Which got the biggest reaction in your theater?

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Spiderman appearing

the women posing scene which I noticed you didn't include

The Chinese camrip audience was dead silent (except for the guy filming constantly blowing his nose)

Captain America weilding the mjolnir

hail hydra

Probably a tie between cap and avengers assemble

When the dusted protags all reappeared after Hulk unsnaps them.

What the fuck does that mean? Do amerifat theatres unironically have people screaming at the screen?

Remind me to never see a movie in India


Spiderman coming back.
There wasnt any reaction for captain Marvel

Fat thor

How did Tony swapped the stones? Made no sense.

They do. I'm UK so my theatre was quiet other than laughing at the jokes and whenever I've tried to rewatch the Avengers assemble clip online I always click off either due to awful quality or the audiences chimping out. I hear Indians are even worse than burgers.

That got absolutely zero reaction in my theater, which is funny because Cap grabbing Mjolnir and all the snapped heroes showing up got raucous applause and it was the most obvious applause bait moment. I clapped for it just to be cheeky

The gauntlet is made of the same nanotech as his suit.

Clapping would really irritate me. The music during the scene where the snapped return was good and I would not want that drowned out be idiots chimping out, screeching, and clapping.

Cap wielding mjolnir, the entire theater just gasped and started screaming.

Nanomachines son


I turned to my girlfriend and said, “told you” like the massive faggot I am. I couldn’t even help myself.

That scene also got zero reaction in my theater. Also, it was dead silent every time captain marvel was on screen. Errrybody hate that bitch.

It's as obnoxious as you would think it is. Don't ever see capeshit on opening weekend in America. Better yet don't see it at all

Theater I was in lost its shit at the Cap getting mjolnir scene. There were some big reactions to other scenes but nothing even close to that one.

My theatre was dead silent through the entire film, because I live in a civillised country.

This is why I see movies in the middle of the week during the day. Preferably in the morning. People are at work and others are still asleep.

I literally went WOAAAAHHHH, when Cap picked up Mjonir, and everyone in the theatre gasped. Theatre was dead silent when Captain Marvel was on screen or when the ridiculous female team up scene. What the fuck were they thinking?

>I literally went WOAAAAHHHH, when Cap picked up Mjonir, and everyone in the theatre gasped.

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when cap was about to lift the hammer, there was a single guy in his 30s, in the whole packed theater, who started gasping and screaming in anticipation. the audience was mostly kids and parents from what i saw.

No one gasps, laughs, cries at the movies? I get not talking, but you don’t have moms gasping at every other thing?

Neither because my theater isn't filled with monkeys like in the US or India.

official power rankings of things you need to have:
1. sex

900000001. access to the internet

Trust me I was surprised, I used to read comic books and haven't watched a marvel movies in years since Dr. Strange. But Cap picking up Mjonir was so comic book it took me off guard. I had never got pumped before with capeshit before that point. Took my breath away.

i sat in front of some stereotypical capeshitter autist. when cap got the hammer he got excited and said "WHAT?!?"

every other scene that was "epic" he would just say "YES!" or clap

only one in the theater who did anything like that. i think some other faggots cried at the end too


Poo theaters make burger theaters look like bong theaters

People laugh sometimes. Why are people gasping aloud when they know that other people are trying to watch the film?

I went with my girlfriend I've been with for 11 years. I've had sex probably more than you will ever have in your life. At least twice a week for that long.

idk the designated shooter decided to turn up early so the screening i was going to attend was cancelled, unfortunately. my wifes son was very upset but i made it up to him by taking him to kfc.

Ah, I see what’s happening in this thread. I hope it’s just trolling for the lulz and not some organized thing. That would genuinely be sad.

Only thing I thought when he grabbed the hammer was "Huh what does that imply? That must have been the first time he did that"

the first time a woman appeared on screen a group of white men wearing MAGA hats started crying and screaming that it was genocide. Then they shit themselves loudly.

And what's your excuse for being BAD AT SEX?

>No one gasps
There was never any need to gasp, the film was pretty predictable. The only time I've ever heard a really loud audible gasp in a cinema is when Bilbo nearly kicks the key off the mountain in hobbit 2.

Some people wear their emotions on their sleeves. They react outwardly.

>11 years

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I'm actually jealous of all these nerds. I'm way too cynical to hoot and holler for a fucking movie.
I feel so dead inside

you must be really depressed to have to lie on the internet

100% this. You could hear the girls roaring the back like a fucking teenage concert. The captain marvel scene got no applause at all, i swear to god i heard a groan or like a 'come on man'. And the hawkeye dust scene at the start got a lot of gasps as people were slowly putting the pieces together

>imagine the smell

Eh, I'm pretty good at it I think, I've piped chicks before and they always said I had a big cock if that means anything.

I've been with her since sophomore year in high school.

I know you wish it wasn't true, or even have to believe it isn't. But I genuinely just like one girl that I have interacted with, every other chick out there is a dumb thot that's not worth talking too. Seriously holding a conversation with a woman is completely pointless. You might as well talk to a brick wall. If I ever broke up with her I genuinely would never talk to a female again and just get a real doll and live the dream.

Why are people attending a public viewing of a movie if its not in part to enjoy a group reaction?

>And the hawkeye dust scene at the start got a lot of gasps as people were slowly putting the pieces together

How fucking dense do you have to be to not immediately know what's coming in that scene?

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The chimpouts strike me as something amusing when you're watching something you don't care about. Watch The Room or some shite during some theatre largely full of US blacks? It's probably a funny experience. As soon as you introduce a film you actually do want to watch and care about, it ruins the experience.

I had gasps too, I think people were just shocked at the reality of the scene. I don't think anyone had to figure it out it was just genuinely shocking.

imagine being this much of an incel

Do Poos at least have good ACTUAL parties with drinks, pools, and shit?

>using terms wrong for memes


never underestimate human stupidity

Black Panther appearing

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What autistic shithole do you live in

i.e. north-western Europe where those countries rate as much more introverted and actually understand what common courtesy is.

Stan Lee cameo by far, followed Cap with hammer and "I am Iron Man"

South UK.

1 is silent
10 is uproarious applause





I was surprised they didn't dust Ant Man's daughter.
That would have been a punch to the gut given how adorable she was and how much Ant Man loved her.

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None. People are respectful in my country.

best type of audience
i live in bumfuck arizona
8 people in the theater that day including me
there was 1 guy that said *woohoo* when cap used the hammer

The Assemble scene got the most noise. When everyone started showing back up. Hammer scene before it got some noise, but not as much. The A-force scene got a good amount of noise and one black guy in the back was going " awww sheeet its the females squad" Then when Tony had the stones it got quiet and there was a little cheering when he snapped. As Thanos disappeared the same black guy went "that's how it feels. that's what you get" I think he was autistic or something, he was in a wheel chair. Nobody was going to tell a wheel chair person to shut up.

That's me

1 is me not fucking your mom
10 is me fucking your mom


black people started hollering when black panther appeared

when captain america said earth isn't open to space niggers

The first pic and when Spiderman arrived

hey bro, it's been over half an hour. don't go watch a movie in india

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

nobody cared in mine. I heard some guys going "oh its all the girls thats cool" but nothing worth clapping or screaming over. It was a ok moment though.

>There wasnt any reaction for captain Marvel
This was fucking hilarious. Also in my theater there wasn't any reaction when she arrived.

My theater was retarded. The biggest reaction was when Starlord appeared.

this is consistent with the experiment of how they react to see themselves in mirror.

imagine clapping in a movie theater

i farted when the audio dipped for black widow's death. it was kino. but no one laughed. i suspect they didn't get the joke.

>How did Tony swapped the stones? Made no sense.
To me it didn't look like any crazy tech, just some good old fashioned sleight of hand.
I need to watch the scene again but Thanos was expecting him to try to take the glove, so Stark simply moved quickly and pulled the stones.

I don't live in a sub-human infested third-world shithole like America so I thankfully did not have apes hooting and hollering in my theater.

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Why didn't they just go back to Wakanda when Thanos arrived, beat him, worked to separate Vision from the Mind Stone, and go back to the future for the snap?

>tfw the person sitting directly next to you starts clapping

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Cap wielding the hammer of course.

People were literally jumping out of their seats, and not gonna lie, I got hype AF too.

in my theater when you saw the silhouettes of the black panther caster someone yelled "WAKANDA FOREVER" in the accent and everyone cracked the fuck up.

BRnigger here.
It was surprisingly silent, maybe because these scenes have no weight like those from Infinity War.
Infinity War was almost a football game. From the jokes (Squidward and "who is your master") to the Iron Man transformation and Thor arriving.

>I got hype AF
These are the people ruining this site.

Black Panther walking out. I had no idea so many black people lived in my area

No reaction for Captain Marvel except for when she got punched off the screen. People were laughing or cheering.

You mean no guy clapping by himself and stopping after one second?

So you piped a few girls early on in highschool and you're now convinced you have a big dick after banging the same roastie for 11 years?

Can you turn your brain on before you reply to me? Thanks

so is it unanimous so far? No one anywhere truly gave a fuck about Captain marvel appearing it seems.

>Stark calls Thor "Lebowski"
>only one guy laughed
I feel you, bro.

You're just jealous he isn't a husk of a man incapable of feeling real emotions anymore besides anger masked in sarcasm.

People clapped in my theater when Captain Marvel showed up. I kinda forgot about her. At first I thought it was going to be alien races from around the universe showing up to help out since Thanos snapped every planet.

wtf is BR?


then my condolences. your theater is more retarded than the rest of us that still watch this shit.

Bosnia and Rerzegovina.

Why don't you post webm ?

Attached: 1.webm (960x404, 2.92M)

>I am inevitable
>Hi Inevitable, I'm Iron Man
Jesus what the hell were they thinking?

Attached: oh shit.gif (540x367, 1.33M)

Attached: 2.webm (960x404, 2.91M)

>magical negroes come to save the white boi

Attached: 3.webm (960x404, 2.93M)

Attached: 4.webm (960x404, 2.21M)

Attached: 5.webm (960x404, 2.93M)

11 years. Let me guess, she doesnt want kids.. she doesn't want your kids I mean

spider twink followed by captain fungus

Attached: 6.webm (960x404, 2.91M)

Found the incel/autist

this, I'm confused, when I go to the theater everyone is quiet except for a joke or two. Nobody fucking claps at the screen

is this chink rip I keep seeing webms from decent quality?

Sling rings are OP as fuck. Makes you wonder why people bother inventing space ships at all in this universe. And it kinda makes the space gem seem redundant.
I mean Loki had to rely on the tesseract to open a portal for the chitauri. Turns out all he needed was a sling ring and level 1 magic.

>spiderman simply unmasks
So we're not even trying with the secret identity shit anymore are we?
One thing that Iron Man 1 killed right away was the secret identity.
It used to be that it was a dramatic thing, a major thing, there would be comics where Dr. Octopus had Spiderman knocked out and he would start peeling off the mask, slowly, and in the next issue something would save him and let him keep his secret identity.
Now they just randomly take off their mask to look pretty in the middle of battle.

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>no-selling Thanos' headbutt

Why don't the stones just instantly kill Stark? The power stone alone was enough to kill a half celestial. Hulk seemed more affected by the stones when he first put on the gauntlet. He was better at surviving using them though.

cap wilding molniere was pure kino, the crowd went nuts and it was pure hype after that

Where's the fuck is Sylvester Stallone and his ravager team?

too expensive

haven't seen this movie
how did he get mjolnir wasn't it destroyed?
I take it he just took it from some different time line or some shit?

Thor grabbed it during the time heist when they were supposed to be getting the infinity stones from an alternate timeline. Cap picked it up during the fight, then later returns it to its correct timeline at the end of the movie.

Avengers is the Star Wars of this generation. I thought everyone wanted a cameo role.

1 is using my own rating system against me to make an incredibly lame retarded joke that would've been out of style ten years ago


Because it's the only option.
You can't see it at home yet, it's cinemas or nothing.

i was that guy too

I don't mind it when around the Avengers.
I don't think he would go around doing that in public or anything.

>I clapped for it just to be cheeky

This level of incel.

I tutor Zoomers for a living, one of them keeps asking me if I saw this flick yet to which I said no, I havent seen any superhero movies since Iron Man, to which he replied


So I guess thats everyones favorite scene

That scene didn't happen

Nobody was audibly fazed by anything that happened.

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Only Americans are loud while watching a movie.

this website is not your blog.

Maybe it was from another Thor, this kid has severe ADD (like seemingly every Zoomer) so idk, maybe he was describing some other scene, he said some shit about a hammer or an axe or sword or something too but I cut him off because we had work to do. By the way, if you went and watched this shit youre retarded.

Oh sorry





You still butthurt that we stopped you from committing genocide? Lol

Fat Thor unironically got the biggest reaction in my theater

okay but why did you come here to tell us that mundane af story of how you interact with zoomer children

That’s not what Tony said, brainlet

Literally everyone except Euros and East Asians are loud. Have you seen footage of Indian cinemas?

Dead silence all around
Maybe a few gentle chuckles here and there with shit like "I went for the head"
Then again, there was less than 15 - 20 people in the cinema.

Me and about 4 other people laughed loud when she got btfo

Because thats the target audience of this movie you dumb faggot, thats who this piece of shit was made for. Theres nothing for your “mature” “adult” ass to discuss. Youre literally that dumb Zoomer.

This part unironically made me yell and got my dick hard

That moment was fucking great.

okay but why are you here

To shit on this shitty flick. I didnt see it because im not a retard so im sharing an experience directly related to it that highlights how fucking dumb it is. Are you autistic?

I can never look at Chris the same way after that

No. They have drinks, poos and shit.

>going to the movies ever
Your own fault
Even in normal countries wher people don’t scream and clap at the screen they’ll still gasp and laugh at shit, I tried watching Deadpool because gf wanted to and I swear I missed out on 1/4th of the movies dialogue because of onions laughter

Compare that to br2049 that I watched in the middle of the day on the middle of the week, dead silence for 2 hours, glorious

I live in México and I find it incredible that we can have beheadings at wall mart's parking lots but we can still watch a movie in an public space like fucking human beings and not chimps.

why does he have to take the power stone out to punch her. he already is channeling it's power by wearing the glove

He can't close his hand.

he is more machine than man.

Suit takes the brunt of it. You can see it being eroded.

People clapped at mine for black panther appearing. I enjoyed cap using the hammer most

He had to close his hand to use the gauntlet, and Captain Marvel was stopping him from so.

When the portal appears next to cap. My favourite moment was starlord coming back, I didn't realise how much I missed his absence

Can someone tell me, if Loki came back or not?

So you don't want to waste your time watching the movie, but you want to waste it talking trash to people who saw it? Wow... Go be autistic somewhere else

Past Loki is in it and manages to escape by grabbing the space stone. Probably will be the set up for the Loki TV show

hammer time

For myself and my brother it was when Black Panther asks hawkeye to give him the Gauntlet.

I couldn't help but make the joke that he runs off stealing it. Brother chimes in he just gets on a bike nearby and peddles off. I don't think people understood why we suddenly burst out laughing.

When tony said he was iron man everybody was clapping and i think somebody cried

Did you notice Ant Man was the villain in Mute?

Endgame might be one of my most treasured experiences in the world. The wild cheering made it feel immersive,like we were watching the boxing match of the century or the Super bowl. Fucking glorious for a mere movie theater.

Anyone wanting to judge the movie by itself not including the hype is doing it in bad faith, since the whole point of this movie was the hype. It was built upon the scripts of another 22 movies for a decade to make you care for these characters and have you screaming like this once they returned in the Avengers Assemble scene. Millions and billions of dollars for this single scene, it's fanservice done right. So to me there's no
>Well once the hype fades you'll see that...
Stop. This movie was intended to be consumed as hype of the biggest ordeal, if it convinced you on the first watch evaluate it as that since that was the intention.

>zoomers buy tickets to watch same movie 116 times
I got bad news for you

My theater cheered when thanos pulled out the stone and blasted her with it

Just got back from it. It was cool but honestly...kinda boring. Even the action scenes were kinda phoned in.To be completely honest all that stood out was Fat Thor, Cap Vs Cap and the big end battle. The first two hours just dragged on and on and on. Infinity War was so much better.

Oh this fat guy behind me with his fat wife kept kicking my chair because well...fat. I turned around and very sternly told them out loud, Please stop kicking my chair then I said thank you. She did it again and I got up and faced the two whales and dude told me she was having a panic attack. Apparently I triggered her somehow and they thought I was gonna try and fight them afterward so she started having intermittent aspirations. I felt kinda bad cause I am a first responder but...fuck them, if she has medical issues don't go to the movies, go the fucking ER.

Giant Man's wicked overhand left hook.

Yes, also you have the entire crowd constantly narrating and reacting throughout the entire movie.