Khaleesi.. please... spit on me

>khaleesi.. please... spit on me

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>khaleesi... *spits out blood* just one crumb of pussy...

Cause of death: Oneitis.

Jorah was one of the most tragic characters in the series and his death was forgettable as fuck.

>khaleesi... *cough*.. just a peck on the cheek.. please khaleesi

It's a good thing the no name cunny got a more dramatic death.


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>no name
That was Lady Lyanna Mormont, ruler of House Mormont and Bear Island

>are you sure you dont need to go the bathroom.... khaleesi.... please...


This. He was the only character I wanted to live.

I can't see why he would just die like that. Why did he survive all that shit just to be pushed to the side? I feel like they were following Jorah's book plotline up until he got cured of grayscale then they said "well GRRM is too fat and lazy to give us anything else so just kill him at the battle for Winterfell so we can make it look like a tragic battle".

What else would you do with him? Dying to protect her is a perfect ending for him and it was even done well, the problem is it's soured by the rest of the garbage episode

jorah was a beta bitch. he was always going to die a beta bitch death

>khaleesi... just a little rub, while i can still feel... please...

>it was even done well
Hell no, nigger. He deus ex machina'd and got his ass kicked in quick cuts and shaky cam. No meaningful last words, no nothing

>deus ex machina
is this the meme of the week?

Imagine watching this show for 8 years waiting for a satisfactory ending for this character, fucking LMAO.

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*brings you a jug at 1:00 am just to get shot by mexi butchers*

>khalessi....please...just put your foot *cough* on my face..

>khaleesi.. please...just a quick rub of your asshole on my nose......

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>khaleesi.. let me smell your armpit.. please

someone post the pasta where she says "dracarys" and then braps on his face

here you are

>khaleesi please...
>it's so cold
>the darkness is closing in...
>please khaleesi
>just wrap those cheeks around my face...
>send me off with the sweet scent of home
>just this once...
>thank you...

>Khaleesi, let me smell your bra... Your booby vapors would make my sacrifice worth it... Khaleesi...
>I know medieval women don’t wear bras Khaleesi, but what about one from Emilia Clarke? Please...

absolutely fucking gross

>khaleesi...when jon fucks you tonight...
>say my name
>no? Can you whisper it? Please khaleesi...
>think of me.... please....

>khaleesi...please let me smell your sole

made me lol. you degenerates never cease to amuse me

>and who are you...


>slow dissolve to Gilly raiding the bean larder as the walls abound her crumble

How the fuck did he even get outside the castle where she was with all the wights around?

>khaleesi.. please.. shit on me. Just shit on my chest.. please

on the contrary, based and red pilled

And now his orbit has ended.

Teleportation magic has been in the show since season 2 you normie pleb, does everything need to be spelled out to you?

fucking lol

>Khaleesi please... Just a whiff of Lord Snow's used lambskin

only when it applies to bad writing, which given this year, has been every week.

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why do you keep on reposting this?

>khaleesi...just..a smidgeon of dragonpuss...

How does this show appeal to anyone besides adolescent girls? Honestly

have you seen the state of the catalog?

Women and cucks love this show.

>Just the pinky Khaleesi, you wont even notice it

holy shit LOL

>khaleesi....just the one titty. let me see the milk of the mother of dragons before i go.

It stared off alright years ago With George RR Martin's book to go on -- a lot of battles, bare titties and fucking...

Slowly it sunk down to Twilight-- with castles and armor.

pretty much like a visit to Bill Cosby's dressing room --snapped out of it questioning how did I get here ?

>pretty much like a visit to Bill Cosby's dressing room --snapped out of it questioning how did I get here ?

>khaleesi...I came in your wine...several times...

>Slowly it sunk down to Twilight
>Night King turns around and smiles to the goblin
>Hop on my back spider-monkey.


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>khaleesi...just.. please... Do the carpets match the drapes?

>w-why do you ask?
>*coughs blood* queen.. your hair and eyebrows are different colors. I must know the truth *coughs*


>done well
>teleports to die to a pointy rock knife in plate armor

I don't watch this so I thought it was an alien eating a guy's face from the thumbnail.

>J-just the tip... khaleesi... Please!

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the infection should have killed him, fuck this lame death

Its called bra farts


A little young to be here aren't you?

He should have survived and become the Lord of Bear Island finally returning home after exile in the good graces of the new king

is this the the only meme we got out of the episode?

I'm glad Jorah died this bitch death. It should serve as a lesson to all of us not to be beta orbiters. Not to get oneitis. This is the result. Be strong boys

>unironically liking Ser CuckoId


You've got all the Arya/Night King stuff

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Is that a woman deciding to hide a British man's genitals?

The ultimate whiteknight - orbiting a literall whore till his death and not getting any.

Nothing wrong with having oneitis. Orbiting and seving her when she won't give you any is a no-no though.

Agreed. Why would you even want to be friends with a bitch that doesn't think you're good enough to be with her? And then there are these stories of these dumbasses that spend a couple of years "working on" some girl hoping to get some. I may be a virgin but I'm never stooping so low so as to be in the friend-zone. A man must remain a man, not a puppy.

The women in the audience couldn't exactly have some beta lurking about

Any woman who wants a feminist boyfriend doesn't even want male companionship at all.
Where's that warrior, samurai, lumberjack or otherwise sort of badass that comes home to you every day? Does he wear it with that Captain Hook mustache and telling you how nice your sweater looks?

No I didn't recognize that you got a new sweater. Your new hair doesn't give my a single fuck in my head. What it is, was you. Uncomplicated. We're not being dicks, it's just that the person underneath that was all we saw.

>have sex


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>khaleesi... please... step on my cock and balls... while i can still feel them... please...

His death was meaningful because different foundations of Dany are deteriorating. She doesn't trust Tyrion, varys will betray her for Jon and die, and jorah won't be there to calm her tits. Jon won't want to be king but everyone will tell him to do it. Dany will go crazy and "burn them all" because bran will create some rift of insanity that leads to Jon having to kill her. I can be certain that no flaming sword will come out, but more of a "brightness" towards democracy. Jon will dissolve the kingdoms and everyone will be happy forever. Last scene is Jon going to tower of joy and reminiscing on his life and how an insignificant person became "rich" signalling the greatness of liberty and freedom.

Just fucking bring in Howland Reed to confirm Jon so Dany goes super fucking insane from insecurity. It would be hilarious.

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>khaleesi... please... just slap me

>khaleesi... please... tickle my pickle..

>khaleesi.... please.. shit in my mouth... let me taste that brown dragon...

>>khaleesi.. please... it's pronounced *JOR-ah* not *Juh-Roh*.... this is the last of my paycheck until next month...

>khaleesi... just... just this much coochie...
>*with all his remaining strength he lifts up his hand, his index finger and thumb mere millimetres apart*

But for real, she could have given him a kiss or something. Even on the fucking forehead. Bitch.

She cried for him.
Thats more than she has ever done in this show for any man.

Yeah this actually is easily the most emotion that Dany has ever shown.

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>Khaleesi... just one step please, that is all I ask... please



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not even ass.. her lower back.. the best jorah ever got was that. nevermind first base, jorah got as far as the dugout

Thats clearly her waist line, do you think shes deformed or something?

>khaleesi... please...
>*turns to camera
>watch season two of Titans on DC Universe... and shit on... my balls

>knights serve their male lords because of honour or because it serves their own needs
>if the lord is female it must be because they want da bad poosi!

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>khaleesi please, let us pretend as if my dick didnt break off when I was a stone man

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fuckin' brutal

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yeah knights are fucking faggots, the whole lot of 'em

Ser Jorah literally did want da bad poosi
Khaleesi was his oneitis

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Almost was the death of me

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Reading all of these in an African lobster’s voice

lol never once cared for this pathetic beta max character. died like a cuckold


Be honest, Yea Forums:

You only make fun of Jorah and misunderstood his character because he reminds you of yourselves when you were 14 and friendzoned, right?

I've never even been lucky enough to be friends with a girl.

I had a gf in hs but now I'm loner boner in med school, so HAH, FUCK YOUUU

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sh-shut up

we had an excuse , we were 14. What's his ?

>Khaleesi...the Jews..

Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel are so handsome.

>khaleesi.... the unsullied.... please tell me they’re dead too

Now who will trim her toenails and eyebrows?

He had throngs of bronze pus to slay in the desert how did this guy not have a train full of girls???


Was he a virgin? He had a "wife" but it sounds like he just bought her stuff and never fucked her

Fking hell

He had another wife before that, and she died giving birth to a stillbirth, so he was obbiously a virgin

This picture is just begging for a cock to be shooped into her mouth.



Ian Glen is probably the best actor on the show.


More like now. Please put me out of my misery

he saved westeros from the mudskin menace with a single cavalry charge, he is alright in my book