You are the Night King, using your Night King powers, you just saw how the siege of Winterfell is going to go (ep3). What will you do different?
You are the Night King, using your Night King powers, you just saw how the siege of Winterfell is going to go (ep3)...
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Tell my generals to advert me if someone is behind my back
Summon the blizzard beforehand, the harshest blizzard the north has ever known.
Then simply fly down on Viserion and have him breathe fire at Bran instead of going for the dramatic boy-band-entrance-and-staring-contest approach.
Don't go to Winterfell, just hang outside the range of the battle and keep the blizzard going. Everyone'll be dead from the endless, self-rezzing horde eventually and my generals should be able to handle shit.
not walk around nonchalantly on the battlefield after failing to take out even one dragon with my super ice zombie dragon
that's about it
There's nothing that could go different.
The heroes had found the plot armor of convenient immortality, no matter what I did they'd just cut down one zombie to make all the others hounding them vanish.
Maybe I'd just ditch the idea of the siege for the day, and just burn their armies with my dragon for shits and giggles before yeeting out of there.
>infinite supersonic javelins
>fissures/minor earthquakes
>go around touching people and turning them into white walkers
seriously, the guy has put his hand on the ground and caused a fuckinf earthquake in the past
>Surround Winterfell with army of the dead
>Fly down South and attack everywhere since they have no possible defenses against me
>Raise Southern army of the dead and let it wipe out South
>Winterfell can only exhaust itself fighting out of my Northern army or simply die
>By the time I meet what remains of the North they are so decimated and overwhelmingly outnumbered they lose
>Most importantly let the cripple remain where he is, he isn't going far
Even if Bran is the memory of the world, I want him to see the destruction I cause while he is helpless. Then kill him
Just siege winterfell until everyone starves to death.
Just wait and freeze them to death.
>Dany and Jon searches for you on their dragons
Salvage a bunch of plate armor from the hundreds of thousands of people I've killed.
Suit up and give the leftovers to my generals.
Never enter the battle personally because I'm aware that I'm some kind of fucking droid control ship.
Make stannis an inteligent zombie and bro out
Use Winterfell as a division and go to Kings Landing to wreck havoc
Just don't go. How hard is it to kill a retarded cripple? LMAO
CAUse an earthquake to kill all the people in the buildings, javelin the dragons while they are distracted by ice dragon, don’t go inside and instead use zombies to overwhelm bran
Change absolutely nothing except that I'd dig a hole in the ground and hide like a mole. Why expose myself when there's no range on the wights. Also brans in literally the most flammable place in winterfell set in on fire with dragon.
Sit outside Winterfell for a few months
Wait for the zombies to kill everyone
Can we have some more pics to remember our icy prince?
Kill em. They are not only incompetent battlefield commanders but also stupid morons that ride around without a harness on dragons, in combat, which requires maneuvering.
Only Jon with his Valerian steel is a threat, considering dragons fire apparantly isn't. And that moron is sat upon a dragon, high in the air, 2 birds, one ice spear throw.
he did everything right up until he decided he wanted to be the one to kill bran.
Just let the army of the dead run through the castle and kill everything in sight. fuck it
Same thing he did beyond the wall. Keep them surrounded without engaging. Snipe any dragons that come close. Wait until they resort to cannibalism due to hunger, storm them then.
also if you have a zombie dragon that spits blue fire, and you can potentially have three zombie dragons that spit blue fire, you are fucking up if you're just using the zombie dragon as a mount for most of the battle.
Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel are so handsome.
>People getting triggered because a show about major characters dying unexpectedly had a major character die unexpectedly
Use the same strength that allowed me to throw a 5kg ice spear over 2km diagonally upwords to crush aryas neck the moment I come in contact with her
resurrect the 20 good men, have them destroy northern logistics and starve them out
>night king dying is unexpected
Yeah right, it was the most predictable deaths. Everyone who is important on "team good guy" has plot armor at this point.
Literally sit behind the battle and let my infinite undead army kill them all. If the dragons come, I spear them and don't let them land near me because I'm immune to fire.
Hire the Goblin Slayer
>you try to throw your ice spear
>you miss since it's really hard with your dragon flying and their dragons attacking
GoT literally could not be made in the year of our Lord 2019. People would riot the minute Ned died.
Fly straight to King's Landing and start killing/raising every cunt.
Maybe don't fly around on your fucking dragon and instead blend into your literally endless horde of goons. Generals don't wear their medals while behind enemy lines, jfc. Also save Bran for absolute last and make sure you've killed everyone else in the castle first, since, you know, he's literally defenseless. Actually, save Bran for last on the entire fucking continent. Should have avoided Winterfell entirely and marched South, collecting everyone in Westeros before hitting Winterfell, for maximum psychological damage. Also, where were the zombie giants? We saw dozens of them in episodes past, but we only saw 1. roughly 6 giants should have been enough to single handediy wipeout the garrison. Not to mention, where the fuck were the zombie bears and other wildlife. Why not fucking terrorize Winterfell with crows and blizzard conditions first. Why not have the dragon fly, fuck up all the walls, then charge your zombie horde. Fuck I hate this episode.
I'm just gonna ask this year. It feels like I've seen Arya's move somewhere else. Two guys were in a knife fight, both struggling with each other's knife hand, and the hero allows himself to be stabbed, and then drops the knife and catches it with his other hand and stabs the person. What fucking movie is this from, because it's driving me nuts?
Not movie, but this happened in Far Cry 3
the show isn't about main characters dying unexpectedly, it's about actions having consequences and subverting typical fantasy tropes.
that means a little girl doesnt teleport out of nowhere for a deus ex machina killing the main villain of the series.
Fly into the air with my zombie ice dragon.
Then fly FULL FORCE downwards into brans face.
proceed to burn the castle from the vantage of the skies while your zombie hoards take care of everyone else.
>implying she wasn't helped by Bran warging into crows
You are literally triggered because your supervillain got whacked. Every5hing else is rationalization.
Nice, good call. I've beat that game twice so that's gotta be it. I was sure GoT ripped that scene off but now I'm not sure. It's pretty similar though.
>revive Stannis
>appoint him the new NK
>kill self
>it's about actions having consequences and subverting typical fantasy tropes.
>Night King exposes himself and walks slowly towards the Three Eyed Raven
Sounds like his death is a pretty good consequence for that level of fuck up
Different writers
Just fly down bringing a blizzard to Kings Landing with everyone just leaving Winterfell. Why do we even care about fighting them here anyways? Dont say Bran because that makes no sense
>people actually dying for being stupid
>people actually doing shit that means something
wow.... was this so much to fucking ask
Even without knowing about it:
>half my army stays in winterfell.
>retards send 100k Dothraki to die
>ress horses and Dothraki
>Summon ice storm
>let defenders freeze to death
>take vyserion south
>raze some lower castles
>bring new army to new castle
>vyserion burns the ravens so no messages
>probably around a million strong now
>meanwhile winterfell is dead by now minus a couple hundred, who cares, send army south.
>the half of my army that followed me south should be here by now
>attack KL
>keep white walkers on the edge of the field ressing new wights
>retards have no dragonglass
>only a bit of fire nothing major
>Cersei blows up the city with wildfire
>ress whatever survives
>send Vyserion to throne
>kill what remains
>onwards to dorne
>at some point the heroes of the story will catch up to me but I’ll be 10 million strong by then and all they have is 2 dragons who will eventually starve to death because no large animals will survive in Westeros with permanent night and winter
So when did Arya learn how to teleport. Was it like, 6 or 7 or did she learn it earlier?
Honestly what was Jon’s plan in case NK decided to just have vyserion go and kill bran immediately? Like he could’ve just burned them all instantly . He should’ve been posted on the wall next to the tree having Rhaegal fire the walls whenever wights tried to climb over or something
She was in a full sprint while Knight King was doing his best slow mo Bruce Willis walk the whole time. Of course she caught up to him.
All the same but not do that cliche villian-walking-in-slow-motion-when-about-to-kill-the-good-guy move
>stand visible in open field
>Jon sees me
>tries to fire
>probably lands to fight me
>chuck a spear at rhaegal, if he doesn’t die have undead swarm him and kill him
>send a hundred wights to capture Jon
>disarm him
>wait for Dany to save him
>do same thing
>kill both, raise the dragons
>send all 3 dragons to break the walls of winterfell
>send blizzard
>wait until they all freeze to death from exposure because no walls
>send 500 wights to fetch bran because he’s sitting on top of a hot spring
>have him show me the Sansa rape
>bring him with me to show more rape when I’m horny
>have zombie hodor carry him instead of wheelchair
What's my goal?
Star Wars. Rey fights the red soldier
I hate this show
Open with the blizzard to fully dent their dumb deployment.
Being a couple white walker spear throwers with me to menace dragon's if they come for me.
No fucking about, dragon fire the tightly packed lines right away, then blow down the wall.
Second I see Danny and John get lost in the storm make a b-line for bran and Brun his faggy little ass.
Other than that, never Land and keep rezing the dead whenever I have some breathing room.
>build the wall again
>peace deal with the westeros but we control the wall
>start trading with essos and westeros eventually
>using slave labor on wights
>fish farms
>grow potatoes and other crops that grow on snow
>export those crops
>build ships
>make weapons solely for exporting only
>economic and manufacturing boom
>have a tax incentive and free land on people immigrating in
>schools built
Give me 5-10 years i will turn that shithole higher GDP than japan
>why didn’t he just chuck Spears at them
this is how the Matrix started, robots wanted peace decided to just live in their own nation. Caused human society to collapse because they can't compete with workforce
What was the Knight King's tax policy?
It not about them dieing unexpectedly thought. Only the first deaths were unexpected, and that was cause general audiences were so used to plot armor saving everyone. Death in the first 4 seasons was usually the result of past actions and character flaws cumulatively building.
We know so little about the night king we can't even tell if this was earned. Why did he do so many laughably dumb things? Why did he want to kill Bran himself? Why do any of this?
It's all meaningless, like the rest of this season will be.
you keep what you kill
Communism in its purest form. No taxes, no jobs, just leech off other nations
Being able to make ice and have undead slave labor would be huge economic hacks
Stand on ground, wait for them to try the breath attack, give them the ice cold spearmint
Easy. Fucking obvious: skip Winterfell altogether for now. Who gives a shit? Wah, Bran might tell some pointless stories. Nobody cares.
Instead, I completely go around Winterfell and head straight for King's Landing, killing and turning everyone into wights along the way. Everybody prepared for how to deal with me and my army is at Winterfell. Everyone else will be totally unprepared.
During battles, I stay very, very well hidden with a huge guard brigade of White Walkers and wights around me at all times. I never go into battle personally. That's idiotic. There's no need. My ever-growing army of wights just keep steamrolling everyone. At the end of each battle I very carefully with rock-solid guarding go just close enough to raise the dead from each battle as wights. By the time I worry about Winterfell everyone else on the continent is wights.
Westeros is fucked.
>Why does the knight kjng want to own a person with super powers and the ability to see all thngs happening in the past and present time.
Are you retarded? It's not like the knight king hasnt literally been chasing Bran up and down every corner of the north side of the wall for the past four years or anything. Nah, it makes no sense he would go after Bran there. He shuld have stopped and nibbled on Sam's chubby teet for an hour.
Seeing as my opponents are straight dumbasses exactly the same. Also Ice Spiders sneak in through the back and climb into the godswood.
Also you think the Night King would have undead Mammoths and alot more giants.
Why couldn't the NK just have a wight/WW wheel Bran in a big cage to him, far away from where there were weapons that could kill him if he as so much got a papercut from one?
Bran can change the past is the thing. He wanted him out ASAP. If he skipped Winterfell, then the whispers and resurrections would of changed to get the army and arya into Kings Landing. Mad King saying "Burn them All" was probably from a timeline where Night King invaded KingsLanding
Littleral illiterate retard. I know the night king wants bran but they never explain why.
>"Well he knows a bunch of stuff"
So do the master's, why does he need bran specifically, what's so important about him he'd risk his life. We are given no motive for why he's doing any of this, all we really have is an origin.
Unless they say that it's just fanwank. Bran's "Hodor" time hack was an accident more than anything. Mostly he does fuck all. Bran doesn't even say that the NK wants to kill him so he can't change the past, which would make sense. He says "we can't forget who we are and our history" which is the dumbest reason I can imagine for going after someone. Once everyone else is dead it doesn't matter.
Also even if true, it make the two scenarios equal except that KL is far more susceptible to sending a blizzard in to free everyone than Winterfell, so if it all ends the same, it's still easier to go there. Even better: split my forces. Even if the NK has to be close to control the wights he could still hope around the countryside for a while making lots of wights to fuck shit up because wights can definitely still exist without him nearby. Just kill one small place at a time and let the zombies run loose.
But the biggest thing is definitely never exposing yourself. He didn't need to leave himself open to kill Bran. If he had just stayed somewhere safe the wights would eventually have done it anyway.
>Bran can change the past
Nigger you crazy
Sit back, keep the blizzard going, use the army to cut off every avenue of escape from Winterfell, kill the dragons if they get close, and wait for everyone to die from the cold.
I will only show up to awake the dead from the battle and then I would leave so I don't get killed like a faggot.
Send one army to winterfell and send another to King's Landing.
A varaiant of Keynsian economics with a safetey net of HUMAN FLESH for the lower classes.
>siege of Winterfell
Why do you fools keep calling it a siege, when it wasn't one? Siege is the act of besieging, something that didn't happen because it was just an assault:
>A siege occurs when an attacker encounters a city or fortress that cannot be easily taken by a quick assault, and which refuses to surrender.
Just call it the "Assault on Winterfell" or the "Battle of the Long Night".
You dont even need to siedge them. Winter started. Just go down south and kill everybody. Winterfell would starve to death in two month.
In general with one of the longest winters incomming we could rez anyone who dies from the cold instead of really attacking populations.
NK practically yawned in the face of Daenerys dragon ult. He wasn't afraid of anything at that point. It's why if you watch the final scene he has eight different expressions of "Nigga wtf are you doing?" When Bran was just sitting there looking him dead in the eye like a boss giving zero fucks.
you can't kill off characters in this battle because it would never exist n the books so the real ending needs to kill them off
This is an incomprehensible mess of a scene, is it really edited like this in the show?
>hide under literally any rock in the vast frozen wasteland
This is unironically how it should have gone, the big shock/surprise. The White Walkers have bypassed Winterfell leaving is beseiged and assault King's Landing with a fucking horde of new wights.
Good shit
No. Pic related is a montage.
Although there is one poorly edited part where it suddenly cuts to Aria goimg H.A.M. in the middle of the battle. Overall the battle is well done but darkly lit on purpose.
>darkly lit on purpose
No mother fucker, I don't care if it's dark outside, you find a reason to light that shit up and you light it so I can see the fucking thing going on.
If you say so
He can't change the past. What he did with Hodor was already written in dry ink
I bet money Brienne has PTSD after this. She was getting wrecked and zombie raped from the first minute.
This. I dont know why this isnt what happened. Its obviously the right choice. Subverting expectations for the sake of it isnt good or interesting
God I wish that were me
wait a bit longer before entering the castle so it's clear
>learns he can tank dragon fire
>has already OHKO a dragon
I fail to see a problem
Just throw supersonic javelins at them.
why didn't the night king just fly to essos and conquer the rest of the world before dealing with westeros?
that's the point night time scenes are a cop out because it hides shitty fight scenes and cgi they already wasted all their cgi budget on all the dragon scenes that's why the one white cgi creature gets next to no screen time
I wouldn't even bother, knowing I'm in a bad show that hasn't been any good since Tywin died. Instead, I would wait patiently for a good piece of cinema to come along. Such as Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which is only 28 days away
The real question is who would win and a teleportation competition Euron or Arya?
wear protection for my groin
no jamie defending bran would've been best
Hover above the castle on my dragon and blast blue fire over it until everything is roasted. Raise everyone.
stand in tunnel and continuously reanimate my undead and the living that die, very easy win.
send all of my wights and white walkers to kidnap a hot grill and kill the rest,
whether or not the legendary plot armor protects the protagonists, I shag the grill and make her my waifu and fuck off far up north for all eternity-- let cersei and fingerbum greyjoy kill the rest or die
Can you imagine if this show made sense like this.
>stand close to your zombies so you can spam resurrect and grow your army more
>Enemy has 2 nukes and you only have 1, get your white walkers to guard you with anti-air ice javelins, lots of them, literally thousands
>might even get lucky and steal another nuke
>wait till literally everything is dead
>find bran's dead body
I don't I just keep teraforming the realm and wait a few weeks for everyone to starve to death because dany already destroyed the remainder of the harvest last season
Game over NK
>We need someone small enough that can sneak into the tunnel and take the NK out by surprise
>"Leave it to me"
Yada yada something about needing to kill Bran yada yada Arya is my hero. Have sex.
I would do everything the same except I wouldn’t show up and would prob have my white walker niggas redirect people as they die rather than do it at the end
just wait until everyone starves whats the rush
Based and snowpilled
Night King is still alive. He warged into Arya.
Let my army of wights kill everyone while I sit back and enjoy my dragonflight.
okay, the Night King is dead.
but what about the Night QUEEEEEN?
kill Jon Snow when I had a chance for 1v1 battle