know, literal magic
Are you retarded? It doesn't matter if he wasn't in the books, what matters is the threat of the white walkers was built up the entire series and it's resolved shittily in one episode
>Are you retarded? Why are you pointing out my blatant lies when the episode/show story was so terrible told
This is you. I never implied it wasn't shit. I'm saying you're making shit up.
You know my initial reaction to e3 was:
"omg wtf, none of this makes sense, shit battle tactics, Jon screaming at a dragon, Arya is Azor Ahai, the Night King was pointless, what?"
But then I actually started to think.
I thought, this cannot possibly be it, there are three more episodes and something has to happen.
I researched all the clues I could find for three days and I found the solution to it.
And GRRM is right, the ending is bitter sweet. But now I see how genius it is, based on the reactions of people here.
The shows writers haven't forgotten what the show is about.
George was consulted on every episode.
This will all make sense to you.
Ask youself:
Who is the Night King and what does he want?
What clues have you given about the Night King? Watch how he behaves, what he does and doesn't do.
Ask yourself, what is game of thrones all about?
Who plays the game?
How do they play the game?
Has anyone in the show ever lied or manipulated people?
Have you as the viewer always been served the facts straight to your face?
The devil is in the detail.
This show is genius and the ending will be genius.
Azor Ahai, the bringer of light (knowledge) will reveal everything.
I didn't make the first comment, just saying I keep seeing this "Durr NK isn't in the books" meme when it doesn't matter. It will be just as dumb if Arya stabs a random wight in the books and kills the entire army. The point is the wight walkers have been built up only to be relatively easily defeated with shitty writing.
No dude, D&D are retards. The next three episodes will be more fan service with one or two "twists" and Cersei will die, Jon will kill Dany, and Jon will sit on the iron throne. Normies will UGH when Dany dies, and YAS when Jon ascends the throne.
We will shitpost on Yea Forums and Trump will win a 2nd term in 2020. Life goes on.
Yes, it's shit. It doesn't mean you're allowed to make up that the Night King is a character that is "built up in the books" when he isn't.
The fact that Arya is the one to do him in is evidence enough that he will never exist in the books, because George would never have her kill such a character. The Night King exists solely because they think the audience is too dumb to understand the threat of the white walkers without them having a leader. Whoever the Azor Ahai is will use whatever Lightbringer is to beat the Walkers back, they're not going to find one specific guy to stab and instantly annihilate the army of the dead like this shitty show.
you have to go back.
>Jon will sit on the iron throne.
Why on earth would you believe this?
George has stated that Jon is the classic hero and that he hates the classic hero story.
stop being a dumb bitch bran is the great other we get it fag
This is so fucking fantastic.
Look at all the CHAOS.
Chaos is the ladder of which Game of Thrones will climb to the top.
And Petyr "Lightbringer" Baelish will prove it to you.
Breaking Bad and Lost are dogshit. Sopranos is great from start to finish.
>There is a reason they are writers for the biggest tv show in history
there sure is, pic related
>what is postmodernism
George isn't the writer or director of the show, he's too busy watching baseball
>Literally what in God's fuck were they thinking lads?
It's perfect. The night king was a creature of death, and Arya trained all her life with the faceless men. Life cannot defeat death. Only death can. And with Arya being the princess that was promised, Azor Ahai, it makes her basically the goddess of death at this point.
and for anyone who thought it was cheap and levered in, SEASONS AGO, the red woman told Arya she would "close blue eyes"
Admit it, you're just angry because you don't like badass female characters
>Life cannot defeat death. Only death can.
No, it can't. What is dead can never die. Please explain to me how she fulfills the prophecy of the Azor Ahai and what the Lightbringer is and how she used it.
get your head out of your ass you pompous little fuck
Missandei said last season that old valyrian is not gender specific, so it could be a woman. And Azor Ahai is predicted to be reborn when Westeros needs saving from death, which she IS. She becomes noone under the faceless men, then is reborn when she rediscovers herself.
what an eyeroller
why the fuck would baelish reveal anything to anyone?
he wants to fuck them over, all of them
Okay, explain being born under a bleeding star, the salt etc... explain how lightbringer was forged, what it is. How it was forged over 55 days, whose heart it was plunged into. What it was etc...
I'm a producer for a major cable channel, and I'd like to talk to you about your idea. Do you have an email I could reach you at?
>he wants to fuck them over, all of them
what a weaksauce reach
none of that shit is in the show, so it doesn't matter. Lightbringer is, but it's just a visual representation because Melisandre can create them at will by enchantment. There are two lightbringers in the show, so it's not special.
it's her whole arc in braavos, you dip.
>None of that shit was in the show
Except she doesn't abandon her identity, she declares it proudly and cheats at the game, stealing the assassin powers rather than earning them. She never actually became 'no one,' she just says that shit because it sounds spooky.
>implying that clip mentions any bleeding star or salt, etc
>implying Melisandre isn't wrong a bunch of times
She named Stannis, Dany and Jon.
exactly, she rediscovers herself. She is reborn. As usual, Yea Forums low IQ mouthbreathers need the simplest things explained
Wow, sure am glad they built up a prophecy with rules to not use it. Then the concept of light bringer for 7 seasons for it to not have any part whatsoever in fighting white walkers.
but they didn't,in the show. The mention the "prince/princess that was promised" and lightbringer. That's all. Melisandre's character arc is one of trust. She declares several characters to be Azor Ahai, when she was not meant to declare, but to follow the lord of light. When she finally does, she realises that Arya is Azor Ahai, and her job is done. It's pretty good.
What makes her realise Arya is the Azor Ahai?
She walks among the dead almost as one of them, and has been reborn. She is the only one who can keep death at bay. Melisandre literally shares the line with her.
>what do we say to the god of death?
That's when she realises.
>She walks among the dead almost as one of them
What does this mean?
Are you stupid? She's got the power of the faceless men, assassins who walk with death
How do they walk with death? They just wear fake faces and kill people. By that logic all soldiers walk with death. Most of the cast does, because they kill people.